Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1912, p. 14

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â- Â» #0^^t|>>t>ttMttt##ff#l0MM»»#»»»M»l»»» 3$% fe: ||P ?# .^Jtmr'-Wmt'-tm..- Bmerson street, baa gone on a trip through Ne- braska. ;*:QS1-,:. ;'j^iÂ¥$^' V-,-- â- â- >;â-  Sundsy for Pasadena, Cat, for the ?lâ- . Mn. ianiei 6. Hibbftn/ 908 Judson avenue liAf b«ett ili In bed for about tWO Weeke^^fSPiftpf' V. V|il"i:?|/ â-  'W "?'â-  Albert Ramjle of St Louis, are regis- tered at »Ow Avenue Houae. pj^r'-rm strecV ha* as her gueat her cousin, Mr.XL. Larsonof Ludington, Mich. | Wtt^ Kathar/n Wilaon haa beenUl forlfour weeka at her parenU' home, Mr| and lira. B. B. Wilwn, 423 Green- leaf 'atraaM^;1"'^^'"^'--•', ?-*-: â- â-  â- â- : â- >.%. -.v S :^.jiiafi!£;; £ H. J^le^ «»81 Sheridan road, returned home last weak from their winter home at Mat* noifa'Sijri^ 7$" Thursday night waa ladles' night at the.Bvaiiatouclttb. Music and auction bridge constituted the program and about 100 were pre•en^'""#^^^v^^;i#; - Registered at the Avenue Houae are Miie Gullg, Fond du Lac, Wis.; J. P. Phillips, Chicago; H. L. Lawrence, Chi- cage; h fe Staples, Gladstone, Mich, Fred Skinner, 429 Sherman av» very pleaaantly entertained a few friends at her home on Thursday afternoon, In honor of her birthday. fUss Edith a Reider, superintend- ent of the charities in BJvanston, ad- dressed the midweek meeting at the Corenant M. B. church on the "Spirit oflHviiig/^ %. £rs. Gerry Brown spent Thanksgiv- ing with her aunt, Mra. H. Dyrenf orth, 741 Forest avenue. Mra; Brown re- turned to her home at Spokane Falls Dr. Bartow of the University of X1U- nola, was the guest Thursday of Dr. and Mrs. S. Victor Balderston, 614 Clark street. He is here in the inter- Mrs. Bllsabeth T. Hutchinson, urer of tbe National W. C. T, U., has gone to Vinneld, Kan., for the hoik days.,-.:/.â- â- â- ;.".'., ;â- '.." ^ Mr. J. W. Meeker, Jr., Pioneer road and Lincoln street, has returned from a two weeks' business trip through Mississippi. Oklahoma and Arkansas. I^of Willard B. Hotchkisa, 714 Mit burn street* will leave on the 26th of this month to attend tbe American Economic association meeting at Bos- ton, and will- remain there until the first of January. *$. Miss Zona Gale, author of "Friend; fhip Village," and other pleasing tales, who'has been the guest of Mr* Wm. T. Blcharda, 1324 Forest avenne| returned to her home at Portofjr Wis., Wednesday. 7$i Mrs. W. Wlnkley of Janesville, Wis,, with Mrs. JUna Held,, of Homer, Mich., arrived" in Bvanston Friday, lie* log tbe guests of Mr. and Mra.;0. French, 182t Oreenleaf street. Mrs. French la a niece of Mrs. Wlnkley and a couain of Mra. Reid. ill Mr. Horace Read and Mr. William Reardon, 1217 Oak street, left Son- day night for England. They will sail Tuesday from New York City on the going to Brighton and Mr. Reardon to Kent place, entertained a few of his friends Menday erentng, the owaaion being Wg.tonrjoenti^lrth^ M$» Mrs. Jamee G. Oeley end Miss.# of Beaver, pgw /iNifcbi^sjii'-iia***- ***••* day after a week-end visit at the home of PresidentsWr.f!nri^ Mr. Cyrus Williame o«|tbi^^l Is spending hla Chriatmaa vacation with hla parenta, ^;^'(^M:}0., Williama, \^i&&W^lki$Q-;'- Mr. Roy Hale, 825 Ay ars piece, wW have as his guests his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williaml'INo^IM!» town, 111,, ;d^» ^ :;h^td^ Mra. J. W& illiWVil^ Margaret end Richard, 1031 Michigan avenue, returned Monday morning from a two ireeks* trip ^ Florida. Miss Beulah ,:1j^^ii0rilift street, entertainedatowt t#^ guests Monday night at a 660 party to honor of her brother, Dyer Bent's MralldW^^ T. 0, Ketcham, Mrs. W. A. Burch and son Arthur, left tbe first of the week for a three weeks' trip ^ona* the gulf .-coast of TsMui.-;'?^!v;!"V^H^^"-- :y$k The teachers of the Sunday school of St. Matthew's church attended the North Snore Sunday School conven- tion at the Church of the Aacension in Chicago Thursday. > . Misa B. Dyer, 632 Davla street, baa Dublin, Ontario, Canada, for .« James A. Huxtable, Jr., of De- ;»la vialting her parenta, Mr. and James Brown at Bdgewater, over husband wiU Join her qB^^jss^aliiiaJ^^^:<!^S:-^^'^--•â- -â- '- ify&fl?. Mabel Gloeckler, 1016 Demp- street, will come home from Indi- Ia., to spend the Christmas jfi • with her parents, 'Mr. J and 3. D. Gloeckler.,; 'â- â- â- $â-  fa?.: • Barnabas' guild gave a dance reception for the nuraea of the hospital and their guesta at >'s pariah house, on Tuesday from 8 to 11. Jean McGilllvray laV again at place In the Bvanston hospital, aa after a two montba' delightful . ^ _ with net sister, Mra. L. S. Oun- foA, at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, 0 Jpe. Carrie Slaineta of Goshen, Ind., left Am homeFriday after a visit With hefalster, Mra. Chaa. H. Paraona, 1732 Orrlngtoh avenue. Mra. Paraona enter* the City club at luncheon and T__ In her sister's honor laat Fri- day. â- ;-â- '.:' 'â- â- t.>"'-:: Mr. Alden Leroy McGowan of Ohio Wesleyan unlveraity waa the gueat Thursday of ma aunt, Mra. Elisabeth Hqtchkiss, 1680 Orrlngton avenue. He la tflnandally interested in the Poul- now. being held at. the Coll- inW^^mm^ry^\i wlttr relatlvea. Mrs. W. A. Burgess, 624 Foster street, save a birthday surprise for their daughter, Elisabeth, on Wednes- day evening last* and also announced her engagement to Mr. Herbert G. Salter of Bhtmoutb, England. The wedding will take place In tbe near future. While the new "Co-ed" hotel is be- ing built, the cafeteria meals will be served In the Hotel Monnett The selling room of the Woman's Exchange will be in the room at 1610 Chicago avenue vacated by the University Art Shop, while the bake shop will be in the Levere house. Just north. M^r. John C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue, gave a one o'clock luncheon Thursday at the Union League club In Chicago in honor of Mr. and Mra. Frederick Hatton, authors of Tears Duane F, Albery and wL Duane, J^ of Crystal Lake, 111., apent Sunday aa the gueata of Mrs. Hij^xtable, 431 Sherman avenue. Mr. Hetman Albery of Chicago waa also a JU the Neighborhood club meeting of |the Central street school laat week George S. Valentine, president of club, was authorised to appoint a Ittee of live to work with a slm- commlttee from the Mo^iefa to look Into the matter of organ- a dancing clasa, where all the people of the neighborhood and enjoy < stt a^enlng a while It la mtendad tnat maaie aj^ a teacher of ability ho pro- WMSai v^W feR Theae aaane cctnmitteeaw oHIi a MniiiiilCfiwe iif Ilia of Dlscretion,'^an<Ohe company ^who are now playing at Powera' theater. There wete thirty covera laid. Dr. H. P. Harder, 910 Hlnman ave- nue, had a hurry call Wednesday ev- ening and on Washington street near Ridge avenue ran into a, coal wagon belonging to Mike Sch'umer, com- pletely demolishing hla car. Fortu- nately the doctor was not hurt, but jumped from hla machine with hat and satchel and ran over the Ridge to .Mg;.eaati^;"^;:;::;, ^..â- . The Foster Speed Boya* laat gather- ing at the club house resulted In the election of Roy Johnson aa captain for 1913. Hla election waa unanimous, owing to his popularity with the boya. Those members who earned the right t* wear the emblem of their team were also voted upon. Thursday night an informal dance waa held at Wilmette hall, which ended the social activities of the club for the aeaaon^ ^S Prof? and Un,^W. 3» Davidson en- tertained the Monlta league at their home, 2151 Sherman avenue, on Tues- day night A musical program waa rendered by members of the league. Piano solos were given by Mrs. O. B. Allen and Mrs. B. W. Hoeghlll. Misa Minnie Terry read a paper on "OTchea- tra Music" Light rofreaunento were served at the close of tbe program. The next reception will be held at the home of Prof, and Mra. Terry, 1613 Hlnman avenue. - It has been decided by the MiaJe- ter's association of Bvanston^ to gather together the Chinese stodenta in the colleges of the Middle West, during tbe holidays and to entertain here in Evanaton. It has to hoM a conference on M. Ideaa and locale,- and that the atn- denta be entertained;M< the various homea so that they inay get m touch with AmerieaA henie Ufe. The Chl- far o^nWently from the and upon Iretarnlnt; to their home-tit China, carry with them the idee of home life here. Thin mat- ter was not brought up early plane bam fallen through, hot It la hoped greatly that they may be fully carried out next year. gone to SHlhoit viait with; her mother, who will probably come to Bvanston when Miss Dyer returns. Misa Gretchen Cox, the violinist, 3304- Sherman avenue, will return for Christmas from a ten weeks' tour through Canada- After the holidays she will leave on another tour. Mr. James HarveyrH^ street, a graduate of the Bvanston High school last year, has Joined the engineering corps of the St Paul Railroad company of Aberdeen, S. D. Mr. John Winn of the North Shore Electric had a rather bad accident Tuesday. His horse became fright' ened and ran Into the water spout at the City Hall, putting hla wagon out of commission and spraining his back rather seriously. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Joslah Ward, 825 Ayara place, have all re- turned to celebrate the holiday sea* son. 8. Sidney Gibson Ward from Omaha, Misa Mabel Ward from the state university at Madison, Wis., Mies Esther Ward from Onarga, HI., and Mr. Wallace Ward, who la with the Great Northern, arrived laat Thursday frohLSL^^as^k^U ^Sl^'^v ';.t-*S The Bvanston Alumni association of Sigma Alpha Bpsllon met Monday with Mr. Ritse Mulder in the chair. Mr. Sidney Goltra was elected delegate to the national convention of tbe fra- ternity> to be held at Nashville, Tenn., Chriatmaa week, and Mr. Har- ry Ackerburg was elected alternate. Mr. Wren CJan|leld wlU represent tbe active chapter aa delegate. On Sunday Mrs. John Welland, 1516 GTeenwood boulevard, entertained a large family party at dinner In honor of her father, Mr. Theodore Kart- helser of Aurora, iil., who la her gueat Those present ^fere Misa Bll- sabeth Kartbelser, Mr. and Mra. Geo. Gurrsch of Bvanston, Mr. and lira. M White, Mr. and Mra. John Friach, Mr. and Mrs. Uicliolas Bohr, Mrs. Henry Helna and children, ttelen, aan and Francea of Aurora, Hi, Mr. and lira. Peter Beeae of Chicago, Mr. fcarthelaCT of Na^err^ PL, and Mr. 'â- saWsn- .aWs^sslJ^VsMny- '^w wmjpgppam*;,^g^m> ^sm^gggggispnNrasM 1^^ .....iKAtATbSroiiS GAMES p mwm$m awlda^i Insane! lei^MM mat. SMUH, lMmhft#j

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