Editor of Daily Ground That '**»£&< Last Thursday nll^^Jll 2S to 13, a tpt#J.^*#l ft possible 150 who were j?«»e|^;;^« Miller wsolotk^'kilwit"^-^^^^---,,^,, , Bvanston Commerclmt M#«jl«tiOD calling upon the vide tor a wfteififiii^. _ Bent thftt ml«flt ie^Tftft<Sne4 the city councU ftl^mw «o»I>fttty 0r corporation seeWn| ft Wre^ f»41w«K franchise in totoc% before th**ea. tafe of an eiuU>Un« ord^Mine^ ^ « ' The reiwlutton Wftft orti^Mllj ^6- •anted at the i^cnUr meettnc | week before and 'ftCtlo>i:||M^^I^;««« postponed for on* week, upon motion of Mr Iti Adoption Qo ssociation Should tk>n ino»| ly request that . _.. _, members of the ojty the city of Bvanston shall, action upon any the use of $ie etreets or tn« city for any raOroad whatso^er, subwrft the whole matter inrolved to a referendum vote of the people; and be It further 'fRee^Ted, tliftt these resolutions ^hmitted to the mayor and city counca of the city of Bvanston wfth *.;rhf§0^ action toejfc _____A. H. ^m^,..t^.^.^.^: opened the discnaaion by again mor log the adoption ofhiareaottttton, and then discussed W J«w^ Ma teaaona for its presentatUm, a^ !»▼♦ •«««- ments why its adoption would not nec- essarily place th« Ittiocmtkm in a po- any specific poUUcaJ Idea or form. __ After Mr. Millets '»IS5nailto» In be- half of the adoption of tho rosolntf on, Mr. Bowman •»<*« at u™"" v ~'^ it, reference f _" speakers to ft personal Mr. Bowman test out ^n each member of the tog out what he eohi of such axttas^ftnd ashing that each member be preeent at the special meeting ad thai "in case we are to be thrown into politics it may not be with our eyes shut, nor h^ Wto of * minority of the membership of the association."" ':Z:^:3;S0^ easejiftejfp>; wor William C. Levere, W. H. Colwell, lett and others spoke to faror of the adopUon of tie reenlnlic^^ano: an stated that they dfcl existed any danger to the in the pansnrjn nf tjhn ure. Mr. Bowman1* e__________ upheld by W. J. Hsmmow, W. J.OtSa^ Trsnspprtotloft Situation, After thm special business had been disposed of the meeting was thrown . .. ^rf.fc-M, transportation situation. George P. Mills ga ve a hiator*; of the attempt at auto^ transportation made fy the association last summer and pa and other speakers who followed 1dm pointed out the improbability of motor bus tramipopti^ to Bvanston, and also the improbabil- ity of it befttg poesto^ ^^^-, operating such buses to do wo profltr agatoitlabiy t&$m#mi.*j^j* >y botn Qas also shown thatthelOHsent »re ^ould pre vail as far south as Ho ward Wmto only and that an additional &«ent f are would be required from Howard ftYenne south to Diversey houlevard, to*^J^t**<mt^ now entitles one to ride from any point In Bvanston. Alderman Turnock Examine SUpm- Alderman James Turnock of the Fourth ward explained to the mem- bers of the association the present etatus ot the transportation situation, and gave It as hla opinion that Fteb. 17, the day upon which the franchise for that part of the street car line be- tween the south city limiU and Bmer- aon sti^ expires, there would be a 'discontinuance of any surface trans- portation inBvanston, and that the eompany now operating here wowJddo lffim, The "w a half, and anon a the reso rote stated to the thia articlft^j^ ' The resolutfeVwhi<* was as foBownr fift :Vv- the fjkJe^fri^' _______^_ .... Railroad eompeAy by ts« elty Q< Vc- •JMton for Use oawrsstfam of avsl|««i fa«road s^rk^ »s>oa #e^cal of the •treets m the etty iif itfilnstoi Ti sf mr* to expire, and wtth tjjto nvobs^hffitiea ia mind tlmt anntfestfssf^fo^^ <ranchiae,era «to*hito any at aosae thme to nothing untfl some local todpnffliwte towught to bear which wfll enable the linn where .they jw-siww" operat- ing; Mr. i*rn«* etatod ****** m«aber of the judiciary committee of the Uraaston eltjr councfl he Jmd baen tBforme4 fry counsel for the traction eosapany that they could do nothing ,J1& BHSJLB*xlfeaMgsjn' '"Cnsmssww^ w»»»• f^i that under existing conditions vftb On nhiiimn- ATenne - tenrove- tn fto injjaiftftt fttf. Impneaible to got tad that therefore the satoeMoa wowld have to. rest to ■twtaw asm "tor the lament at end sMtfl assno tor* 4Donld he which would enable shftto to sa - ih^ aeAaslaatoavoa*'asjiy fimnchtoe to the city cowncfl tor adon- [■■■■■■■ %!#* ■ = •■■ -■-v'.jWwi f^^^py" tb*^street car company itoett, and It wa|T suggested darinf the cour^ . the #yenii»g that the C^^|*lerclal as- sociation use its influence to bring shout the ne^aary ^aditiona preca, dent to further anthoriUtive action between the cHy*eimncri and the frans- .portitlim^coj^ President Macpherion csiied upon various merchant* doing business on Mate, Dempster and Davis streets to state wW eiT«jt toey toonght toe ab^ iteace of a transportation system in. Bvanston would have upon the local bdslness. Peter Randier made the ; principal address In response to this ' caU, stating that he thought it would have a very importejit bearing upon j local business conditions, and then he said that to his mind the attitude of the Sherman Avenue Improvement as- sociation, which has sought and se- cured signatures to an .agreement'of property holders not to sign frontage consents for the railroad company, very selfish and, in a way, inimieable to toe best interests of the city at large. This statement brought forth a hot retort from Malcolm C. Harper, who was present as a guest of the assooto tion. ;: ••>!. Effect of Car Line on Sherman Ave- nue Property. Mr. Harper undertook to show that the presence of the street car line on Sherman avenue was ah expense as well as a nuisance and annoyance to the property owners on toe street anil called upon any competent real estate man to contradict his statement that property on Sherman avenue Is worth less than it would be were the streot railway not there. R, Clarence Brown accepted this challenge from Mr, Harper and stated that he believed it to be true that Sherman avenue property is less Tftl* able than Orrington avenue property because the street car line Is on Shor- dther Orrington nor Sherman avenue prop-J erty would be as valuable as It la were it ^Vf^rj'-tlto'fairt-'toit the sttesit ear line Is on Sherman avenue. He denied the statement that th» street car line was a direct detriment to Sherman avenue, but said that Sherman avenue property would be worth more money If the street car line should be moved one block east or one block west of Its present right of way, but explained that this was a prospective, rather than an actual Increase in value. Mr. Brown further stated that in his opinion property on Sherman avenue and Orrington avenue and all of north- west Bvanston as well as the north* east part of to wn would materially suf- fer in value if there was no t^ansno^ tatSon north and south. To. Confer ¥irito Sherman Avenue Init provement Aaaoetotion. Upon ft suggestion by J. W. Work, President Macpherson waa authorised to appoint a committee ot three bera of tho assocUtion to coaler with the Sherman Avenue Imnrovement as- aociation to try to llhilpaonM saoanr by which an agreement can ho reached that wiU permit the street railway company now operating to Bvanston, or some other company, to get the frontage consento^ that "* necesaarily precede any presen of an ordinance ot franchise to the Bvanston city counca AW Woman's dish to Obtain Cfoan 8b sets. Mr. Macpherson was also authorised to appoint a committee of two to work with ajototconnnlttoo^of «bh;ifW>; ton Woman's ehto to bring s#ont cleaner condition of the streets and parkwaya of the efty of Bvanston. Mr. Macpherson explained that the ap- pointment of this committee was the result of a conference he had had with Mrs. Locy of the Bvanston Wesnssrw dab. Thia eonferenei seems to have been a conttnuahce of Mrs. Loey% ooammnnication to The Dally News, which resulted hi vntlonw articles which ha ve been priatod to tho last fww weohst and toft Istts^to herttoto tho editor of the News onTertog the of this ate with the every Jway ta« Mil vkteh thev seek to ^ISreat Assortment of K*iorr?sS<n m, ' Made in jGermaiif .^ :^ 'i'mf" ^'WlWit^have a big display 'all m^:^%Mm:^MB- rtU>: ■M>t C*lCe^Tckpli<me,Fr«Bkll«2006 feiP#t» :itli||i * --fesa „._,_„...................__J;e*p^A|i;|ii^ite :1 VUba Imm on improved North 9h«ne real «Ute from ' R^er. P.rk to Highl.«i F«k --•* ^ *--»«- T-*• 2tK3? in Lake _ tsM Iplesonwhichitpa glflsnesCeftificat --^Ktfiiie^^ ' 1 Oflfers §m ib^rt«i|Nteftt mortgeisaiwl! Improved teal fialft^io^^ ":: sums of fcooaud vym^. $e*& 1& m- :ZC:^-^li?---- '<^U:^- l OFFICERS AND IMTO?T0RS:^' ■ ';" ^FraAsioatoie,Frisida»4 J3»#**J^^ SmI^Q|e».Ceoaael B.0.ge^ar Arlhnr^v^reos.Oafhier : BanHlr^ Rooms v^^_: Aveawe and Shertdaa Road Wghkmd Fork. mmmmm A Real Vacuum Clodner THE M1LWAUKBB CLEANER has a powerful steftd of aXan. Th tire jp|>e|owerfuL tion on trial, offtol H2S.M. MUwaBkN Vkbhb CltulDg U. 474S Erantsi ava. imi»^iswm^ ►E have been doipg the dyeing, pressing and repairing for particular people for wort we care to reiiHmbj^O^ business has groMm^adigr*^ words, careful an^ntelligenlff^ofk is appreciated in thigj^usiness as in Jo^er. Wouldn't it pay you to - tip and give us a trifd? us -------- 7~Zrz . ■•-*'-' "■ ~'..0 '^"§* 1- iSSfl.'is.