Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1912, p. 15

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liBiuents gl Anno jtelle fincennes avail id Mrs Forcmwt___________ l&m engagement of fife sister, leoa* -k Barrett of Wltoefcte.^ i&j>fj$& #l^#* young^id^ * prominent pan in dramatic «at€r- ^ club and other organiza- Miss 4226 son of Mr. &^8gM& ;^#^cia^: !â- â- "„â- â- ;:-. a.;^ iWe, 1742 Aflpury^ avenue. The ceremony is to take place atfour- irty o\jtoeh|||£^^ Sti fcokeV #i&enpal ^;*Mf J^|*i#i %fc the home of the brlfcrti merltt #k;;l^iMebhi*i «&lk:ltft'-&h dence for tl>0;lrglwMti»^||ti': Ill spending two weeks with Mrs. Goudie, 2615 East R>ilroed av A. ft. Wright. 1028 Blmwood ave- nue, has returned from Itome^Jfclifc wher« he was called by the dt Rochelle, 111 ;<&â- $+?â- ?â- . -#v# .'•â- *' *nd family, 81$ Avomiale, 111 j. l. Whltto^l^|^rt»d from 10U street ti0mM^:w^' ' â-  \* " Nora -iiiife^i^liM^ ava- il^, is ^nBmi000^0|^^,':,:^ is vlBiti Jjov w. a; ue, is m bv. H. P. street, l^week. Bfr. and Mrs, Walter Portman have >oved from Roger* Park to the Park lent*. ^fi^r^-7â€"':.;. â-  ; Miss Theodora Chanjse, 2501 Harrl- .,street,'JlJn^^ vi«% .•friends. ..^\\£*>]£%$â-  â- ' £ " â-  â- fv niliam N'effg, 1516 Central street, anticipating moving on a farm sear ^ie, Wis. J : . ^ â- ;..â- .„;'. V.,;-?.'. .. ^.- and Mrs. A. H. Williams, As. 'psry avenue, have returned home Itrom the east Mr. and Mrs, John Bunch, 907 Michigan avenue, stoat the week-end Sat^rhonda^.W/^^^ '" rW; V- *Mr. B. 1^ Carpenter, 1314 Hlnman ttsnue, is home from a trip through the Berkshire hills. :i Miss France* W. Stultz, 724 Emer- toCaflll«^e.Ohlo. Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Reed, 1708 Or- ton Avenue, will leave for Mobile, ., tMi^seal for 1^ winterf ^ y-*> * Miss Margaret Moore, 1300 pain reet, had as her guest Mre. "Arden uwen j* Kenwood, last< week. i. Gertsnde Watej^ryi who was rlottly hurt byj a fall at Foster it, is stfll confined to Ser bed. 1^ Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Neilson, 811 fplchlgan avenue, will reside at the hotef, Chtcigo, this winter. 1007 from m #; ♦ \ -:â- *.'â- â-  ^ Mrs. Theodore C. Keller, Greenwood boulevard, Is home Nantucket, Mass. y-r^yf^m^lxmiin Greenwood hjnhivard, JSast lit to AshviiUv N. C, for fchool this year. i> -^ 9• Mrs. 3K. V. Grlnnell, 818 Main street, has returned from Tipton, 0., where she visited her son. f # ^ Miss Jeannette Prentice, 4J20 B3sf man avenue, has been; hostess to Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Llnzie of Duquoln, 111. Mrs. George Swift, who has been at he* son* home, 838jMl0higan ave- nue, has gone to visit her daughter st Sj^in&HL 1 J. g-- ' v:^'f Lillian Koester and Bertha Voelker, 806 Grove street, spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Lampps, 6610 Wabash ave- nue, Chicago. - '" J*^ Mrs. B. P. Woolworth, 2100 Harrl- son street, accompanied her mother, who his been her guest, to her home in Omaha, Neb. Jft^and Mrs. Slip. Smith have r* turned to their home in Durand, 111., after a visit wltt J*r. and Mrs. A. M Moore, 1300 Main street. Mrs. James Lill, Jr., and-two chll- from a jrfsit J.dren of Long Beach, Cal., are guests of Mr. Llll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James LIU, Sr., 1310 Main street. â-ºsJtevv Alber^ Peachy-pastor of '^' iAven|ie|ir^/^;c^iir^ has heen the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Wht :;W. Goits,v 10^9 JLyars place, dur- ing the week. . i: v M^. O, D. Angle of JfacltsonvlUe, Tex., returned to hoi' home Friday af- ter having ' spent two months with her mother, Jkfrs. Sarah Craln, of 1021 Asbury avenue. ... Hiss Lillian Farron of Winside, f-m i ?'• *•' '?• JSaSm.mi .1wE3i»jS>K«», wJu> ha* been a&«uk?s( her Sft Mtiifi the Hotel Monnett and have tak an apartment at 420 HamiKon John ^Sli lerine F^te/spen$ the^paients^ at; Whesllng, Mre. w. L, Lewis and daughter, Weeley aviine* tavo returned a month's visit in southern Mrs. James avenue, has Mo. Donnell, 1512 Jud entertsinlng her |j. GUtlam *4r*to and Mrs. A* J. Mofgan have from 22£ |aeJn street to ^N apartments, corner iteeney street Hinman avenue. *HI'/~*>';"'%!' . MrB- George- H. Scurlock and J'•"â- abler, Katherlnet 824 Hlnman ave- are ta >wa^ *a John W. Burdsal, 1010 Hinman ^ »â- â€¢Â» has the pleasure of a visit 9^ 'h*r"mg*to>'f'1fn J 8. Holdan &«nd Rapids. Mich. Mf«- J. 8. Bosqant and son. Jos- »Jr- who^havs Siosnt the summer J»dson avsnao. Mr. Booaoet win cousin, Miss Nan Woolrldge, 942 Wesley avenue, for seven weeks, hap "ratni!i«d,J»ome^^-^ "^-*^ :'r$4$L.^. #$*/§! B- ^Wirjng^' of" Njbw Yorav, wlw has been tj*e guest of her daughter, Mrt 8. d^ Strickland, for the summer, has taken winter quar- ters at the Aalary. Mrs. D. W. Richardson, formerly of 1238 Judson avenue, is' residing. at the- Greenwood Inn., awaiting the completion of Aer apartments at #27 Greenwood boulevard. 7 | ^ -4lr«- Spaulding and her sister. Miss Joseifhine Akin, have returned to Dallas, Tex., having spent the snm- ;mer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Akin, 716 Judson javenne. Mrs. Edward C Carter and Miss Gertrude Garter. 412 Greenwood boulevard, have started on their homeward trip on tte "Laconla" and ar% expected in Boston Oct. 9. They have been â-¼isiting and traveling in England and on the continent since March, : ' --•-â- -'X-.^>-rt^ 'rf . Mr. Frank J. R. Mitchell, who wen| to San Domingo to open up a bank k hern aid ^^ *** return' home nn- ^ a^er .ISianksgivttg. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have been vtemag Walter Mitchell in Michigan. They have taken an apartment at 921 Washing- street. . spending a week visiting her mother, Mrs. George Goudie, 2616 East Rffi- road avenue. -'â- â€¢ , " ;. - S-*%.â- "â- â-  IJfly Mrs. a M. Bennett, 19^ Shennan avenue, lw^ g»neto Ix^ralae, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Alfred a Bates re- turned Saturday night from their wfd- dingbitrlj^ ^ey wm he Wiu*m ton avejiue, celebrated her hi Tuesday. She entertained a fjrtends informally* *"'â-  |,at|i.-;i0.,pCBaV^ and Colden and lioutee, are home Roaring Brook, Mich., whom spent the summer. ^ Mrs. H. W. Wales has given up apartment at thf Hamilton and w at the Monnett un^l hW depar^rrefor California In November. K. * ?"<-â-  â-  ^ Mrs. Thomas Creigh, 872 Sheridan road, left Thursday Ifor Burling- tott,;,|t>wa, to ftei *er parents, |fe- and Mrs. T. B. Bonner, for thjae weeks. 1^^ Miss Elisabeth Aishton, sister of R. H. Aishton, 1710 Wesley avenue, who has been tor almost two jrears lb this sjmmer having hien in Montreal, Canada, i# home again. "" ^' - % ' Mr. John E. Blunt, 1560 Asbury ave- nue, formerly chief engineer of the Northwestern railroad, now retired, has returned to his home from fhe Evanston hospital after **al» ni#s' stay, He is now in excellent health. and sister,> Mrs. Cole of Napanee^ Cana4a, who have bean for weeks the guests Of their Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Cobb. Maple avenue, returned home Mpn- day. * -: ' - ^ ' "" â- â-  ^;: Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Burr (Johanna Hess-Burr) have moved to 1802 Davis street: Mrs. Burr has regained ^er health and Axpe^ts tn ^jBnjSfeiuitar> ce at 10^7 Judson nun is to be put up for sale, Mr. and Mrs. George Blumenstock of St L^uis, who have been'ooeigpy ing the Nightingale house, 921 fev wood:, avenne, ^J^ef, «nnnuir» rJSira located pennanently in CI _ They have taken a house s4fl$# Thatcher avenue, River Forest. Mrs. Edmund J. Chalfant^ 627 map avenue, gave a surprise party, urday at her home itt honor of^her grandmother, Mrs. BL C. Hutchlnswn, who resides with her. It waa^Mrs. Hutchlnson'a e^htieth btrthday anni- versary. This tokens of appreeiatidn which' ale received were msny and beautiful. A splendid erenl])g wan en- joyed by the Relatives. Covers were laid for seventeen. A wedding of Interest to sfranstoii- iaiM was celebrated in Chteago Tues- day when Miss Helen Wmn CSan- fieid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laon Ju Woltera, IAS Bryn Mawr nvenne, became the bride of Donald Stuart it Mr. and Mia. Omrles IT. Boynton. Mr, and Mm. Boyn%m will take a wostom teip and ha home on their ntam at~ 6916 Kmh " ~ avenue, Bas^wnter. TlN» iir- a dinner ;the;' Mrs.:' Harrison R Wley, idan roe)!, left Wednesday for a ten days' trip to Jamestown, N.^ ' Â¥M wilt he gueat of Mrs. Wlfliam McKay, 2308 Central street, over Sunday; Mr. T. L. Parker, a former of Evanston, is in the city vhrt! friends. He now resides in Oregon. Where â„¢ VlU attend Ho1»i^ttni'ver-> $&?'-'t^Y.. â- â- â- â- â- "â- 'â- â- 'â- .'/',â-  â- â€¢':. ~^- Miss Monta Douglas of CWCA|b and Brookport, I1J., spent last week with 'MKp:lttl^^. CO^'l46i?.#es^ Mr. William J. 'ftg^^f-^ Angeles, Csl.i U the gheat of bis brother, Mr. Ralph C. Taylor, < 1580 "Ashland-nvenne. â- '- ^ Rev. and Mrs. O. B. Mattison of Bar- rington, IU., are guests of their daugh- ter, Mrs. C. H. Pendleton and family, 1735 Orrington avenue. ' Mrs. Arthur B. Smith and little daughter, Jeanette, 2324 HarUell street, are visiting relatives and friends in Des Moines, la. . " Missen Jeseie and pter- in '" p*riw ihiofhf........ rington avenue,^ two weeks* Ashing itlne trfaltn The friends of Miss Blsie MoClin^ tock and Mr. Geo. Ludwig; w< surprised to hear of their ' Thm^ay. Mr. and Mrs.] be at home to friends after N0VfB at t046 't^est :Ra^i^.3lvannm:^^f^ t]m Mr. and'|lta^jSh^^ coin street and/Hartra/ avenne^ left id the univewtty of Chlciigo ^Mrt.JessfaartMir^autee. July, will be at home about Nov. 1. Mrs. John Ackerman, 2311 Harrison street, entertained at cards Tuesday afternoon. Bridge and, five hundred were the principal features of the aft ernoon, ^^r\Â¥ys^'\ ^ v Mr. James Hayes, son of Prof. and Mrs. D. A. Hayesr 620 Foster street, is home from Germany, where he iwjpi announce the} approaching marriage of their daughter, Blarguerlte, to Regi* najld Parsons Millers of this city. The wedding will take plsce on Saturday, Oct 19. Mr. Clarence F. Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Poole, 1016 Blmwood avenue, left last week for Ann Arbor, Michw for bis sopfaoawre year ia-the Wr. and Mrs. J. C. 8han>r, 1704 Judson avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. CarroU Shaffer, 1719 Hinman avenue, and returned on the Mauritania. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Blunt, Jr., 1670 Ashland avenue, and Miss Margaret Blunt, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stough- ton have returned from Clinton, la., McFerran)§ guest of John M Mrs. %. â-  H. Redington, 1222 ftldge avenue. left Thursday-^for Buffalo, N. i^||^]i|^dmgton, whojiaa f beesfealrfor t<mr%eaks. They w^ ' fretoxn- in about n :weesF^ ^fr-^^^p.: ; r Mrsf '.Harry* Van Petten 'i&'^ftM- Keed, 222B Harrison street, ifail&gfi: turned from Ito Grove, Ia,i whars ^ they^pent two weeks viSfttet Mm Van Petten's parents, Mr, 0§ ' rfivfeS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ^ Wesley avenue, ~'yiS(L bungalow fJ(lfi©tttjL home, and.lssl^BaRBBK^HKMirt Tjd^ who have been living there will oocu- :py the home they vacate. -* "- <..>-".....w;;|ft Miss Lorraine 3Iead, 1840 Hlnman avenye, left Thursday with-M* ih*£§^ Mrs. w* H* Lyford in their:private 'oar.-;||i for Virginia, Hc^ Sjjrjngs, Old Point ComforX and ^aahtogton^^.CL .Miss - Mead willimaJw^heft a;e^t Nov/ church are armnging for a reeeptton v to Mr. and Mrs. Bttfler hext sVlday ;i evening, Oct: il. Alt the •members" of || the church and congregatldn are In-f| vlted in order that the recep«6n may be as informal as possible! yikii^^M mn"srt^flSes6ifr^ evenmg dress. *r where they attended the wedding of v TheJgajptist 8oclal union of Mii Mr. Blunt's niece, Mini Eugenia Blunt, daughter of Dr. Blunt of Clinton, to Mr. Harold Dudley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. Dudley, 813 Judson avenue, Oct L A quiet wedding of interest took place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to the Fl^ M. E. church when Miss Mario Gllgls became the bride of Mr. Cyras F. Brown. Both are Evanston young people having a large circle of of and aWiew of the e&W li|nil.'^Br.^T: *F> Ffcit weremony. The bride worn her traveling gown. Mr. and Mrs. Brawn 4sft tnmediateiv for. a trip to Michigan and wffl he at home after Oct JM at 910 umbia IH, and yi<; the ii &, dent, presided and Miss Jane gave the address of tike "Politics and twenty-five members tist church o|( ihls cl^js^^^a|b|Bjd^ ..A reception was evening in honor of Rev, ai|d Mrs. Horace Blake WiWanis, 2226 _ t'Jhe home of Mr. '#i '"' anna very

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