Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 10

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THE LAKE SHORfi NEWS SUCCESSOR TO THE EVANSTON NEWS PUBLI8HBD EVERY THURSDAY THt BOWMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 62t Davit 8fc, Evanston. Telephones 680 and SM. ALBERT H. BOWMAN, Managing Editor ARTHUR ROBERTS, Associate Editor JAMBS LEONARD LEE, City Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 A TEAR, All matter for publication in any week's Uauo should rosea oar office sot later than noon on Monday. Entered at second-class matter June 2S, lilt, at the postofflee at Brana- ton, Illinois, under the Act of March t, 1870. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912. WHY THEY ARE FOR TAFT The editor of The Lake Shobe News has asked a number of Evanston gentlemen this question: . Why Are You fob Taft t Their answers will be printed on the front page from time to time between now and election day, November 5. The first reply is from Mr. Harrison B. Riley, president of the Chicago Title and Trust company, and one of the best and most favorable men on the whole lake shore. Mr. Riley and the many other men who will write their answers for publication are eminently qualified to address the people of this section in words meriting the most careful consideration. We bespeak for these letters and their authors the same thoughtful attention that would be accorded them by you, Mr. Reader, if you were seeking their advice in a business transaction. You could not go to higher authorities in matters of finance or commerce,â€"and their political sagacity is of the keenest. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THE CONTAGIOUS HOSPITAL Already $26,000 has been promised in the campaign to raise $100,- 000 endowment fund for the contagious disease hospital that Mr. James A. Patten has agreed to build, to be operated in connection with the Evanston hospital, and to be available for all the lake shore. That means that more than twenty-five per cent of the required amount has already been provided, but should not be construed as a reason or pretext why the rest of our many public spirited citizens I should not come forward and do their noble best right heartily. About all the first few tens of thousands can hope to do is serve as an encouragement for the teams of earnest seekers after further donations, and an example to other good citizens to emulate the exam pie already set. Here is to good luck t>i>J good faith to the Workers, auJ to Uuc hearts and free purses for the people. In times like thio *u4 in efforts of this kind every letter in the word PEOPLE should be spelled in capital letters May an all wise provident put ready tongues and couviuciug argu ments into the mouths of the committee of one hundred. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WHO INCITES VIOLENT D££DS? Two or three times since the shooting of Colonel Roo*>cv*u i in Milwaukee this paper has had occasion to comment upon the attitude of Chicago newspapers and certain local gentlemen who brazenly lay the blame for the deplorable accident at the door of the Republican .newspapers, and has in each instance referred to the violent attitude maintained by the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Evening Post throughout the whole campaign, and has also called attention to the easily proven fact that the colonel himself has been less bridled in his speech than any other man who has taken attractive part in the entire campaign, from the inception of the primary fight in the early spring to the present time. If the position taken by The Lake Shore News wanted support or tonfirmation, Medill McCormick, Illinois leader of the Roosevelt propaganda and member of the family of millionaires who own the Chicago Tribune, furnished it yesterday in his testimony before the campaign fund investigating committee. In the course of his testimony, which was in the form of a written statement, Mr. McCormick used these words: "It is difficult for any ordinary man in the compass of ordinary language to conipetg with the testimony of character assassins and liars like Mb. HnJJfiâ€"men who by their falsehoods incite the weak-minded to actual as- sassinations." Will Mb. William S. Mason, who is quoted as saying the blame for the attempted assassination of the ex-president lies at the doors of the metropolitan newspapers, maintain that any one of them has been so abusive in its speach or so violent as Mb. McCormick t Will he still give his approval to a campaign which has as its executive head in the state of Illinois such a man as Mb. McCormick has just proven him- self to bet The News has no criticism for Mb. Mason, nor for the use of any part ot the millions which he inherited from "Silent" Smith in any tause which he sees fit to favor, but it can not pass unnoticed an at- tempt to place the blame for an accident which everyone deplores upon the opposition political party. â-  attitude is not fair, it is net koaeat. ^ ^ mw^wmmm A COSTLY_MISTAKL Pops Now Soes Errorâ€"Direct- ing Faith Sack to Apostles. All Followers of Chriet Repudiating Apoetolio 8uooession, New Have Proper Basis For Harmony and Union Through Untrsmmsled Bible Study. 8t Louis, Oct 20 â€"We report one of Pastor Russell's discourses here to- today from t a e text, "Have not 1 chosen you Twelve?" (John vl, 70. I The Pas- tor declared that shortly after the Apostles died Sa- tan got great power Id the Church, us- ing two Instrumen Ulltles to Introduce false doctrines. (1) By the Second Century the mln isters began to be recognized as sepa- rate from the congregations, and in- stead of being elected their servants, they established themselves as a cleri- cal class and began to lord It over the household of faith, themselves ap- pointing the ministers over the congre- gations. Instead of their being chosen by election, as in the days of the Apostles. (2) At the same time the chief ones of the clergy, having the title of blsbpp*. were claimed to be the suc- cessors of the Apostles, with the same right to teach and to be considered In- fallible messengers of Christ. The doctrine of Apostolic Succession was formulated. They* pointed oot that when Judas lost his place amongst The Twelve, the eleven met and chose one to fill bis place. The speaker called attention to the fact that the eleven Apostles, in elect- ing Matthias to their number in the place of Judas, did it without Divine authority and sanction. The one they chose the Lord Ignored, and we bear nothing further of him. In His own due time the Lord brought forward the one He purposed should take the place of Judasâ€"St. Paul. Jesus assured these Twelve that they should "sit on twelve thrones. Judg- ing the twelve tribes of Israel." in the "Times ot Restitution" and "Regenera- tion." (Matthew xlx. 28: Acts. 111. 19 21.) These Twelve were again pictured symbolically in Revelation as the crown of twelve stars, on the head of the symbolical Woman, who represent- ed the Church of Christ Again The Twelve are pictured In the symbolic New Jerusalem, which portrays the Church beyond tne veil In Heavenly glory, as twelve foundation atones.â€" Revelation xxi. 1* False or P»ud* A^»«tlM. Of these Twelve alone Jeans «M»id. "Whatsoever things ye bind on <*artb shall be bound in Heaven, and what- soever things ye shall declare loosed/' or non-essential, on earth shall be de dared '^tilMfep1 Heaven" -so carefully would tnPWeat Head supervise the words of those wbo were His mouth pieces to the Church. With St. Paul we can then u&vte that "The Word of (Jod is sufficient that the man of Ood may be thoroughly fur- nished." (II Timothy ill, 15-17.) The Emperor Constantino, a convert to Christianity, noted that the teach- ings ot the various bishops were quite contradictory. Although not baptized, he recognized that If these teachers were Divinely guided their testimony would be harmonious. Constanrlne. in A. D 325. convened the Council of Niceâ€"called an "Apos- tolic Council." because the bishops were thought to be living apoetlea. Although Emperor Constantino prof- fered transportation free, only about one-third of the bishops attendedâ€"885. For days., weeks and months dis- putes prevailed; and finally the Em peror gave the decision respecting the wording of the Creed. And that Ni cene Crjed was promulgated as the Christian Faith; and the edict went forth that all who would not accept It should be banished. Thus uniformity of Faith was effected by a worldly prince. For twelve centuries arter this. Apos- tolic Succession continued, operating through "Apostolic Councils" and creeds. Is it any wonder that la all those fifteen centuries the Troth Itself was buried under a mass of superstJ tJon, error, false doctrine? Bible the Torch of Progress. For four centuries the Bible has been coming back to the people. Proportion- ately liberty has been enlightening the world. Ignorance, soperstirJori* and persecution have been yielding to no- bility and Justice. We ail praise God that we live In a day when It Is no loafer considered Godlike, Christllke. is psjrsscnxs oxnersi c=2 i 111 Habit is stronger* than impu\$cj0W%aQtUrt<flk the former is a stimulaftt to greaterKtcj^emflsJsOTt im- pulse is often folldwedJ>y the reaction of disappoint- ment and regret, irfejhabit of systggsj»^*mng is productive of the most lasting ancT beneficial results for it will serve" you in any emergency or adversity. This bank cordially invites checking and savings accounts. ::i 3'^INTEREST AM CARO 333 W. MADISON Sf KEElf batwe PRESSED FOR. MDNE Cttcsji ratn FriikHi 3979 Don't f*Us This Op DiamondJmpor*cr and Jeweler set St* .DISCOUNT Mswoirr North Shore Trust Company STATE BANK CAPITAL, $100,000 f Makes loans on improved North Shore real estate from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on farms^^Lake county. 4 Issues Certificates in denominations four percent, iaterest _ % Offers for investment estate, netting the i sums of $500 and up it for no d mul mortgagertnTmproved real five and one-half percent, in Send for list. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J Fred McOuire. President Charles A. Wightman, Vice-President Ira J. (Jeer, Counsel R. O. Keller Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashier Banking Rooms c«»ir«l Avenue and Sheridan Road Highland Pork, umbo's ARTHUR W. TERCOE, CanhUr T^h^Oatway Art EmJsWata ery Co, Designing :: Perforated mternfc: wuttfiiig to Order 131 N. Wabafji AvcJyt&ttil 11 central 3851 Between WashmgTon and Randolph Stt. BEST AND' CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND M3ST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STORES SPACES. INCAgMSCENT THE HOME. V^NGES, HEATERS, WAimteAffe FUEL The Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Go. 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston Telephone 93. Bat. alas! for the past fifty years the* influence of the Bible Is on the wane! Infidelity, styled Higher Criticism, is rapidly undermining faith in the Bible. The present Pope, realizing the situa- tion, has banned Sillier Criticism in all Catholic institutions and has issued an order that the faltb of all Catholic ecclesiastics and teachers he tented by oath. He sees, too. faitb in Apos- tollc Succession is gone from the mass- es, and that to preserve religion* faith the masses mnst l»e directed hack: to the words of Jesus, the Twelre A|»ostles and the Prophets, as the only inspired aatnority on religion We commend and rejoice> fe.4*^^. â- â- 

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