Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1912, p. 14

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What People are Doing in Evanston A WEDDING of interest Thursday was that of Miss Edith Livonia Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Beecher Case, 1943 Orrington avenue, to George William Pearson, which took place at the fam- ily residence at 7:30. The bride was attended by her two sisters, Mrs. Frederick Keith Hill of Oak Park and Mrs. Carleton M. Vail of Highland. Park; as mat- rons of honor. The bridesmaids were the Misses Eleanor Mills of New York, Mary Bates of East Orange, N. J., Josephine Pearson of Evanston and Helen Aldrich of Chicago. Farrington Carpenter of Chicago was best man. Only the immediate families were present at the ceremony and the couple left immediately afterward for a trip to the east and will be at home on their return at The Elmwood, 908 Main street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyer and son, Donald, 321 Greenwood boulevard, are home from Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gillis, 2135 Orrington avenue, will take a trip to New York City this week. Mr, H. B. Kirkpatrick, 1906 Lincoln street; returned last week from a busi- ness trip through the east Mrs. C. H. Parsons; 1732 Orrington avenue, after a visit of several weeks at Goshen, Ind., is at home. Mr. Percy Kidder of Hammond, La., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Kidder, 2307 Harrison street. E. N. Frieden, 825 Main street, will have for a Thanksgiving guest, Miss Alice Plunkett of Clintonville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Joslyn, 809 Washington street, have left for Jack- sonville, Fla., where they will live. Mrs. S. D. Grubb, 2015, Lincoln Street, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan, in 8pringfleld, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Squire Rush Harris, 1316 Judson avenue, returned Satur- day from Omaha, Neb., where they spent two weeks. Miss Theodora Grantham of Madi- son, Wis., will return to her home at 2415 Hartzell street today for her Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. John S. Burchmore of Washing- ton, D. C, is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, 2407 Harrison street Mrs. C. M. Cooley, 2000 Wesley ave- nue, has her mother, Mrs. George P. Butler, and Miss Butler of Walker- ton, Ontario, Canada, visiting her. The Oak Leaf circle will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the home of the Misses Esther and Marjory Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street Miss Nannie Chambers, who has spent the summer in California, has come to spend the winter with her nephew, Mr. W. E. Chambers, 1319 Main street. Prof, and Mrs. D. A. Hayes, 620 Fos- ter street are entertaining the Rev. H. B. Swartz, a missionary in Japan, who was a classmate of Dr. Hayes In Borton University. After spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. M. W. Stewart, 2630 Prairie avenue, Miss Lillian Bingham departed Saturday evening for her home in Daytona, Fla. Mrs. John Forbes and daughter, Louise, 1719 Asbury avenue, left Wednesday evening for Omaha, Neb., to make a couple of weeks' visit with Mrs. Forbes' daughter, Mrs. W. F. Mc- pherson. Mr. Wesley A. Stanger, who went to Philadelphia, Pa., about a year ago as manager of the Royal Typewriter company, has returned and, with his family, will occupy their former home. 1525 Davis street. The new steropticon on exhibition in the Camera Shop window called the double balopitcon with opaque attach- ment is an expensive machine, cost- ing $250, and is the latest model, so late in fact, that the man sent from Chicago to set it up had not as yet seen one. It is used for projecting pictures, such as post cards, kodak views and old pictures, and shows them in color. Covenant M.E. church was filled to its full seating capacity Sunday expecting to hear the Rev. Dr. Gunsaulus, who, owing to an illness, was unable to keep his appoitnment. On very short notice Dr. Charles Macauley Stuart, president of the Garrett Bibli- cal Institute, was secured and proved to be a most able substitute. The choir, consising of Mrs. Edith Risser McKay, soprano, rs. Alice Ward McAfee, contralto, Mr. W. E. Calkins, tenor, and Mr. John A. Van Pelt, basso, did excellent work accompanied by Mrs. Irene S. Kidder at the organ. Miss Lydia Pregande, 1933 Wesley avenue, is very ill with diphtheria. Frank Slartile, 2416. Park place, has gone to Montana to stay three months; Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Ward are living in their new home, 2512 Park place, George W. Hotchkiss, 1015 Elm- wood avenue, is in St. Louis, Mo., for a brief stay. Miss Alice M. Houston, 1426 Forest avenue, is spending two weeks in New York City. Dr. C. H. Curran, who has been; stopping at the Avenue House, has gone to Elyria, Ohio. Mr. Robert Lord is expected home next week after an extensive business trip through the south and west Edward Hall of Louisville, Ky., who visited his brother, Mr. C. G. Hall 2310 Grant street, has returned to his home. Mr. Louie Sherland, manager of the Northwestern garage, has been quite ill for several weeks at his home, 1630 Maple avenue. Mrs. A. W. Kimball and daughter, Miss Margaret Kimball, who have been abroad for six months, have re- turned and are at 502 Lake street. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonbright of the Avenue House have gone to Flor- ida for the doctor's health. Miss Martha Thompson, 2643, Dewey ave- nue, accompanied them. Mrs. J. W. Gardner of West Union, Ia., is the guest of her son, William F. Gardner, 811 Washington street This is Mrs. Gardner's first visit to Chicago since she was 7 years of age. Mrs. E. A. Downs and her daughter. Miss Blanche Downs, recently M 909 Forest avenue, have gene to Winches- ter, N. H., to reside. Mr. Lewis Downs will remain in Evanston about ten days longer. Mrs. Clarence Vandenbark of Chi- cago, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Houston, 1426 Forest ave- nue. Mrs. Vanderbark is the daugh- ter of Congressman William Reynolds Warnock of Urbana, Ohio. A dinner was given Tuesday at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. L. F. W. Leseman, 712 Judson avenue, to the student pastors of Garrett Biblical institute. There were twenty-seven present Henry Raeder, Jr., 1635 Hinman avenue, a student at Mercersburg Academy, Pennsylvania, won the championship of the school in tennis last week. He also holds the junior championship of Evanston. The Rev. A. L. Murray of St Mat- thew's church will leave tomorrow for a five days' lecture tour in south- ern Michigan. He will spend Sunday, Dec 12, in Coldwater, Mich., and preach in his former church. The employees of Rosenberg's gave a miscellaneous shower Thursday at the K. P. hall in honor of Miss May Ludlow, 918 Grove street, who will be married Thursday afternoon to Mr. Albert Schaffer at St Mary's church. Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Keene, 1117 Asbury avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward P. Judd of New Haven, Conn, after an extended tour through Van- couver, Seattle, Portland, and other coast cities and places of interest, have returned home. Mrs. John B. Decker, 1734 Ridge avenue, has rented her apartment for the winter to Mrs. Vera Bowen, who comes here from Bloomington, Ill., to educate her daughter, Miss Vera, at Northwestern University. Mrs. Deck- er will spend the winter in the south. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Goodnow, 1627 Wesley avenue, are rejoicing over the birth, October 27, of a son to their only daughter, Mrs. William Shields, Glen Ridge, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Good- now have just returned from a three weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shields. Mr. Bernard Rossing 2341 Pioneer road, left last week for Battle Creek Mich. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nellston, 2122 Jackson Ave- nue, Nov. 8. Miss. Mary Savage, 819 Gaffleld place, has gone to Columbus, Miss., to spend six weeks. Miss Lucile Colt 1918 Sherman ave- nue, has gone to New York City to spend a couple of weeks. Saturday evening, Nov. 23, a baby daughter was born to Mr., and Mrs. A. P. Jones, 819 Gaffield place. Mrs. James Hibben, 906 Judson ave- nue, is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. L. Dee of Detroit Mich. Mr. James R. Paul, 2227 Harrison street, is in Washington, Conn., the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Far- rand. Mrs. J. Mitchel Hoyt 1676 Ashland avenue, returned Saturday from Ap- pleton, Wis., where she visited with her mother. Miss Helen Judson, 912 Ridge ave- nue, has been the guest of her brother, Bryant who is attending the Univer- sity of Illinois. Mrs. George M. Tibbits of Milwau- kee, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George F. Hardie, 911 Hinman avenue, has returned to Milwaukee. Miss Mildred Armour, 1608 Ridge avenue, has as her guest Miss Rachel Kincaid of Kansas City, Mo., who has been the guest of Mrs. John N. Dole. Mr. John Culbertson, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. M. W. Gibson, 2146 Sherman avenue, has gone to Minneapolis. Mr. Archie Warren Plant of Evans- ton was married November 23 at the Roman Catholic cathedral, Escanaba, Mich., to Augusta Helen Cigrang. Mrs. Minnie Douglas of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been visiting the fam- ily of Mr. Clinton S. Day, 636 Milburn street for a week, has returned home. Dr. W. J. Davidson, 2161 Sherman avenue, has just returned from De- catur, Ill.; Des Moines, Ia., and Indianapolis, Ind., where he delivered a series of lectures. Mrs. Edwin M. Ashcroft, Jr., 1244 Forest avenue, accompanied Mrs. George Gaylord home to Neena, Wis. Mrs. Gaylord has been Mrs. Ashcroft's guest for some time. After a visit with his daughter, who is a student in Northwestern univer- sity, Dr. Claudius B. Spencer, editor of the Central Christian Advocate, has returned to his home. Miss Nettie Isom of Kenilworth, af- ter a visit to San Francisco, will sail November 30 from that port on the steamer Mongolia for an extended visit in the Orient and the Philippine Islands. Mrs. Anna Johnson, 1230 Chicago avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Mathilda Johnson, to Mr. William E. Goeltz, Jr., 1029 Ayars place, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam F. Goeltz. Mrs. J. M. Hawxhurst, 1212 Judson avenue, has gone to visit her daugh- ter, Miss Gertrude Hawxhurst, who is in school at Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Hawxhurst will probably be away for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit F. Dean, 1106 Church street will have a family re- union Christmas day. Their son, Wal- ter M. Dean, formerly of Evanston, now of San.Diego, CaL, his wife and son, Manley, will be home to spend the holidays with them. On Friday evening. Nov. 29, a unique and interesting entertainment is to be presented at the Northwest- ern university settlement Them will be given a lecture on the Norwegian composer, Edward Wrieg, by George Walter Johnson. There will also be two groups of piano selections by Miss Alice Johnson, a co-ed at Northwest- ern. Mr. Rudolph Schuster, a gradu- ate of Northwestern and instructor of German at the Bloomington (IB.) high school, appears on the program as the vocal soloist He will give two groups of vocal selections, which wfll include as one number Grieg's divine love song. "Ich Bebe dich." The pro- ceeds of the entertainment will go to the settlement At St Mary's'Catholic church at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday the marriage of Miss Margaret Harrer to Mr. Niche- las Hiertzig of Rogers Park, Ill., celebrated, Rev. Fr. H. P. Smith offi- ciating. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Nicholas Weimesch- kirch, as matron of honor. Her sis- ter, Miss Anna Harrer, was her bridesmaid, and her little niece, Margaret Harrer, was flower girl. The bride's brother, Mr. Frank Harrer, was best man. For her wedding dress the bride wore creme crepe de chine, and carried bride's roses. Her sisters were gowned alike in yellow satin and carried golden chrysan- tbemums. Her flower girl was in white lingerie and carried a basket of White pompom chrysantnemunms. A reception at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Michael Harrer, 643 Chi- cago avenue, followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hiertzig left on a honeymoon trip to Califor- nia. Upon their return they will re- side in Rogers Park. The Greatest Woman* Who was or is the greatest woman la all history? Two hundred Kansas teachers answered the Question and with enthusiasm and unanimity the judges awarded the prize to the one who made this reply: "the wife of the farmer of moderate means who does her own cooking, washing. Iron- ing, sewing, brings up a family of boys end girls to be useful members of society, and finds time for intellec- tual Improvement" Are You a Lodge Member? Masonic-Shrine-Eastern Starr- Odd Fellows-Rebeka- Kights of Pythias--Woodsmen--Maccabees-- Foresters--Knights of Columbus and all other secret society buttons Pins--rings--chamrs--medals in stock or made to order. School-- class--frat--sorority--Soc'y Pins Winship & Co., Fact'y Masonic Tple. Chicago Illiois Red Cross Filter and be healthy Victoria Theater Belmont and Sheffield Mats., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Sunday Matinee Dec. 1st of Charles Klein's deservedly popular play of American life. "The Gamblers" which attracted overflowing au diences of Maxine Elliott's The- atre, New York, for one full sea- son and was last season pre- sented on tour with the same gratifying results. The original production will be offered here Next week--The Rosary Chicago Coach and Carriage Company 1223-1231 Michigan Ave. Designers and Manufacturers Automobile Bodies and Tops General Repairing and Painting North Shore Branch, 918 Sheridan Rd., Phone Graceland 426 Save from $10,00 to $15.00 on a suit are overstocked. Season's finest fabric must be turned into cash ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RESERVED Our $60.00 Suits for 45.00 Our $45.00 Suits for $35.00 Just think of it Faultlessly man-tailored suits to your measure for $35.00. Why take chances with ready mades? No profit in this sale simply to keep our tailors busy. Also great stock of short ends, beautifufl goods, just enough for skirts, worth $8.00 to $12.00. Your pick for $8.00 Skirts. Deliveries one week after placing order. Every garment absolutely guaranteed. Reference furnished from all over North Shore. H. Nakutin Tel. 258 Evanston 808 Dempster St. Holiday gifts for young and old Atlantic & Pacific Bird Co. 307 West Madison Streett Dr. E.P. Monahan, Neurologist 619 Davis St., Evanston Willie Irene McAllister Scientific Scalp and facial treatments shampooing, manicuring and hairdressing The Maxwell preparations for sale Residential work solicited 1115 Chicago Ave. Evanston Ill. Schaeffer Bros. Undertakers 1573 Maple Ave., Evanston, Ill. The Evanston ALl this week Wm. M. Vance Inc. Offers by arrangement with Henry W. The College Widow by Geo. Ade As played two years Garden Theater, New York A breezy Thanksgiving attraction

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