Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1912, p. 15

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Messrs. Frank Y. Norris and Allen Norris and Miss Helen Norris of 2407 Harrison street, accompanied by Miss Ruth Risley of 2316 Harrison street, spend the weekend on an automobile trip to Aurora, Ill.<br><br> What People t^^. in Evanston ^ IIK M»sses Frances and Martha Charles were debu- MKKKKf , antes of Saturday, having been introduced at the / <4 Iiojih; of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Charles, / | JUIO Hinman avenue, at a tea. A large number of II ; young women debutantes of the winter assisted, also ^^^r a number of visiting girls, including Miss Rachel Kin- ^^^ ,.,iid of Kansas City, Miss Josephine Little and Miss t St Louis, Miss Sarah Rubel of Louisville and Miss Imogene Sl.k of New York.__________ il1(1 Woman's club will present "Casilda," an operetta by Abram Iruliill »t the Country club, December 5, 6 and 7. Miss Helen 11 I'vivll is the soloist of the dancers. Forty young people are mem- i ,' ,»l iIh1 <*liorus. The proceeds of the operetta will go to the build- the new Woman's club building. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr H.pry W. Leman, 1326 Judson v|,„,'„. !«n Saturday for the east. Mr ami Mrs. James K. Armsby, 1333 Maple av.Miuo, are home from New ^ ".[,,' o n. Tennis, 1629 Judson ave- nll(, ',,;,* Kono on a business trip to KMl|, [-. l. McKinnie left Monday for :*•* York t0 vl8lt her daughter» tMps i. l. Klannery. Mr .)i»«nes R. Martin of Des Moines, la., w:ih a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. (i Alexander last week. Miss Eleanor Van Vlisslngen spent the last few days at home from Mil- waukee Downer seminary. Col. Charles H. Ketridge was the Thanksgiving guest of his cousin, Miss Alice Brown, at Mendota, 111. Mr and Mrs. A. M. Ferry, 2130 Har- rison street, are visiting Mrs. Ferry's par.-nts. Mr. and Mrs. Speck at Oak l'jirk. MisH Margaret Meyers of South iwnd, ind, arrived Saturday to visit Miss leanette Prentice, 820 Hinman avenue. Mr c.eorgo Brlgnall and family of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. Robt. Chandler, 2019 Lin- coln street. Mrs. Win. G. Alexander, 2040 Or- rington avenue, has gone to Emerson, la., where she will spend a week with her mother. Miss Louise H. Ross, principal of the high school at Galva, 111., spent Thanksgiving the guest of her parents at the Avenue House. Miss Louise Allen of New Bedford, Mass, who visited Miss Janet Smith, Mlm; Ridge avenue, has gone to Louis- ville, Ky., for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vawter, who have an apartment in the Here- ford, will leave in January for a six months' tour of Egypt. The Misses Mary and Helen Glenn, li:.l Forest avenue, are entertaining Miss Mary McGrave of Scranton, Pa., and Miss Eloise Sherin of New York City. Mrs. Harold Knapp, Mrs. Green- wood Murch and Mrs. Charlotte De Muth Williams, have just returned from a concert engagement at Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Burdick of Des Moines, la., has returned home, hav- ing enjoyed a visit with their daugh- ter, Mrs. E. E. Faulkner, 2429 central street. Miss Mary Bayless of West Union, ().. sister of Mrs. Jessie Bayless Har- rison, 828 Hinman avenue, is private secretary to the wife of President- elect Woodrow Wilson. Miss Lydia Harrer, a teacher at Nap* rville, 111., was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrer, i*:'7 Orrington avenue, during her Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morgan Sher- man, 1014 Sheridan road, left Satur- day night for California. In their ab- sence Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker of Davis street will occupy their home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Linthicum have > old their home at 1315 Forest avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Slocum of Edgewater n< ing the purchasers. The Llnthi- cums moved today to 2134 Orrington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Smith, ioii2 Elm wood avenue, have Mrs. Henry Abraham of Normal, 111., as their guest. Mrs. Abraham came to upend Thanksgiving with her daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth Abraham of Wil- lard Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Smith, 1231 Maple avenue, and Mr. John Hanford l«rt Tuesday for Los Angeles, Cal., for the winter. Miss Henrietta Todd and Miss Anna S. Smith in their ab- lence^ will reside wjth Mrs. A. H. S IWMkY, DECEMBER fl,mt. 'mm Mrs. Harry W. Mace, 1043 Maple avenue, entertained the Music Study club at her home Monday. Mrs. H. Lindley of Sioux City, la., was the week-end guest of Mr. O. J. Mochon and family, 620 Clark street. Mr. Rldgly Marsall, 1139 Ridge avenue, has gone to spend the winter on a ranch near Glen Rock, Wyoming. Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central street, spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Sawyer of Ravenswood. Mrs. Howard G. Moore has returned from Aberdeen, Wash., after a two months' visit with her sister, Mrs. Field. Mr. Leo J. McCauley of Cincinnati, Ohio, spent Thanksgiving week with his parents at their home, 1219 Elm- wood avenue. Mrs. James Mitchell Hoyt, 1575 Ash- land avenue, gave a bridge party Sat- urday evening to twenty-four of the young married set. A benefit bridge was given at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon In the in- terest of the Woman's club at the home of Mrs. William C. Danforth, 1620 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Burdick have re- turned to their home In Des Moines, Iowa, after spending o month as the guests of their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Faulkner, 2429 Central street. Miss Anita Biggs gave a tea Satur- day afternoon at her home, 049 Mich- igan avenue. The young women assist- ing were Mrs. B. H. Sampson of Chi- cago, Misses Helen MacLeod, Louise Nichols, Theodora Troendle, Minne" apolis; Leota Collins, Dorothy Reck- itt, Adele Badger. Mr. and Mrs. John Detloff gave a dinner Sunday in celebration of the second anniversary of their mar- riage at their home in Wlnnetka. The friends present to help them enjoy the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Changelon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flood, Miss Mar- garet Steffens of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, Mr. Arch Schroeder and Miss Phoebe Suhr of Wlnnetka. The Oak Leaf Circle will give a Sock Social In the church parlors of the Covenant Methodist church Frl- day evening. The girls have each made twenty small socks of silk and distributed them among the North Ev- anston people which are to be filled with as many pennies or cents as twice the number sock they wear. If anyone who has or does not receive a sock will inform the girls of the Oak Leaf circle they will gladly be given one. Miss Lucy Chambers, who came home for Thanksgiving from De Kalb, 111., State Normal, entertained Friday evening at a party at her home, 1319 Main street, in honor of her school- mate, Miss Georgia Robinson, of Bel- videre, III., her brother, Mr. Howard Chambers, and his friend, Mr. Louis Miller, of Alexis, 111. There were eighteen present. Miss Chambers and Miss Robinson returned to school Sat- urday night. Mr. Miller and Mr. How- ard Chambers staid over to attend the stock show and will go back to school Tuesday. The Misses Helen, Emma and Lilly Schumacher, 1414 Greenwood boule- vard, gave a supper Sunday in honor of Miss Alvina Mellendorf and Miss Helen Panwitt, who have mmmmm •?Ste Mr. Frank Startle, S414 Park plaoe, It on a business trip In Terr* Haute, Ind. Mr. Thomas Colling, 1427 Shorman avenue, went to Syracuse, N. Y„. Sun- day night. He sailed yesterday from New York for England and In three or four months will return with his bride and reside in Evanston. Miss Marjorie Booth, 722 Washing- ton street, was entertained at a luncheon and miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon, given by Mrs. Bramsky, 554 East Forty-eighth street. Covers were laid for twenty. Miss Booth will be a December bride. On Friday evening, Nov. 29, the B. Y. L. A. of the German Lutheran Ev- angelical church gave a farewell party in honor of Miss Helen Panwitt and Miss Alvina Mellendorf, who leave for California to spend the winter. The evening was devoted to games and music. The decorations were In pur- ple and gold, the club colors. Refresh- ments were served. A short business meeting was also held, a president and vice-president were elected to fill the vacancies caused by the' two mem« bers leaving, who held those offices. Miss Emma Schumacher was elected president and Miss Lillian Dethloff was elected vice-president. Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock St. Mary's church was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Miss Jane Cecelia Gaynor was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Lancelot Turner of Be- lolt, Wis., the Rev. Fr. Egan officiat- ing. The bride's slter, Martha, was her maid of honor, and the best man was Mr. John Doyle of Evanston. The bride wore white voile over white silk messaline, and a veil of tulle. The maid of honor was gowned in white voile and carried white chrysanthe- mums. A wedding reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gaynor, Sr., 536 Linden avenue, to the immediate relatives was given. Mr. and Mrs. Turner will be at home in Beloit after Jan. 1. LTlucllle Leonhardt, 1676 Maple avenue, is in Pasadena, Gal., for a brief stay. Mrs. P. N. Fox, 1247 Ridge avenue, left Tuesday for Michigan to spend the winter. MrB. L. H. Hoge, who spent the past month at the Hotel Monnett, left Tuesday for Washington, D. C. Mrs. James Hall, 2114 Sheridan road, gave a bridge party Tuesday after- noon. There were two tables. Mrs. John Robb of Philadelphia, Pa., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colby Davles, 1723 Asbury avenue. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Neal, 2710 Wood- bine avenue, entertained at auction bridge last Saturday evening. There were four tables. Mr. Wesley Knox, 804 Hinman ave- nue, received a visit from his brother- in-law, Mr. O. C. M. Cole of Barnes- vllle, 0., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mitchell and children, Theodosia and John, 2302 Harrison street, returned Saturday from Battle Creek, Mich. Mr. Claude V. Munsey of Peoria, 111., former physical director of the North End Y. M. C. A., spent a few days visiting in North Evanston this week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan, Minnesota, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stanford, 2407 Lincoln street, have returned to their home. Miss Theodora Grantham has re- turned to Madison, Wis., after spend- ing her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gran- tham, 2415 Hartzell street. Miss Marguerite Morris of Madison, Wis., and Miss Ethel Hammond of Waterloo, la., who were guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, 1945 Orrington avenue, have returned to their homes. Messrs. Frank Y. Norris and Allen Norrls and Miss Helen Norris of 2407 Harrison street, accompanied by Miss Ruth Rlsley of 2316 Harrison street, spent the week-end on an automobile trip to Aurora, 111. Mrs. O. K. Fitch and her daughter, Miss Virginia Fitch of San Francisco, Cal., who have been guests of Mrs. Jouett P. Singleton, .1422 Judson ave- nue, left Tuesday for Washington, D. C„ to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price and son, Kenneth, have recently returned from Seattle, Wash., where they have lived for two years. They are now liv- ing with Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (1. Anderson, 1517 Lee street, and they will later return to Missouri, where they will make their home. 4 Dr. Wallace W. Atwood of the Aca- dtmy of Sciences will address the Neighborhood club of the Central ntreet school Thursday evening, Dec r,, on the subject of "Nature Study in Elementary Schools," and what the Academy of Sciences Is doing and Is prepared to do for the teachers and parents of Chicago. There will be an exhibit of the fall work of the chil- dren and also a typical exhibit from the Academy with simple explanatory literature. On the same afternoon Miss Mary Hardman will talk to two groups of school children on the same subject, using the same exhibits and the stereoptlcon. Anyone interested is cordially invited. The Mothers' Club of the Central street school held their regular meet- ing in the assembly room of the Cen- tral street school. The children were taken care of by four of the school girls, Mildred Bodach, Mildred Jay, Rebecca Blair and Etna Peabody. The «pinde Tongues In Trees--" girls will have all the use of the kin- A maQ wrlteB weli oniy wnat he hai dergarten materials and also the pi- ^g or 8uffered.--De Goneourt This is to be a regular feature di* •»»• «•» the wmm-:...^ "On, yto, mum/' eald Kathleen, sv plying for a new situation, "I Hiti te me last plaoe free weoHf, mun», an' though I say It th't shouldn't I gov ex* eellent satisfaction?" . "And why did you leaver ventured the lady who was looking fox a •err- ant. "Shure, I oouldn't get along wid fa* missus at all, the wor that ould an' cranky." "But, maybe you'll find me old and eranky, too." "Cranky ye may be, mum, for sweet faeee like yours le sometimes de- ceivin', but ye're not ould--I o'n eee that at a glance?" E EVANSTON PHONE 2898-2899 pree At ating play, Piney Ridge A tale of the hills. RED-HAIRED BAND AND CO-EDS HELP A red-hulred band and a red-haired choir is to collaborate on the night of December 7 to make the winter carni- val given by the Northwestern univer- sity students a thing not only of beau- •y but of brilliancy. The band nnd the choir, which will Include fifty red-haired co-eds and men students, will be conducted by I'rof. James Taft Hatfield, who boasts he* reddest lined hair In the entire school. The carnival will be held in the Patten gymnasium and the swimming pool will be featured. It Is proposed U turn Us edges Into temporary banks \>t flowers and to build a float upon which tea will be served. *L Everybdif Lunch Room HEARST BLDG. MARKET STREET l-k^A. sttDISOl ml)i dl.: d<J.S Baltimore s lA 4<f. Fried y2 d<|. Stewed *A doz. Riw - - - 15c Fine Food ind Excellent Service Gifts of the Heart. Gifts from the hand are silver and gold, but the heart gives that which neither silver nor gold can buy. To be full of goodnees, full of cheerful- ness, full of sympathy, full of help- ful hope, cau«es one to carry with him blessings of which he is himself as unconscious as a lamp is of its own shining. Such a one moves on human life as stars move on dark seas to bewildered mariners; as the sun wheels, bringing all the seasons with him from the south.--Beecher. Invisible Bifocal Leiiei ir and far vis* r «f plaasM doubM i«na _ jn your «y«a ltt«ntion my methods aiiurc •ott»7ajtoi* aeWp »t r«a»onabU coat. Established IBWTV^ DR. E. P. MOMIAN, Neurologist, 2nd Ploor 619 DAVIS ST. BVANSTON TIL 1673 MAPLE AVE EAVNSTM, ILL fT WAIT untllfDandruff has destroyed the roatff of your haliv NoJVilo on eaM will reprodfcerheJiDtf after ther are once ^Pnnf sWyoslr hair is thinning; oh restore It/with mous HJT O Give mem, call plain th/se treai what tb£y have Miss Katherine Cencvon 306 Century Building Uiilds, 1503 Oak avenue. left for California to spend the winter. Those present were: Alvina Mellendorf, Helen Panwitt, Lilly Deth- loff Louise Hacker, Louise Nlekrens. Gertrude Witt, Helen Harms, Frieda Roth, Minnie Teufert, Bessie Dickin- son, Clara Ramelow, Phoebe Forbeck, Lilly Mellendorf, Elizabeth Koesow, Games were played. Prizes were won. First prize, Louise Hacker; second prize, Minnie Teufert. ano. of each meeting. Mrs. Geo. W. Eg- gers of Chicago gave a talk on "Obe- dience." Prizes were awarded for having the best exhibit in their re- spective rooms to the children. Those receiving the little booklet called "The Flower Guide" or "Flowers East of the Rockies" were Merlbah Mable, Miriam Adams, Evangeline Morten- son, Paul Meyer, Frances Schone, El- sie Brown, Marguerite Gradler, Helen Hchoner, Walter Stadtler, Beatrice Haight, Dayton McKay and Alice May Knack. Four of the children were honorably mentioned, Paul Layman, Ruth Stanford, Lucy Gale and Marion Worstall, and presented with hand- some Japanese cards bearing a state- ment of the amount of work and tho variety and care with which it was done. These children most probably would have received a prize had not their mothers been on the committee and perhaps had received more help and urgence from them. 3* Rocky Mountain United 900 a. m. Chicaio-Nebraska Limited . ^. &QO p.m. Colorado-California Expraift j*T J 1£3J P- «• Eipre** . . . £ . * J^1™*p^ Fast Mail . /% . f 2**fi^> AutomttiJBlock Signah^f^^ Trains depart daily^/ia Rock IslancfTines from La Salle Station (on the elevated loop) and from Englewood Union Station (63rd Street)--con- venient to South Side district. Tickets and reservations Adam aad Daarbora Strwta aad at StatUae ™ ( Caatral 4446 j Aatoaialic 62-366 Pbom*{ Wabaah 3210; Automatic 53-495 L. H. McCORMICK, Oeaeral Agaat Faaaaager Deft. Rock Island

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