Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 15

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|RSffi8| ♦MtlM>t»IMWtt»tMM>tKmtMIIIMtMMI in Evanston OE some years past the School of Music of the uni- versity has given a series of four artists' recitals for its pupils and many noted artists have appeared on these, occasions. Owing to the limited capacity of Music hall but little effort has been made to reach the general public. Believing that the music lovers of Evanston would appreciate the opportunity of hearing these concerts it has been de- ckled, with the co-operation of Mrs. Charles P. Dwight, to give the first three of the series this season at the Congregational church. The fourth, being an organ recital, will be given at Fisk hall in order to make use of the remarkable Casarant organ presented to the univer- sity by the alumni. The artists engaged are Horatio Connell, baritone, whose appear- ance two years ago dt the North Shore festival will be remembered; Christine Miller, the well-known and favorite contralto; Paulo Gruppe, the great Dutch 'cellist, <md Edwin Arthur Craft, organist of Tinity Cathedral, Cleveland. It is safe to Bay that such a notable array of recital artists has n<*v<" Hefore been presented to the Evanston public. u ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦' Mr Theodore Chaffee, 2501 Harrison stree\ returned Thursday from French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzfll) street, will be In Quebec, Canad- tor several weeks. Mn> John Watt, 2712 Woodbine avenue, entertained the Pot Luck club at a luncheon Thursday. M<«9 Hose Goldsmith of St Louts, Ho., is the guest of Miss Sophia Youngquist, 2322 Harrison street. Rev. and Mrs. Frank O. Beck of Indiana are now living at the home of Mr* S. M. Fegtly, 2306 Thayer •tree* M' Burnham Papham, 822 Sher- man avenue, and Mr. James S. Winn, 707 Hinman avenue, are In the east on a pleasure trip. Mrs. John T, Roesing of Pioneer road entertained Thursday afternoon at a reception in honor of her mother, Mr*. Oliver of California. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schumacher of Sandusky, O., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Peter R. Shoemaker, 2400 Harupll street, for a short time. Tb" Rev. and Mrs. George White- side, 1577 Wesley avenue, received a visit this week from their son, Mr. Loring Whiteside, an attorney of New York City. Mr. John Lee Mahin, formerly of Eranstoh, has been ^confined to his room at the Virginia Hotel, Chicago, with a severe cold and stomach trou- ble i->r about a week. hev and Mrs. Harry F. Ward and family of Oak Park have moved to taeii uow home at 2612 Park place Mr \» ard is the secretary of the Fed er&.iuu of Social Labor. Mifco Johanna Sidselued, a uuiet &i ttie Kv .ueton hospital, who has spoilt the i>a«»t year taking special studies and viulting her home in Norway, has retv med home to 1023 Maple avenue. Mr ai.d Mrs. Charles Roberts of Llncui .i street are at French Lick Sprln&s Ind. Mr t»^d Mrs. John iijde of Mon treal who are now in South Dakota, havin^ beon entertained while here by Mr Atxd Mrs. Ernest Reckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, will stop In Evanston again u their way home. Mr > H. Witter, forme* »> ~i A«»h land , .ei.ue, called on his sister. Mrs Chaiio lanson of Broadway *v mue. Thuiod*./ morning. He only lemaineo a few hours in the city, leaving Thurs day c cuing for Iowa for a short visit A very happy reunion occurred Weu. coday at the home of Mr Jainou Mould, 1815 Wesley avenue Mr. m, aid's wife and three children arrived from Liverpool, Engiand, Mr Mould l.aving preceded them here one year Mr ...j Mru. George jvaox aua two child. ,u. Henrietta and George vt Oklahoma City, Okla., have returned to tLeir home, after spending tht- •tomier i.s the guest of her sister, Mr*. Richard Harvey of Central street Mrb albert Clarence Brown, 2235 Harru a street, Mrs. Samuel M. Fegt- [ ly, 2306 Thayer street, Mrs. Frank O. &**, 2306 Thayer street and Mrs. A. & Daje, 2327 Central street, attended the Women's Home Missionary meet- M at the First Methodist church '^korsday afternoon. Mr. Charles H. Poole and wife of Auckland, New Zealand, Mr. Poole keing a legislator of the New Zealand I'.Mlament, are guests for a few days vM the home of Rev. George White- ***. 1577 Wesley avenue. They are" J* on their homeward trip, Mr. jfarte having bees during the summer • i* th* Lincoln Chautauqua program. itefe- Rev. W. T. Hobart, 1423 Elmwood avenue, is in Minneapolis, Minn., for a few days. Mr. F. A. Schumacher and family of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiting at 2403 Hartzell street. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes, 1800 Sheridan road, have gone to Marietta, Ohio, for a brief visit. Mr. F. W. Collins, formerly of 1621 Orrington avenue, left Wednesday ev- ening for New York City. Mrs. J. Sherman Hall and daughter, Miss Hall, 1411 Chicago avenue, after a delightful visit in Rockford, 111., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Forbes, have returned home. Mrs. Paul Tietgens, 1622 Forest place, will open her home to the Music Study club of Evanston for its an- nual benefit concert, which will be given on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 9, at 2:30. The program will be, "Enoch Arden," given by Mrs. Burton Hanson, reader; Miss Margaret Cameron, pianist; Mrs. Ora M. Fletcher, soprano. Tickets may be obtained from any club member. The Visitation Alumni auxiliary held a meeting Friday at Bel- vedere hall, 5056 Sheridan road, Chi- cago, at which time the new president, Mrs. J. T. O'Connor, was installed. It was open guest day and at the close of the program Mrb. N. J. Geary, the retiring president, was presented witb a huge boquet of American Beauty roses Miss Frances Kennedy sang and tno Peters' orchestra played A social hour followed the program Que of the most enjoyable eveui. <,« >. St Luke's history was that of the Parish reception Thursday, \uieu from 8 u> 10 o'clock the recto., war- dens and vestrymen received as their guests several hundred parishioners. The Rev. and Mrs George R Hewlett were the guests of nonor, Father Hew- lett, having recently been electee cur- ale of St. Luke's parish. Besides the rector, wardens »nd vestrymen with their wives, there w«s a large . ccep- tion committee r^pres^min^ \arioua parochial organizations Th.. Worn an's Gulla provided delightful music and decorations, the Girls' Frlei-ily so- ciety furnishea the refreshments whilv> the Mens .tub nad a smoking t>ooth for the ii.en 3ulnt L.uke's is ?nwi g i>pidi/, anJ all ti*» present members uf the ^arisu are anxious to make all the newcomer* fe^l at houie 8urprh*e parties are alwa/s enjoy able. The one Thursday upo.. Miss Gertrude Idwreuce. 1428 alain btreet. was exceptionally «w A whoia bevy of her friends sU,nnvU \u*> castle of her home and made tho ni«,bt enjoy able Games v.ere pUyed song* were sung and refreshments enjoyed, arter whicn tho> 'lined up In a street parade with <vll th« fun oi «u old fashioned '.hamrari ' With fcongs sounding, uu pans tapping ana every noise, to express tne Joy of youthful hearts ttu party made Florence ave- nue resound with joyous notes The participants were the Misses C-ther ine Putnam, Mayiu© Lawrence, Helen Pettinger, Emma Albertson. Alice Bodell, Bertha Voeiker, Lam* Kol boldt, Gertrude Lawrence, Julia Rob- erta, Viola Reed. Clara Kilby, Eliza- beth Kilby, Lillian Kester, Helen Br- ickaon, Julia Lawrence, Mrs. Henry Delebecque, Mrs. A. Delebecqae, Joe Lawrence, Bill Mcllvan, Tim Jaus, Joe Bodell, Aaron Rubin, Oscar Rothberg, Oscar Komdot. BUI Regan, Charlie Maltzen, Jack Balmee, Harry Long, Ed Reed, Bd Nordberg, Holly Potter. % Howard has got* aottth to •pend the winter. "â-  â- $* $&$%â- â-  w<$ â-  Ji Mr. and Mra. C. P. Wja^tf ife |t their home, 1114 Judaea avenue. Mr. William Bane, 1458 %ple ave- ime, has gone to Lonley, 111., to reside. Miss Marion Deering, 2646 Sheridan toad, haa returned home from French lick Springs, Ind. Miss Irene McKaiiy of Decatur, 111., is viBitlng Miss Grace Ellen Muir, 2131 Ridge avenue. Mr. Harry T. Green, 703 Hinman avenue/spent a tew days last week at Grand Haven, Mich. George Nordberg, 1218 Sherman avenue, haa gone to Derkery, Cal., where he will reside. Mies M%ry Knox, 1319* Main street. after a mm^rM^mm§0iU^ at Cadiz, Ohio, is at home. / Mrs. W. T. Hobart, 1423 Elmwood avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mra. H. W. Hoyt of Detroit, Mich. Miss Elise Barker, 1414 Hinman ave- nue, haa returned from quite an ex- tensive trip through the east. Mrs. A. S. Flanner of Springfield, Mo., Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. John A. Colby, 820 Hinman avenue. Mrs. Frank Gould and little daugh- ter, Elizabeth, 826 Forest avenue, are at home after an eastern visit. Mr. R. E. Whitney, 1245 Asbury avenue, has returned from a business convention at Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. Harvey T. Claslin of Cleveland, Ohio, is viBitlng her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Mansfield, 2242 Ridge avenue. Mrs. Mary Stear of Polo, 111., came Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Beck, 1141 Judson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Neilson, 2200 Harrlsen street, have returned from a visit with Mr. Neilson's parents at Cincinnati, O. Miss Isabelle Grant of New Orleans, La., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kidder for the summer has returned home. Mrs. Waldo G. Lunger, 933 Hinman avenue, has returned from a two months' visit in New York, Boston and other eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Logan have gone from Mexico on account of the war-like conditions there to Los An- geles, Cal., to reside. Mrs. Harry Van Petten and baby son, 2323 Harrison street, who visited Mrs. Van Petten's parents at Ida Grove, la., have returned home. Mrs. Joljn Goebel of Danville, 111., who has been visiting Mrs. Theodore Reese, Uo70 Oak avenue, tor a few days, has returned home Mru Charles M Howt «uJ Uiree childre... 2222 i lncoln stitet, *re on an extended visit witn Mrs Howe's pa.^nts at Vv aterloo Highway Mr» May Tupy of Seattle. Wash v>uo hL,_ beei. vislti.ig ner mother, Mrs. Mar^aict Htndrlcks, 1422 Greealeaf street, reiamed homt Thuroday Mr owight H Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street has been chosen as architect to prepare tor the new school house to be e rev ted at Coif a* street and M..Daniel avenue. Mr and Mrs. W O fnackwell. Sie Main street, have returned from an extended tri», to New York and »o* ton On theh w*»y home th*jy visited in t>Hr< it with tne Rev and Mrs Th.»ckwetl, who baa Ju»t returned from Seatvi-; R^v a^»d M.e Thack- Well will reni-in In Detroit with Mrs J. H<rbeit Ferrh», tneir daurfhtei Monday, October 14, at the Luthc»&u .xurch on Twent> second street, Chi cago at 11 o'clock In the morning- oc^ curred iht wedding soleainizlng the marriage o. Miss Ma»le Topel of Chi cago and M. George Freehold Simons of EVanaton The bride, gowned In white crepe u- chine, wearing a wed- ding veil and crauge hlossoms and bo- quet of roses and UHes of the valley. was attended by her sister*, the MfBS- e» Emma anu Huld»* Ttopel. as brides m^ids. Mr fcd I^ndin of Evanston wae best man and the grooa t> brother. Julian, also attended him Tho church was handsomely decora tea in foliage. A large assemblage of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. A wedding luncheon was served to a small company In the new flat of tne couple at 2658 West Twenty-third street, Chicago, where Mr. and Mra. Simon, will be at home after October 21. Mr. Simons is well known In Bv- anston where he has many friends. He is a draughtsman for the Otis Eleva- tor company. Last evening the groom'a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Si- mons, 2036 Sherman avenue, gave them a reception and dinner. The house was artiatically decorated with au- tumn foliage, flowen and evergreena. Ool. Payton C. March, adjutanifftB- relieve Oolv WUlUun Simptea, hai chosen Evanaton aa hia place ot Teal- dance. Col. March !• located it 418 Hamilton atrett. About one hundred Congregational women sat down to lunch Wednesday In the parlors of the Congregational church. It. wag the bi-monthly meet* lng ot the Women's Aid society of which Mra. W. M. Qreen la tho presi- dent. This organization hag aereral tasks on hand,, It la packing a box for a needy missionary. It la help- ing to rebuild a deaconeesss homo it Pana, 111. Rev. Morton W. Merrell, who haa served the First Presbyterian church, 2022 Sherman avenue, Evanston, for the past two years aa assistant pas- tor, has resigned to accept a call as pastor of the Presbyterian church of Monango, N. D. Mr. Merreli'a work in the church has been very accepts. ble to the congregation and he has made many frienda here. Beat wishes go with Mr. Merrell and his family to their new charge. The Rev. and Mrs. George Cobb, who for some years waa missionary to Singapore, India, and formerly of Ev- anston, returned from Manila a week ago. They are en route to Oklahoma to a Methodist Episcopal conference where Rev. Cobb will be assigned a pastorate. They are the guests of Mrs. J. H. Ruttan, 2014 Orrington avenue. Mr*. Ruttan and Mrs. Cobb were college mates. Miss Ruth Cobb, a daughter, accompanies them. One of the joyously merry events of harvest dance at St. Mary's hall Tues- day evening. About five hundred were present to enjoy the old fashioned Virginia reel, quadrilles, doughnuts, pumpkin pie, cider, cracking of the walnuts and the jokes. To Mr. Charles Connor credit is due for the success of the evening. The ladles' prize, a handsome brooch, for being the best dressed "farmer's" wife, was won by Mrs. John Welter. For the best repre- sentation of a "farmer" Mr. Tom Con- nor carried aw&y the elegant scarf pin. The wooden wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mra. LJotd^- WajUf js|» given Wednesday, rive yeajrsiof pros- Creek, Mt*^ tr yiafting, man nvitttt^v^^ ', Mr. CharleSj weeks1 Ashing at Prof MnnsGeld from Idaho where he lf*a been tng for four monthf tt* the States Qeol Thursday1 ot St. Paul'a Btagliah Lutheran gave a "book" social. It was a affair and waa thoroughly enjoyed all. The proceeda ot the affair the fund for a new pipe organ, dress ot the different ones reprasentti the title of a populaT book. Thebeafca and their representatives were: , "Flower In Full Bloom,** Mtas A;; Kropp; "Vanity Fair/' Misa M. ^ropp^; / M8ky Pilot," Rst. Walter; «hrtr#^fe Book," Howard Seefurtb; 'The Who!* Family," Hedhjo ange Bow," Myrtle' Coach," Frank Dorband; Man Marries," Fred Hedblom; mother 31," Eliiabeth Sonenberg; "Rose in the Ring/' Amanda Fond: "Heavenly Twins," Dorothy Hedblom and Ralph Benson; "Hearts and Masks," Lillian Dorband; "Under Two Flaga," Ariel Hedblom; "The Doctor^ Robert Seefurth; "Mother Goose Rhymes." Mrs. Walter and aeven chil- dren; "Mra. Wigga ot the Cabbage Patch," • Mary ,M#mi w*ne Utoa Minster," Will ilttln; "Old Fashioned Girl," Gertrude Hedblom. Miss Jessie Warney of Cuyler worn the prise, "Open Shutters," for guessing tha. most titles. The Misses OrinHk. Pe- tersen and Deutach ot tho Cnmaoak School of Oratory read. Mis* OHaty* several numbers. aW b servsA *' i perous ministerial life has been shared since Miss Anna May Ones of Mifflin, Pa., plighted her troth to the present beloved pastor of St. Paul's English Lutheran church. The appreciative congregation could not let the oppor- tunity pass to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs Walter this occasion. Taking them completely by surprise the La- dies' Aid of the church together with their husbands swooped down upon them, captured Mra. Walters and ar- rayed her in bride's robes and placed upon her arm a shower boquet of white carnations and presented the couple with a handsome mahogany rocker Boeseh sang freshmentsjflwn Evansl pmonc aeoe-aaa* ALL THIS WlitK. WM. M. VANCE. PRESENTj [RMIS3K Id LEE YORK SUj GREAT JOHN GANT0N U HJ1EI It MR. GEORGE FAWCEIT •V- Harley Manners Founded oa Arthur J. Eddy's Famous Novel GANTON & CO. :m 'teMlMSsSsi ^r^MMj ;aj^kl';^le«fk:iii&ii^wi^^

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