William *is tariff thiro :the .'V,-> w* ;'-'$PP Maw tork.;|w|;&'- â- .â- :â- /;*&# ; • ^"J^^pd"' Ihn W'llil'1^ 71# Washington,P<:£^te;:;.; â- ,â- ;:â- â- %:â- f&" Francis Atwell. #98* ;fl*p** ISm is mum *mm«m& i^pjohn Keith of th* BIpwo<# fa i^tolntog »* sisl^ ^fippWii "STari her two -:iqg^^ Hav&a* ........v ,^;iW#,SI4ai«ii; as her guest Miss ^^.â„¢.w, .* -^ Frank Collyer of «««, Pasadena, gave t linen shower 8aturdar _ . .,.__,.......... .....NW^Ai«6£^ Thursday eveni 'â- «*•* $&$ rwt ayenne. mw&. wS u m |t|^C.W.Hmmatf«n lei HUlnun win return* f^^pssjft; ^ a nfeminthaMtistt inj**ftad*K ^ir/lnd Mrs. Frank Y; Morris, 2407 g^ripon street, has been entertain- in* Mr. John a Butcbmore of .iMTMay' tngton, d. C. f , :^&#^»tm«* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strohn, 820 amiin street, left Saturday to spend M**** and ty*^$3gj& iufeaand New Yam^Wmm^m Ura W. T. Hall, 1868 Sheridan road, hts as her guests her brother and his M Mr. Joseph Somer|-i^i|M, mm, of Newton, KaiiP#f#^«^ Mrs. P. W. Nichols, 889 Judsonave- bw# wlU hare Miss Catherine V. Wil- •ob of Lexington, Ky.,'â- :i^^Sk,^ rive this week, as 'her :03^^:ifP^l Boy Graves, who is attending thv Univewlty of Illinois, is spending the Christmas holidays with has parents, Mr. and Mrs. AXb^^H^r^^^Sf } Mrs. James S. Murray and Miss Car- roll Murray, 320 Greenwood bottl* . are expected homo on? Wedne* day from their months' trip abroad. Mr. Warren White of Hayden, Colo., il expected home this week to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. WUlUm J. White, 323 Hamilton street piister Pientia, a nurse at St. Fran- 'iffhospital/ vm^j6^"x;B^^: morning following an operation, was sorted Sunday morning; in Calvary «petery. ' ."i^^^WPSlSI Bur. and Mrs. J. Jv?ail Bveiyv 813 Sherman avenue, are entertaining as their Christmas guests Mrs. Robert Henry Keith and daughter Katber of Baltimore, Md. Sri. M. J. Garty, 833 Forest ave- ane, has returned from Galesburg, UL, where she was called last week •n account of the death of her aunt, ^ wTlkins Seaeortl. ' .,_ for luncheon Saturday it the Blaokstone January V hotel, after which her guesu attonded . .._..,.....m.r , ,-,.....,.,|;P»»^^^:w^ fjl«jkiJM â- . Biv H, B. Alday and hU slatar# Miss iW^||£^^ Minn. X4mr» B. Alday,of Ooeon Grove,N. J., Mr. M. H. Wilson and his sister, are guests of Miss Mary B. Bayliss, ~^^iliiBi^^i The Gamma chapter of the Theta '*«ft.;:'.s%MpS'^SWIliiiil;<*' MWM^,ii|et:,s^^^ afternoon PresUdentAbram W. Harris was at 2:80 o'clock at the home of Miss gueat of Nortliwestern Alumni of New Annette I^ke, m Mam street M i City at the Waldtfrf-Astoria ho- Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Kes- ,., ^... ..,*,*.**.,.„........ ,..,«,,.., ...... ^ ^ie :^'|foyaa,:.:;itt«^-afe!; rejoiolag oyer the birth of a son, William Mr. Leland Tolman, who has been in business in Sail Fraoelseo, arrived Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. M. 8. Tolman, 919 ^ Hinman avenue. Registered at the Avenue House are Mrs. C. M. Brooks and children, Bat- Th '-; an- nottnced of Misa Clara Naomi Bene- dict, 1488 Hinman avenue, to John D. Staples of ^fmmoi^ ^ BIr.- Dan B. Brummitt of Wanston will occupy the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry* F. Ward, 2612 Park place, while they are in California, WC£) -1^.r â- â€".--â€"-.. -â€"â€" -râ€"____r.^-..^~. i Miss Carolyn Ware of ?t Paul, tie Creek, Mich.; J. H. Reynolds, Har- . Minn., who has been the guest of Miss Ian, la., and F. T. Snyder, Milwaukee. i Bessie Robinson, 1226 Ridge avenue, Mrs. Ida J. ShotweU, «80 University ' for three weeks, returned home last place, win go to Memphis, Tenn, to ;^|e^;lftli|fli"f ^lt'SI€l^->' ;':'> spend the holidays as the guest of her Mr. Andrew Parker, Jr., who haw brother, MfrWv-& ^oMJPAi«^JiBI been making an extended visit with '11* ':%J^;'^!S^#^^fe^^S: his niece, Mrs. Thomas L Stacey, 1812 Mrs. F. N. McMuUen, 404 Green Church street, left Friday for San wood boulevard, who has spent six Francisco, Cal. -;V montha in Italy studying the language Mlas Katherine Brundage of Lan- and art of that country, returned home sing, Mich., who was visiting Miss this wieek. Margaret Moore, 1800 Main street, is Mrs. W. F m After having pia€***kum Sheffield Silver Curios competed to close our Ji of some unexpected reasi Everything in the stock, iir jiuwB»r«fr awww, mwo».u »..«««., «. «*«». ,r. *• LintneT of Chicago Is now the guest of Mrs. B. B. Hoover in with'her sister, Mrs. Frank F. Corby, Hyde Park, IU.;-â- •â- •'â- '•.';F|-v"V 1462 pesley avenue, |0r a couple of Miss fltiiie De Sha«4 191* Orring- 4aysS Mrs. bo^\^:^^m%;^^ ton avenue left Saturday for her much: with. ffwiriiMtiiHU?^^^?v:^W*'-^ home in Memphis, Tenn^, for the ;:|ft^'^.,^ Christmas vacation. She will give a 2036 Maple avenue^ have returned, reciUl while there* from Mennioiith, IU*, w^i» Ihaj^ ir^ illss:r-i&^\T*Ws': of Galesbur* <*W W ^:^M^$Mn who to attending Lo^^ l»e the guest of her cousin. Miss Fay Mrs. Frederick -P. Connor, ^BDeum- McKie, 1914 Orrington avenue, tor ster street, was recent^r hoateas^ ft ;^IMi*if,IW«l«««#il___ , OF CALIFORMIA f auiTs oufsibMKatajadtaJ^themelMffApj and wa will have iTrJsidyUrT^BWwh^ ,,.^11^^. ..... .. raaklin 39S1 CHICA G O, tiM*;0mm p& and Mrs, Wffltaft 1|i^ B>d- " " of 1036 Greenwood avenue, WU- have issued invitations to the Se of their daughter, RuWe, to Jck Alfred mil, Jr., the pere- »oay to be performed on the availing &$mL 8, ^18, at t o'clock. - r* the Christmas holidays. Mr., and^Mri» JaTOM K» Armsby, 1333 Maple avenue, gljl be accompan- ied home from ^ aouiii by; Hhelr ^^^;^ifU»v.'|;^ Armsby, who will tolnner parents at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Ward aad family of 2512 pirk place will leiV0 Wednesday for a three months' tour in California. Mr. Ward is secretary of social service commission of the Methodist chwch and" will lecture on the; vwsiern,;. coast*^*l'r â- â- Y&A-- Wa» Ruth Cumnock pi Boston, who has tor si* treeiks been tha guest of her coustoi^;.p|^:B^p^.:l;W Chicago avenue, Ififl. fit P; Rida«way# Itl4 Hinman avenue, and of her uncle, Robert 1* Ctamnoek, 1804; Hinman avenue, left ^rsday tolr herliome. Tho gtarr^a|»reMalsa Harriet Pay Bitei daughter ef Mi?, Henry Bitel, and Blr. Samuel Roger Wells of Bv- anaton, took place Saturday at th«v home of thet, bride's father, 1811 North Martdtoa JfrPPV Tudiap' dian Phone 2B98-2S99 Xmai Matinee 3 v. m. V**- MRS.WIGGS?E. *^«wrtsiFiinsji«<j6oss»isacf apolis, fad. Mr. and Mrs. Wells wpj be at home after February 1 at >W Hinman avenue* - v ^ â- .^| -, The following* are registered at t ie Avenue HouSet J. MeNaugbton ai id wito, Peorte, 111; J. W. Looker, MI ?e Groff, MUwaukee, Wis.; C. D. Rirt i, Oiicago; W. C. HavUand, Aurora, Il .; Clarence Bond, LIbertyvllle, 111.; j V. HJitevens, X)r« Stevens, MMWauk e, Wis • H. B. Sternberger, Jackson,! >.; Ed De Wall, Baileyville, Ml.; B.Wi jt- wan, Forreston, I».; O. De Wi H, Taunton, I1L; B. A. ***»*! ^ aoo, tns.; Ray Harris, Zlon City, H . larrangements are betog â„¢*****. ^ease the facilities of the North i Sanch station at the »*££ Ito Library, ^^^^^ Z phray of the Ubrary board has> «W er cUsMerition l>lans for iif«-^ £ inti^st m the stetlom Anyonaho J SSy. M. C. A, where thoW^r |a. to be in the »ranch stotlo*. â„¢ North m*«*m**&32&-v ^ to maJto uae of ^J*«^ •ftornoen .i^-'t^-^jS^-STt a^ery Saturday evarfs*Jrom r^» ?oi!aoc>^The: e^jliafl^, -BE jjjjjJS ^?^^^- jsfisj«s|"...... --.â- â- -....... HSH bridge party and luncheon in honor of Misa';,V^ii^;^iM " "'"'"" just returned from abroad. m^m^Mm Mi|| Maiid Ragotin, whom Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parkhurst of 1830 Chicago avenue brought with thap from IParlsi accompanied them &â- $$!$. ?|B| Beach, Fla., for the wtotaj^ kl â- â- â- && Mr, Jcnarles Faujkitor, wto naa spent some'months at the home of his cousin, Mrs, L. B. HUdreth, 1228 Jud- aon avemw, left Weditoso^ |non^ for Denver, Colo., to reside. .-.,:;^:^^^ Armand Crabbe, the barltoiie who made a hit last night at the petto^ mance of Pagliacci at the Auditorium, will star witl*'â- **• ^hotlstora at *!» Paullist concert in Bvanston, Dec. 20. ^Edward m&e^ Sheridon road; and net father, Mr# Caldwell, returned Wednesday^ from Atlantic City; N. 3.. aMf»toiir ^ Skinner â- preceded:r$^^10My::.1*ti wook. â- "â- """ .,,,1V"V..?' -'-^"v', Prof. Henry Hatfield; V(*^ !• *ke guest of his sister, Mrs, W;;% Bohart, 1423 Bb#woqd avanusv a^ ^ Wa mother, aroi Jantoa T« B|tSe|d* is dean of ooiniiwroe fe th^ of California at Bers^ieyt â- f i i I Mr. and Mri, Frank Bwald. 750 Bin- man avenue, HiM issued tovitatioiiw to the marriage of their^ugfcter, Gladys, to Jamea Ro1»ertsoj MoKa^oa Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, at the First Methodist Episcopal church. Bishop William iC McDoweira*^ Timothy P. Frost, im parform the ceremony, after which a reception will be held at iho home $f the bride's .j^-: ;ents.; ' f":i..^^v^ 'â- 'â- \-:-::\-:;-/"'^'. on ThSi|i8vbiif W.J& **#<»' «lo^,^S*^ana^ M<^^^^^- mansee, formerly of 1^0^**^ avenue, aMoliiiced **• «J>sjsji«ia*t of her daughter. Miss Lethf Woodman- gee, to Dr. J. Bmihett Gable of Oa» bridge, Ohio. Dr, Gable was formerly a prominent i^vatolan of Ghlcafjraad j^anaton. The ls?ide4o*e la a^a* nate teacher of the New American school S:#s^;^;iii--*i.^P*.^ building, Chicago, where aho taught Since goto* t* MU*UW M f*# ** has met with ^^^^M^ vocatioA. 81^ Is possessed ly^ aweel roto* and el«i^s^|0ai«r alltymet* wedding wffl take Place at Christmas time la the Methodist «b> copal church at ^l»e% ** 1I*^*?F ,teott^^:He^;;^-»^^W * whom s IMsjtteiti^"-'lto;;Hg«™ fe^ ^ite .SSa^Si^ M