Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1912, p. 4

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asp TAB LAKB SHORE NBWW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 19». CO-EDS MAKE RAID ON BIB DORMITORY Heck HaJl was again raided ^Vi- day. The "bibs" came forth in larger numbers than the night before. The Cumnock Oratory girls raided the hall en masse and before the wen had a chance to defend thems^Kes they were captured. This is th« <m ^ defeat of the "bibs"" this year The men gave the wnmw a feed. and at the close blanks for member ship In the Woman's t eague ">re di* tributed and auk kly signed Ir re turn a number o' the hib? will reg ister in Oratory. The only casualties reported are that .topb« "unrh broke his left arm am' < h*t 'V-i'l't" sp*aine 1 bis ank'° " " *>0 #*-et» «op'»'<1" HAD PHONOGRAPHS IN FGVT, **ports Are That B*byl"nlan Tat â- -♦ A»*o 8hows That ♦ »!« Wirf1'*' Telegraph Wa« Known. •*We thin*- we are a great people," â- aid the retired army officer, taking off his glasses, "and we feel that we are progressing at a tremendous pace, bat here's a newspaper account say- ing that the French government has unearthed In Babylonia 45,000 tablets, firing a history ,in full of the reign of the ancient kings. Here we find for the first time that Babylon, *nd not Rome, was the real 'Mother of Laws.' In those days there was a system of courts and of appeals that •Ten sugested a recall. Sir, this re- port also states that in the days of Nebuchadnezzar they had a free rural delivery of mail over every highway In the kingdom. And shades of Orover Cleveland!â€"It has also been proved beyond a doubt that the Egyp- tian government in 4,500 B. C, had a perfected system of civil service. Thera is a record that the first tur- bine engine was invented by the HJgyptlans, and that Archimedes de- vised this mechanical contrivance by Which the fields could be watered when the Nile was low. This is the tame principle that Is used to drive the latest additions to the Cunarders." What shocked the doughty old American most of all, says the Na- tional Magazine, was the in forma tfon that four thousand ytaid ago the phonograph was useu in ancient Egypt, and was in reality »,aly per. fected by Edison In the nineteenth Centur/. There la e Adeuce also of the use of wirelcst telegraph/ the Christian era. *hil« thu Egyp tla alphabet hdB pi oven to b«e> a sci- entific key to organized human bptech. It if a hard blow to our self sufficiency to find that the banjo ^f the southern plantation with its fascinating •thrum" only echoes the musical in- struments used by Egyptians in pre- historic times U th« 8<*me Olj W*». u In r*vijwh£ Proisssoi Frank i* ..♦ Abbott/& new book. "The Cc auion People cr Ancient Itoiue:" a critic •aye: "It should be sometiiing of a corrective to modern conceit to note how little we have advanced «*ince paternalism first became dominant ha Borne ana since the Roman govern- Blent prided itself on opening public hatha and washhouses for the people Lot Angeles is doing that same thing HOW and lauds herself at a pioneer in, civilisation because of it. Dlocle* tlan denounced the rich and their taurlea, attributed to the<n the high prices of necessaries, in language al- most lndentlcal with a radical newspa- per Of today. PlautuB tells us of the treats that were founded to control price* and the trust problem was as <%tneh a reality in ancient Rome aa Hie today." Picture* and Religion. The decision of the pope t« alio* IriUgiotis cinematograph shows in Ro- ,^Man Catholic churches in America (on t^oj&ditlon that the sacrament is re> fpfniil) will cause little surprise in tftti country. In English churches, for fill our "bright" services, the use of >&* •here ejieriiltn cleric, the Rev. Wilson Car- t finds the cinematograph a help to popular church army services at ^pL Mary-ei-Hill, and we believe "living fjfetsrer'* of sacred subjects are occa- JtBBaUy to he teen in a church at ^ennoadeey. A little over a year ago slather James Adderley of Birmingham ejejIsiT a newspaper campaign on he* £fl$f of the cinematograph in the senr- ftta* of the church, but nothing seems | What People Are Doing j; Winnetkd.............. cinematograph is almost unknown. are exceptions, however. That Mis* Ruth Pal" win spend the *m- t°r in Chicago. Mr Irwin Welch has chosen Ra^ne; wis, as his fnture home- Mr Robert 8tevenson has Tt>xrrv*& from » short st*y in Detroit Mr Joseph Spiegel moved to r'M- <-ago on Monday for the wint?r Racine, Wis., will be the future home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Galley. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Power are in t hiledelphla for a two weeks' visit. Dr Alice P. Brown and her mrther, M*s. r>8.rlcw, are "»rAn,1,n«f * fe^ days <" St t0«- Mich. m-s. A J. Vollmann and ber dargh- tPT M'ss Julia, are home from *»» ex < iflef« vipit through th» we»»t. Mrs J. R. Dickinson and Mrs. W- v Se«tr<>e " "re hoster^es a' a bridge pflrty at **» W/vtt)*>*»'o "'vi*> f»,>«»",,,r n'terr ooT> Mr. E E Cha«e has been elected a mpmbfr of the house committr© of Community bouse to succeed tb« ***v. i »erterick O Budlong, resigned. a popular Winnejtkan ha* been hon- or od by an eastern college Word has been received to the effect that Delano de Windt has been chosen captain of the f'>otball team and pre°Hent of M* Hass at Williams college. On Thursday, Nov h. fhe Wom- an's guild of Christ cb»rch will eive a parish Fuprer M the giilld house All members of the church and any who are interested are cordially invited to attend. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock, and the moderate charge of 50 cents will be made. The rector, Mr. Frederick Budlong, is anxious to have a big attendance and urges a special effort to attend this parish supper. Mrs. William P. Happ, wife of Wil- liam P. Happ, 815 Spruce street, and mother of Clarence, Helen, Genevieve and the late Melville Happ, was buried last Tuesday. Mrs. Happ had been ail- ing for the past two years and had gone west to recuperate. While there she steadily grew worse until anally her husband was sent for. He arrived in time to be with her at the end. The many friends of Mr and Mrs. Hapi> extend their condolences to Mr. Happ and childicii ill their bereave fluent. Unaei the auapice*, Oi thi .,.-___»i«. .» iiiinltLc the Wiuueik* WouiAiv's club announce the presentation by the Hull House Players of The Pigeon, a delightful fantasy in three acts, by John Galsworthy, on Saturday even- ing, Nov. 23, at 8:15 o'clock. The tickets, reserved seats, $1, and gen eral admis3ion, 75 cents, are for sale at both drug stores and at the Worn an's club. This is the first of a juries of.play8 to be presented by the Dra- matic committee of the Win^etka Woman's club, one being giv*^ <^o), month during the winter. On Monday afternoon, Oct. 21. at the reedence of Mrs. George Thome, a lecture on the new method of teaching music and dancing was given by Mrs Martha Stockton RusseP cf Kvcns'-w She presented her ideas in pu< b in °t tractive way, with the »>elp <>f a cbariT'ing young Germwo girl that three classes in the new dam-wig have been organized. Tbe three classes were formed to meet the requirements of vs^ious pges, and starts with the first lesson last Monday afternoon. The present members have chosen Monday of each wee1' f^r instr"<tion Tbo new method is *->-tremely inter est'ng *nd bids fair '<< >>e vc \ nopu lfl< pT>d successful. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. Yon may now give your want «ds to the Hubbards Woods Pharmacy. and they will be forwarded to the main office for insertion in the earl'*^ pop sible issue. Do you want a servant? Do you need a furnace-man? • Do you wish to sell your automobile or house? Have you lost anything? Do you wish to sell or rent your i houseâ€"or buy one? Do you want -work ? Have you old furniture for saleâ€"or poultry or eggs or half a hundred other things? The quick way to get what you want is to place a want ad in The Lake Shore News which not only cov- ers your own town thoroughly but ail thjj adjoining towns. 1 Jit cost is absurdly 8u.«n ) .cUlo a lilic fOr clasatiicatioua Try TV. lAk<) Shore New.., £.,. . - Jto ♦♦♦M..................» : AT THE EVANSTON ; j ffij THEATER < \ \ % '♦♦iiiimiininmiiM» The play at the Evanston this week, "Se en Days," is a farce pure and sim- ple, full of situations too far fetched and overdone to be funny in many cases. Miss Russell, in the role of Anne Brown, a young woman seeking her psyeb'c control as a result of a visit to a clairvoyant, maintains her part consistently throughout the play. Our criticism of tbe production is that it leaves nothing to the imagina- tion, the fun being a little too care- fully labele*' "joke." However to those who enjoy fun in that form, Seven Days" offers ample opporturitv to indulge that taste. "For tboge «' > li^e that port of thinr that \a -• 'he "'>rt of thirfir ♦*» ' |l,">" Nat«»raliy. "What happens when you put the dollar before the man?" bawled the candidate 'The man goes af*er it," answered an old farmer in th*» "flri â€"Louisville Courier Journal. \J/HE Avenue WINNETKA FOR&BE Wiimctka. I1L pccialty anal t Railroad Avenue, Cor. of Sprues Street -n Telephoa, ^|3 . H..E. ODHNER Hubh^rd Woodt-Tcl. Winnetk Ladies^ / Mi TO Ol All K&aaVof Pticy CUutai. Pteuti|' tad Septiriaf Goods called for aid delivered. Oily fit* class woik. gsafaateed. Telepaoaa % yott orders. ^ EXPRjBS^fNG ..£?** ( jCarTis^es Furnish WiQAK STREET â-ºâ™¦â™¦*•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>»♦♦♦* ♦ What People Are Doing in Gross Point ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦ 41 <> O M.d hi. Meyer i» at Kramer, Ind., kinfe cictituieuto fur lneunxatisiu. Paul Lolih ha« left for a two visit to hei sister at Red Oak, Mrs weeks Iowa Mi li'g ii two Lageib ah tne result of a Bti'dtcn from a ruaty aail. Mr jbdw Evans and family returned l^-st week to their home *>n Blum stre^i Mi Evans Was had charge of Mr. Hibbaid's house on Prairie ave- nue, Chicago, during the summer A. daughter wan Un. io .u. «na a». .> John Fiegen last Friday Mr. David Hoffman wa. „^ iatcu - .i for appendicitis last wee*. He is ut a Kankakee hoapita. and la &ott»ag along nicely Mrs Ralph hIcuj... ^.uaw tJ Uer aunt, Mrs Vv B Hi ifleid of Ontou agon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. P. H Bur- nette of May wood; Mrs. J. W Goudard of Evanston; her mother, Mr» Ida Decker, and Mr. and Mid C H Klemm at dinger Sunday. MAbON PARK WON. rho Alason Park Blues defeated ii*t. Bearcats at the Bearcats grounds Bun- day by a score Of 6 to 0. The Bear- cats are one of the contenders for the lightweight championship in tlfe Chi- cago league. The Blues were greatly handi- capped by the crowd that circled around the players, preventing them from executing their open field work, upon which they count so much. Nert Sunday the Masen Park team has a game scheduled with the Elgin, 111., team. Last year the Watchmakers displayed great form in the Chicago leafrue. a 11 rooters who want to ac company the team to the "city of watches" shoald leave at the Davis street "L." station at 9:30 a. m. In regard to the, giving of the Mason Park sweater, Al Moss was the win- der, the lucky number being 217X. tfca diffawnca between a einematc- flarrtoa and a aaaglc-lantem ser- BUN-DING PERMITS. Seven ome-story coal sheds, 920, 20)»> 22, 22%, 24 Church street, a P. Whit- ney. Cost, $100. Two-story stucco residence, 139 lla* TacwttaoTTl. Yatmia naid u» | ple^cen^râ€"Owaar, jf> O BrowBtow Goat. H#K>. One-atory frama garaca* 2109 «fcer 8LIP8 ON BANANA PEEL while collecting garbage Mo..4w kt the city yards Prank Me^rs, who lives in West Gross Point slipped on a banana peel and severely straiued his right leg. H» «*as taken home in an ambulance, ATTACKED BY Duo lui^ Witsbeki of South E<au... was attacked and bitten by a straj dog Sunday afiernoou ad i. e was ^aSBiu^ 828 Cutter avem.j. iliy police are searching for the dog with the intention of shooting it when it hoves into sight TO A88I8T iCHOOi BOARD. l*he North Snd Improvement asso- ciation has appointed a committee, consisting of D. T. Layman, chairman; Hiram McCulloch, Robert C. Brown and A. L. Goodwillie, to act in con- junction with the building and grounds committee of the school board in locating the new school boose and arranging for playgrounds at the corner of McDanJel avenue and Colfax street. . â- ,.„, Uve Wlr*. #';*.. ?Si Telephony 188 X OiKt J A ODH Orders Promptly Att«aac| ETTER nd Boarding StaMitf 1 Occasions WINNETKA, MM "/^ THESSESA AIMTiQ /fflcpllOlU WlnnctM 235 C. & N. W. II. R. DIM Hlikfi W0Oft,l^ .JR. floors New Electric Proctst Phone 16a- II v^lNNtiTKA Q j 562 LINCOLN^i^t m»vK <*i Supplies I ^f^ AwitoinbbHcs Stored, BatfUd, 7 **p&*C*m„m ^y^lSTRfcUTORa FOR . u«u«b«tke^,MnericaAand Bo " WM. T. WEHR8TEDT, Pr«S> AGE hinc Work boilt Icctfkc^r* * THE FINEST QARAQE ON THE NORTH SHORE <â-º% /♦♦- â-ºâ™¦^♦♦^ North Shore Laundry u TpL Wtnnetka 132 {Nm&rmmr {jffi^$im$ti#^

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