Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1912, p. 14

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N the twin ballrooms of the Hotel I* Salle an the evening of Tuesday*Jfcvember i^J^:^Bammmw Evanston Visitation academy will give a dancing party for the benefit of thniuSldhig fond of the in- stiintion. Miss Mary G. McDonald is president of the "alumnae, Miss Helen Keep of Joliet Tice-presa- dent, Miss Margaret Connor secretary and Miss Luella Fotey treasurer. Among the young women members are Miss Mae A. Hanley Miss Eleanor Burke, Miss Mary Cnrran, Miss Marguerite Conaery, Miss Loretta Foley, Miss Pearl Keller, Miss Dowrthy Pur- celt Miss Margaret Shugrue, Miss Marie Marks, Mis* Nellie Shugrue, Miss Henrietta Bursch, Miss Marion Hohman, Miss Helen Keep, Miss Mary Or itfeDonald, Mian Theresa Ackerman, Miss Virginia Kelley, Mrs J E. BidweU, Mrs. J, H. Bavanaugh and Mrs. Carl Dockstadter. - - ' ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ I Mrs. 4. J. Barron of Lutsdale, Pa., I who '"'wen here for the Congdon wed- I ding, returned home Tuesday. | : Jdre. Harrison B. Riley and daugh- { ter, Miss Dorothy Riley, have left for ; Pasadena. Cal., for the whiter. Mr. and Mrs. Bdgar C. Rowe, 1414 ""Davis street, returned home Monday i from a short trip to Kentucky. £ Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven Winter, 2017 Sherman avenue, have gone to I spend Sunday in Detroit, Mich. ! Mrs. T. W. Robinson, 1620 Ridge â- avenue, left Monday morning for ! Denver, Col., for a ten days* trip. I Mrs. C. T. McBlwain and son, Rod- ' ert* of Kenosha, Wis., spent the week- end with Mrs. J. G. Brown, 2311,Hait- . zell street. I Sixteen new members were wet f corned into the membership of the ,' local Congregational church on Sun- 'â-  day morning. | Mr. Ira Rosenberg of the Sherman lis home to vote. Mr. Rosenberg is â-  taking poet-graduate work at the Uni- I verslty of Cincinnati I DT, McBWeen preached the dedica- tion sermon last Sunday evening at the new Addison Avenue Congrega- tional church in Chicago. . «r;Milton Pope, the dramatic I reader, is to, give "Monsieur Beau- 1 caire/' at the Congregational church I on Friday evening, Nov. 22. I Mr. Thomas M. Partes, 1710 Orrlng- ton avenue, returned Saturday from j West Virginia, where he has spent five months owing to ill health. % Mrs. Parks, national corresponding ! secretary W. C. T. U., arrived home Saturday from Portland, Ore., where lake attended the convention. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Goddard of New- ftonvllle, Mass., have been guests for V Jaw Jdays of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. -Brawn, 21? Dempster street ^Tbe union Thanksgiving service {will be held this year at the Congre- Igational church. Dr. A. S. C. Clarke Jot South Evanston will preach the aer- fmon. Mr. A. rX Sanders, Sr., has charge of the Bvanston branch of the Beth- esda Mission rummage sale that will fhe held next week at that mission ft""- Mrs. Q. P. Hoover, 1046 Judsott ave- nue, is home from a week's trip to Galesburg, 111. Miss Janet Smith, 1462 Ridge ave- nue, has just returned from a, short visit to Montreal, Canada. Mrs. C. W. Kirk, formerly of High- land Park, 111., left for Pougbkeepsle, N. 1r., after spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. William P. Coleman, 1745 Hinman avenue. ( On Friday evening, Nov; i, Mr. J. W. Hingley, 1926 Orrington avenue, a member of the freshman class at Wesleyan university, was initiated into the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity at the college. Mr. August Lundgaard, representing the Scranton international Correspoto- dence Schools and located at 1639 Or- rington avenue, was transferred Mdtar day to South Bend, Ind., for which he 'lefty early yesterday. Prof, and Mrs. Herbert Shaw Phil- brick are residing at 2130 Sherman avenue, having moved, herefrom the west, Prof. Phllbrick being the new professor of mechanical engineering at Northwestern university, coming from the Univereity of Missouri. Sister Nicasia, who hasr been" In charge of the operating Toom at 3t Francis hospital for several years, was taken 111 at midnight Wednesday and operated on at 10 o'clock Thursday for appendicitis and is In a serious condition. Mrs. John W. Knight, 1031 Michl* gan avenue, gave a Hallowe'en parfcr I, A surprise party was given on Mr. ! John Ludwig, S04 Chicago avenue, on | his 63rd birthday, his children, grand- • children and several friends being «jji|fP.f^W#HSl *• f * Jir. and Mrs. George D. Corson of I Denver, Col.,, after a five weeks' visit f here as the guest of Mrs. Corson's sis- I ter, Mrs. Albert I* Jenks, 814 Colfax I street, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R, Hall and daughters, Mfasfs Janet and Catherine Ball, 2310 Grant street, returned Monday from a five months' trip to, Europe. They arrived on the) Saxonla At the request of the county presi- Mr. B. 645 Custer #*•>• â- â€¢â- â€¢Â§' ue. ^ Mrs. *$Bmm#m*+ o t« viewing H*isww>ed*ricn^*R- "•* brook. 41* Lee street ^.^d^rwiMiameteSUeamd son, William, have changed their resi* dence to the Hotel Monnett , Master -MUton Hanson, f$l Harri. eon street, gave a Hallowe'en party Thursday afternoon to a few 0* #his friends*. W ;v. ? ' .: ! *\ >vi Mr! and Mrs. Spohr. ittli Harrison 8treet, entSTtained at a Hallowe'en •noon to her little five year old daughter, Margaret. Dainty refreshments were served amid beau- ty of decorations. There were ten children there. ; Mr. and Mrs. Max Hearts and Miss Jeanette Gonwlsher, 1464 Bumwood avenue, will attend-a family reunion In Chicago Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. George Shearer, It being the first anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer. ' Mr. and Mrs. John J. Charles, 1310 Hinman avenue, will give a tea on Saturday, Nov. 30, from 4 until 7 o'clock, at which they wiU introduce their daughters, Miss Martha and Miss Frances Charles. A dinner-dance for the assisting party will follow. » Miss Mildred Armour, 1608 Ridge avenue, v was hostess Monday after- noon' to a luncheon and bridge party in honor ef^Mi^ JosopWne Dole, Miss Faye CaMeV Misses Gladys and Elea- nor Spry, this and last year's debu- tantes. Covers were laid for twenty- eight. * t * *'{ ~f"f l X'â-  A surprise party was given Monday in honor of Mr. and .Mrs. Daniel McCann, 1*23 X>a* ayenaew W a nunv f *»« uie « warn* w» im vvuuv jf^^mx-------w----* â- ----- dent, a Joint meeting of an the local <yConnelL ,- of out of town friends. Dr. and Mr*; John N. Mills have left iter a i lour weeks* lecture tour â-  through'T "parte of Illinois, Indiana, Oble and Tennessee, going as far â- UUlli SB MJpfllJphlSi Mars. Finley BUllngwood, %%\% Om tral street, returned IThursday from a two months' visit with her. sons, Mr tinier WilNswood, Jr.» and Mr, Wllott Lee Bilingwood of California, A church .census of the northern end ol town has been token by the mem- bers of the Covenant M. B. church for the purpose of discovering how the town is divided In regard to religious SeptS. • ., â-  . , . ,m.;r , (.' i*h :rS Th^ boys o| IJsstor Held gave a har- vest dance laat Friday evening to the young ladies in the club house. The interior waa artistically deeoiated with autumn leaves, electric lights and pumpkins. ' J .,.,.. Dr. Edward A. Hanna has moved into their new bungalow, 2301 Grant street Dr. Henna formerly lived in Evanston, having moved from Prairie avenue aid nas opened a new ofice in the Settil building. Mrs. Eugene L. Brown and son, Ralph, nave returned irom a twa months' visit to friends In Syracuse, Buffalo anu Rochester, N. T^ shd are* residing it the home of Mrs brown's daughW, mi: b. j. Cttgi^ I28f ires- ;Iey avenue. ' â-  'â- ' ;,".^"' Miss Aniia Reteberg and Miss Sehna Abrahamson, 6i» Dempster street, gave a dinner Thursday evening at t o'clock to fourteen guests. Hallowe'en colors and favon were the decorative features of the evening. Oames were played. UUle tterew* A4e^»* panied her smaller sister, Lucile, who sang. Mrs. John S. Barker, her daughter, Miss Elise Barker, and her mether, Mrs. Nelson Sanford, have gone to Toledo, Ohio, where they Join Mr. J. S. Barker and Mr, John C Barker atfd will make that their home. The fam- ily have resided to Bvanston for four- teen years and bjnre been very active and beloved both in church and seemf circles, ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rueckhelm of 4226 Vlncennes avenue, Chicago, have) issued invitations for fne merriage el their daughter, Estelle, to Frederiek* Parsons Warren, son of Mr. snd Mssv Edward K. Warren of Bvansten. The ceremony will take place at tlw hosse of the bride's patents Ssitirdey even* tag, Nov. 2$; at t o'clotafc h*«he JiPS^ ence of the immediate famOies.. MIsa Florence Rueckhelm wQl Pe'#sr sjt» tor's only attendant Bud von Swer* ingen will act as best man. Mr. Harold Gratttham, 2416 Hart- zell street, was host at a maaajierada party Friday evening, ^fb^ hesse was very prettily decorated with lanterna and a very dettghttol time gussitng the msrtrei guests, raster ta Tork City, returned Wnw^tlttAy. y * Mr. and Mrs. August Bj^sman, 1408 Oreenleal atseetr'*^^**1*"* Mr. ,-â€" .^v ,. „.- ICnl Sample of ^N^011^^^^ est avenue. Fer- Barber. !5s3f»,w.a ***** «mtm*^^4^ •treat, left Monday for Qompton, Cal for the^ wlaleri * ' -"â-  " "' >?* " Mr. and |<rs. Ruthven »L Wmtsware at home from their wedding trip at 2017 Sherman avenue. ^. f%rs. Edgar C; Tlowe'«« tiro «*» dren, 1414 Pirris 0p*> •*• ****** home i^ktil^rpl^WK0^ Okwdwia, their twenty-fifth wedding aanlvefiary today. "-^"«-:" Mm C. A, Goodnow, 16«7 Wdsley avenue, left last week to visit her daughter, Mrf. Willlan| Shields tof Olen Ridge, N. J. Mrs. W* B. Bushnell, TS6 Bmerson street, has been entertaining as her guest for the week Miss Maloomb of Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. James Carswell, 1421 Greenwood boulevard, were bereaved by death of their little two year eld son, tUmaM, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Blmer H. Adams, 214 Greenwood boulevard, who have been in Scotland and Hogiand for a month arrived home Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Catpenter, 741 Forest aveojue, have as their honored guest the*r grandson, Master Nathan- lei Carpenter of Kenosha, Wis. Rev. and Mrs. Timothy P. Frest, 1692 Hinman avenue, left Tuesday |or Prince Edward Island to visit their daughter, Mrs. George Morris. Ue. and" Mrs. Souier and daughter, Miss Anna, of San Francisco, CaU, wiH reside for the winter with Mrs. Margaret Orri#, 2210 Hartsell street The ladies of the %talted Presbyf torian church are grateful to those who nelped to make their rummage sale last week a flattering success. Mra Laurence C. Ward and two Utr tie sons, of Newark, N. J^ are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ward's mother. Mm Waiter, %.9*&&J^&m 4 * > ^f%W" Wef/'1 anetoa to ooupies at a day evenlngv sions of the^ Bplscopal uressed js meeting i| for college women at Mead, directress, on :tf^;/wis|^H^:-+' Mrs. Bdward W, honie of her sister, Mrs. CJhartes] 1812 Ashland avenue. The..... beautifully decorated In " black. There were nuun Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Davis streeti returned a two rnonthi* visit to their . Mrs.^Bd <yiU*ghlih, at Lot (^. Miss 0enevievef their who •aceontiihied &&- and nor west, Lsg„.._,..^ ber of their friends. Cards werel^^ evening pingrssstvev played and the prise winners Miss Catherine. Dwan, Miss Hayde, Charles '^Connor and W. J. of the W. C. T. TJ. IS called 2 fur^ this afternoon at the home Mrs. M. B. Horning, 628 Library Memhers4are urged - to" C>we at 2:30 p. m. , ' *^'V-.w The Pentalpha chapter of the Order of s^Nrtersi Star gave a Hallowe'en party Thursday at the home Mrs. and Wllltam J. Becker, 865 Dempster wa*f a large stSehdance. were played and refreslnaenfts 11^ d>eoxatlons were " BaBewsfii nwiidllsW Mrs. B. iAWrenee, gia Coir fax street gave a Hallowe'en naetr at their hosna Wednesday Mrs. C. #. ChampUn, 2330 Orrington pejefr Thursday to a few Carson and Mr* < Bergen of Denver, Colck, who* are the guests of Mr. Car- sw's Wetef . Mrs. Albert U Jenks, 814 Cblfaatjdreet. _____Frances Sorenson and Fran- ces ivllson' entertained at a Hallow, e'en party twe^o glrla Those pres- flrst, they were reanired to cat of ejpr byf meens-of At the second wssi to be solved; at the fourth the of Tiddlerwltt; s< the afth the erw «# *TCwirt«^nr.- and at fl|a sixth table, they wera required Ji make as many words as pessttle os)t of Haltowe'en. Mtss Mary and Mr. ^mtnoitr prises and M?s» LUa Rebtans s€ Myv joaier ^aieu won tllo beel^ frisk M.KRAMER mmm*M &V$; ANNOUNCEMENT fi

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