fc" tt': W»"i r&U â- Mr W Wi' It?,; m m* iKc: _ Jen Pariy at the Home of Mrs. Grots, Was Largely Attended By Woman's Club Members. PUN FOR OTHER EVENTS The garden party given se the open- ing meeting of the Bvanston Wom- an's crob Tuesday afternoon was a decided success. I The weather was perfect so that the beautiful garden at the home of Mrs. Groat. 1100 Ridge avenue, with its pretty walks and resting places fur- nished an ideal spot in which to spend the afternoon. The guests were received in the drawing room, the offlcera of the club acting aa hostesses. Mrs. Gross, who Is itt in the east, had made every ar- rangtment to make the afternoon a pleasant one. and Mrs. John Schwen- tier* chairman of the program commit- tee, and Mrs. Carl Williams, chairman of the social committee, deserve much credit for carrying the plans to such a successful close. Orchestra ^Played. The Keene orchestra played through* out die afternoon. This orchestra is composed of five children from an Bv- anston family, and the music commit- tee Is to be congratulated on giving the dub the opportunity of hearing it These talented young people played a Harp, a 'cello and mandolins, and It was a joy to see as well as to hear II IJWiat Peoi %............in Winnetka has returned Mies Irene Russell from Pontana, Wis. Miss Emma Lindgren has returned from Buffalo, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kales returned Monday to Winnetka. Miss Celeste Geherty has resumed her studies at the University of Illi- nois. » W W Barnhart of Chicago is now occupying his new home at 245 Ridge avenue, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Murdow are in Direct, Minn., on a hunting and fish- ing trip. Mr. J. B. Densmore, 429 Linden street, is laying plans relative to a trip to Honolulu. Mr. ^ee Adams has returned from St. Louis, where he attended a con- vention of druggists. CLENN FRANK NAMED ALUMNI SECRETARY Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Bauman of Chicago are now residing in theMott house on Ridge avenue. Mr and Mrs. Elmer E. Adams are at home after an enjoyable motor trip through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. ^ . - „ Mrs. Hermon B. Butler bad as her guest a week ago Sunday her daugh- ter, Mrs. Claude Jewell Peck, and her husband, of Cleveland, O. After a visit of several months in the east Mr. and Mrs. William Bross Lloyd have returned to Winnetka and are occupying their Sheridan road residence. Mr and Mrs. Hugo Von Hofsten and daughters have returned to Win- netka after an absence of several months, and are residing in their home on Prospect avenue. before the federation Seng's Res KINiTS TABLE cTHOTE AN0H*.1DAV* ^WlH il|5',"||ipl occupy ihtire tf> •#♦•*• f! â- UlLDiNO MS After a short business meeting the guests dispersed into little grouper wandering about, renewing friend, gulps and making plans for a busy winter." £n October 8 the Tenth Federation of Woman's clubs to which district the Bvanston club belongs, will hold their annual meeting at Lake Bluff at 10 a. m. REMOVAL NOTICE. The Commercial Electric Shop have remtpedpto 160IL Sherman avenue, oppose CityfHsm where we are better able to|hj«le m\Increasing business. The Canme^cA Electric Shop, 1607 Sherman avenue, oppo site City Hall. %el. 2894. Branch 14*7 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. position held was* formed. Instead of the customary address of welcome the opening night will have a new kind of program provid- * â„¢ *u ' ed for by President Stuart of Garrett. Glenn Frank, a graduate of North-, a * particular attention to western university, has been recently | ^^ by appointed alumni secretary by Pre* ^\~ ?hree lectures by Prof, dent A W. Harris. The main object means «i «•« aeni a. w. â„¢ Rauschenbush. of the secretary's office is to^ make formaJ ^^ on closer the contact of alumni with tne, university and with each other, by P«rty making the office a clearing house for information about the university, and for data concerning the alumni, and by promoting the formation and ac- tivity of local Northwestern clubs in all parts of the country, and effecting their closer co-ordination. The office will also sustain a relation to tne pastors and colleges sending students to Northwestern for graduate and professional work. Mr. Frank's office is in the Northwestern university building, Chicago. SAM CAROLS %l Ossein* Turtle SMUfooib a»T Â¥ ipedsl far this moaUftaiy, ti. ooirr *iss#ms orvo*' Cht*«*« Fh#ne Fraafclto S»7» EVANSTON IS HOST TO MANY (Continued from Page 1) WILMETTE TERMINAL. The activity in real estate at Wil- mette near the Northwestern Blevat- ed terminal continues. It is safe to My that not since the building and opening of the Wilson avenue terminal on this same line has there been such remarkable activity in the vicinity of a new elevated terminal. It was thought with the Ravenswood extension that there was as large in- quiries and sales of real estate to buyers as could ever be expected by reason of an elevated extension, Trot the Wilmette extension has exceeded all expectations in this regard. Real ... - ,â- „ estate men operating In the vicinity- Dt> Libberton of the termlnafhave had to hire ad- *~*~â- «â- -«â- ~* dtUoaal aalesmen to take care of the many prospective buyers who dally make this point their destination. In setae oases values have almost trebled over what could have been obtained for the property last fall. A ^notable case in point ia the south- west corner'of linden avenue and Sheridan road, two blocks eaat of the tenateal, which recently sold on a basis of $70 per front foot )robably, until it reaches the supreme ;ourt of the United States. Bishop McDowell has thoroughly studied the situation, knows his own rights and luties in the matter, and will act with wisdom and decision. Trinity stands 3n the legal decision of the Illinois iupreme court twice rendered. Marie stands ott the decisions of both tht- annual and general conferences as to their moral and ecclesiastical rights. Those of either party who feel that they have been unjustly wronged will need to exercise the utmost Christian charity and patience. & will recognize the * semi-centen- nial of the work in the ministry of at least two of Its most esteemed members, Dr. K. G. Jackson and Dr A. D. Traveller, by a special service. If there are other members of tne conference who have completed the semi-centennial, as it is understood there are, they will be included m the recognition service. Ought to Be Voluntary. It will consider the Question of an- nuities for superann eral conference to the annual confe cording to politics but will occasionally smile or cheer as some speaker, either through blunder or intention, makes reference to the political ques- tions of the hour. The conference will recognise the Epworth league more fully than It has for some years by giving a special evening to its anniversary and by the appointment of a conference gov- erning board. With the passing of .the general conference, with new policies In the administration of the benevolencea and in Episcopal administration, with new officers, new editors of the papers, with the subsidence of agita- tion on Biblical criticism, with gen- eral prosperity within Its borders, and the urgent need of advance Jn'J&!£ world's missionary conquest, the con- ference ought to be the most con- structive and efficient in many years. r many at jOjted #he activity in real estate near the Northwestern Terminal at linden avenue continues. Onr.M'^IWi{i||tfH ^choice vacant is being rapidly redueegjs*' mjgy sales tfe buyers, who appreciate the effects realty values. Come out and let t^jjW' y^^fisw1^* ^ ^^e* 1 We have the largeJfaJa most completjjia^f nm^ erty in the vicinity of tMlake and^swvffed terminal, ...™™j many choice bargains to Ififer. In most eases can sett 0^^ reasonable cash payment,T>alance to suit purchaser. : ||«p« Branch Office on Linden avenue; directly opposite i^nmmm station, is open every afternoon and all day us WARD T. HUSTO 125 S. CLARK ST. jlpgj Telephone Randolph 2604 m-f-< R. um ItALTMV EYE STRAIN When your ey«i or , yoawill find my wot! reasonable. ^_ DR. t. P. MONTOAN. Neareloclat 2nd Floor 619 Davis Stroet BvsmCoh The gen- e authority e to act ac ^1 Judgment fn||ao*Tain ilty whose over. Others ender of the luntary. Only tie the ques- ister 'Shall receive Income is teoo a year will insist that the annuity ought to be the conference, can tfon.- The Northwest Federation, consist- ing of five of our churches on the northwest side of the city, with Wicker Park church as the head, will, it to understood, be dissolved and each church resume its Independent ebon Brothers CUTLERY WD BRImlM JND 8»e 306W/MAMSONST 2 doors West of FrankUn St. te Chicago Pheno MaIa SS^ORSET FREE â- Mtteo to your piftumt â-¼This extraordinasas*%fbsss4is a special indudemem9with Jn ottera .placed this «noniaV«fcn lies'Alts, tailor-madeJ 6uacanjMd\ojiaTt. Newest fiades%n weaves and fashions, lSjtest demands MJS. BWK Exclusive Ladies' Taller* 108 N. 8TATB #TV CHICAGO Phone Central 8140 Suite 720-720 Stewart Building Entire Fifth Floor Nepoenaufc Bld§. 63 East Adams Streat Autumn Announce We have selected the most distij fabrics from the«eadin» wcpleu m pattern, color at* weajrV These woo] your selection fcl you/wmter suit. The fashioflsLre tlonJdJctated by the world's centers and fro* theVffates of the best designers women's taitoref garments. Suits whose values usually are $65^ o-$55 TAILORED TO YOi>R MEASURE The workmanship, style and fit are petfect^i| material worth $3.50 and upwaids per yard. Skiing silk or satin used for linings. 63 East Adams Street Near Mlektaaa A*#*«e Emttrs Fiflk Ftmr *»â€"»* 8«fl<fct •"**.' $&>'^â- ^;<•â- • $'ȣ&&&