If* **"'â- ' . v" >.|||Ulkb8i)rti« fO TUB f VaH$TON * BWS . :$i> '4^ :M."»' v .;.....,-; • f ! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY v/"'\â- '*â- ,*â- • "*â- â- .â- â- ?. ' •? â- ' â- " THE BOWMAN PUBLISHINO COMPANY Me Davla gi, Evanston. - telephone* 686 and 886. WILMETTE OFFICE Ne* 6 fifostrfo Flaca. Telephone No. 804. ........* ALBERT H. BOWMAN, Managing Editor ARTHUR ROBERTS, Associate* Editor JAMES LEONARD LBB, City Editor_____________ iMr. It Is lot of Yoorseiws; It Is tfio 6ift ol 8od.H SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.88 A YEAR. -^ matter for publication la aay wook'a Issue should reach our olnoe not later than noon on Monday. ^__________• Entered aa aecond-claae matter June 88. 1811. at the pottomoe at Brans- ton, Illinois, ondar tha Act of March 8, 1878. sas THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912. •§&â- %{;' 'M 'â- â- % â- % it*^ 'mm: .i: •-' Mi s>-..»T'3i*S KICKERS It seems as though Evanston has more than her share of kickers. The city teems to be full of them. Some kick because they want to, Others because they think they have a right to, while others do it just because they like to kick. During the hot weather people were kick- ing on all sides concerning the continued torrid weather and express- ing the fear that it would never let up. As soon as the cold weather arrived these same persons who were complaining so much about the hot weather were taking an hourly slam at the cool weather condi- tions, "Just like Alaska," "A great place for Doc. Cook to live," and other similar expressions were heard. As a rule these kickers think that other people like to hear them kick. How mistaken they are. Nobody likes to listen to a kicker, while on the other hand the person with the cheerful word and the pleasant "Good morning" is always welcomed. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THE RIGHT SPIRIT The citizens of Evanston are to be congratulated for the way in which they have thrown open their homes to the members of the Rock River Methodist conference, who convene here in annual session this week. The lack of hotel facilities made it necessary for the citizens to take into their homes the visiting delegates. An appeal was made by Dr. Timothy Pbbscott Fbost to the members of the First Methodist church asking them to take care of the visiting delegates. But the members of the First church were npt the only ones to respond. Members of all the different churches, when they heard of the appeal, wrote and telephoned to Dr. Frost offering to accommodate as many as he should send. The result was that there were more rooms offered than there will be visitors. This is the kind of spirit that makes Evanston the great city that it is. The spirit of co-operation has always been strong here but it was never exemplified more than when Dr. Frost sent out his appeal. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WILL BOOM THE NORTH SHORE Announcement has been made that with the reorganization of the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric road through trains will be run from Milwaukee direct to the loop district in Chicago. This will mean much to the residents of the north shore villages. It will mean that they will not have to change cars at Central street and wait for another one to carry them to their offices in the heart of Chicago's business district. Daring the past few years the north shore has built up with leaps and bounds. The populations of all the villages from Wilmette north to Highland park has nearly doubled within three years. This growth is certain to continue-. Chicago must have a place to house her busy business men. The south and west sides have already been developed almost to capacity. The north shore is the only place left for them to go and still be by the lake. llie editors of this paper believe that the population of Evanston will be doubled within a few years. The announcement of the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric road to run trains directly into the loop dis- trict will have the same effect on building up the north shore as did the extension of the Northwestern "L" tracks to Evanston. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ARE CAPABLE /That women are as able and as capable to judge a political candi- date as are men was shown Sunday noon at the Current Events, class of tha First Congregational church., It was to be a political discus- sion. The week before the Republicans, the Progressives and the Democrats had settled their troubles in a three-cornered' tussle. Last * the Socialists, Prohibitionists and the Independents were to , After the two former men had set forth their _ v ^ Wauoh MoCulloch was called upon to present the Independent platform for inspection. She did so in a few minutes. She had written the platform on a fly leaf of a Bible while toother speakers were talking. Here are her planks: - "No party owns me." " *'f need not choose the least of evils." "I will vote for the beat man." "Personal profit or personal resentment shall not control my vote." "I hawe only one vote, and I should use it as though my one vote ~-Jed each qwsjIiiiii ** ^At to last judgment I must stand alone, and I ean, if I must, stand alone on election day." - Can you think of any statements more concise and closer to the----------------_„ _____------- point than those expressed by this traifrage leader t ipo yon think to fAitnforos and ^of^nfj^^^^ ec4ild be btanltowOed for a minute by any politician 1 There is \'m.^^^J^^-^^^-^S». Jfocrtft*^^ EJtoo* SowSaT^n proportions* rfeetlyw^ble of doing their own tbinkii^ without to i^ ._ .s^-fot*,: _• ^ jri^yinfl wnfJ::'i§;n!0^^ '"â- â- ""â- -" '^ ~-^-^ ^'â€" ^" Paator Pusssll Faints Out That ant Age la tha Faith Ageâ€"Naxt Aga WW Sa tha Ago •' Warkaâ€"Addraaa to a Large Convention of Bible Stu- donta. Halifax, N. 8., Sept 29.-Paator Russell addressed a large Convention of Bible Students here. He received closest attention. We report one ot the discourses f rom the text. "For by grace ye are saved through faith, and that not of your- selves; it is the gift of God." - Ephesians 11, 8. The speaker conceded that the sub- ject of faith ond Its relation to salva- tion had been considerably confuaed in the minds of many for centuries. He held, however, that clearer viewa are now permeating Christian minds and hearta and that the conflict between salvation by faith and salvation by works is at an end. Both are now seen to be necessary. Age ©f Feithâ€"Ag»©f Warka. Paator Russell declared the present Age the Age of faith and the on-com- ing period of Messiah's Kingdom the Age of Works. He cautioned bis hear- ers, nevertheless, that, in harmony with what he had already shown In the Scriptures, this does not mean that no works are now required nor that in the future Age no faith will be required. The standard or test now is faitb and not works. The standard or test of the next Age will be works, not faith. The reason' of this difference, he said, was manifest: because of the fallen condition of the entire race none could do perfect works now. and. If Judged by works, all would be condemned afresh. Hence God,now in dealing with the Church requirea them to walk by faith and not by sight In the next Age, during Messiah's reign, he claimed that all the clouds and darkness, all the Ignorance and su- perstition, will pass away before the rising Sun of Righteousness. As a re- suit faith in the next Age will be a very simple matter. Knowledge will be so great that faith win take second place. Then good works will gradual- ly become the test and mankind will gradually rise out of. Imperfection of mind and body. All the willing afid obedient will be able to do better and better until finally, by the time of the j; close of Messiah's reign, all the willing and obedient will be perfected and able to do perfect works. And their judg- ment will l>e according to works. Tha Present Qraee Age. Everything that God baa Arranged for human salvation la properly said to be of His grace. God is not bound by Justice to do anything at all for hu- manity; therefore-whatever la done Is of Grace or unmerited favor. The nest Ace also will Indirectly bewail Age of Grace in that oil the blessings that will go to mankind in the way of earthly Restitution will be oiroerited, so far as they are concerned. But the Grace of that time will more partic- ularly be the Grace ot the Lord Jesus Christ, because all those blessings will come from 1Mb having met the de- mands of Justice on man's behalf. But the present Age is peculiarly one of eft vine Grace*" becrtiise the call of the Church and the great blessing she. ts to re«-i»iv»> us the Bride of Christ is something iii.-.re'* than was purchased by the den tit of Jesus. Jesus, merely purchased htin»;in rights and human nature fur mankind by the sacrifice of His own human tight**and human na- ture. God's grnce Is manifest now In that'the Chun h Is called to a glory, honor; Immortality. Pivlne nature, which she never bad and never lost and which was never redeemed by Jesus' sacrtf.r-e or otherwise. The merit of Jesus applied to the North Shore Trust Company ST^E BANK CAPITAL. $100,000 i Mtfakes loans on improved North Sh I ^Rogers Park to Highland Park, ^r county. I Issues Certificates oj£)as|»sit for in denominationa^rtiop and mu four percent irtsJEst£jj£ ~ f Offers for investnfWt filet mortgagesamim estate, netting the investor fiveano^MsJ sums of $500 anf^upiCrd. SUaBsWrTist. OFFICERS AND DIRBGTQRS J. Fred MoGuire, President OharUs A,. Wia^man, Vice Ira-J* Gear. Counsel R. O. Keller Arthur W. Veteoo. Cashier onths it pays Banking Rooms _£ Central Avenue and SherMan Kf4 . WihlsM Park, BBS** ARTHUR W.VJE*COR» «B>fafl«r 'â- .•â- â- â- ' ;| jal delicatessen Stor fV^lMpORTED AND DOMESTIC ^ TABLE LUXURIES mm 357 Wttt Madison Street, near Market IB the New Oenlt Hotel Building Chicago Telephone, Franklin ft'v â- '-â- :' •-..<'&- the extent of permitting ua to present our bodies living aucriflcea. But Grace provides that this sacrifldng oa our part shall be counted In as though it were a part of Jeaua* sacrifice. That Not of Yottraehrea.* Bow shall we understand thin ttata- mentt Surely God does not exercise where price. Bread, Raisin If you want the best goods in" Delicacies why not STOP AT STOEGER'S, 357 West Madron Street, only the best ©Aasl^are so We have Mjjfra»kee Ry BetioW* WmSeXWheat „ ~--r-t-r Bread and ij^stajhalian style l>uffipeniickel. Smoked Melsa^fnd Sausage*,*Smoked Ham, Boiled Ham and Bacon, Lay ton Bacon^jj(|ii)p^s>n *}>1c Ham, Goose Liver SausasjjsstflRBnr^hwelg Liver Sausage and Mettwurst, Cprrt.Be*ft Roast Beef, Papricka Speck, Spic*d Beef, impoited and domestic Mortadella. ~> rr CHEESEâ€"Imported Swiss Cheese; Kcquefort, imp , Goat Cheese, Herkimer Cpuntv,^;er? Snappy, Full Cream, etc.â€"Blue Label arid McLa^etis. We have a full liwe of Sart^ries. Bismark Herrings, Eobster, Salmon, Caviar, ejetra fine Romanoff Caviar, Smoked Fish, Salmon and Sturgeon. We check Parcels at N. W. Depot, fwai Charges on orders over ' WATCH THIS COLUMN l«XT WEEXfor SPECIAI^ Church now in response to faith and i^ work, ln harmony with such faith obedience Justiflep us in God's sight to HL.«,««.4»«** +h* ain^rifv nr Anr Mth wiB the demonstrate the sincerity of our faith. The same principle continues through- out this Christian Age. Grace opens the way for knowledge. Knowledge pavea the way for faith and begetting of the Holy Spirit Then works to the extent of opportunity should demon- strata the degree and quantity and etacerUy and loyalty of the faith. The present Age is the teat time for the Church. Perfect faith is possible to be attained and must be attained, if we would have the highest tilesainjf God It now offering.. And if we have }tt»t highest faith God wni see it In ouj worka and endeavor hc«vey«rlnv EvaistM f^ar^r ma