____lem Association tM Jomme Futureof Evantton Builnet* zation May Depend on Actien Taken. ^;';.,.;3|J!;;^S;^ #?2J',, ity of the Evanston Ctonunerclal asso- ciation may be hinging upon the ac- tion that that lKHly takee concerning the attempt which Mr. Peter Miller is making to harethe eesodatk done the referendum policy a» cated w one of the poMical platforms In the Me*eon|*>;:pis^ .,^;tfWTe**;w^^^ Tbie I« a copy of the resolution which Mr. Miller Introduced, and upon which action Urns deferred nntO today, when there la to be a apeclal meeUng o* the association: "Wfcereai, the franchlae granted to the Chlcai o ft North Shore Street Railroad c* mpany by the city of Br- aiurton for the operation of » atreet railroad aenrlce upon eereral of the atreeta In the city of Branston Is about to expire, and with the probabfUttoa In mind that application for a new ing franchiee may at some time in the near future be made to the city and ■ ■• >v;<$* woeJd, end heeawr w»lir tkta ! / iwavnet that t*Hawajajawaw*» ^f»*. _ ^_^___ ____ gV-?^PeV^"el^P^B«-'-P***^r-' py*C,.... "-- - action anum an? w^|e*iawnwa» ; ^n?W^;:- ^*" •*& -"■■,'->'*'■"-f .&u *■■",■ --.'• '*- - the' ewe - of Bjanen^BS . 'aunuBwww/^w*.| to ft referendum irote of the j*Witfttrther tnnt these eoaadl o( tk« <d» ot SraartM:«» i y.-,™ van™ i* J1S1F"' <lJ»"-^,^m->- «HL .. '.-...............-------„|,|,M -.a™*^.:- followed i '^twai; pnrpoee wna not to " onset the envawwrwnw' .w^nww. fc...™-! ........f„ _........ tale fMr P^eaen^etreet ramaay tlea. bet to fuetne dbmmeroial ci.Uion and ine^i^ city <> aa i .plnejifc^^^^;^;. ,§ :,.|fp|gff ,:; 8$ripj>ed of all ▼erblage, therefore thewertntlonweemtrodttcedanday earimisWl tuW ua. unanlef alillanntfltffunW1 -tdY flMaWfaM men to e» bers cf the association, of all poltticai '" fede^ don^btlng the win- doH ties in any" ^'"^ ■*;% *?"-4v(^#^' prtsoneri Mtee MnflftraU 8am :.|p ^i. J? Tne minimum f O^atued u $1 end **• .**».**. 3MfT».S'"fJf I and* Cofltfnues ifl <$ff.'M> men'a aaaoclation, an4 the first eeei tary rf the ipreeent otsnniaatlon, « prea#^ hteeeif fo«efjuly y^jaterdny when the matter wna called to hie at- tention. The lodge did not anthortse ^^Mfe.-*"'^' T-. '"' Prwieciitkwn «S:;to w.. ____.................. which he had to any on the sobjeet, but he was decidedly of the opinion that it :-*M^*#iiV lirb^ipn^letr*^ ::^^^^^i^^r,""'!!i;'.-<li'-- 'liisllS^fiil Two depety aherito hit the trail SatnYday night an4 leTsded the ;f^ oua i»wcin<U of a-blind PIT ootaide the dty limtta, eorner of Oreenleaf atiwetendDenowa^enne, The raid wna nuule In the eTenliig. about 10 o'clock. and the proprietora, Hm Beach of Sll Dempster street, and Michael Bchmidt thirsty occnpanta of the resort isete taji^li^eiito^ Iffa were Emll qumgelong. and lohn names 'nv^faWiia^ *& «#il; <** tor; Michael Schmidt, 180J Greenleaf atr«^ proprietor; Adolph Leaf, 1814 Waabington street; John Lepke, 1146 -Whereas, the membera of the Bv- -./ anstom Commercial assoclaHon, and, •*■ ae we belleTe, the, eitisens generally, are deeply interested to the dlspos* tion of the streeto of 0e elty to po> ~~^?. M. ntflity jtmim^^ i: further intorested In the metter of yj^yeonin^tt^^ fe?i^f^^jrtreeto|:'flie^w^ ||||p'::»beolfeeV;::^ i-;'^i'"j^etanees Jest'stated* the oeml»er tlie elf ect of cnUid^ matters on the old organisation, and; I woeld regret to see a repetition of the mat- ' ter to the present one.w -"• 'i.;iintijjjTriirrri iiiii')ji.r./;;n Dempster street Michael L« Hear, 784 Wesley avenue; John Kloepfer, 1610 Forest, 2014 West Kailroad arettue; Joe WBbrowskl, U46 Wesley aTenue. iit':liiii f,5' ■ ■.«"?■'i Established U AN^iiife' ,?:;*;4s^;-'-ltej Of I NgWa WANT APa wRl t. ;Thi::ie*:;e|e»^^;:le^o^ a shed and hse been running for some :nwi;IBi*.WiW*^ ipj|o|^^«^^ again, and «na until anothe/ raid Is a and latest asslfaf Just out, I ws e|_ tf'f^'ii' ■'■■■■■-■ 7*r"-':-~ , ■■■■■'". . -Sf*-" "'......•'■'■•'■• ■ ■■•', '.■•■.'*;;K,'.i?*"*.;;