Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1912, p. 14

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■■■^•I^w THB LAKE SkOftE NEWS, TtttttBDAV. DtfCBMBEK 5, WO. 'WW • W W WW] ' \ What People Are Doing »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ in Evanston ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BRILLIANT affair was the reception and dance given Monday at the Country club by Mr. and Mrs. John M. (jleiin and their daughters, the Misses Mary and Helen Glenn. More than 400 persons were in attendance. Southern smilax and poinsettia were the decorations which so charmingly set the club house oil' in all its beauty. The grand march, which fea- tured the evening dancing festivities, was led by Miss Mary Glenn and Mr. Harold Pynchun. Preceding the evening Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mead gave a dinner lor their daughter, Miss Lorraine, who is a debu- ante of the season. Mrs. Harry A. Pearsons also entertained at din- ner. Those who assisted Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and the Misses Glenn were Miss Eva Vail of Chicago, Mi's. Jay Vandergrift Hall of Lans- ing, Mich., Miss Mary McClare of Scranton, Pa., Miss Helen McKae of Detroit, and Miss C. Eloise Sherin of New York City. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Anna Kinney of Grinnell, la., spent Thanksgiving the guest of W. J. Schatz and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hobart, 1308 Maple avenue, left Monday night to spend the winter in Redlands, Cal. Mr. L. C. Downs, who has been re- Biding at 1127 Hinman avenue, left Monday for Winchester, Vt., to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morby, 1113 Sherman avenue, are rejoicing over the birth of a eon, born Friday. Nov. 29. Mrs. E. D. Simpson, who has been residing at the Hotel Monnett, left this morning for Mobile, Ala., to spend the winter. Mrs. O. H. Berry, 1225 Forest ave- nue, returned to Erie, Pa., with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Churchill to remain two weeks. Miss Helen Blomfleld, 2650 Ridge avenue, left for Hawesville, Ky., Mon- day, to visit Miss Julia Ilinckle for three weeks. Mrs. S. VV. Youngquist, 2318 Harri- son street, entertained Friday at dinner in honor of Miss Ro«e Gold- smith of St. Louis. Born, to Mr. am1 Mrs. Chas. French, 1945 Maple avenue, a daughter. Mr. Blair Moulton, 819 Madison street, spent Thanksgiving near Rock- ford, 111. Dr. E. H. Webster left Saturday night to spend two weeks on his farm in Mississippi. Mr. W. S. McKay, 2308 Central street, returned Wednesday from a trip through the east. Mr. Ralph B. Dennis, formerly a famous university man, is visiting relatives in Evanston. Mr. Battles of the Northwestern Pharmacy and his family have taken an apartment In the Judson. Mrs. O. H. Mann, 1001 Grove street, is in Evansville, Ind., visiting her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Eugene Mann. Mr. Percy Kidder of Hammond, La., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Kidder, 2307 Harrison street. Mrs. S. G. Grubb, 2015 Lincoln street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan of Springfield, 111. Mrs. Edwin M. Asjrtraft, 1214 Forest avenue, gave a family dinner Thurs- day. Covers were laid for eighteen. Mrs. A. H. Williams, 1735 Asbury avenue, has been entertaining her cousin, Mrs. L. D. Bunker of Milwau- kee. Mrs. A. R. Vinnedge, 1310 Maple avenue, is entertaining Mi's. C. E. An- drews and her daughter of Milwaukee, Wia. Mrs. R. E. MacRae, 2516 Park place, spent Thanksgiving with her son, Mr. Elvyn MacRae at Delafleld, Wia. Mrs. Frank E. Payne, 1810 Sher- man avenue, enjoyed a visit from her mother, 'Mrs. Burnham of Adrian, Mich. Miss Gladys Boesch of Wilmette enjoyed her Thanksgiving at the home of Miss Catherine Quinlan, 1206 Main street. Miss Bertha Swisher, 81C Foster street,Avas the Thanksgiving guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Fuller, at Burn- ham, 111. Miss Josephine Dole, 1104 Michigan avenue, and Miss Glady Spry, 1101 Forest avenue, returned Monday from Bryn Mawr college. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman of 2308 Harrison street spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Merritt B. Mott of Rockford, 111. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bush and fam- ily, 2310 Harrison street, spent Thanksgiving at Somerdale, III, as the guest of Mr. Bush's parents. Mrs. S. Blair and little daughter, Virginia of Morton Park, 111., are guests of Mrs. Blair's sister, Mrs. Phl- limene Goodman, 314 Rinn street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Pettan and son, Reed, 2323 Harrison street, are spending Thanksgiving in Kankakee, 111., as the guest of Mr. Van Pettan's parents. Miss Helen Hendy of Sewanee, Tenn., has been visiting her sister, Mts. John F. Strickler, 533 Sherman avenue, and Mrs. Vernon Ward, 1726 Wesley avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, entertained their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Schumacher and family, 2403 Hartzell street, at dinner Thursday. Monday Mrs. William A. Illsley gave the last of a series of Informal teas which she has been giving through the month of November to meet her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edward Illsley of Chicago. The marriage of Miss Lillian Ar- mour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armour, and Dr. Thomas L. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Porter, 1605 Wesley avenue, will occur December 26 at the home of the bride's parents, Worcester, Mass. Miss Blanche Lowry, 2227 Harrison street, spent a few days visiting in Milwaukee last week. Dr. and Mrs. Prank H. Anderson, 1328 Sherman avenue, are at home from their wedding trip. Miss Josephine Buswell, 1014 Green- wood boulevard, is a guest of Mrs. W. H. Duckworth in New York City. Miss Ruth Earhart, 628 University place, had as her Thanksgiving guesi Miss Beulah Mitchell of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bauerle of Aurora spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Potter, 908 Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buchanan, 2015 Lincoln street, entertained Thanksgiv- ing day at dinner. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Wehrstedt of 2603 Sheridan road spent Thanksgiv- ing day in Elgin, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fehrman. Mrs. Alonzo Kimball and Miss Mar- jorie Kimball, 502 Lake street, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Cart- wright in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. James Woods and Miss Estelle A. Woods, 1145 Judson avenue, will spend the winter in De Land, Fla., leaving for there next week. Mr. R. H. McColl, manager of the Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Co., will go to Atlanta, Ga., the first of next week to attend the gas convention. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams, 1940 Sheridan road, are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Miss Lucy Wil- liams, who is teaching in Clinton, 111. The Misses Mary, Katherine and Imogen Voorhees, 1315 Hinman ave- nue, went to St, Louis, Mo., to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. W. S. McChes- ney, Jr. The Rev. Prentiss Hevey Case and wife of Quincy, Mich., the last of the guests at the Case-Pearson wedding to depart, left Friday morning for their home. Mr. c. P. Coffin and family, 1130 Michigan avenue, are in Escanaba, Mich. Mr. Coffin will return Monday. Miss Mabel Barnard, who is teacher of music and drawing in the township | Mrs. Coffin and daughter will remain schools in western Indiana, spent away longer Thanksgiving in Evanston. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Jeffrey of De- troit, Mich., were the Thanksgiving and week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McLeod, 2516 Central street. Mr. Robert Warren, who has been the Thanksgiving guest of his daugh- ter, Mrs. C. E. Ware, 1021 Judson ave- nue, has returned to Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Arthur W. Underwood and two children left Monday for Florida for the winter. Mr. Underwood will re- side at the Avenue House while they are gone. Mr. Axel Abrahamson, who has spent the summer at Regina, Canada, came Thanksgiving day to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Nels Meyers, 519 Dempster street. Miss Ruth Atwell, assistant in the laboratory at the University of Ur- bana, came home to spend Thanks- giving with her parents, Prof, and Mrs. C. B. Atwell, 1938 Sherman avenue. Maj. and Mrs. McClure, who have been spending the summer in Elmira, N. Y., have returned permanently to Evanston, and are located at the home of Mrs. A. J. Brown, 1505 Oak avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Fuller and little sons, Robert and Wallace, Jr., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Fuller's sister, Mrs. Louis A. Wheeler, 1028 Elmwood avenue. They returned home to Hamilton, O., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Williams, 1940 Sheridan road, had as their Thanks- giving guests their daughter, Miss Lucy Williams, of Clifton, 111., and Mrs. Williams' sister, Mrs. Kate Cork- hill, of Appleton, Wis. Both returned home Monday. Bryant Judson of the University of Illinois spent his Thanksgiving vaca- tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Judson, 912 Ridge avenue. He had with him as his guests, Leon Swartz of Urbana, 111., and Evans Kern of Rockford, 111. Mrs. Edgar C. Linn of Brookline, Mass., who was the Thanksgiving and week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Odell, 1802 Church street, left Mon day for home, accompanied by her father, Mr. Gideon Hawley, who will spend the winter in Massachusetts. Thanksgiving vacation guests of Principal and Mrs. Helm were Prof. G. N. Stewart, head of the physics de- partment of the University of Iowa, and Prof. John C. Kirtland of the Phil- lips Exeter academy. Prof. Stewart was Mr. Helm's college roommate for two years, and Prof. Kirtland was his faculty associate at Exeter for six years. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferry, 2130 Har- rison street, left last week for Oak Park, where they will spend a short time with Mrs. Ferry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Speck. Miss Blanche Bushnell, 730 Emerson street, who has been visiting schooi friends and relatives in Columbus and Dayton, O., since Oct. 1, returned home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Smith, 720 Clark street, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, which arrived No- vember 23. Mr. Smith is college Y. M. C. A. secretary. , Mr. and Mrs. Colby Davis, 1723 As- bury avenue, and their daughter, Mrs. John Robb of Philadelphia, spent Thanksgiving in Janesville, Wis., the guest of Mrs. Davies' sister, Mrs. How- ard. Alfred L. Lindsay, 2326 Orrington avenue, who has recently returned from Europe, will be the soprano at the First Methodist church in the ab- sence of Mrs. Tewksbury, who !» abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Lansing B. Warner, D42 Michigan avenue, have had as their guests Miss Louise D. Warner of New York and Dr. Elizabeth Newman of Boston, who returned to their home Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Gale and Miss Helen Woods announce a display and sale of hand-painted china and water colors. Dec. 2 and 3, afternoon and evening, at the home of Mrs. Gale, 2119 Lin- coln street. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Fiske, 1625 Judson avenue, entertained Miss Frances Gilman, a sophomore at Northwestern university and her cou- sin, Miss Alta Gilman of Angola, Ind., Thanksgiving. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Frost, 1632 Hinman avenue, arrived home Thanks- giving day from Kensington, Prince Edward's Isle, where they spent a month the guest of their daughter, Mrs. George Morris. The many friends of Mrs. Frank F. Corby, 1462 Wesley avenue, will re- gret to know that for two weeks she has been unable to be about and is still suffering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. | St. Hilda's guild for college women will meet today, from four to six o'clock at the home of the director, Miss Lorraine Mead, 1810 Hinman avenue. All college women who are either Episcopalians or regu- lar attendants upon the services of that church are invited to be present. Mrs. Robert Candee, 1411 Chicago avenue, left Monday night for Milwau- kee. Miss Esther Blomquist, 1941 Dewey avenue, who has been very ill, Is con- valescing nicely. Miss Guhnild Friedholm, who ha* been the guest of Miss Selma Abra- hamson, 519 Dempster street, for two weeks, went to Jacksonville, Fla., Fri- day. Miss Eva Kranz, 826 Monroe street, has been entertaining Miss Lucile Thinnesch of Dubuque, la., for a week. Miss Thinnesch returned home Thurs- day. A. C. Galitz and family, 1633 Oak avenue, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Miss Galitz's parents, Justice and Mrs. John W. Brower of Niles Center, 111. Mr. Loyal Wheelock, who Is attend- ing the University of Illinois, is spend- ing his vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wheelock, 1040 Hinman avenue. The Misses Olive and Leone Star and Miss Louise Lanners of Cham- paign, 111., were Thanksgiving guests of the family of Mr. George Wool- ridge, 943 Wesley avenue. Mrs. Clarence Vandenbark of Chi- cago, daughter of Congressman Wil- liam R. Warnock of Urban, Ohio, who spent two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Houston, 1426 Forest ave- nue, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pettigrew of Bridgeport, Conn., stopped over to visit for ten days with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Shuman, 1610 Ashland avenue, on their way to spend the winter in Pasa dena, Cal. They left Thursday for the west. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Ford, West Rail- road avenue and Central street, have as their guest Mrs. Ford's brother, MY. Moorhouso of Winnipeg, Mani- toba. Mr. Moorhouso Is manager of the Lumber Insurance Company of Now York. Mr. and Mrs. Seidell F. White, 419 Greenwood boulevard, had as her Thanksgiving guests, Mrs. White's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Ishpeming, Mich., and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Richards of Horton. They will remain over Sun- day. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Houston, 1426 For- est avenue, had with her for Thanks- giving dinner her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vandenbark of Chicago, and her daughter, Miss Alice Houston, who with Mrs. A. Starr Best spent two weeks in New York on Dra- matic league work, returning the day before Thanksgiving. Miss M. Grace Murray, 1141 Noyes street, and little niece, Mabel Bost- wick, left Thanksgiving day to be gone two or three weeks. She will first visit her cousin in Manson, la. Then she will go to South Dakota to visit her sisters, Miss Florence M. Murray, superintendent of schools of Jerauld county, and Miss Hazel Murray, a teacher at Wessington Springs. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, had as their guests for Thanksgiving their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy Alexan- der of Cleveland, Ohio, their son, Mr. Duke Alexander of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Banks' sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson of Oak Park and Miss Mary Ainslee, also of Oak Park, Mrs. Lena Swearlngen, Mrs. Minor Laughlin of Evansville, Ind., Miss Katherine Barker of Chicago and Mr. Bernard Roeslng, 2341 Pion*tt road, has returned from Battle Cre«fc, Mich. Mr. Edward Oistad, 928 Chicago av* nue, sailed Nov. 28 on the C. F. Tit> gen for Norway where he will live. Mr. Emil PeteTson, 1521 Greenleat street, sailed November 27 on the Mauretania for Sweden to remain abroad. Mr. Oscar Enmark and family, 1700 Washington street, sailed November 23 on the Megantic from Montreal to remain in Sweden. Mrs. David N. Olson, 918 Main street, returned Friday from Oneida, 111., where she was called some weeks ago by the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. William Compton, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Campbell were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Knisely, 2720 Woodbine avenue. Mrs. Frank Cotton of Grand Rapidj, Mich., after a month's visit, the guest of Mrq. Charles Poor, 805 Michigan avenue, returned to her home Mon- day. Miss (luhild Friedholm, who was the guest of Misses Anna Relsberg and Selma Abrahamson, 519 Demp. ster street, has gone to Florida for the. winter. Mr. W. H. Callow, 831 Foster street, spent Thanksgiving at his old home, Cobb, Wis. This is Mr. Callows' first Thanksgiving visit home in twenty- five years. Miss Lucy Chambers, who is attend- ing school at De Kalb, 111., is spending her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chambers, 1319 Main street. Miss Ruth Aker, who is teaching school at Dundee, 111., spent Thanks- giving and is remaining the week-end the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Aker, 912 Wesley avenue. Miss Olivia Carlson, 1402 Chicago avenue, sails December 5 from New York on the Oscar II, for a brief visit to Kasko, Finland. She makes but one change en route, that at Copenhagen. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Knisely, 2720 Woodbine avenue, entertained at tea Sunday afternoon. Covers were laid for ten. Miss Marjorie Lusted of Wilmette furnished the musical num- bers. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goltz, 1029 Ayars place, spent Thanksgiving at Hartford, Mich., where they have pur- chased a country home, which they expect to occupy about April 1. They report two inches of snow with good sleighing. The festivities of celebration of th<> twenty-fifth anniversary of St. Nicho- las' church closed Thursday in a dance which was given by St. Agnes' sodality at Redfleld hall. There was a large crowd present and all had a splendid time, Mrs. Herman J. Witt, 712 Main street, gave a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Covers were laid for nine. Miss Ruth Crandall was the especial guest of honor, it being her birthday. A handsome bouquet of one dozen mammoth white chrysanthemums adorned the table. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Miss Selma Abrahamson, 519 Dempster street, was wedded to Mr. Nels Johan Meyers of Evanston at the home of Pastor Nelson of the Lake View- Swedish Lutheran church. There were no attendants. A wedding sup- per was served at the home of Mr. Nels Reisberg, 1104 Barry avenue, Mrs. M. G. Babcock of Los Angeles, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers are at Cal- I home at 519 Dempster street. Central Trust Company j of Illinois 123 W. Monroe St, between Clark and La Salle Streets, Chicago BANKING jSAVINGS-tftelJSTS SAFE DEPOSfTOKlfflS lU8 Capital and Deposits CHARLES G. DAWES. President EDWIN P. MACK. Vice-President WILLIAM T. ABBOTT. Vice-President L. D. SKINNER, Assistant Csshier [OF/ICER W. W GATES, Assistant Cashier JOHN W. THOMAS. Assistant Cashier ALBERT G. MANG, Secretary ^ALCOLM McDOWELL. A«t Secretary WILLIAM O EDENS. Aut Secretary JOHN L. LBHNHARD. Asst. Trust Officer DIRECTORS Vukl^Asf^ul^or1 ChkW' MU" Ts^, £>BINSON. Illinois C2A<SSny B0YNT0N- ******* Brown JULIUS KRlTrrSCHMITT. Vic-Pr«rfde»t AAl^irEi.R^?c^anyP^tot ^Q^f^JSSSSU. ^

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