tMMMMMllMMMMH.....I.............♦ sllltlo, ^"SJSldJ lS;:' ■«$'t-;?;;y >p Is sick with ton 1[ Miw Alice Fite^erard i« Ending P.ISI/.: TOirt<^ %i«f is ^endlnlsf|:gtlife; S8t' .<»rlstina^holId*^ ;ii'||: iiiM. Veajft ;|U«^;o|:,I4l»rt;jhrttI^ ,1b ##' t!i*;*^est:^^ •4pf'.;:i)fv and Mri. m; d ialienger^ai^ jigO spending the holidays •; jit .'■r Economy, ■:li»^ Wi&.:,and;^j^ moved Into their new,;ton^nii-,ij» den' ayenueH-iti*^ii^ J Miv and B4M. JL'■ J.i Barnees apent Christmas with Mrs. Barnes' mother at Kankakee,'Illt^ ■»/•Jld^.la>^^1ir;^■^I*w. of Qhi- cago spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Br» "and/. Mrs^to.? Bf Orcult spent Christmas at Areola, ill,, with Br* Orcutt's parents. ?%Ml'^^M^ & Mrs. Anna Rogers of Chicago lo the guest of :Aber,daughter, ma.^mr^t^ ; on ■A»^uty.:a*enue.;^^-i:- l^S'-I-llfe^ 3. tors. Parte I3|arfcj^ui injured <iulte badly while alighting from the el* . *it!d; '^»^drtivi»*^^i^B^^tej Christmas witn,Mr». Truby'a parents, le^ajtt^i&'fe r:;^^^^^^.^iBaii; ;■■ ^^ ■**■■■ Frank Wood spent Christmas flth £iui,':Jgfc trre^ th^^prond parents or** liMps^!^ ', .....if%;£#$ft ;^'B. ^McJUyanej^d y aro spending the Holidays with McIUvane'a father at Baltimore, Mr. .aiidifl' ,iM..- '4»?ti«ilR< CJjUski ^haiv*. ..JPft; turned ;<^p: tnet% weddin* trip and' ^^'••fW'te*'"-^ i..%s(*iW>t'» ■4 M^,and,|«i5p..; Jiunee M^Wt child^s*eji§Cnrla|na| #ith ? Mra '" ronit^l>ir«B;t»? Mir.- |ndyMta. Slmw Augustine Trapp wae burned about the face *hili playing Santa Claua at the Christmas tree celebration at the Sacred Heart churcb Saturday morn- Mrs. C. C. Porch has returned from Connertville, Ind., after spending serf eral weeks with her daughter. She has brought4a little grandson with her for a warns >»a»»MMM»»»»»»»» ami wM^£%$ ^ g#| ;S£ .'% Mrsf;: Jennfe;- ^lM|^rjw#|pf ?i# ■Jtojjsjsw<w^n^ nounces the engagement of her daugh- ter, Jeanette Adelaide, to Alfred Alex- ander Baude of Crtetocoe,;ip^||^%|p' il Iftl^ aid, |^ «4 Glencoe gave a week-end party at WSXMM '■^J$ W%$': ♦♦♦••MS »»MM» gif HREI The Bvanston teams annexed three games last Saturday night, the High School winning from the First Baptist Church of Chicago by a score of 28 to their residence on Woodlawn avenue in honor «f Mr. »jid M«. C. p^ Bun- pert of Wauseon, Ohio. Others pre* ontg#e«i!:|;?|d1r|4Monroe; and family «| Rogers Park, Mi B. O. Berglund of leiry!o|^liaB^o^ 14; the felues won from the Mark White bunch, 29 to 18, while the Reds defeat- ed the West Side Cubs, 17 to 12, in one J llSi;:r«e^:..ia|i^ ment, owinr to the fact that only tbcree of tbe Visitor showed uo on time to atari U»t^iae.|>Ailer a wait, tt was ;^Biw,,-W%r4:;irtin b*» &«•* ■mftM +m * anrnlned antta, «» onl *i»l»* and got into a portion of the^a*^ Earl Lamke, .f(^^--ef\-'|ai*:v:»if5l. university team, w«s out In * fffc and got into tie gam# with th« Wnaa* Ljimke has not been able to practice ^»djttp to thla tlinei but Dogs In Alaska, when on the trail, gry te4 jnieiA dajr^ after tbe^^» work is dpiieY TEey Ire never fed in ^'w^y*'■"W•■l'I«■^■■:^■;:^^1,*i■ what is more probable, wouM vomit up tnett breakfast soon after they got on the taria^Pofi, to work; weW, must bf mm fed, and H ii to»w economy to underfeed a dog. They are fed on % variety of foods, Including rice, tal- low, corn meal and nab, If rice*or «orn meal forma a part of .their food it must be cooked. Some men prefer to feed their dogs on bacon or flab, thus doing away with cooking. Cook* ed food is cheaper and more fatten* log than raw feed, but the question as to whether dofs can work better on eooked of uncooked food is one thai will never be settled so long as there are *mu*hcrn? to argue the ^inaatidu,;■■IC\t"',:!^p:;^-s:> ■;;":^^,-'UI ■■■ ~i^pffib^'"•'■ "••""■ t^"^1'"""""'""" "':'"""■■■■■■ ■""':' f S i Farrot Polled *Burglaii. \i' parrot wae the means of savins a house in Paris from the attentions of burglars. Three men broke in, but as they entered they were startled byf a voice saying, "Who goes there?" Im- mediately they took- to their heels and fled. When the owner of the house returned he /found the parrot still proudly repeating, ?'Wb# goes thereT" /"-'^^■to.Amtise' an Invalid..'""-" ^":r To amuse an invalid who cannot ilt Up in hdd arrange a mirror on an •asel in such a way as to reflect the moving panorama to be seen from the window. If the sto»et scene wearies the Invalid the glass may be uo fixed as to show the slowly changes sky» > Error to Try to Hurry, Women. A Fort Scott (Kari.) man and his wife were planning to take a trip, the Tribune of thai town says, and after they had decided on the day the man spoiled all the pleasure of preparing by suggesting that he "bet they would miss the train." On the fatal morning his wife suddenly remembered that she had not put in her mirror and rushed back to get it. When ahe 3Rsr>Looa f>l'c6m. Michigan$v*.*ijg^^^m^^mM^ started again she was sure there was something else she had forgotten and looked* in her suitcase to see. It hap- pened to be there, so they rushed to the depot. The train was Just out of sight, but ihe man djMnH;, say "I told you so^ He did say, though: '^If you hadn't taken so much time dress- ing we wouldn't have missed the train." '1 know that/' returned the wife, "and if you hadn't rushed me we wouldn't have had *© wait ao loaf, for the next train*' M'^ff^MMo fl^K: OUSBITS iiciF gisTOirr; Jj|3|§Sf a^f^ tki: W* JIW^Vfe:ii!i§s.:/ Ths wKs <rf William «aat, an aVialfab paper maaofaeturer, heiped him In tho factory, and ens day shs accidentally let a klus bag fall Into one of the vats of pulp. •#!• told its one aboot It, and the workmen %»ere astonished when they saw the peculiar eoler of «w paper from that vat>lit1m :,»fs»riaearfc;;isaa' than frlahUweeV he waa /far he thought It meant a) censldershle pecuniary lose. He could net dlseover the eause ef the mishap, and the) paper with a Wue tlitfle was etored In an out-of-the-wsy srtaoe. Few ■ if ei'ii -nM-M "• "'"•'■^asi^^'a'a^^Jt ■ sssv"-'-.issssskss) eVsBsWaaaat^ - JfPpW- aWWOlftWIi l-fv'.rwtwsf sMamVf} oot, and the fiisnafaeturer ship, •ed H to his anant In l^nde«v with Inetructiena to sell K for 'whet he cevld f^ f^aM days later he was as^swilahesl to isam that 'hfejt^^mi^m* en the: pmrfcat prlsa» awd -:imf». # ,««* m waa at hm wlta» end, far h# had not the ,«asri|t;;; "^najpJhTf tat a©elnpnx» "Oraara ■ *Qf P^npss*-- eeasji In, aasT the fsctwr «3opyrta1«, MSXay Jos»sb » HCWtWAPITADt -MM.