NtMMMIMIIIIiri»imil»<MHMI 44»IMOMMMM<M(l Ponei t\viii|,.....,,... ,v,..r.....„. .T.............,... Perclfal Cutter of 1016 A«Wand avenue i^ase avenue, iia8 been ...,,_......-..^I^lf^wft:^'â- â- 'â- 'm. Mr imd Mrs. W. D. Mattiews, 1521 atenu^ entertained the Five Hundred cluh last Saturday evening. ,Mr1i! WllUaln S. Freeman and fam- ily are expected back to their home, 711 Lake avenue. The house is being freshly decorated in preparation for ;th^'r^im;,|imi #:. -mp./ , 0w fe ^)'. The Wllmette public schools close thi* week Friday for a two weeks' va- Wiwid Ander*S?J#t©n^ • *°™nk M *ie>*er & itfioShe*!* ^ ^adspe**^^ lp*&^ for ir^and pi. jfUton i Ba^r^ e been spejttd|n*? :*ojne «N» .fe-.SS;^ *e Pot Luck Luncheon club met *t home of Mrs. George tf. F&*m Hill street, Mtondajr «^nioo»|l r Virgil Harkrader 6t KanW m* a guest of Mr. awl Mrs. ,'J*W£ iriln 1330 Sheridan rbftd, over SSh- [r J. S. Rice of 1328 BtoflWood de- left Tuesday for &&&€&?**$ EiBiness trip. He will be ^JjfocMj* [week. \^mM^^r^mi>^m â- . iMiss Charlotte Tbruittitohot Ix» 5eies, Cal., is visit% bel |r^to| ir, Walter J. Thrum^^^^gl 603 Lake avenue. li||:k|lll|ig||? [Mr. and Mrs. JohiH<?olbe<<NB^fIft antral avenue are ino|^s|6i^iO^|fe j, where they will make their fn? J home; Mr. Colbert until recently is in the grocery businesi in Kenil- lorth. ' "^M^-'M^^MS^i^ C. H. Brethold at 6*6 W**t jad avenue, wb^ bsJ/beeii <TOl|r aed to her home ^^m^t^^ri^ a severe cold, has recovered Bciently to attend to her household Bties. ^'^liii^ft; [The bazaar given by St Francis ivier's church In the Heffron build- for the past few days closed Mon- ay night. It has been one of the st successful bazaars ever given â- the church. â- • " .^;ll||l|il|ft^; )r. George F. Butler of 1011 Lake renue spoke at the Winnetka Congre- itional church last Sunday at vesper dee. This was his introduction on ie pamphlet, "The Mental Hygiene Childhood, or Preventing i^Jery|!UB- The cotillion givejaj^pi obert Emory Wai&V;i§i$'^^^ D. White last Monday evening k the Ouilmette Coun^'. #tf> :'^W pronounced by those present as one the prettiest affairs, of its kind ever ten in Wilmette. The hall was dec- ted by Wittbpld, with white lattice rork draped with southern, smllax and binsettas. There were one hundred spies present The cotillion was led ^'Mr.'Alvar Bournique and Krell's or- â- furnished ';ibe;|jnus|cfe^Pfee fvors all tbrougfr":1^iveninj^^ Mttiful roses. - The dining room dec- orations were in red;i in;fac^iku>^wliol*; ty was very suggestive of Christ- S Mr. and Mrs.r-;jUE0^$»^iiM" diford of 1035 Greenwood avenue, Wll- mette, have issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Ruble, to ,?red*ick Alfred Hill, Jr., the .cere- mony to be performed on the evening cation. There will be Christmas par- ties in nearly all of, the rooms, The Beta Zeta Phi fraternity has sent out invitations to its annual dance, which is to be given at the Ouilmette Country club Dec. Considerable excitement has been aroused by a protest circulated aniong the citizens of Wilmette against allow- ing a franchise being granted to estab- lish, switch yards near Elmwood ave- nue, Greenwood avenue and Fifteenth street A mass meeting of 250 resi- dents and taxpayers, represenUng the northwest section of Wilmette, was called Tuesday night, Dec. 10, and they adopted resolutions vigorously op- posing the movement and signed peti- Uons to the village trustees urgently requesting the board not to grant such franchise, which it was claimed would seriouely^ ae^reciate |50^^-#orth of fine residence property in that vicinity. A delegation of Kenilworth citizens and^ trusieee also,{ai^B^eir.'ine mee^ tag and presented a petition signed by their tillage presideiit audv two- thirds of ^tielr citizens. It seems this tract of sixteen acres was^bought by Mr. B. G. Bagieyr a Board Of Trade man, for an industrial center to re- lieve the congested condition^ of busi- ness portion of the town. He expect- ed to lease it to the merchanta and Whether that might include factories, storage plants, or switch yards was the question that worried many of the residents. Tuesdiay night a nmse meetr ingof aUthe citizeneMM^ette^a called at the village hall prior to the trustees* meeting, at which time the appointed committees reported their .^nding8.^':'?'::^ \: â- â- â- ^.â- -vjfc -â- â- â- â- •â- ' 'â- •â- xuxm mmmm Tke Boxer club mst with Mr mai Mrs. J[. D. Decker, 801 Greenwood ave- nue, Tuesday for dinner tod cards. The German Study class, which was to have met with Mrs. Ralph Potter last week, but did nipt on account of the illness of so many of its members, dayat:";iMi'»-- - :'^-/^-; -"yii-'S :'^:£/yf? Invitations have been issued by the Kappa Sigma Psi and the Zeta Beta Pel sororities for their dances; which will take place at the Ouilmette Coun- try club Jan. 1 and Dec. 27, respec- tively. ,.v../V^ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith, who for- merly lived on the corner of Lake ave: nue ' and Eleventh street, have r* turned to Wilmette and will reside lii one of the Brown houses on Tenth *.kâ€"*.~± ' â- ' 'â- -' ( '} 'â- ' . ,' 'â- 'â- ",,'•: i'iH'&r^'r&'F?^-! '-' - BU BQl. j .;" VJ»:y.;;\^:..-;:.r.4^.f^;i);iVfiyH*:-l^j'<<*i James Braithwaite, 906 Greenwood avenue, who is attending the Western Military academy at Alton, 111., will re- turn Saturday. He will bring with him a young gentleman whose home is in Montana. ">â- > ": "r;l]l':;:0^A70 The Reading circle met with Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, Lake avenue, Moiiday- afternoon, and were -enter* tained with a review of her travels through Italy. The circle will meet with Mrs. Howard Field, 918 Central avenue, Jan. 6. ' h$- â- â- â- ':. 4iw :it "?i*M$$. The announcement is. made of the marriage of Miss Ruble Riddiford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Riddiford of 1035 Greenwood avenue, to Frederick Alfred Hti% Jr„ the^ven^ ing of Jan. 8, at 8 oVsiockk at the family .residence. ..*!> â- â- "â- ^â- â- 7^i'- 1-W%t Mrs. Charles W. Bi^ithwaife $06 Greenwood avenue, and Mrs. Julian C. Smith, 826 Greenwood avenue, gave a very pretty party at the Woman's club Tuesday^ afternoon; D^ 17. # .^bjB rooms were decorated in Christmas cojors^-red and green. Two hundred invitations were issued, tbere^^einK several out-of-town guests, as well as giiests of friends in town;, liirs. Carrie Jacobs Bond furnished the program. the mock: .tirliat^M'jiM^^Min^rClp last Saturday evening was an interest- ing bit of impromptu or original act- ing. The case was a breach of promise suit Mr. A. C. Wenban was the judge, Mrs] S. S. Plngee and Mr. H. B. Gates were the principals in the case, and Mr. Thomas Knok:^^^'p*to*;$;- The drawing of Spear the lawyers. t 9U w w«»^ -v w___________- th]e Juiy create^ cnnsiolM^ olse^u^^g^nw^s it was wauted^uit^wft^declded in fnvy^tift ^ ' tiff; damages, one cent apolii, fed. Mr. and Mrs. Wells w be at home after February 1 at 6| Hinman avenue. The following are registered at t Avenue Houset J. McNaughton ai wife, Peoria, 111.; J. W. Lecker, Mi, Groff, Milwaukee, Wis.; CD. Rn^ Chicago; W. C. Haviland* AuroraVIl Clarence Bond, Libertyville, III.; ; ^IgteveinvDrH. Stevens, Mttwank Wis.; H. B. Stembergeiv_Jaclwwn.t HJdDe Wall, Baileyvme, 111.; B.W ,«au, FOrreston, IU.; O. J* ^ Taunton. IU.; R. A. Le foy^J aoo, Wis,; Ray Harris, Zion City, H jj^gements are being n«d^to crease the faclUtiee of the Nor* M branch station at the J^nneton*! lie library^ President Wirt H. HB uhrey of the library board has m* consideration plans for increasinit 1 interest in tiie «tation. Anyone h€ tag a library card may order any w from the main Uhrary â- **£+. » retary W. P. Watkiiui of the Noi Bnd Y. M. C A., where the library tocated, if the hook *^^fW to b« to *** ***** atatlon. 1 N^y apltfitttedteanxmi, fortheerclu^ve ^£|^bQl l":. DECEMBER 18 Matinees, Thu Th«______ mseoKsnr ici TiUMING RAa^yfeNUB 'E, JUL.,,.. Offl0«93 .'- /^Bes.:JM^':-'^^':W! _ "â- «»;â€"^â€"â€",-. ited tea room, for the ~ Mtvuk*»bilmgm*d*** »*** 'lGi?reaU^4irt":7OT^:^^r' Hjoo laanKoad. Chicago l^lElAMiHi'KtSli S â- '>:>:â- 'â- '^^^ "â- â- 'â- â- â- "' 'â- â- -â- â- ' â- 'â- "â- â- â- â- â- â- :^-i.^»W«a.«. **m------^â€"-:â€"j^L^l., !t.,s>'«a^ . 'â- TEACHER OF Director*/Mutle, Church of W^:lJ^ ^M»|^ westtr* Umitersity lSMm&§&M?Z Ari> gth FUlSf, Auditorium Buildin, % A thorough tehooUnn and %ci4f «»p*ri*n094l* „„. „ ^ ih* \*4tkodt tf th4 mo* luoewfut Uaehir* in Amirio* Ref 14«ac« Phon«. Bvsiistoa 3424^W. Norih Shore Trust Company |J*|^:;ila1sl1^ t for not dmoltiifea llsetiee Certificate of 1 in denominatious «f "*%p& ;pei^t^tewgt; f Offers for investment estate, netti** the »V| P sums of $500 and up OFFICERS AND DIREOTORS 8end for list. .J»rMaa R#ad ,-^v. -.,,_:-*MW1^.WSiKk iJlfti ||#$#»,§3* â„¢ M iS.: Have blel dbingihedcaningr idyeifl^ pressing and repairing _______ lo|^sirticular vf>c^ years than we care to reriieittbfei^ Out business Has Wa^Mes^ appreciated in tfceiusin others \^^lj|^ pay yil ^,V^^ fillf!! -liWSSi â- B#4 fe^W^^^B^^^^^^^^^S^^ffl tfef '":â- • '^^v'