Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1913, p. 16

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MLR. M» *1&L ftf New*. ,JQ|>- 88-NOTB PLAYER mahogany, bJghejhfilfade, for lie; afrl pteferred; no IfluiniFfjf TlgjT"*"* Shore ltc FlfrSALE-HOUSES CO! OK ter. ft? 4tf MAI ESTATE WE mjL THE EARTH T US SHOW YOU 1AK.CAINS it* ? apt building, large 7 mnd 8 rooms, hot water heat; rental $11* per month; only #4*000 cash required. Hinman-aT., 100 ft novae and barn* can .he bought■ rame of the tot ., ?*rnv heat;(jagceo; two y< ll^ 4^ iainiwvenii aeU iNStJRANCBf-ROTAL INSUBr Company of Liverpool, largest insurance eompanj^tn the orld. lnsnrea>tMinaf household goods, wnts; le^fWt raW Charles A. Wightman%*ef Mi resident agents. Phone 203- ltc MONBY TO LOAN. S 10 rm. edlot; the actual furnace ,000. water ; lot 50x paid. Must 4ays; $5,800, $200 cash, $4S per month, including in- Desirable vacant property from $10 to $33 per font In North Bvanston that will show a handsome margin of nrp$t within a few months. Get our list of houses and apart- menta for rent Money to loan at HcCAlXUMfeCLAEK lflf 8herman-ev. Opp. City Hall. • m- : ltc WHIST SCORES AT EVANSTON CLUB The scores of the games played Sat- urday, Jan. 4, in the whist tournament at the Evanston club were as follows: North and South. Cobb and Bragdon...............168 Horn and Van Deusen........... 178 Iglehart and' Worstall........... 171 Stanbery and Forbes............171 Charles and Baillett............. 175 pittman and Hebblethwaite.. (Forfeit) Turnock and Piersen............. 184 Gillis and Dunn... .••••«.........172 Average, 173 3-7. East and West Work and Hensel...............144 Cutler and Mitchell.............. 139 Smith and Day.................. 141 Clifford and Durant.............. 141 amith and McConnell............137 Conger 4V Daugherty........(Forfeit) Wells and Chaffee...............128 Foster and TopUff...............140 Average, 138 4-7. High score East and West--Work and HenseL High score North and South--Turnock and Piersen. The standing of the teams is as fol- lows:: Games Games Tricks Teams. Won. Lost Plus. Turnock, Piersen... 8 0 40 Work, Hensel...... 8 0 46 Smith, Day........ 6 2 35 Charles, Bartlett... $ 2 23 Pittman, Heb'waite 5 3 14 Clifford, Durant.... 5 3 6 Wells, Chaffee..... 5 8 1 Games Games Tricks • Teams. ° Won. Lost Minus. Smith, McConnell.. 4 Foster, TopUff..... 4 Iglehart, Worstall. 4 Stanbery, Forbes... 3 Cobb, Bragdon..... 3 Cutler, Mitchell.... 3 Conger, Daugherty. 0 Horn, Van Deusen. 0 Gillis, Dunn........ 0 Thursday, Friday un< APPLES. Choice cookers, pk.................. " Hose Brand. | Nayc! Otmm 3£ vJMOnS ." Peek.^A.^.«*Ar^*f^PI*& potatoes f^jc t^\^^..^ aV 1 H4U*WO « lbs......•..•,....*•«*...•.*«.••* IXaiSinS 8 l-lb. pkga. for.............. rSllv^cs Stufed wifh pi»ento^.::|||; ;^^ \jFll V v3 Quart jars......„..5...M«#..;:;.^*^| OLIVES. Mansanilla, qi. jta9^^*»*»'J*^ C***** Swift's £ride U^u^^Mt-W^ OOap 10 bars 3$05 IOOJmw"tiiS&^m.w IKashingPimd^^^^M Scouring Soap * oakea^..^. BBS FIB SALE WILCOX £ GD3B8 8BTW machine, in V $18; a% drtxhhead rotary 8U. JPMIBBU Bros* 1622 GASH TASKS A for light 1622 4 1 4 2 4 21 6 9 5 12 6 35 8 26 8 43 * - * WHJMETTff PRESBYTERIAN. Wllmette Presbyterian Church-- Serrieea In the Woman's club build- ing, Tenth street and Greenleaf are* The church is in the midst of a two months' campaign to build up the kingdom of God in Oie Uvea of the people, although no special weekday meetings are being held except dur- ing the week of prayer. ' The pastor. Dr. WUson, will speak Sunday, 11 a. nu, on the subject, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God," and at 7:46 p. m. on "The Heart is Deceitful and Corrupt Exceedingly." Mr. Freeman, director of music, is or- ganising a Sunday evening chorus to i*** the singing. The men'a chorus Tie "mid-week prayer and social meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Kerr, 1218 Ashland avenue, Wed- at 8 jpl a. Topic, "Faith in Christ-CoLL '^ . of the Went, guild meeta Monday at *M o'clock. The Wbman*a aociety convenes at Mra. BesAUBMrnTa, ■ 8» Greenleaf am- attftwa*. . of the Men'a toagu* at of Mr. 8, BLUING or AMMONIA. Quart*., DUTCH CLEANSER. Can..... TOILET SCMy^Buttermilk,^eI H* or Oatmeal. Box 3 cakes.............J......JVC FWltAlt* TOILET SOAPS, aiiotropa, yirgf Yf or Violet Scented Buttermilk. 3 oa|f» box MIXED NUTS. All new. Lb BUTTE1CNUTS. Old fashioned kind, or^ ENGLISH WALNUTS. Extra la#v .Very white meats. Lb....................*•• ENGLISH WALNUT MEATS. ■•■; Choice halves. Lb..................••*•.••.• JAMS* Pare Fruit and Apple, Bia^l^riea,^^ Red and Black Raspberry, Straw" Peach. Quart jars...... MINCE MEAT. Quart jars....... HONEY/Pare White Clover. WL*Qmg:w^ ■ £oo aojuiD for.................•....••.•»*.*^.«*«>.s1fw MATCHES. Safety. Four 10c pkga...... PUMPKIN, Van damps, 3 cans............... QOZ .»...*...• .....i...................... .........^ TOMATOES, Extra Standards, can......... i JC MJOtm ...... ...... ...... ...... ...^. ... .....»..^... ...a ••"•^ OKRA, Whole. 2 cans'......25c Doz.. ... K30 SUCCOTASH, Point Lace, 2 cans...........25c aJOS..»......••....... ....*' ..•••«•.••••"..»'..»..♦... g#4!SJr CORN. 'Point Lace, extra sweet, 2 cans...... PORK SAUSAGE MEAT. Home-Ma^e der the lead of Mr. George F. Apple- yard. ',_;;•" ;' ^-;'.. '"}/. :,:^:i,'^'^,;';? Mrs. Thurman was assisted In serv- itig mott appetising refreshments by Meadames Hannah, Oliver, Suits and ******* ;.'■"i"r-^^^E6f*J25S?"S' -. The men seemed to enjoy their pipes and cigars which tiie host 'had so generously provided for those who smoKect. . *.;■ •^*-/;-:;^^^':' ^«^;>.^:|;; Mr. Ralph Hv Rice, president of the league, presided In his usual ad- mirable manne^'ifi^^^'i^S: '^'M ST. AUGUSTINE'S EPI8COPAL. •».... Mr... • ^t«C:Wvfc ABIE,: Ve^ LAMB STEW, from the best grade ft Liiala^ :LAllDt -i^ire ^ttt^ _____ "'■%'" "*-'<>■ *■';*< ■• "■■ :"5:-": /-'"'xv 'i-'.'iv"-^ The subject of the rector's sermon at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday morning will be "The Forward Look of Faith,- At the afternoon service at 4:30 a brief address will be g4ven on the subject, "The Childhood of Jesus." It is hoped that this address win be of interest to parents and oth- eJaOdiren^i-^i'^sS'1^': u3^^^\i5?i^^^^^^S&M Mrs. H. B. Butler of Wlnnetka a>Te an interestinc address last Ftiday be- the Woman's auxiliary ofthepar> m MTlw TJnfted Offering,** whick hi ta* offering of Oie women of the gpjacopal church all over the country tor the smpport of ndssionary work by women and' for. women^ > At the last triennial convention in 1916 tils offering amoemted to almost n ajnarter of a, mQUon dottara* and It la.|Miped that the sum reached mis fan will be oamsiderably more than thts. S itii ■ ay ill jhli^jnai. there being but one earlier day upon which it could fali Lent wm begin otspeecheaiatmrsp^taadirttliiansia on. the 5th';of February. Raster belntt Wediieaday evec^W March .33. Easter wfll not occur on ^i^^:|ij§|||)ltj March 23 again until the year The schedule of Lenten services la being ajrranged and wiU be announced shortly. * j^|tj.^|S't".,.S:"', service on Sunday will be sung by Mr. C. F. Rohles, tenor, and at ttie 4:30 service Mr. John Qnin, baritone, wUlsing. " mi CONORS ■-.Si". Mr. Qraham Taylor wfll speak at the morning service of the Uonal church next Sunday, Jan. 11. Hia suhjeet wffl be -The Ctarch the Communtyjr for gach Otter." Mr. Taylor is profeeaor of aodoloftT at the Chicago seminary, warden of Chi. cage Commons, founder of the Chi- cago 8chool of Gtrlos and PhUaav thropy and an expert on many aoclal probleata. He wffl speak also at the seHea of stadias <or the of the stewards for the m.-k which^ will be ex-,. iu CTaloago.*' ^ tte Collseam The offertory solo at the morning; and the Audltmiium next May; The^ are not only for Alonw tof^ ,.; - ii'..5jj"£iSsSi^feJt let Following the lMsclmonMra^ UP. Baird wm give an |»ustriUed tiJ« «» M G*m>§$*l$ jja^a«av;:l» JeM**#ti * ph>tew hot Use lactam m ereryl>odr ia wialceme Qoaae a^ || a,fHMdL- - "V,S^r-.■^P"1-'■■■"■■V'^^;*- ■ ".L£0 Th« Creacent eiicle aiet witti Mrs. :> , Mi«v Levla AV Omaoav >to ^ asaa .'".kP"s»r--"- •Rj'Ssiiam. ^ ?;( *^"^^1gaa%«sli». .'^---^

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