tai '{$&a£ _ _ ______ Evanston girls wiU be introduced be- by tlieir ;m&&j0$^ In faet| appears as though all the mothers have chosen this , i<mtK <*f N«^WeT %v%??*>^iBMlfr marked by a~reoeption by one~or m^^ their daughter* ^ |^iety%^The latest announcement is that of Mrs. John C. Spry, 1101 Forest avenue, who ha»|hown Saturday, November 2, as the date for the debut of her dafighters, Gladys and Eleanor. These popular debutantes will make tfcew*t&*"it a tea at their home which will be followed by a dance. " Mr. J.f^£$Mp0W;-r.&Q-- 8treet, is infrexae. Mr. and Mrs. A. Waller Morton, 1225 Asbury avenue^; are at French Lick Springs, Ind. ,*# ' â- .* ^ ">, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed departed Saturday tor Mobile and will winter at River Park, Ala. Mr. James S. Winn, 707 Hinman ave- nue, Is home from New York, Boston and Philadelphia. ...'.'.. ^ A. C. Dodd and family of Wilmeite have moved til the third apartment at 624 Davis street Mr. and lira. P. B?. French, who have been at the Greenwood inn for a week have gone away. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt B. Humphrey, 2129 Sherman avenue, spent last week at French Ljek Springs, Ind. Mr. Simmons, father of Mrs. WU- Uam 0. Hempstead, 1833 Asbury ave- nue, left Monday for Florida. Miss Ednf Schiebe, 907 'Cjiteago avenue, is at home from a five weeks*1 visit to her parents at Remus, Mich. Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Scheuber, liSS Crain street, will celebrate their fif- teenth marriage anniversary Nov. 3. The stisa^a Virginia and Mary Dor- rance of Houston, Tex., are guests ot Miss Helen Hancock, 1289 Asbnry ave- nue. £â- Mrs. Harvey P. Claslin of Cleve- land, O., Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George I. Mansfield, 2242 Ridge avenue. ,L Miss Anna Dorr of Sherman avenue has returned from Wisconsin* whose she spent the summer wtfh her mother. * Mlsa taMher Johnson. daughter fit Peter Johnson, the former GrsenJeaf street grocer, la in at the Bvanston hospital-with typhoid fever. - "~* Mrs. Bdgar C. Rowe, 1414 Davis street, and two children left Tuesday for Kentucky to visit Mr. Bowe/a Bis- ter, lira. Lord, tor two weeks/ Mrs. Wellington Cobb, 1111 Maplr avenue, and Mm. W. J. Achats, 1460 Maple avenue, spent Monday afternoon with Min/John Leathers In Chicago. Mr. Luther B. D'Armond. €35 Hin- man avenue, ia now instructor In shorthand hi the ^Metropolitan BUsi- nesa coUege, Chicago, Instead of with the flak Toatnara* Agency. Mr. and Mra. David P. McLelland. gone to man avenue. Mr. and Mra. Mainas, Iowa, t^ guesta of Dr. and Miss Helen Rich df Jloaton, Mass., â- ^1^-10^ jilillasi F> Patted her sister, for several months. Mrs. Charles B. Webb, 828 Michigan avenue, U visiting in central Illinois until her home is completed. MIsb CampheU, 529 Lee street, has gone home to Grand Rapids, Mich., to visit for a month or six weeks. Mrs. Axel Anderson, 1517 Lee street, has recently returned from a two months' visit in Montana. •-â- Mra. Wv H. Harrison of Mansfield, Pape, 1043 Sherman Are-1 La,, u the guest of her daughter. Hiss 1502 Judson avenue,enjoyed the pleas- ure Tuesday of .the arrival of, Mr. UcLeUand*s SMtner, Mra. W. O. M^ LeUand, front Madison, Ind. Mr. Sugar W. McCabe, formerly a student here, the brother of Mr. Guy & McCabe, 1*5? Anbury avenue, was married Tuesday In Sewtckley. pa\, to Mine Lena L Goamelty. daughter of Mr. and bin. Marlosi a Connelly. Mr aad Mm. <3uy McCabe attended the weeding audi will return TOW. 3«t** ..... .. nue, has been 111 in the Evanaton hos- pital for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russell, 533 Flor- ence avenue, rejoice in the birth of a daughter October 10. â- Miss Katherlne Silverman of Wood* lawn, 111., is visiting Miss Rosalie Kar- ger» 1208 BJlmwood avenue. Mr. Marshall Palm, 2607 Prairie avenue, is spending a two weeks' va- cation hunting in Wisconsin. Mr" Jack O'Connell and Mr. William Strieker of Chicago and Miss Bertha Voelker, 806 Sfove street, visited Miss AUce Bodell SuUday at Wilmette. On Monday evening/November 18, there Wiftbe a houBe warming to all the neighborhood at the new Covenant M. E. church, Hartray avenue and Har- rison street. ^ -J Mrs. Walter * Dwight, 1111 Grove street, ia entertaining her daughter and two Httle sons from New York city. They arrived Wednesday after- noon for * two weeks' stay. j Mrs. C. H. ParsoBs, 1732 Orrlngton avenue, left Friday for Goshen, Ind., to visit her mother, Mrs. Henrietta Shilling, and sister, Mrs. Carrie Stamets. She will be gone ten days. At the Washington school, Ashland avenue and Washington street, a chor- al society was formed Tuesday even- ing. It is the intention to meet every Tuesday evening and have at least one hundred present All are cordially in- vited. Those who do sing and all who wan* 4o learn to sing are wanted to ehliit Miss Elisabeth Nash Is In charge. The meeting lasts for one hour from JNo>D ©'click. Mr. and Mrs. Iver F. Wallin, 530 Hinman avenue, entertained at dinner Saturday evening in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Cov- ers were laid for sixteen. The decora tions were American Beauty roses and wmiiarr An interesting event of the occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mr. .Wallin, also their son and daughter. Mr. and Mra. Oscar A. Bow- en of Oak Park, 111., had been married two years that day. Mr. and Mra. Wal- Uu. received some very pretty gifts- ' Little nine-year-old Lauretta Bertha ^fetko thought Wednesday waajnnjn-, eat October day aba ever saw. The reason was It wan her birthday and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Metko. gafu * ber a surprise party. After school nine little girls came with their presents to betp ber make merry. At ber home, 1113 Washington street, a tea dinner was served. A birthday rake with nine pretty candles adorned the table which was also decorated, as the hotne, with carnation*, au- la. Children** gassee were played and when Che Ut- ile gwests departed It wan with wishes tor many happy returna of the day. Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. Peter 1038 Sherman avenue, oc- curred the wedding of their daughter. Mhuv Jennie CtutsteDe Haiandar. She nutted in ssarrtage so Mr. Wltttam Cbarlea Mahtey of Detroit, Mksw at C o dock by Raw. K. H. of «ba Swedish M. & church, by rsalmr FranelB Loaraa of Hwav boldt Park. white ha nathi audi pearls. Her tnUe Tefl was ennght with a Juliet cap wlih IWes of the valley. Her of €hn snBey. baanttfnl la red trip wffl boat Alice B. Harrison, 326 Dempster street m Under the auspices of the Wheadon Bpworth league there will be given a Hallowe'en party this evening in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Haubold, 1318 Judson avenue, will leave next Tues- day for Santa Barbara, Cal., to spend the winter. Henry Raesch and Wttter Radef will give a bay ride Saturday evening to Niles Center to about forty couples of young people. Mr. W. E. Golts has accepted a posi- tion aa stenographer with the Kellogg Switchboard company, where he has formerly been employed. At St Mary's church Monday Miss Ammanda Thol of Belgium, Wis., was married to Mr. John Cunxmerfert, 1024 Ayars place. Father Smyth offi- ciated. A card party for the benefit of the Children's Home will be given next Monday, November 4, at the home of Mrs. L. B. Raymond, 71S Sheridan road, at 2 o'clock. Mr. Frank B. Towne, president of the National Blank Book company, Turner Falls, Mass., spent Tuesday with Mr. N. K. Bigelow and family, 1618 Ashland avenue. Mrs. G. L. Burdick of Des Moines, la., is spending some time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. R Faulkner, 2429 Central street Mr. Burdick will join her in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Bowen and little son, Wallin, of Oak Park, 111., were the week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Bowen'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iver F. Wallin. 530 Hinman avenue. Mr. George Burdsal, who has been visiting his father, Mr. John W. Burd- sal, Sr., for two months, has returned home to Golville, Wash. Mrs. Burdsal will remain until the latter part ot No- vember. Mrs. Cody with her daughter, Mra Helen Robertson, and her little son. Dean, who have been visiting Mrs. Frank Smith, 916 Lee street returned Thursday to their home In Omaha, Nebraska. e'^Cvenue, "gave J their second aeries of teas Sunday afternoon at their home. Covers were laid for ten. The Young Men's quar- tette furnished the music The Misses Mildred and. Marjorie Van Home, 1303 Judson avenue, were hostesses at a linen shower Saturday afternoon, given for Mian Katherlne BJetsfng. who will be married in No- vember to Mr. Ralph Moulding. Mias Martha Kapp, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ba?p, 1304 Ash- land avenue, was married Saturday afternoon at her home to Mr. Herman Arbendt of Evanston, the Rev. Meyers ot the German Lutheran church Miss Mable Mason, 2728 Woodbine avenae, and Mbm 81donm Siwald en- tertained two Purdue students, Mr. Fellows and Mr. Kline, Saturday. They an attended the footgail game at the Chicago university and later came out to tan homo of Mbm Urn Butt Hemenway. who hi visit tog to Battle Creek, MIcsl, was the of the Pcatnm Cereal company Wednesday afternoon. She was favored with n sightseeing trip through the dUnaent factories after which'aha vis- ited the private art gallery of C. Poet bead of the of the Phi fraternity will be given In the grand hall La SaBe on Friday la to whose values Moore,^ 8131 Orrlngton avenue, have '^g^^i^l^^l^;>;^l^^ Mra Nellie Voelker and daughter, Lillian VoeJkes, 80S Grove street, spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Fred Lamp in Chicago. Miss Mary James and Miss Oilie Snyder of Bnglewood spent Sunday with Miss Snyder's aunt, Mra. Talitha C. Riley, and daughter, Mrs. Jennie M. Loney, 1614 Oak avenue. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Chandler, 1816 Elmwood avenue; Mr. Harold Nye and his sister, Miss Edith Nye, 1312 Elm- wood avenue, have returned from a five weeks* motor trip to Ullngton, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, 1138 Forest avenue, are in from the Glen- view golf grounds and will be at the Annex for a week. November 1 they will take up residence at the Green- wood Inn. Saturday evening the Emmanuel Methodist Episcopal Bpworth league will entertain all the other Methodist Bpworth leagues of Evanston. There will be refreshments and a generally good social time. Mrs. E. C. Boyles, 780 Mllburn street, gave a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday at her home In honor of ber sister, Mra, Hawley H. Ruffell of Kansas City, Mo„ who will be her guest for a mouth. Covers were laid for eight. After the luncheon the party will attend the matinee at the "Evanston." The brotherhood of Wheadon M. B. church held their first business meet- ing last night at the home of Mr. Ro- land B. Ward, 831 Gaffleld place. There were eighteen present. Some vary im- portant business was transacted. Af- ter the meeting refreshments worn served and a splendid time enjoyed. The next meeting will be si the home of Mr. H. Crann. 112* Ayars place. tune last, week LMiaujittdre*] --'-& m 9<M' N.tj 2do«nW«»tof mmm. ^jTj*jgS^ji£r; mm Beautiful designsâ€"beautifully at prices whose moderateprtt wiUstayrpri **'- 5 ® tuofo of So bears ber ntme Main officey 3523 Wrightwood Ave. :: Branch office and display at the store of M. Flynn, - 825 Davis St., Evanston who are thinking of getting a Fall Suit will be benefited by a visit to our shop. We are especially desirous of showing -iâ€"our= -r $35 special tailored VcZ'e Suits The workman^fipS sty' perfect ,Jm^marthM3.50 at&4ipwards yard J Skinner silk inff.fSatisfactiofr^aaranteed. Highest references as to our work furnished. ASJBISJEBK& GOOD UNT!L NOVEMBEk 1st OPfWrTf/fWTl^f ralenhona 177* ROPINSKI & High Grade Ladies9 Tailors CO. 508 Davis Street, Cor. Hinman Ave., Evanston, lit .*'j 'â- 3?