Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1913, p. 14

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^-^vl.v-.^l^l^^l^j___^^A^^^^^^A^AA^iiiiiiiiiigt Mr. A. F. Shedd OVERS of the west and all things pertaining thereto will have an opportunity of delighting their tastes in this re- spect next Tuesday night at Annie May Swift hall on Northwestern universily campus when Prof. John Lomax of the University of Texas reads his series of cowboy bal- lads. The CoWboy is rapidly passing from the western horizon with the rapid increase in agriculture and irriga- ticm in this section, and soon he will be a matter of memory only. The cosraptiohs that some entertain now have been gained from novels and moving picture shows. This collection of ballads lias been gath- ered at a great expenditure of time and money, and while they are rough in form they are full of vigor and interest. Prof. Lomax is an entertaining talker and the evening's entertainment promises to be exceptionally good. ^ ^ Dr. Plnley Ellingwood, 2209 Central^ Mr. George Ward, 1725 Hinman ave- nue* is spending several months In Augusta, Oa. Mrs. Charles Roberts, 2444 Hartray avenue, returned Saturday from a business trip in Kansas. Miss Dorothy Reckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, returned Monday from Mon- treal, Canada. Mr. Newton O. Nelson and family have moved from 1207 Monroe street to 2125 Livingston street. Mrs. McGoodwin of Canada is at the Greenwood Inn for a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. McMullen. Mrs. Isaac Poole and daughter, street, Is in Adair, 111., on a profes- sional visit Miss Eleanor Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street, has returned from a visit in vGreen Bay, Wis. Mrs. Ralph H. Durham, 2731 Hart- sell street, entertained the Friday club jet her home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ickes, 1415 Eli- nor place, returned from a week's stay in Springfield. Mr. J. N. Hatch. 216 Kedzie street, vraa called suddenly to Vacaville, Cal., on account of his father's death. Miss Dorothy Gould, 826 Forest ave-1 nue, and her guest, Miss Marion' Frances, left Saturday evening for Clancy, left last week for Dana hall. * Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilcox, 1T33 jRinman avenue, have gone to Hot Springs* Ark., for a few days' trip Mrs. Olive Drulding, 1501 Maple ave- mue, has given up her rooming house and gone into the city for the winter. : Mia. W. T. Montgomery, 1107 Michi- gan avenue, gave a bridge party Fri- day in honor of Miss Julia Dole. ' Little Lillian Payne, 1826 Darrow .avenue, while on her way to the Fos- ler street school, fell and broke her Irian* arm. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Winter, 1229 jPhltagft avenue* are entertaining Mr. Winter's niece, Mrs. Ross Kimball of le, Wash, Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni association met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. B. Strain, 2017 Sherman avenue. Miss Helen Mac Leod was hostess at a "600" party given Friday evening at her horn*, 930 Michigan avenue, in honor of Miss Valerie Tomes of New York City. Mn. Walter Morgan and children, who have been the guests of Mrs. Mor- gan's mother, Mrs. George Marsh, 1307 Judson avenue, have returned to their home in Milwaukee, Wis. - Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wells, 2306 Or- rfngton avenue, announce the engage- ment of their cousin, Miss Edith Wells Lambert of Toronto, Canada, to Mr. F. A. Sherer, 519 Grove street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris, 936 Ma- ple avenue, who have been holding evangelistic meetings in Maine, are at home lor one week, after which they will go to Miami, Fla„ for the winter. Miss Alta Miller, 1707 Hinman ave- nue, gave ever her house Friday for the Kappa Alpha Beta reception from 3 to 6 o'clock. The Tau chapter wwin be hostesses. The reception is given to all the women in college, in- cluding the wives of the professors. ] Tile marriage of Miss Julia Dole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 17. Dole, 1104 Michigan avenue, to War- ner Green Baird, took place at 8 o'clock upon the evening of Jan. 14, at the residence of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Dr. .Wm. M. Lawrence of East Orange, N. J. The maid of honor was Miss Josephine Dole, and Miss Mary Tan Dusen of Minneapolis was brides- maid. Mr. Louis Bressan was best man and Mr. Pomeroy Smith of Fargo, N. D., usher. Henry and Alicia Bar- - ber were flower children. 4 A number of young people enjoyed 'a progressive dinner party Friday night at the homes of Misses Marj Reld ; Dorothy Allen. Gladys Stahl and Anna I Hows. The latter part of the evening jquvsnent in dancing at the home of -Issss Lilttaa Raymond, 716 Sheridan * *«ut IPfSss.who attended were Mlss- es ftalhectne Carpenter. Dorothy Poole, Julia Warner, Ruth Forsyth, Isssthsr Forsyth, Anna Howe, Lillian Kaymond, Gladys Stahl. Dorothy Al- jlus, Mary Held; Messrs. Frank Jud- twa, Oeorge Fargo, Frederick Say* 'nsnad. Miles Wright, Jack Planner, Desalt Mtooer, Pfcftep FUnner. Newel \Wjt smgeae Bartelme, Richard Hen- an indefinite stay in Los Angeles, Cal The Neighborhood Five Hundred club were guests Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wheeler, <^34 Madison street Mrs. John Robertson of Jacksonville, 111., is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Daly, 1125 Judson avenue. Mrs. W. M. Carpenter and son, Rus- sell, left Friday for San Diego, Cal., where they will spend the rest of the winter. The friends of Mr. George Fogg, 1207 Main street, will be sorry to hear that he has been ill in bed for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Flynn of Council Bluffs, la., are visiting Mr. Flynn's sister, Miss Ella Flynn of the Rood building. Mr. and Mrs. William Gale, Elm avenue and Lincoln street, returned Sunday from a ten days' trip to French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. A. D. Mortenson, 2218 Central street, is attending the annual meet- ing of the Curtis Publishing company in Philadelphia and New York. There were two fraternity dances Saturday. Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave theirs at Kenilworth hall and Sigma Nu at the Wilmette Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Richards, 1324 Forest avenue, left Saturday for a three months' sojourn in Pasadena, Cal. They will be at the Hotel Maryland. * Mrs. W. E. Hills, 1411 Dempster street, is expecting her mother, Mrs. C. J. Bailey of Newton, Mass., to ar- rive next week for a visit with her. Mrs. S. I. Koogle and Mrs. Norton Byam were hostesses at an afternoon tea which they gave last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Byam, 807 Judson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey D. Prosser, 811 Colfax street, entertained at dinner Friday evening Mr. audi Mrs. James Gore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kromenaker of Chicago. Mrs. A. M. Larnig, 1456 Oak ave- nue, has been enjoying a visit from her friend, Mrs. Mary F. Hart, who left Friday for her home in Minneapo- lis, Minn. Mrs. G. P. Hoover and Mrs. C. S. Barber entertained Saturday afternoon at bridge in honor of Miss Julia Dole and her guest. Miss Mary Tan Dusen of Minneapolis. The Young Women's Guild of the Congregational church met Tues- day for luncheon at the home of Mrs. H. E. Bachtenkircher, 1042 Hin- man avenue. The hostesses were Mrs. Franklin Snyder, Mrs. William French, and Mrs. Bachtenkircher. Af- ter the luncheon Mrs. A. R. Bates will conduct a discussion on "The Chinese Woine**." " An . unusually good program has been arranged for the next Neighbor- hood club meeting at the Central street school, Stewart avenue and Cen- tral street, on Thursday evening, Jan. IS. Rev. George Craig Stewart, rector of St Luke's parish, will speak on "Robert Burns and the Scottish Char- acter.*' Musical numbers wW be giv- en by Mr. Edward F. BOert and Mrs. A. S. Terrill, 305 North friends in Omaha, Keb. A F. Shedd of the Greenwood Inn left for Hot Springs* Ark. Mme. Rita, 610 Davis street^ Saturday morning for New York will salt Wednesday for Paris London. « Mrs. Oliver Rogers of Dixon, who has been the guest of her mother* Mrs M. W. Dale, 1040 Lake Shore drive, went home Monday.-------± i~^s Miss Mary Armsby, 1333 Maple ave- nue, returned to' Westover school Monday and was accompanied by Miss Antoinette Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue. Mrs. John C. Spry, 1101 Forest ave- nue, entertained at luncheon on Monday in honor of Miss Dole and Miss Van Deusen. Bridge followed the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs Euclid avenue, Oak Park, announce the engagement of their ^ daughter* Ruth Leone to Charles Carlisle Gid- dings, 1639 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mason and family, 1401 Ridge avenue, will leave Saturday for Pasadena, Cal. They have rented Prof. C. C. BragdOn's home on Grand avenue for the winter. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the First Methodist church was held in the chapel Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. W. Poor* man of Oak Park gave an Inter- esting talk on "Mormonism." Miss Louise Nichols, 839 Judson avenue, gave a tea Sunday even- ing in honor of Miss Mary Holton, who is playing with Sothem and Mar- lowe. Her guests were the members of the active chapter of Kappa Alpha Tbeta borority and their escorts. The next meeting of the Fortnight- ly club was held at the home of Mrs. Timothy Dwight, 730 Hinman avenue. The speaker of the afternoon was Prof. Henry G. Bell, head of the National Bureau of Agriculture, and graduate of Guelp University of Ontario, Canada. Mr. Charles Broiling, 1930 Sherman avenue, met with a painful accident in Chicago Friday. While crossing State street, near Marshall Field's, he fell on the slippery pavement. He was taken to the Deaconess hospital where it was found that he had sustained a number of bruises and sprains. The branch quarterly meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary associa- tion was held Friday at the Cove- nant M. E. church. A very interest- ing program was given. Mrs. Kuhl, the general conference secretary, a missionary from India, was among the main participants. At noon luncheon was served to about 163 guests. At the Evanston Country club Fri- day night "The Lion and the Lady," a comedy in one act, was presented by Mrs. Coburn and Mr. Scott; also "The Little Widow," a comedy in one act, was given by Mrs. Vilas, Miss Goffe and Mr. Tilden. Mr. Charles F. Champ- lin sang, with Mrs. J. G. Houston as bis accompanist Mrs. Lillian Mitchell Barchard appeared in monologue. Auc- tion and progressive bridge will be the feature of next Friday evening, fol- lowed by a masquerade ball, Jan. 24. The January meeting of the Men's League of the Second Presbyterian church, which was held Tuesday even-: ing, afforded an unusually interesting program, to which the ladies Were invited. It opened with a contralto solo by Mrs. B. Regenberg, followed by a reading by Miss Edna A. Storms of the Cumnock School of Oratory. A male quartet sang, and the Rev. O. F. Jordan gave a stereopticon lecture on "The Aims and Accomplish- ments of Odd Fellowship.** Refresh- ments were served. The league met as usual at the Bible school building, corner of Main street and Hinman avenue The marriage of Miss Elaine Winter Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hunter to Lillian Yam Rensselaer Nlcol, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ni- col, will take place at 8 o'clock on Sat- urday, Jan. 18. The ceremony will ha performed by the Rev. George Craig Stewart in St. Luke's church, Evans- ton. The bridal porty will include Miss Margaret Sage of Hartford* Conn., who will he maid of honor, and Miss Catherine Bergin of Kanticoke, Pa., Miss Jessie NleoL Miss Gladys Burns and Miss Kschasl Warner, bridesmaids. Frank H. will serve as best man and the win be Stewart Templeton, Templeton, John B. Hunter, ry H. Hunter. The ceremony will followed by a reception at the hosee at the bride's parents. THURSBAIfV Mrs. Fannie Britten of Prairta nue has left for -s*;i«if^^ Reckford, 111. ■ '■••** * • ■■-#x--%%**•#*:. ■**•■*---■ *•*■ •- ' .•",: .'Miss.'Farmer of ^w||ia|pp^ turned after spe«nHn^ hervaeattsn Vandalia, 1U. ' ,.;tV^^§feS&^ ' m, OeearMerchers *Mt!Wfr&B!fc. itingMr. Alfred Bees, ^npu^-0. Champaign, DX Mra Robert H. Lord of DX, is the guest of Mrs. Robert Jess, Hinman .avenue. ;>>..^;., ./.*'.t^M^M*0l Mrs. Willard J&V JBrickson, 201* Sher- man avenue, is 4n New York City on a ▼isit to k^*jyfcm^vv >y 'iP^i;M Judge and Mrs. O. M. Frits spent Sunday witti Mr. and Mcs, J. A. Lerch of 2007 Lincoln atreet J Miss Edna Betts, 2219 Central street, has returned from a short visit wltk Mr. Edward MacLane and family, formerly of 732 Michigan avenue, have moved to Seattle. Wash. Miss Gladys Arlington. 805 Michi- gan avenue, who has been in Pitts- burg, Pa., is home again. Mrs. Carl D. Green. 1026 Michigan avenue, is entertaining Miss Catherine Culnan of Marinette, Wis. Miss Carol Murray. 320 Greenwood boulevard, is entertaining her cousin. Mrs. C. R. Marvin of Boston. Mrs. Allen and daugther, Marion, have moved to 1616 Chicago avenue from 811 Washington street Mrs. Geare, 1105 Davis street, who has been spending the holidays in Bal- timore, and returned Thursday. Mrs. J. W. Daly, 1125 Judson ave- nue, is entertaining her mother. Mrs. John Robertson of Jacksonville. 111. Mrs. Claude B. Cumnock, 906 Hin- man avenue, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hay, in Hollywood, Cal. Miss Alice E. Harrison. 326 Demp- ster street, is entertaining her brother, Mr. Everett Harrison of Mansfield, La. Mrs. Mary Boyd, 1576 Maple ave- nue, was operated on for appendicitis at St. Francis hospital. She is doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Gait will change their residence from 413 Demp- ster street to 1013 Judson avenue, next week. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dryden, 1314 Michigan avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Birks of Peoria, Illinois. Mrs. Chester Corey, 1421 Elinor place, returned Monday from a visit to her friend, Miss Marie Leopold, at Burlington, la. Mrs. Frederic G. Simpson, 915 For- est avenue, was hostess Monday at a luncheon given in honor of Miss Elaine Hunter. Mr. Chas. E. Sterling of the Depart- ment of Justice at Washington, D. C, is the guest of Mr. William C. Levere, 600 Davis street. Miss Florence Myrtle Frost, 810 Da- vis street, left last week for St Clara's college, where she is head of the his- tory department Miss Agnes Byrnes, 1115 Judson avenue, spent the week-end in Joliet, 111., the guest of her cousins. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Oka Flick, 2104 Maple avenue, are enjoying the pleasure of a visit fsom Mr. Flick's brother. Mr. Dell M. Flick of Ada, Ohio. Mr. George B. Winter, 807 Davis street, left last night for Pasadena, Cal., to visit his brother, Mr. Robert E. Winter, formerly ©f Evanston. Avenue House: A. Travis. Middle- field, Ohio; W. S. Johnson, Milwau- kee; Albert Pike, Chicago; Alfred Morly, Clifton, DX; Jno. Brunt, Clif- ton, 111. The teachers of the Central street school gave a party Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Jessie Steele, a for- mer teacher there, who is now teaching at Larimer school. The Woman's Home Missionary so- ciety of the Hemenway church wiB have their regular meeting Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Burden's home, 7H Washington street. Mrs. Jane Price, mother of Mrs. Wesley Stanger, 1525 Davis street was brought from Rogers Park to her daughter's home two weeks ago very ill, and is not improving. The many friends of Mrs. Pries regret to *car of her serious llhves The Alumni asmssnsttsa of 4k* Northwestern University School 4* will peasant pianist in First evening; Jan. Sftfc, the Northwestern of grim i^r* dan road, left ■tjnju«eri^-||t,........... 'jWryey*,' j^|Wr, ■ g^^^j[w^SWffiW-jpy- ■'•SHU' :11I^||^^ ■gp-*"^^sT^?- v flffai" ■■:Pn^sssji.' ■ ^asw*^^WfP^s^ssjTrr*^piSia,^ Lord and Mr; Frederic A. on ' w&i"- .AtwelllHcht m i of Mr. and Mrs, George C. Ri 14M Chicago avenue, spent 1 a©n'#:::n<ii#i^ night to the University of Mrs. William R. Parkes, 1428 avenue, is entertaining her ntac* Genevieve 8 tedman' of Pasad< Mrs. Parkes gave a bridge p%r& Wednesday afternoon in her honor. < t^"'■.?$?':>....%.■■ .^ -.'0^^ Dr. Timothy .Prescott Frost of the First Methodist Bp church, preached Wednesday noon at 3 o'clock in Memorial under the auspices of GaTrett Bi institute. '■;*f'--;- •■ 4 Mrs. M. B. Downey is here Winnipeg, Canada, to visit her ther, Wm. Downey, who is h| adjusting department of the western •'^S;:<?|(^'";i>6wney is ping at 1554 Asbury avenu*. Miss Blanche Caraway, who been spending the winter with sister, Mrs. R. D. W. Johnson, Foster street left Monday for York City to he the guest of J brother, Mr. H. R. Caraway, w| month. Mrs. John F. Byrnes and da ^ Miss Alice Byrnes, 1022 GreeiOeii street have gone to Kansas City, 1 to visit Mrs. Byrnes' brother, Mr. Caffery. They will also visit st-lfj oehiior Springs, Mo., and New Orlesni, Louisiana. A banquet has been planned by Epworth league of the Covenant ■Wm church for Friday evening at 6^1 o'clock. The losing side in the mip bership contest, the "Bees," are $ give the banquet to their successfsl opponents, the "Ants. The reception given Saturday a noon by the Kappa Alpha TheU ternity, at the home of Miss Alta ler, was attended by about 400 of W women students of the university. The affair can be recorded as one or the big social events of the year. Tie home was beautifully decorated with kiUarney roses. In an anterooin* screened nff with palms, the Smith or- chestra played at intervals througbosf the afternoon. In the receiving U»ft| were Dean Blanehard, Miss Milkti Mrs. Holgate and members of the ac- tive chapter. The marriage of Miss Julia Lenot* Dote, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joke Newton Dole, and Warner Green Ban% of Chicago took nlace Tuesday even»i ing at 8 o'clock at the residence of the brluVs parents, il«4 Miehigan ave- nue. Owmg to a recent bereavement In the bridegroom's family the cere- mony was witnessed by the innse- dfaUe families only and was fol- lowed by * reception at » o'clock. The Rev. William M~ lAwrence of Orange,, K. J., oflteiated. The bride had hsr> sister. Miss Josephine Dole, for her maid of honor, and Miss MaflT Van Dusen of Minneapolis was the bridesmaid, with little Alicia ant Henry Barber as nwwer chfldwa. Louis Thrsssn of Chieago serves Mr. Baira aa best man and Pomerey Smith of Fargo, N. IX, was the master of cetwaoniea. After an extendsa wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Baifi^ will s* at home after May 1 at 142*1 Cl^eago Mfl- m "i ^™;--: V-- ^W-%v-^A^; "'-.l-' ^"^•%^-Ji^^^M^t^'^%^^Mi^e

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