Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1913, p. 16

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^MiWl HELP WANTED Wanted--white man for general housework. Woodbine Situations wanted Curtains WASHED, COL0RED and mended first class work; called for and delivered. M. R. Moritz WANTED--WeLL-EDUCAT- ed young Swedish student who un- stands English fairly well, wishes to work in Evanston for her room and board in a family of not more than three, where she will have an opportunity for conversation. Ad- Ellen Tuveson, 5333 North Clark St. Chicago. ltc WANTED 500 customers at once. Skow, the tailor, 710 Main St., Evanston. WANTED Second Hand bicycles; bring bicycle and get cash. Chandler, Davis Evanston For Rent Aptmts. Evanston's finest apartments THE PARKER Hinman Avenue and Church Street Mason & Smart For Rent--Apartment in the Sherman, five rooms, steam heat; immediate possession, rental $50 Quinlan & Tyson 631 Davis St. FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, seven rooms and sleeping porch; $40 per month, Phone Evanston [J. H. Writter] For Rent 7 room house; hot water heat. 715 Central Ave. Wilmette. Inquire at C. H. Brethold's For Sale 6 room cottages Geo. Winter REAL ESTATE $8,500 buys a 15 per cent net investment in choice improved Evanston real estate east side, always rented and desirable apartments Owner Theo. Scheurmann. FOR SALE FOR SALE-OLD JEWELS, FOREIGN art objects at private sale. Mr. Wm. T. Shepherd his recently returned to Evanston after an absence of 28 years (residence in Boston. Mass.), bringing with him a large collection of old jewelry and foreign art ob- jects gathered during many jour- neys in Europe. With care and ex- pert Judgment as to each piece being genuine, and with that discriminat- ing taste which foreign travel imparts, the cdtoe/km Is one of rare interest, fad emelaBr so to those who trnvA mo«A Includes many lovely pifces Mridjpwelry, rings, necklets, brooches, chains, etc., some fine bronzes old Italian carv- ings and candelabra, metal work, curious time pieces, old glass, vases, rosaries and other religions em- blems, Egyptian and Etruscan ob- jects, and ornaments of great an- tiquity, old embroideries and vest* mentyrtome Flemish paintings Of theyrfth centnry and drawings by Masters. Visitors cordially wet- come from 2 tin 6 p. m, or evenings by appointment Telephone Bvans- ton 4H, or by mall to Wm. T. Shep- herd, 1724 Chicago ave., Evanston For sale R. I. [Rhode Island] Reds and white rabbits, 50 cents each, also pen of Buff Orpingtons (1 cockerel and 4 pullets), $5. Spencer ave., Wilmette [R.M. Evans] For Sale Delivery or BUGGY horse; fine condition; 1,100 lbs.; cheap, if sold at once. Phone [Renneckhar Drug Store] Phone WU- For Sale buffalo Robe Ashland Ave. For Sale Lewis Water Power Washing Machine in good condition, 1022 Lake Ave, Wilmette For Rent rooms Furnished room for rent 1022 Lake Ave., Wilmette For Rent in Evanston A bright, sunny room, two windows, southern exposure, [Wm. Shepherd] Lost and Found [Mrs. Geo. Rider] Lost Black water SPANIEL, about 7 months old Please return to 730 Central Av. Wilmette. ltc Lost a small beagle hound; white with tan head and ears; white stripe on forehead; black spots on back. Return to 831 Warren St., Evanston. Reward. "Also he done It ■ah."' m Beyond His Power, James I, bem'g reouested by his old *orse to make her son "a gentleman. Mfcafvered emphatically: the od'eil hlniselVoooldna'mnJk* him e gentleman.". Long-Lived. "Oh. yos, I come of a very longr lived family. My fnther cut eJWrd «et of teeth when ho was P^o]*^ •-That's nothing. My grandfather died of infantile paralysis when ho wan ninety-seven. MISCELUNEOUS UOHUY TO LOAM. Bhoro pros- forty. Iff* Judicial •selling. A probate Judge In western Kansas wrote to the judge of the juvenile court In Kansas City asking for in- formation as to how the court should bo conducted. He spelled It "juva- bJT nrst, then "Juvenil,* and finally nuvanfle;" three try*, and a clean la all three. Charles Blakesley of Ksnsas City recalls that there was ones a probate judge In his town who spelled It -probat jug- and a con- stable who used to span his own title _______ Tho celebrated Judge Noggle of Wisconsin, and a good judge ho was, too, once told a prisoner at hw bar that he, the court, knew the man to be a fraud as certainly as if hs saw the letters F-R-O-A-D stamped on h« forohcad.--Now York Mafl. Unpardonable Sin. In religious controversy the unpar- donable sin is attributing bad motives to those who differ from us. fotDrlokiB* Batb^SOO Siscs 70 W. L; PhoM c«atni em Street Chicago M.GLAS8E* V GLASSERBII J. GLASSES Ladies'Tailpjr' :: ■ --HF^Tfi^ 8M2.54 ***** *«*\JU "*™£&£szM tdoor. No. of *%" Btm. TaL Late V^WWtt NorthAnisnmi BMs. TW.OntM rat -^ ~A •>/ DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON 'M&>■ 0&I1 20C/C DEKS DURING THIS MQN^I^Wl l&si Mil Telephone Calumet* 424 :m^B^'^M GENERAL WtPAIRING AND P Noi^Shor^f^njicb^iaSlMl^nARCliMne Mh 'MA 'W&:'-. W^t^^^^^^&0mw^^^^^^^ikM£' !'?Ml"'■!'c 'W00^ m m _„__„(£ the station, with a^^ Wilmette a station and^ terminal that shall by the Village Board of a small strip of an nnpaved dead-end street nnd eer*^ ^ with the hinii-grade improvements elsewhere in the village^ tahrntnised alleys entirety soirormded by real estate of the Bnilroad ,(0o$Bk^^^^tkm pieiierty,folio be an artistic concrete '■■- -- --■^.....■-- - ■■'■■^:-^ ' for a franchiae. It has that NOWe It waats ^ p ^ w-,--___- -__________o- --_____________________________-____- ** tae^p thnt a Mgh-o^nde, artistic teminal iv^ tie it t6 tme, to the bent sdvantege of all, the property and the rin%ts #iOtMjSSKt- **& i^UEb^&:mmMAM^0^ of improvement*. ir rr itffeayLJb """"' .........." "" '......■■•■*■■■--- |t^heJDwn|iflny is not aeic^ for e xram . .._..... ^ ._„„_ tW c^^^stion <^ tb« village and the vacation of ti»e land ipffl hi ilnfimitet v.

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