Miss Myra Robbins, 1713 Central Street, has returned from Cedar Rapids, Ia. Mr. Harold Grantham, 2415 Hartzell Street, is spending the week in Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Ruth Clarke, 831 Hinman avenue, will return to Ohio Wesleyan college. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mann, 2728 Harrison Street, left last week for a visit in Florida. Miss Lillian Brammer gave a card party January 3 at her home, 831 Judson avenue. Prof. Philip Fox, 2235 Sheridan road, returned last week from a short trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Jefferson Hauser, 722 Monroe street, is spending a two weeks' vacation in Green Bay, Wis. Mr. James McMurchy, 1202 Main street, left Sunday for St. Victor college at Bourbonnais, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. William Gale, Elm avenue and Lincoln street, left Jan. 3 for French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. J. P. O'Connor, 822 Seward avenue, left January 3 to spend a few weeks at Excelsior, Springs, Ark. Miss Ruth Dale entertained January 3 informally at her home in Chicago in honor of Miss Catherine Wilson. Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central street, entertained a number of friends from Ravenswood at her home Friday evening. Mrs. Grey de La Mater of the Greenwood Innn has as her guests the Misses Alice Sargent and Polly Lloyd of St. Mary's college, Knoxville. Miss Marguerite Leigh entertained twenty of her little friends on th afternoon of Jan. 3, at her home, 1025 Elmwood Avenue, in honor of her birthday. An informal tea was given Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Theodosia Clark and Miss Elizabeth Case at the home of Miss Isabel Phillips, 1217 Michigan avenue. The regular meeting of the Evanston King's Daughters was held Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 10:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Nathan Wilbur Helm, 626 Library Street. Mr. Cyrus Williams, 2607 Park place, left Tuesday for Cornell university. Mrs. J. Bartlett Rich of Boston is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William F. Patten, 714 Colfax street. Miss Martha Duthie entertained Tuesday afternoon at tea at her home, 534 Forest avenue, in honor of Miss Beatrice Morley, who is home for the holidays from St. Alma's college, Canada. Mr. Maurice Leigh, a baritone singer, a graduate of Northwestern School of Music, and a great concert soloist, sang in the morning services at the Covenant M. E. Church Sunday. Mr. Charles E. Lutton will sing in the evening services. Mr. Lawrence Gustave Hallberg, Jr., gave a theater party Friday evening at the Cornell Glee Club concert. Those present were Miss Rachel Warner, Miss Lubie Harnstrom of Edgewater, Miss Wilhelmina Manierre of Chicago, Mr. Harold Cooper Pynchon, Mr. George Hellett and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hedges of Chicago. After the concert Mr. Hallberg gave a six-course supper at Rector's. The Epworth league of the Covenant M. E. Church held a stunt social last evening in the church parlors. A large number of the league members were present and a very interesting program was carried through. A vocal solo by Mrs. Scare, a reading by Miss Edith Mathis and a duet by Mr. Earl Mahood [unclear] and his sister, Miss Ruth Mahood, were among the most interesting features. The Beta Mu fraternity of the Lincoln school gave a dance Saturday at the home of Mr. Eliot Warner, 942 Michigan avenue. The grand march will be led by Frederick Orr and Mildred Brown, followed by Eliot Warner and Virginia Ross [unclear]. Miss Rachel Warner will be mistress of ceremonies. Mr. Milton Wright, who is a well known pianist, will take his place at the piano. Fourteen dances and three extras have been planned for. The patrons and patronesses are: Mr. and Mrs. Lansing B. Warner, Mrs. F. M. Fargo, Miss Rachel Warner, Miss Julia Warner and Mr. Lansing Warner, Jr. [Column 2] Miss Lucile Reuhl of Delphos, Ohio, is the guest of Miss Helen Hinderman, 651 Hinman avenue. Mr. B. B. Storres and family of Oak Park, Ill., have taken an apartment at 718 Clark street, in the Gladstone. Mr. Harold Bennet, 2508 Hartzell street, entertained a number of his friends at a party Saturday evening. Mrs. C. W. Gunther of Dunkirk, N.Y., returned Saturday after spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Edward C. Barnes, 2753 Woodbine avenue. Miss Beryl Faulkner, 2429 Central street, is spending a short time as the guest of Miss Ruth Dixon in Edgewater. Miss Hazel Duncan, Forest avenue and Judson Avenue, entertained at a theater party at the Evanston the afternoon of Jan. 2 The North End department of the Y.M.C.A. students played the Armour Square Juniors Saturday at the North End "Y" at 8 o'clock. Miss Alice Zeppilli of the Chicago Grand Opera company was the soloist at the Sunday afternoon organ recital at 4 o'clock in the First M.E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vawter, Miss Cora Vawter and Mr. George Vawter, 1637 Chicago avenue, left Tuesday for Egypt, to be gone several months. Miss Susan Goodchild, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. S. Frampton, 820 Judson avenue, left Monday for her home in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shaffer entertained M. and Mme. Parelli at dinner Sunday. Mr. Parelli is one o fthe directors of the Chicago Grand Opera company. Miss Florence Myrtle Frost, 810 Davis Street, left this week for St. Clara college, where she is the head of the department of history, after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson, 848 Lakeside place, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred, to Ralph Haven Quinlan of Evanston. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Miss Theodora Grantham, who has been spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, returned Sunday to Madison, Wisconsin, where she will resume her teaching. Sunday at the Covenant M.E. Church a nursery was opened in the social rooms of the church to care for children during the hour of morning worship. Miss Kathryn Rose, a trained kindergarten worker, will be in charge. Rgisered at the Avenue House: Mary B. Hubbard, Glasgow, Mo.; D. F. MacDonald, Culebra, Canal Zone; L.A. McConney, Omaha, Neb.; A. H. Gilbert, Lexington, Ky.; Howard C. Clark, Chicago; Mrs. W. Stacey, St. Joseph, Mich.; C. E. Magoon, Evanston, Ill. Mrs. Annie Jones, who was Miss Annie Gebbard of this city, was married last Thursday to Mr. G. E. James of Denver, Colo., by the Rev. H. P. Smyth, pastor of St. Mary's church. Mr. and Mrs. James left for a tour of the south and will be at home after Feb. 1 in Denver, where Mr. James has been for many years connected with the Rock Island Railroad. Mr. Volney Foster, formerly of Evanston, has gone to Knoxville, Tenn., where he was married to Miss Margaret Lawson Baxter of that city, on January 7 [1913]. Miss Eleanor Baxter, the bride's sister, who is at school in New York, was the maid of honor, while Louis B. Reed, of Paris, France, was the best man. The bride-elect is a very well educated young woman, having done considerable editorial work for different publications. Litt Miss Laura Chandler, 2019 Lincoln street, entertained a few of her friends at a doll party Friday afternoon. Those present were Vesper Getman, Viola Hulteen, Marjorie Lewis, Elizabeth Peabody, Mary Lamar, Merriam Adams, Alice McFern, Helen Lorch, Jane Ryerson, Grace Ryerson, Florence Helstrom, Sally Gale, Virginia Long, Margaret Murray and Bessie Whitman. Miss Esther Swanson assisted in entertaining and all enjoyed the afternoon. [Column 3] Miss Helen Otis of Barrington, Ill., is visiting Mrs. Walter Primley, 903 Forest avenue. Mr. Harold Bennett, 2508 Hartzell street, returned Saturday to St. John's Military Academy. Mrs. Charles F. Champlin, 2330 Orrington avenue, entertained her "500" club Monday afternoon. Miss Helen McMurchy, 1202 Main street, left Saturday for St. Angelas college at Morris, Ill. Mr. James McMurchy, 1202 Main street, left Monday for St. Victor [sic] college at Bourbonnais, Ill. Mr. James McMurchy, 1202 Main street, returned Sunday to Bourbonnais, Ill., to St. Viator College. Mr. Charles S. Graves, 925 Maple avenue, left Monday for Springfield, Ill. Mrs. Graves will join him later. Dr. and Mrs. James Kirk of Havana, N.D., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Champlin, 2330 Orrington avenue. Miss Ruth Dixon of Edgewater has been spending a few days with Miss Beryl Faulkner, 2429 Central St. The official board of the Covenant M.E. Church held a business meeting in the church parlors Monday night. Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street, returned Saturday from a two weeks' vacation spent in Southern Illinois. Miss Inez Traxler, 711 Emerson street, who spent the holidays with her parents, has returned to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Siddall, 425 Lee Street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Letta, to Claude E. Jaycox. The Young Ladies' Gymnastic class gave a cotillion party Monday night in the Assembly Hall of the Central Street School. The Oak Leaf Circle met Tuesday evening at the home of the Misses Gladys and Margaret Anderson, 2505 Hartray avenue. Mrs. H.N. Kelsey, 1046 Ridge avenue, gave a luncheon Friday in honor of the Misses Dorothy Gould, Ruth Wright and Marion Clancy. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wheeler, 824 Madison street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, to Frank J. Dunn of Providence, R. I. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wiedeman, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lord, 1113 Maple avenue, left for their home in Terre Haute, Ind., Saturday. Miss Susan Goodchild, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. S. Frampton, 820 Judson avenue, left Monday for her home in Pittsburgh, Pa. Master Harold Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, returned Saturday from a visit in Milwaukee, Wis., where he was the guest of Master Benjamin Pearse. Miss Adele Forbes was luncheon hostess to sixteen guests on Saturday at the Greenwood Inn in honor of her friend, Miss Polly Lloyd of Springfield, Ill. Col. and Mrs. A. S. Frost, 810 Davis street, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Louise Mann Frost, to Peter Olson of Vermillion, S. D. Miss Theodora Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, left Sunday for Madison, Wis., after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grantham. Mr. Harold Bennett, 2508 Hartzell street, entertained at a dancing party Saturday evening. Those present wwre Misses Theodora Grantham, Kathryn Rose, Helen Snyder, Esther Grantham, Bertha Moore, Ruth Risley, May Palm, Marjorie Grantham, Matilda Wittbold and Esther Moore; also Messrs. Elvyn MacRae, George Wittbold, James Grantham, Paul Faulkner, Milton Palm, Cyrus Williams, Lloyd Ellingwood, Warren Ryerson, Edward Austin and Gordon Guilliams. The announcement that Henry S. Henschen has recently been elected president of the Chicago Methodist Social union, will be of interest to many Evanstonians. Mr. Henschen was formerly a resident of North Evanston and spent the greater part of his boyhood here. He is cashier of the State Bank of Chicago, a member of the Union League, the City and the Bankers' Clubs, a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and a trustee of the Chicago Academy of Science. Other new officers appointed are: Vice-president, A. D. Morrison of Englewood, Charles R. Brown of Evanston, John S. Date of Austin; corresponding secretary, A. Hale Vollintine; recording secretary, the Rev. A. T. Stephenson; treasurer, J. Kent Green. [Column 4] Miss Gladys Arlington [number illegible] Michigan Avenue, returned Saturday from Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Ruth Clarke, 831 Hinman avenue, returned Saturday to Ohio Wesleyan University. Mrs. Peter Olson of Vermillion, S. D., has been the guest of Col. and Mrs. A. S. Frost, 810 Davis St. Mrs. N. P. Williams, 1102 Church street, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. William Ekin of Louisville, Ky. Mrs. O. W. Richardson and daughter, Miss Frances Richardson of Hyde Park, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. Irving Fisher, 721 Washington street, spent the weekend as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reeves in Milwaukee. Mrs. William S. Lord of the Greenwood Inn and her mother, Mrs. Rowland, went to St. Augustine, Florida, New Year's Day. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Louise Mann Frost, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Alfred Sidney Frost, and Mr. Peter Olson of Vermillion, S. D. Mr. R. John Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio, returned to his home after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Richard Wilson of 1419 Church street. Registered at the Avenue House: J. Jackson, Joliet, Ill.; E. T. Parkhurst, Furnessville, Ind.; Ralph J. McCurdy, Chicago; Mrs. Wm. Rollins, Mrs. George A. Rollins, Milwaukee. The directors of the North End Improvement association held a meeting Monday night to discuss the street railway franchise subject, and a meeting of the entire association will be held in a few days. Mrs. Elizabeth Hotchkiss, 1639 Orrington avenue, has returned from Dryden, Mich., where she went to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Letha Lois Woodmansee and Dr. John Emmett Gable, Dec. 26. The Young Ladies' Missionary Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church acted as hostess Monday night at a supper and entertainment to the Women's Society of the church. A very interesting program was enjoyed. The Woman's Association of the Covenant M. E. Church held their business meeting at the church parlors on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 2:30 P.m. Mrs. W. T. Gormley, 2514 Harrison street, was hostess Sunday at a novelty shower given in honor of her niece, Miss Margaret Gatrell, who will be a bride of November. Music, games and refreshments made the occasion a delightful one for the thirty-five guests. Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central street, entertained Friday evening, January 3, a number of friends from Ravenswood. Those present wre Misses Abbie Sawyer, Grace Hetherington, Isabel Irving, May Palm and Messrs. Harold Fleming, Frank Hetherington, Fleming Irving. The Beta Mu fraternity of the Lincoln school gave a dance Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Eliot Warner, 942 Michigan avenue. The grand march was led by Frederick Orr and Mildred Brown, followed by Eliot Warner and Virginia Ross. Miss Rachel Warner played the part of Mistress of Ceremonies, while Mr. Milton Wright, a well known pianist, presided at the piano. A splendid meeting was held Sunday by the Epworth league of the Covenant M.E. Church led by Mr. George Zauers, president of the Chicago Northern District. A number of new members were taken in last evening, but a great many more are on the waiting list. On January 17 a banquet is being planned by the "Bees," who were defeated in the membership contest by the "Ants." Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue, entertained at dinner Sunday, Attilie Tarelli, one of the directors of the Chicago Grand Opera company, and Miss Alice Zepilli, who sang at the afternoon service of the First Methodist Church. Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer will have as their guests Marie Sammarco, Cleofonte Campanini and his wife and Mr. Edmond Warnery, who will sing at the organ recital. [Column 5] Mrs. Walter S. [illegible] Michigan avenue is entertaining Miss [illegible] Otis of Barrington, Ill. Miss William F. Patten, 714 [illegible] street, has her mother, Mrs. J. [illegible] Rich of Boston, Mass. Mrs. John W. Leslie and her little daughter, 318 Hamilton street, spent the holidays in Green Bay, Wis. Mr. James A. Lemmon, 904 Colfax street, is having his mother, Mrs. Lemmon of Camden, N.J. as his guest. Mr. Clifton Stewart, 722 Custer avenue, returned Monday from a trip through Oregon, Washington and California. Mr. Gerald Butler spent the weekend in Hubbard Woods the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cable (nee Elizabeth Tennis). Mrs. M. W. Dale, 1040 Lake Shore Drive, is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Oliver Rogers (nee Jessie Dale) of Dixon, Ill. Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Helmholz, 1630 Ashland avenue, spent Christmas with Mrs. Helmholz's mother, Mrs. George R. Lindsey at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Harris, 321 Davis street, are in Lincoln, Neb., attending the funeral of Mr. Harris' mother. Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Dart, 1110 Grove street, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Whitlock of the Oaks are spending January in a travel trip through Florida. Mrs. Stanley Erickson of 1138 Sherman avenue, left Tuesday morning for Sheridan, Indiana, where he will spend two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. William Cooper. Miss Theodora Grantham, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, left Sunday for Wisconsin university. Mr. Chauncey Graham, 811 Washington street, has as his guests his brother, Mr. Richard Graham, and his niece, MIss May Graham of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mrs. A. S. Frampton, 820 Judson avenue, has been entertaining her sister, Miss Susan Goodchild, who left Monday for her home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Evanston Phone 2898-2899 Robert Blaylock, Manager All this week Evanston Stock Company in The Crisis A damatization of Winston Churchill's Novel as played by James K. Hacket and Charlotte Walker A dramatic treat