I F#fttirif Bring Matter ... m an "lntarrle*#^ [Humphreys, P^^^^MJ^S? It Avenue Improyemejlj """""" "^ tformatlon on tW :lbe taken by *ne led. Mr. Httmpa^^^i^^f^^r law Pledged apl«r^liN!SS« %at It wUl be Impossible t* ^ipiejrp* ffrancbise on Sheraan v;;iM|||^:^li, Ibstis street nort&l rf^li^;^: ttrett expiree ggiisl-^ Jeomlng Febniary* i«4*** JS^iial li ::.f»ow making mnfl^i^:'^^^^, ifwuncM to bave,it;re»J*rj&^ ^jgA|Wfa«|. US BITS ISTORY WOUW.M IN LAYJNQ THI i.: ::■;! 'lly, Humphreys ^-t^-t^^-i^tti pany bad been ©onttnunlly tlolatlni run cars through to Chicago, without ,;.,1™,,,.»-* gen. The cotointtte*^m-mgt^M tte council ha« ttkeatho matter under' an>i*etnegi,l|^^ stood, has noised the oompany thai $»■ will take mi^VUa^^^"^^ paByobtainithe^oonteni "olthcfrontw,*^^ I.The assox>ls^:%^ Itbe law is in nilnoti, aa'ttey hare peen unable to find any dectolona to f this state. In other al«ta# l^ae been held that It Is n«)easary to get the pensent of a majority of frontage own- '.eft.hefore^awIraBifcla^ wwed. The aaio<JUtIoir^Ttt light tne pate to the flnrsn, and if any action lit taken toward ronewimj the fran- chise without first getting the desired aetraiescenee of the pre^erty holder*, {the we wUl be carried through the Partial Franohlae Not t^tltfactory. The franchise from sftnerson street north does not expire untfl three years from February, but Mr. Humphreys does not believe that the railway eon* P*ny win desire a franchise 10 Bmer- son street nntU they can ha assured that the franchise north wffl be grant. fail later. •. ■-W^^^^^^'V^i:.Ms- j Opposition from Nb^iilit Kvanstori. I Mr. Humphreys suggests that, in "cue the service sbouW t» discontin- ued on Shennan areiina, a. branch line f*s run from the Hfleratad on Central ^street west to order to provide for ithat part of the city which Ilea west 'tan Central street It is axpacted that [there will be conslderahle opposition I to the refusal of the renewal of the {franchise on the part of property holdert liTing to'the northwest pert of the city. Owing to the fact that the threat cara provide accommodation tor members of the Weet Moreland, the Evanston and the Glen View Golf f Jssse, it to rumored that the member- •alp of these organisations win not |p favorably disposed t-awsj^ aolg- IWimiance of ,^:*B^e^,;i|if||illf Unlversity'e Attitude Ufiecrtalft. I ! The attitude of Northwestern unl pmty towardXthe proposition is also H doubt. To date no authoritative ||toment of their, position has been out As the university owns eon >e iiroperty on Sherman ave- , . Jt attitude WTtiey^eeanw lift have wmsMeraWe to do with the r*«slon to the matter. The fact that W"also hoW a large amoont of ter- ritory west of the Blevated on*Gen- ii11 ,towt *** 1**®** **•** i*ai*B^tgr Iff* Proposition. Although the athletic ffW u axcessibto by the Ktovatedf it ;»more so by street car, and tike' esV m ^ that tb^ ^»eos«wiance of the :i4f^rln#'.^i _.„_.,,....___labors* Incessant. ty fel> twelve ysara and made llrty veyajea acress the Atisn- tla before he finally sueoecded In eceompfIshlnf. his great work of laying a cable across the ooeen. The first cable was com- pleted August 9, 1g0g. After a short time It ceased to work* ^anel the friends of the enter- •rlia^Bi greatly dlshoartenfc :94Sfflm:: Civil war came on, maltIna further nJTaatma imiMi" alhla far the time.-gutrioid held on, and In 1005 the second cable #aa_ begun. Aftfr the Qreat i^ttem^ 1,200 mllee on her way, unwind- ing, this aeeend cable, It part- ooV, ■ ttlll FleW persevered, though gg^OOyOOO had been sunk . « $n *NLfn**rar^|.;l'M July, 186J, ill^p^g^ihtty^eapief -a>wiw3'*aewee^ieiigir ■ was ceiled on the ^reat Eastern pM,-v^|.ajirted ,M^^#jai|r Mreaa th« Atlantic. Thie time the experiment wae a complete s^i^ Quarters, ,■'; Af*'A'"'.'li'^"'--'""1'"■'■.' .«MnaaiMiliatitiaUHili^^ ifl^riirg. ,«3opyrisht. mi, by Joseph B. BowleO The Hemenway Methodist church he)d services to honor ctf thej j^n#v fifth anniversary of th« dedlcaUon of the present church building, last Sun- . day. Dr. Milton 8. Terry preached in the morning, his subjecti being, "qhrls- tlan FeUowshlp." in the afternoon Dr. Charles N. Stewart delivered the sermon, on the "Joyousness of Rell- ":/'||^-: Sid ;Memberr P^^ ; •'^There: ^^vere; Mpros^n^ !:the:: ;meniheri^"w^ 'th#" ;-:l^rch when the present build- ing was erected twenty-five years ago. One charter^ memlw(r of" the chnrchi among those In attendance.^iDurlng the day a silver offerihg was received. T^^bscrlptlot^ offering amounted to $260. This sum wiU he the nucleus for a new building fund: The church Is jfo^p^*^ U> an enlargement' of the equipment. l^iuhda^imoW present quarters,:.BQ^to^:;^:pfc: tant future an addlUon to the present property '?*life^:liiSp^ church wiU move elsewhere to Bvans- ton. The silver offering and anniver- sary was an occasion for inspiration i&&&+*rf- '&Pi $M< i M","i%'8.»WSw*"t.;. BvtH^e^arwinter^^^to ;Wtfapr#^ Now fe SSBdpiie#a^ .wnolajfwe|^bnth*r^peqai-p^^ ta^i oflliakin! »rft^on*fronslc©nmletftASSorOT view 'fe.: