'^^r^^w^^^'im^w^M^^^m . Assails Pro| Bondhi 1 ft :^&m t iMnweoato the vast A new complication kee Blectrij north, whei|^§£ Judge Landi*/ Ji judicial sale of of the compwijfc tog the poeitl^Ji of »n of bondB so squall ifcat . terests " "'"'*' --"-*"*■'*- reorganlrat which £eterj the fedora: calls to reorganlza This co bulk of in sin and I gram for the autho ities. Mrs. tered the held twelve value of New Calling the committee's fled their suing a vast flood of property for *felth tbey paratively slaill of the law of WiscMtlR stitution of OUboU,^ J suggested it would not ^% wefl 4« fdopt a pro- gram authorisMl>f Admitting sage he refers^* as applying only the court declared cate aeouudJpbJI by announefgp the resold--and at aJL Joseph W. Moses, mother in tike at the deefeloa.,-|^ "As a result ^ said, -the; these properties __ , „ Increase to toe jjmiiiit ftimetoly to be dUatrtbntod InJttielr fsfror, and the rights of titooaiaority bete been fully vindicated v ajpeleel overwhelming lere inihtfatti. . .T_r^_^ ^Si^|44er;an^ had been induced p||i to abandon that aMtude by the prom- ™|tlij^;^^ Committee ftn andrthftre tqade to pay t^em the sywticte in April, 1911, the assist- mW:";- ~~r is Jeet the inetesd-of the transaction aa narrated,-the Mil- Ttmtrr^^'^r ■T^iP^^SMm From ^Sewerqj CI1- ji^a^±^ ._ ,*.* --,1 ■* gry Organization. rfl to: pay. ,000,000 in pitting through this apeara from the reorgani- sadon committee's pis*, wnlcf they hJtJre distributed ^bondholders, and which bears the approval of Attorneys .|||g£itoi|brifo * Le^teapn * it oi Chicago and fAttorney8 Lash of Toronto, Canada, and At- John P. WU|on of Chicago. % 4* plain from these figures that great niass of these; securities; If Is- sued, will really represent no investr niwrt by mny^Mly; whatever, at any time. And this is proposed to be done in the teeth of the public utility law of Wisconsin and toe constitution of WkMtifa* La* JG^rnlna>5^| *H)or^ fundamental law contajiis the _|^wing: - *No i^li^ corpojaUon shaJJ issue any stock <n» bonds Accept for money, labor, or property actually received and applied to th tor which said corporation 'Won Sf this prohib|ion fit. our con- stitution should be held to apply only ________woujd still remain as the |f "whether declared public policy of tha-atate and it gad obedi- ^mm. r "ftl&e doubtless lt|ls true toat a construed court Is under no obligation # bis awn motion as a volu&teer to go out- side and Institute an foquiry-injo the plans and purposes of peiedns offer- igjhemselves aa purejuuersfmprop- erpe^a Judicial safe, I tH#it as bei^^ather plain that if it comes to the aetonl notice of the opurt in a regalaf Judicial procceding§*ae$ each intending purchasers have conaeived odds. ;S*S8#S!*«s From the. present honorary athletic ..,^ ^.......... has been proposed by Dr. C. P. Iltttejt- ins of Indiana, will njbt be represented to put VN1|^we8torouirtv|^ ascertained by an interview by a re» porter for The Lake f hore Neap wfch Physical Director C. §. Hammett Mr. Hammett stated that tha mattor bad been brought to the attention of the authorities by lettert f ram Dr. Hejtob- ins, but that he did not think that they would take any action on it The matter would be actad on by the ath- letic councU, which meats at wr |f| regular intervals and it could not be ascertained at what time the mattar, if brought up at all, would be consid- ered. **" ,.,: • %"**$$. % %*■■■' ± Northwestern Not Itepsssswted. * Because of die lack of interest in the proposition, Northwestern was not represented at Urn iftiejing «rf rep- resentatives from serejr universities who pledged their support to thee#w fraternity, Sigma Delta *»$, at ♦Meet- ing in Indtanapolls on Saturday, Dec. H. lna^dittontothe»%^resenttliere were thirty univergtia* tba| sent word that ***** WOtt^ *?c to W *"* sidered in on the grenn^ floor of t|e neir propositifiiL Df. »ntchins W>s r%%r%Lzrirzz^^ mm^m*.**'* ajqnfoed/ In a wajr or|to eflect a pin> pose forbidden by the|coii«titnttono^ public policy of the itate,^|B*co«rt should at least pause and hesitate be- fore turning the property d^ej^ mg WWW Wfmws «*" ■ *E ,1+-*^ ■■*m >afiew ^i<uiiieiim this ■W*fnleg« 'The o$gM*it If a notable one, in that tt se^^blgLr rtand-wd of »o^ ^naWe^ie »«»^^^?^ raHty for men^i bleb places, and and tbehr counsel to fontm^^m and ethet ired and other tftan toall^and of the rattty for mea^ hlgh| prncea, and sounds % %eyn^^of w^u-sJng to re- organisatlana ^*^L«^^^ «** ****** properti carried strict a dee rege niinorf^r.f*jf" "MHOiy ejaTllsj. with the gages were 000,000 if «» ealeif «et nois "In the present case this Gtoeral PhysUal d«olaw Meeeaej|ry • *^,'.^' for Msmbera^to. .| - The purpose of the fraternity encourage general i|o|c|ency;|lB-Hi branches of athletics. In order to he- come a member, a Jbam must fallll certain requlremenU of physical ,per- fecttom iSeiaust certain mark in events. When be can the required tests in branchesproposed, he feet inanH and Is ship in the liy this meanf to to •35fc'-:-=i?**?i,*5 2S&SSESZX& letics, theoyej*iliig|a|i^ line, and to davelopja'saan alfng aU tiie lines of shysicaEperfc f- •jaww _ ^ea^s^sssjB^sw 1«sW»WAIiTADw 15P aad their counsel to eonsg%^efore the inxmertrelM^ •9^h^^A^ sate wb5he# it would net ^f|ell to adopt a program aathorlsed by tigm. Brhere wlttjhe another sale, «f J*bich time therelrm bare to be d fW* bid." = 50 9 - wImadisonSTaUlT Vltt: HOME OF CALltl r.WKt*m O DEAMANTAKOS KNEW YEAR ^^diieedayf ^en. 1. two smell Ares Were reported to the 1^^ police deimrtment. Bi the ^orning a stffl sflarni was seht in fresn the eaioa^nne: Seme grease ^ofled ow on the atove and -*««i* «««• J3M1 sjderahle amount ■^ ^^m^ of^kj^kfit no 1^ to the ^enfaid an djWsB^y .en* to from 90T Demns|»f etreet tfc- ehianley had caught ire and TThe "fire was exnn- any a (>T FREE Ml BeviTal services began DIST. Sunday eomer Wdge avenue i^» •*«*1' aaT wBf continue lor two possibly tong«: