Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1912, 2, p. 9

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fO GIVE One of the fittest -m^^^^W, elded upon to Bvanstoa fpr tilt ^W# pose of bringing to •** ItolH^**W Joor, sick :mmmms^^^^M the civics â-  d©Partmej|.^||^^»^|wii. High school. - -â- ^smm-irm00i^§i Miss ChiMs bah#i§|ied-the:***»•: â-º tOO chHdrettâ- $#0$,m^-^^0m^ tuberculosis sahttpriii^ to l&lcjaifc These children -pj^^^^:U$^$ ,onthsto U-^MMM^Mm^t^^ ias the names She has explained ]^^»As"to the 00 students of ther:m^*M.;vf*e* , a person are, enthusedc#l^l«r „jheme and hs^le&iltefirM to n«P take the plan of providing Christina* ,resent8 for theto/^^itc^ejnll^f^^ Will Care for filxty-two. The freshman class has Itself as willing to care for sixty-two if them. The majority of these cbll- Iren, it Is claimed, aro het^»#tt^ ;es of 8 and 11;! To them a visit m Santa CUns means more than does to older p^^ws.;^"'"'"' ^" ey are sick e g the attacks on their hwttiwhy \t white plague. It Is the plan of efto* Childs torn. iy them mmmmm^m: ad toys. The Idea Is to give each •f these unfortunates some little >ken that will farm tfceir sad On the bulletlit hoard In Miss lids' room sh* h«s the foUowtag lotice, which to §;:Smy elpianihow he expects to foUUl her nndertak- ing. ' .'*' ' 1. Money (any sum from 5 cents 2. Second-hand toys, If In good eon- lition. Bring them In at once. 3. Girls who mm70^ a 9^ P> iress. (Miss Cbllds has purchased rom Fields' wholesale house eight lozen dolls to distribute among the •fc-) -, .*. "\^-,/."fA>-r-; 4. Any decorations for the *mas ee you may have laid aside, if still tsable. :'r^ â- â-  5. Girls who will make scrapboohs tor the little ones on our Us* % 6. Pupils willing to furnish candy [home-made or commercial) and nuts 7. Pupils vwilling to- provide one hnple gift for one child from our [1st. - *<Ji^*^^^v^. f'.-x Many hands and willing hearts wUl ake the work eaay; If you win help, please report at »nce. IETH0DI8T TO BUILD HOUSE FOR STUDENTS Illinois Methodists will spend f 100,- tKnnslde of two years at the tlnlver ity of Illinois in the erection of a nflding to be used as a social and »ligtous ceitter for Methodist ' Kts attending the university. .f*">; "â- â- â€¢&%',:â- 'â- :'}&'â-  ,' â- â- â- â€¢â-  ,-:. . ••â- â- .. -lsi $ . â- ; The members of the Bvanston Wom- an's club are relentless In their ambl- tion to have their new club house paid tor by the time 1U doors are thrown open for the'opening reception, club proved a great success. When the members of the finance commit- tee count up the net receipts it is be- lieved that a large Share of the'debt will be lifted. $1 â-  â- ::â- â- â€¢* <.•' \- But these energetic women are not to stop their acUviUes.' Thursday and Friday, of this week they will hold a basaar at the Avenue House. One good thing about these women Is that whenever they plan anything they always, see that the public geta it's money's worth. Have Perfected Plans. For some time the bazaar commit- tees have been working perfecting their plana. The result is the affair wiW *$£ a* near perfection ee such *p thing is possible. One of the special features will be the children's tame janov;pirto^ aters can^urchase iwtlis^^W«nil^ chairman and this fact alone - â€"-^ l^gtfg*^^ The following are the different com- mittees: .-â- â- â- .--'â- .â- â- â-  * Qe*id£ Bootfc--M^ .«*-*,-. „â€"- ;------- Wttcbxeji, Robert Stater, Gordon Bull, McPherson.bothprominent members If one thinks that the Christmas spirit Is native only in America, he should be a banaifelerk at this time of the year Ini'ihl'a^ir^^ drafts' Is^d^liirejm^axeh^ nl8hedt",/,.'U'\ ::':^'^-h. '^e^tM^^i^m-S Both m.> mm iu^$m^*!^ wWBtat^iisir-zi^^ .looktogt«soiie^-i<|ra^ age Amst^caii would experience great deal j^ dl^culty ^^^^to^ v to^isunjyi^^ in »vansto«v|i::iioir:*e^ the old folitt^ aoroas the big waters marks, francs, lire, kroner, kronen, rubles, florin and pounds; It Is to Ire- land, Scotland and England that pounds are used, hat thaw are few Scotch here who are sending money hack aho! the^ Itogjian are too good travelers to â- .•g^^»r:*ag^B|a>3r,'M*W: the money order to bring Christmas cheer to ihefer^lativas at home, for every yaar thsis » a jraa* wwdus of English of all Classes going from the anston, to^h* ^ M^ l»^^ the winter hojidays; .....' tip; Vi^tfi^BirWff!^.^M^-swawa- and .^...JS^i^to^^ii'-MivthSitdfatt- ^sjBjf^ dow mmm»^ * ^iaotosH mm Pmwt* Perb#pa James It Smart and 0; U !* Bvaj^ton Humane society, h^pui^lsdl^ an a^JMi'ii^pl^ «»«' Z ^bjpillo^^^ ^â- ;';^;is^gi*SB^^^ m*nt or dumb animals. Bach day the ^olclrs'-o^ilif *oSl|y >wailt |irbugh the^aliwts to aearch of JiCTees that a case tlats is a vlo- latloi^of the W they are not slow to taken out both for the driver and the owner. They are then hailed into court and prosecuted by the energetic ^womeni^:,i.,;F' ..:•'"?'.:' "^"' '1'^lfSi-. Mrs. Merie P. Ashbaugh, 1251 A» bury avenue, president of the Bvans- ton Humane society, is th%ies^ in this movement, and she Is ably assist- ed by Mrs. Henry P. Wood, «^« tit«> man avenue, and Mrs. Emma A. Rtf* sine, 1618 Chicago avenne. * C Several Have Been Arrasted^' ^ Several owners and drivers have a> ready paid the penalty for being care- less concerning the care of their hors- ea and have paid fines as a result of ^Ko^vt 80, Henry |Nt^ eryman, »14 Davis street, anoT John Brysom. 814 Cnurch street, a driver for Butler, were arrested on complaint I^^Mra^lTM^:^ %' a, :&» â- .;, /a^ibBnejr'yilt; lou- ^Hlsto>lc^l||'\_ .. â- whIch"*^^:^i.^#o^^ ^|ki^i||' |Hi^5^pha, Ve^|il^:t#»n# -7mMmm fMmm and national life through the '4 great:^^i?:W'^«*^'^^ majiy lantern Blides of scenes In Servtt, ^Ja^nJNpA^ AlblftlQTar S^S___ ................. was ;tai^lthro^..;tfe^ and â-  a:stttdy^ina|le::^ 'Thi-' o^aint! cuatbtos:-oti^i^ scribed. At Chrtetmas thn»':to;||l^*4s^^ WM w$$* negro, ;.5f?Sy^:':i#ii^^ in-j every*:. ,homo»;^ h*J| king's. ;:â- #'i»': fd^-ffi*., row el--s^ti>ls;#lieJs4:^sjs^^ '-^sAV'!«s%ps^ of the Jfam^ say tl^~'ihii8|t^^^? ^Mk>* enters carrying a lighted taper. then takes her ptoce to front of the flrepia«ev'-':s^e^;::s;:eo^es:::^ father or Stareshina, bringing th. "Bodniack" or yule log, ;4[00&fym tree) tat iM^Rifi^^W â-  trailing behind. JAs?^gfMb0-M arise ahd a4dreif It Is then placed on th^^^a^d housefather proceeds to sprinWe with raki, the ;.)s^vi^1jjli^|];;"' '^ ing at the same Ume benedictions George jpt Thomas, FrsJ* J^Bivosn^ Alfred Bogart. H. W. Thorp. v Tea lto^miâ€"Mesdames Alice Adams, H. P. iiunter, P. L. Bprton, CJllfford Bills, John Wt Tnomas, S. F. DeLa* mater, W. H. Damsel, W. H. Johnson, Charies H. Umbaeh, Eugene Kimbark. Children's Shopping Tableâ€"Meg* dames George 8. Ballard, Harry Mara; j, W, Thomas, William 8tahl, S. D. De Ia Mater, Prank Alexander, Wil- bur Hemv J- B. liukey, w;vj>; NeibttV W. €. Danforth, W. D. Murdoch, Joa. M. Pearson; James Lennon, Arthur J. Morgan, E. B. Shutterly. Pood Tableâ€"Mesdames P. 8. Pooler, B. K. Harris, W. P. Dudley, H. C. Snyder, P. W. Gerould, C. O. Andrews, W. m Coe, Prank Orover, A. H. ChUds, Victor A Rossbach, J. P Hayford. Fancy Work Boothâ€"Mt«dainei Hen- ry Buswell, Blmer Adams, Psrkina Bass, LJ. Bracedock, Charles Forhes. Hopkins Hanford, J. W. Kepler, Jaa. Townsend, Fred Mayer, Henry Car- lisle, John Brunner, H. C. Streeter, % H. Tohey, Luman Wing; John Wn- der. Albert WlBlams, P. W. Huston. T. B. Doughertyi Miss Nettle Rogers. Christmas Treeâ€"Mesdames B. 8. Barker. B. J. Reynolds. Bttg«» ja»* bark, Bdwln Sherman, H. M. Whee- ler, Chas. Reynolds, P. F. Wood and George Bridge. . Sunday Parlorâ€"^Meadames P. V- *. i. Ward, J. U Barchard, Frank Corby* U J. Corhett, R. A Olockler, John Helm b. O. Dumo, 8. C. plckard. B. 4 Worstall, J. H. Jamar, Miss Amy «m attending the imiveraw ^- Pickering and Miss ^^J^1^.^ purchase oj a laigjs^tact of land The projected hulld&g will con- N a large a^aemMy haii a Hhrary, ^ a number of claaa rt»oma for fwrses in Bible study. This wtf^ 1 'targe of a specially trained mau Tbere are more than 1,000 students ' Methodist persuaskta attending :;te uiiiveralty^ and the %ka^ l<y# of â-  f* *««i»nifg^ U center. Tke Methodist large of the movflaamt fee«ll f or ^he aon, Urm Williams. David McCur rack, Jas. Burwock, Chaa. Ayera, C. F. :Hos^'-:««ateis*l1«kits\ «- ^Balder, gton, Jaa. H. Wellp and T. A. Vickera. LADIgy NlfrH*. The Bvanston ctoh haa announced to first ladies; «#W.t*2J "g* wm be tteraWetten <tf <» eventeg. fiTltevens and^* Hailflttm are in charge of the pfogiiin. of local Scottish society, will take ex- cepUon to this .statement that the Scotch do not send as mucn money back home as the Irish do, but maybe they have never heard th# story told on Andrew Carnegie, whet at a din- ner to London, he expressed wonder at the English farthing and asked his host why it was that the English had •uch a small eoto. it Siraa Joseph Choate, for jnahy years American ami bassador to the court of St James, who tostantOr relied tnat tne Bngllah farthing was eolned for the etpress purpose of making it possible for a Scotchman to give a tip. The Turks, who are not Christians and who would not be supposed to (eel the Christmas spirit, especially at a time when their fe»ow countrymen are engaged to massacring, believers in the Christ, buy money orders In francs drawn on the Ottoman Im- perial bank in Constantinople, but pay- able in Ixmdon or Peris exchange. Swedes Save Meet Money. The Germans use marks and there to eonsiderahle money sent from here every year to the Fatherland, hut the Swedes and Norwegians are apparent- ly either the most saving to this ©tmn- try or the most Mbetat In their sup- port of the families left hehind them, for there are more money orders writ- ten in kroner than m any other f of ♦ eign denomination. It would he hard to tell tost how much money to sent from Bvanston to foreign countries to enliven the Christ- mas feeling there and to remind friends and relatives of the absent ones who^gteeosae to the land oTep- portuntty for awhUo before returning to their native lands to lite to eon* naratlve comfort, but It to altogether probable thatft toast i*MM» to taken jMt of the hanks to Bvanston each Cnrtotmastlde for this purpose. Much of H to to one, two and Ihfee-ponnd lots, iut larger items are almost to- Variably sent to 8 weflen, for It to to> frequent that leas than g», erWJi looner, aie7 sent oh their Vay; *" wo""". ^^^v^^^tt-^Tw tag at the same time Deneuiwpuie^ip e«-'%.lte]kmVnnA-4sa agent of the IMH^j friends present aiid fishl^ ^selit^ tiAla TTmnftfiA SOfiletV. ' TheT Were .__^ _,_•._ #« *v-> A««»l*»»-♦•ii'.'fe' * »J" gvanstoii liusleat <^^ If. i-$9*£» l^m^'s*7*^^'^- iS»i nois Humane society. ' They were charged with abusing an animal. * Brysom was arrested for driving the horse and Butler was apprehended for permitting the horse to be driven when he knew it was lame. - Dec 1f, Methe- Friday at the bearing of the two men Butler was fined $5 and costs and his driver $3 and costs. Another Arrest. During the course of the trial Jos. Jaschinski, a driver for a Rogers Park firm, waa arrested by Officer Pasch for driving a laaee^ewe; He was placed under ilOO bonds for his appearance in court Mondaskr The ofllcers di the Humane society claim there w» he no relenting In the prce^MMtioal|rmen who drive lame horses or do not care for' them during the cold weather in a proper way. They state that all horses during the winter when the pavements are slip- pery will have to he sharp shod and that blankets mast be used while the horse to standing. The officers of the local Humane society are devoting much of theji^ time, h| furthering the prcte^ion of dumb animala and they are to be commended for their action. BEWARE GERMS IN THE SUCAR BOWL Now It to the sugar bowl that spreads disease, according to Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the United States Marine hospital service. He wants a law to eomple resUu- rant proprietors to keep their sugar covered and castomera to use sugar tongs Instead of their fingers when helping themselves to loaf sugar. He MFeraons with tuberculoals and other contagious diseases are liable to con- vey them when thus putting their fin- gera into the*bowL The loose sugar bowl to far more healthy lor use to restaurants, because It to generally <!Uieied slid jwliims iiwt sponns -If the loaf auger howl were abol- tohed Hf m0*4&:*:l&M!^:& danger would ho done away with." good wishes for the oo^ GobleU containing.;" ral#'vW:,:lthett|:H passed around and each guest ;drlhhs|| to his host One of the .toasts ,mneg: thus, "May Q^^.^tt^4^^t^i toito|| arm and a sharp â-  sword "from:/;*v ;fi^dl,V: of kossovo?* Thto has beeh^ i iN^i toast ever since the hattto of Koss^Vo| in 1389, the downfall of Balkan:1&9£^: dom. After the ceremony,ve^pWlia|g served. Among" "other^^haa^ife^â- > passed cakes made Of apples, peculiar to Montenegro, and a few of ;themsair%£ thrown Into the fire. The evento^ concludes with a grand'â- â- 'â- â- hfi^tM^.^ fire-arms. : -^ ' J -£i\'rf"i >.',-. Many other Interesting customs of these lands were rototed. Next Monday evening the lecture wlH be "Java, the Paradise of the" World." Mr. Chancellor Jenks, ^riio; has recently returned from the' ifili" east, has brought with him a fine col- lection of pictures, which, wiff he> <: thrown upon the screen. Those.erh£:7. have heard Mr Jenks oh ^yte«»*% and therefore know how ^seedlnsjly- happy he is on the lecture platform, will welcome the opportunity to hen* ' this new ^lecture: oa ^ava.*^ â- â- â€¢â- :.' â-  f; % T'i\: • HELPFUL TALKS HEARD AT MOTHERS'MEET1NC The Noyes Street Mothers* eluh held its reguiac meeting at the Noyes Street school building. In Rvanatott, Wednesday afteruooa. v â-  s* The* program consisted of Ca^a by some of the members and reporta varioua committeea. .^ i^^gys??^^-- Mrs. Brubaker spoke on *,||all»h^s#r That Are Bspeclally Helpful r:^m- Mothera." Miss Dreyer gave an to> 3 terestlng talk oh "The Moatessorl Method," warning her hearers not he Del deceived into beUeving that this ^ moch-diBcussed educational system ie ; a new one tor America, «^^mia|^ |^ ley spoke of hooks that are â- mq&L^mi< not only give profit and Joy to $%ft^4££ reeding, hut be worth leadiag scores c<

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