Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 5

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<rhe depeitB*eAty.*£:lPW1|^ .». inaugural w&00<'&'$*i WWW: â- ^e members**"^|;^*d||(M^- l-ant with o»ce#i^^^..l|^^|»* £Sw m tw mmw -mm Setae*, a drew^^^ L- the name of .ea|il/ W-Mw.;^;:';;iiW^ *J?ted collection ;d^;:iiw«|«r|;;*ojg£i# «hich tsfcle •»* .%*WS^-'**&*â-  th# These nftn»© *l^§v;l'*'i^^ _,ltli a loop ct'jptml'illl^ lirved not oalyliS^I|^ table places, *.,i^^,^^|0;.Cll4%'. 1 were of pf^tt^itt^-AMis'M Lrcises that followed H» touch, I* agDllng the llwdli^^-- **?«al*#>r^l»*: jje name of mJ&;M&M&*:*Jfoj$te •earer, in order IS* fceeome Belter ae- tainted with bot^ TttU namo place JJJd was pinned on aa* worn ftroughout the afternoon br tae par tfolpating membtfi* the dining room of tae hotel looked »Tery* attractive §Wi its fresh lane cttrtains and decoratlona of pink and .pen. Pink carnations were on each Uble. with aapartgua Tinea prettUy arranged in tid^M**" Plates were laid for 100. Mrs* F. 8. Pooler being chairman of tae lnneb- wd committee. An exoellent mean «as served aa followf: Chicken oara ioup, crab meat saute, Newburg in cases, creamed chicken with moah looms, mashed potatoes, French peaa, wld roast beef, oold roaat lamb, boiled ci tongue, Rainbow imported ear Waldorf aalid, ice cream, gin ier bread, apple aaoce, tea and cof- fee, all in a particularly acceptable fanner. I, V After the luncheonan entertain- ent was given, beginning about 3 .'clock, at which friends of the club ere admitted and enjoyed (be fine gram arranged for this occasion. William A. -Loey, chairman of social service department, was BuccessfiU aa toaatmistreae, in- oducing each number with a tow lasant remarks. €harles & Llmbach spoke en- ^mm^^B^cmw tor tbe 00. m# WpartmenV muaio to tbs taw Pf "Auld Lang pyne." Mrs. llcCabe aweeUy sang tbe tones, which «aW talned many trulama, everybody *)tn- AM so*IarbU-!.ty. Have many! many taik^ tn inind .. *3 â-  ;*btr*# wenld Us» tft I** v " W ] A. word at parting was glron by. Mrs. Looy, we* reminded the mem- bera that on tbe third Ttteeday ib serines) ......_ ......... ojaested aJl to bf t« attejwana* * * lirs. wmiam^ A. Mey la /aaimag. Ufa. Howa^f .J^xc^ tie^okfOr. ma^ and lira. >.P. Voao, aeeretary and ireaaotet.- ^$*tfJ0s\% TbJtflr*^aatl»rto«ta?tb^aMmb*ra f^f wen U re^rted pa aeoet " " 4-sfc«T^,:,ir>,^,â- .'•': ini* tral? 4 ,'-*i--V â- .^»*./\;' V *&â- !'â-  17 good and pleasant things to be med on and accomplished by the ttb in the future. Charles J*. Grey, a charter iber of tbe club, talked on "Reall- loa," and gave Interesting Informa. or the formaUon of this special ich of the club. Mrs Guy P. McCabe nest cbannlns> \]j sang a song written by lira. W1V ir E. Coe, "Our New Club Home," the tune of "Old Kentucky Home."* Mrs Joseph Pearson gave a fine Ijarody on the "Old Woman Who [Lived m a- Shoe," etc. This enter- Itainicfc piece was written by Mrs tcheii, mother of Mrs, Robert &ls. Mrs. Mitchell la Tiaiting In pis township and happily contrlb- prted (as delivered by Mrs. Pearson) Pais number to the afternoon's enjoy Mrs. Catherine Wangh McCulloch's pic was "Hope," not hope deferred. t the present article, up to date, )\o doing and being something for fpablic good. Mrs. McCttllocb urged members present to register Im lately, aiia* although they [wuld not vote for a presidential can- |0date at this time they could and ••aould vou for the trustees of the late unlvarslly. Mrs. c. H. Zimmerman's clever talk !**• on "What Has Become of the ^Grandmothers?" She said they were I* banished raceâ€"gone with the |<pokies they were not allowed to give babies. There were no old women |*day; the laoe caps and white cro- „~ eted shaWi bad disappeared from p|e home. • â- â- /-;• ?."*'â-  , Mrs. Guy F. McCabe again delighted |$e large number of ladles present |2«lving a monologue on the ingratl- BP» of children generally, and. four r»eationed especially, who like the |M ttor7> were given permission to mf* bathing, but SMtat not go near fellt water. '^-^L..-,'". Mrs. CUften tpQUa. le last speaker e€ the afternoon the club's president, Mrs. lea e. Clifton, who spoke of • Expectatiomr";.' -;^ â- â- â- .•:.-,.** •'-'â- " Clifton cbj^snlagly suggested **mber of tlUngs she wonld like «w«ompliahe4 throt^b ^1« •»* •ervice o^partmentif Among the s^S^i**! ";#J5! wilkaiaS v^sS -MSs&^i mm* mm- Irtasji.' '« a Fountain Square V **^nrton Phone 1024 *4~< "**â-  '.*â- '.'â- i"«"".fi-',35sS»-*!rai S0 No Charts WilmetU Phone 600 fj JoV^«io«a Ladies' Home Journal Patterns >:$?& Silkoline Comforters, $2.75 Our Special "Home-Made" Comforter made of the cele- brated snow flake bleached cotton, light and fluffy as new .down. The covering is our own selection of patterns in dainty floral patterned silkoline of the best' quality. Size is full 72x84 inches, yarn tied and finished in a home-made manner. Another Special value is o#er«&i<V* silkoline Comforter with wide silk border making a ^very handsome appearance, best cotton filling, 72x84 inches. Price $2.95- Other good Comforters are offered at $l.oo,gpf.5^, $2.c $2.25, $2.50 and $4.00. â- v â- â- â€¢ 't Table Linciip $l,jM.?5, $1.50^111.^5 a Anyone who knows linens will admire these. There: is f certain excellence,that is unmistakable.' They have body as well as fineness, the duiabilityjnd luster that only put* ftaE^ ^9^ process of manufacture can j jse qualities "and the pat- .00. properly treated give. These priai^ire lowfo^dhe terns are beautifuj>^\ ^^^/ Special UnbraWfed Linen at $1.00 yard. Bleached Linen at $roo^^ssJ^ wad $x -75 y»rd- __ Our new displa«jMMffissome excellent values in Huck Bath Towels in all sizesâ€"better than usual at 25c and A. ^m/-m^: : % jf% if Jh& FM Showing of lirf§ntsr Apparel is readjand tbie agsortaifnts we hare prepared will be found to be more complete than e*er before. Ereiy appar 1 need that b^by can hare has been provided for with practical and appropriate gaim« nts of worth that will still further increase the fame of pur Baby-wear Peetfon. Arnold Garments Knit Night Drawers furnish the best protection for the sleeping child that has yet been devised. The material is seft and elastic and does not grow H\M ftot& washing. In light and heavy weights. In sizes 2, 4» 6f 8 and 10 years. - Without feet at 60c, 75c, $1.10 to $1.85. With feet at 50c, 75c, 85c, 95c, $1.25. Arnold Outing Flannel Wrappers Neatly and prettily made of the best quality of outing flan- nel. Sizes, infants, i, 2, 3 and 4 years. Prices 60c and 70c. Arnold's Infants9 Knit Night Gowns For children too young to wear the night drawers. Made long to allow the bottom of the garments to be drawn together with shirring string and still give room in plenty. Plain finish at $be; silk finish, light and heavy weight, at 90c, $1.00, $ and $1.20. Soft Flannelette Night Drawers with feet, in all sizes, plain white or neat blue and pink stripes. Price 50c. ff(} M !•*• WIS '.5* Special Exhibition and Sale of Women's Coats AN IMPORTANT SHOWING For this w-ek only we have second an extra fine kt of Coate that we hare marked .$15, $18, $19*50, $22.50 and $25 This lot of Coats are in the latest c< rrect mod*ls and cloths, in- cluding chinchillas and ihe heavy dia«onala in iais j-nd guy and in black and white, brown and white, and biown and Wa.l stnp*». Yo0 will find they are extra well made, as y«u cnU J^p '">•» the maker's label. It i» an assortment which you will find it easy to choose as the yalues are so unusually good. Our Ready-t-wear Section is sh trw»«ny *" â-¼Â«!Sni'" D *w* of silk aud wool, aud *«W»in Ungerie^dms models. - ;^;J, â- "^^*^-y*- iism& ?^;>j3r^j*>;-^ ^.-^ ^^,- I^.^^J-' l;>-t. *WI® b:SSI^ SiiiaiiiiSiiiSiiSi lliiiii

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