Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1913, p. 13

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.iSS W. Y. SftVBd vJSm* mtOi^m t^gwats in Toledo* ierly of 1446 f moved to wmmmM^ IfvMr. and MrC,1.:^^f#dl^4«M; Ifamily o'1020 Con^-:«rii^|«/£gr*i** fetting relatives In-i^Li^ |r:"Dr. A. w. Blmerliil""' ?fj*venport la., §pei^:;,|io-|^Mil^ jlr, and M^1Wn$#r ':&,3*%|$il llr. and Mrs. Prank Robpina «ld family of 1026 linden «vontto «re visiting relaUves in Mldd^town/OlUO. 5 Miss Florence r|t«(|njag^^$5:r^^t« Incite avenue, has been confUied to^ 5%rboine for se^r§$g^in%^ The. Misses Rose and Barbara Dtierst are sp^^b^^M^M^; wfcn v 8 ^^^^s^pip1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. MOlnaann, ] formerly of 2029 Monnwk street, Chi |cag», lMve.m^i^^^(,^0^i avenue. ' . r-^^^^^k^'^^ __Jfr. C. W. Lasher, Jr., from Seattle, Wash.. spenT"a~!f l^and Mrs. W. IX IP^^;.^||]|M.'iJ|i; If^mie, last week. ..■';. ;';;^fe^-%^ i Mr. Samuel Cohei^ 122« Gregory avenue, is in Bermuda in the West Indies, and eipects to remain there for several wccks>:^- .::,«§J ......--- -' ■ "m t avenue, la spendlfl* the holiday r Wi> f W II Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Miss Latham have as guests this week Mrs. Broadwell and her daughCer, Mrs. Seymore of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. €. Dck\i and chil- dren, 723 Central avenue, spent Christmas with Mr. Dodd's mother, Mrs. H. C. Dcdd, Valparaiso, Ind.. Edward and Gertrude, two email children of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Knox, ;v| 1617 Lake avenue, are confined to I their home with scarlet fever in a *"s mild form. ^T^0r-^^^'^-- Mrs. Mathias Block, undertaker and embalmer ^ ^H^^^fi0^^mmet who accidenUy felt and broke his arm Thanksgiving morning, is getting along very iUe^,::^^^A,;f: V ' Mrs. Wimam Wallace Kerr, 707 Forest avenue, will entertain with a reception in honor of Mrs. McBain of Grand Rapids, Mich., on Friday and Saturday afternoon, Jan. 3 and 4. Miss Eliaabeth Haskins, who is at home from Wells college, was guest of honor at an entertainment given by the Misses Flynte of Lake avenue last WednesdayCe>eutngC^::* ■ Mr. and Mrs. George I. Dietrich, 22 Washington avenue, have as their guests during the holidays Mrs. Dietr rich's Bister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zimmerman and daughter, Virginia, from Detroit,:MUfa^^A:. Ralph and, Everett Patton from Tennessee, but formerly of WHmette, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. l. Rice and family, W8 Central avenue. Kingsley Rice entertained a number of their young friends at dinner, last Thursday evenlngr^ The wedding of Miss Ruble Biddi- *ord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Henry Riddiford, 1036 Greenwood ave- «"»*. to Frederick Alfred Hill, Jr., son o^Mivand-Mm Frederick Alfred Hill of Austin, will take place at her home, Thursday evening, Jan. 9. Miss Grace HUU aister of the, groom, will be maid of honor. Mrs. 8arl Deakin and Mrs. Thoniaa Rfeilo will serve as ■atrons of ho^or, an* MJes Dorothy Carroll, Miss Besste. Dunbar and Miss w«ma Code will be bridesmaids. Mr. Hill, father of the groom, will be best "•an. Warreav Coning wiU serre as ""aater ©£ Cftremonlea. . The grooms-^ ■« witt be Victor HiisTsagh, John Merriman and Bollin Hergar. Alfred ** Ruth Watt, oouaina of the bride, win stretch the Tibbona.^^A number of entertainmenta are to be given f or aOss Riddiford. MOas Grace HU1 of ^Netfn kaa Jss*e* invitation* for an "At home" Thursday afternoon, Jan. §§§.M^:lfe and.Jtrm Riddiford wiU en- fH tertaia the bridal party at dinner, t. •&*■■; '.Wr HI #p vacation with her parents in Michigan. ;T$te';^i;^vitof*nstt-:.0f North Branch, Mich, is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden &-3i^^^ high school sorority, entertained with a dance at the Ouilmette Country club, New Year's night Mr. Dudley Baker of the university at Ann Arbor is visiting his uncle, Mr. Frank Baker of Lake avenue, during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Palmer, 1226 Hill street, Wiimette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leila, to Joseph W. Graf, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Graf, 1240 Gregory ave- tiuefl€:m.irri::f!::- ■'■*"*:-:,;: ■'*,. _ :> The Beta Psi sorority, another high school society, held their annual danc- ing party at the Ouilmette Country decorations were beautiful and the young people very iwtto»ett?^^f ^^S^r': ■ The annual New Year's gathering of the Butz family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Butz in Wirinetka. Each one who attended was asked^ to-be -dressed Ul a cos- tume suitable for a country fair. Miss Nulla Buck, 1624 Spencer ave- nue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. B. TJ. Hubbard of Rockford, Mrs. B31av Luce of Belvidere, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nut- tall of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. I* Camp, and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hub- bard of Evanston at her home Sun- day. Mr. Charles J.Xrots of 714 Green- leaf avenue received word on Sunday of last week of the sudden death of his father In Boston, Mass. Mrs. Cross left immcdis4sl^=Ser Boston to be present at the funeral. Mr. Cross is connected with the Cress & Co. livery at 1225 Central avenue. The many friends of Mrs. Mayme Ward were shocked at the news of her sudden death at the home of her son, George, in New York City on Christmas eve. Mrs. Ward, with her daughter, Miss Reba Ward, had just recently been visiting their aunt Mrs. 8. M. Dingee. She had a severe cpld when she left Wiimette, but she so anxious to spend Christmas her son that she was determined to make the trip. By the older residents Mrs. Ward will be remembered as Miss Mayme Westerfleld, daughter of Children, if accom- panied by their |>*renu or sonie re- ^morn^ ^^^ sponsible person, will be welcome, *"* "fti but it is hoped that the older class of ydung people witt take advantage of this evening's good entertainment. ■,;; MKTMODliT CHURCH. The regular monthly luncheon of the Ladles* Aid society of the MetbOr dist church will be postponed one week on account of New Year's and will be held the followihg Thursday, Jan. 9. The business meeting will be held at 1:30 instead of 2 p. m. All are cordially invited. « «± ^H^ one «^« ?&£2E2KXK»& residents of Wiimette. The family w W- ■*■■■»...... home has lately been in Alexandria, Minn. ■ * Mre. C. H. Klemm of 420 Park ave- nue held her annual Christmas party for the entertainment of the littje folks in the neighborhood. They en- Joyed the afternoon by playing games, singing and recittog7smaCrecItatiohsi after which many pretty prises were given, also many pretty favors, and refreshments were served. The folr lowing were the little guests who atr tended: Master George and Lee Abegg. i Howard, Catherine and Babe Dusham, Joseph Flossie and ABce Arns, I Agnes McCormick, Lissie Schaeffer, Herbert, Joseph, Louis. Katie and Margaret Schopen, Feeme, Margaret and Norman Foreaman, Jack and William Faherty, BSaine and George Morkenthaler, Raymofid Nilles, Florence and Joseph Gonial. Cauley, Imammm womaws club. About 200 children were enter- tained at the Womanfa. club last Fri- day. Miss Katharine Reynolds Mo- Connick entertained them with a re- cital of Uncle Bemus' storiea and sev- eral songs. Miss McConnii* baing * .otrtherner, ah* waa able to give the true soathern accent, and her ttttte llatenera were^harmed^Mra, itac- Hiss MacCanley and Mrs. The arresting officer said he didn't know Just how the trouble had start- ed; but it seems, according to the tes- timony offered in police court, that Mrs. McTlgue hit Mr. McTigue over the head with a rolling pin. Mr. McTigue was staggeredrbut be- ing game, he came up smiling and knocked his wife against the ropes, After sparring for an opening, Mrs. McTigue got hold of the rolling pin again, feinted with her left, and theft soaked her hubby over the right eye. He wis still dreaming when the po- liceman arrived. After the testimony had been taken and Mr. McTigue had stepped down from the stand a stranger arose and said: ■' /t':"*r:;T;}.." "If the court please, I would like to ask for the dismissal of these people. Their detention is interrupting my business/and the policeman who made the arrests deserves to be severely censured/'. ," \; ■ >';.■<>*$,■■ i^ - "I am unable to fathom your mean- ing, sir/' the judge returned. . 'Then I will explain," said the stranger. "I had secured the kineto- scope privilege* on this light, and un- less it can be resumed at once, I'll sue the city for damagea." A public apology was then made by 'the authorities, and the affair went on to a finish without further interrup- tion. ■"';'■ '.;■- .:'j-\ ■;:'■"*[;;•:,;'iv */:■;<'"/ fl^sakSMaAMflpaa^sK "Ah, mees," sand the Coun^ Mycti OM-'wnat you call him t--one anget" "No," repUed Miss Bullion; "thatTe the part pa Is to play." Her Liberal Dad. "My father is trying to get me to promise not to marry until I am thir- ty years old," she said. "In any event, he says he will give me a thousand dollars for every year that I wait." >■ "Gee," he replied, "if yon held out couple j* He Found Otft. ' < "What is that ugly-looking building across the squarer asked the visitor. "That is our city hall," replied the chairman of the reception committee." "Heavens!I Whoever could have de- signedsuch a monstrosity as thatf* "■""■ '.'tft'" Net Alwnye* ...:■;■-.■'. :^/-.^ darenoe--It is always the unexpeet- ed that happens. Charley--Oh, I don't know, t ex- pected Old Burnstead to fire me oat when I went to ask him for hfa daugh. tar* ?J>- .".>..•.!-' Clarence--Well? ■■ <■ :--p/i^m Charley--Well, that's Just what he did. ' " .'"■>;■■;*:•;" 'r.. . J",^':-J":~.^l-r:.: F- . -■-- i:. ; .....'- <■; :^>^ Unrefined Cruelty. Young Novelist--Ah, sir, I am high- ly flattered to hear that yon take my book to bed 'Z^J^^J^,. it there. ■ v ;' "^-*■*•"■ '"■••'*^i",':;4^v«S'$|^ Old Scrumpy--Yes, I've been trou- bled with insomnia for a long time, and I find one of your pages better than any medicine the give* ■•'■•■•*- >P■■ He JCnoues «Yes, sir. X know one keep a secret*;^,,: -please explain." ^^ rMy wife and I haw for ten years now, yet consented to toU use that she is always i*MS atrs. Timmins--We're got to^ move farther out from the business center of towiv that's setUed. My husband isn't able to keep track of current events at all any more..:;^sp, "■.; :^M»3?uaaley^:', would be able to keep informed upon, the affairs ot the world any better if you were to move farther out • Mrs. Timmins ■ Why, it's enough. As it is, he has only time to read the sporting„pago while on his way down to the office in the morn- mga. By increasing the distance he a chance to- look at some- once in a while. a;.*f^ipS^iTIs>;Ofte»^u^ Billinge-^ heard Jameson make a statement yesterday that surprised me tery much. He said he didn't have a dollar's worth of property in the world Tompkins--Were you alone him at the timet ■■,$$$$£ street -emris#,!ta!tf W<W. I -^m Tompkins T thought so. He probably sitting next to a tax coUeo- A---'••>"'^^-;r;<.'A^r-?,i^^'Ti\:- ">■'■■■■'"■ ■>■■-■.■ ■ ■,-'-,'■'-,■ ■ ".■'^■■■^■■'-.sjttid-- Arrows*.. .■ ':;*:.:: Dan CupW. so the petts sayi •tralsht Into ptopl«'« hearts. If this is true, some naughty sprite , Or mischief making gnome / . • "itMas mixed she arrows;up for spito Wkml the god waa not at horne^ Iter half the carts he ahoots today^ * Pierce hearts that they should not. And so the dickens is to^ pay , ■ For many an evil shot!., ;&&*■&*>: •^a, where^ waa WashlMMrn<»rnr In Virginia, my son. You must re- member that Ohio was not then in the IJWon^V -■' ■ * 'til II ■■ i ■■.--iMi' 'in. mi ; ..PeerAnd Puny.. \:kr,, .^__^„ What a poor, puny, shoveled figure Merit always appears to Conceit ^t -., ;::'■ .-fjsiaijwaifc-^v^i ■ , «Do you reaUy believei-1* George Washington nerer told a lief* "I sometimes doubt it He waa a property owner and must have had to fix up a tax schediiM."'5'^ HI. Position Ixplslned. One of the curiosities of the British house of commons, rery rarely seen, was Brie Drax, for many years mem- ber for Dorsetshire borough. Once, at a general election, on the day pre- vious to the nomination, he put out the following address to bis constitu- ents: "Electors of Warebam! I un- derstand that soma evil-disposed per- son has been circulating a report that 1 wish my tenants* and other persona dependent upon me, to vote according to their conscience.. This is a das- tardly lie, calculated to Injure me. I have ho wish of the sort I wish, and I intend, that these persons shaU vote for aV :'--:;:-'Vi'i*: ?w ;:?*--J It Is All Made Plain. 'Gertrude says no man has her/1 "I haya attoxr wondered showed such a decided preference tor more boy*" • . . . ^-^^"M;; ......^^i^mm^ia^ irtin clothes, k rJi3 distinctive toi ter,sty] >»£ Ng*.TH SHOR il^mj&***,... ■■'"-■"--- and Mi

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