Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1912, p. 1

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For some reajKm, however, l$e aid not rwch the u«uai cllm*x of making the ^tow*^ and left with the prom- ise to return and discuss the matter further ' -. ?â- -?%*'&-â- :: â- ,^:;^:,"0^?: v|Jffh^=Jaa£ seen. the man was <.«**>. lag irtcturea on the campnB 6{ Norfy tion, the police believe, of seliing the college to the first willing buyer. USE MANY NOVEL SCHEME! Fake Collectors in Wlnnetka, Watch Jradorfftj ^<^t*> f|J!§ Rich . Mine OwnersbupeNorthwestern University Professors. ivanston _.!|&|fe'i»talnp- of bold swind- week. CltUena _____ Winfc&lMi. P!aik,^ke rorett % The , Nprf __ground '^ofMs lere during!;th\e of' Eta $ebcoe, a^aad Wa ._.......... _._ .. ....... police on various occasions to trace down Bwa^j^^i^li^ "fleeced" them of mme^-':. â- â- ;â- â- :"'^'^^:......"7~":i < According to the police, swindlers at' this time ot*tu« year ate extreme- ly numerous. ^Ona ^reason for. it* they claim, is that tile return of the students btiog* »aj«r jww t*ce»Mito the city. In thle way the swindler has little trouble In avoiding the po- lice, In many instancas they even. pose as Btadenli^Bph men and NofthSllpref I'f J | | | The a, are; nuni_____T^,_„^_r_ ma^rity ^ caae^'l^i* (or large ijratoiras wnfle ethers are satisfied with anything from a Quar- ter up. Evanston has been overrun with book swindlers. Wlnnetka? has been molested with fake collectors, vh|le in Waukegan the stunt used was to approach some prosperous looking man, r tell him a hard luck itory and then ask for some money ls:a loan on a watch. The watch would have all the earmarks of a gold one worth many times the amount asked. An investigation, would prove that it was worthless. Through this story several Wauke- ganites unloosened their purse ., Spared iii1% |me meml^rt of the Winnetk^ citfc s^ms' committee, th« poH^ now arresting all drunks that appear on the' atreeir" Last 'week Ipueaoiy"iert Lee sauntered down Blm street in fesor|vto 8KB?' â- ^ strings and "helped the poor fellow out," only to find isut a few hours |Mr that they had been "stung." $j|',£ An OriflJnal One. |i Without. doubt, the most original E fwindle of all was worked in Bvans- ton this week and professors in ttotthwesterh 4p$*mW proved to R*f| the victims." ~*' <>£ J.A handsome, mysterious stranger, "Wk-skinned and; black-mustached, ftparently M'$PfthlshJ *lood, "who fyns a mme fr Mexico* and has an IWent desire to «N^ some poor Mexican girl a college education or '"' anythtngj|||^P^:iH^-lw &"* v a ' ^0^^^^w^i " dollars, r..... ced a numbe# of prominent citl ^liPs of sums ranging from $2 up. Ippne. of his victims was William H. 'ghill, prt)fe|soir of mining in >rthwea^srn ^eiei^: He visited * Cognlii libme-' »t 813 Garfield e and represented himself as sv lend ofSii^^^q^VB- college l/The M^cin iaSl thajt he was part »r of a rich mine in Mexico, hut * he h«d1bW^or<^ to flee from . 19 country on ace*wnOrt to ^aj^^^ p^ipw^r, who has ^ '^mS^^^^'.'^nk e* he would repay the loan. â- .â- â€¢!... â- â€¢â€¢ '. , . . ....... ,(Jl.r • For the second time within a year John Hansen of the firm of Hansen~4 Both of Wlnnetka has had his tr Stolen, the last wheel was stolen last week from the porch of hia home. Hansen now disagrees with th,e theory, that lightning never strikes twice in .the same place.; - He is now acting as his own Sherlock Holmes in the hope dninken condition. He ^ arrested by Justice and fined $1 and costs Madsen. In the past It has been the custom p ief^theae pe«ips off with .*>;w*ruing. :W^^%m^^M^ The Wilmette Woman's club will open its season of 1912-13 on Wednes- day, Oct. 2, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. L. J. Pierson and Mrs. R. W. Jordan will be the hostesses at this meeting, which will be in the nature of a re- ception. Each member of the club wilt be entitled to bring one guest. A Celtic program will be given by Miss May Hill of Chicago. Miss Hill will read two of Lady Gregory's plays and several Irish poems, with musical accompaniment. The meeting which follows, Oct. 16, will be reciprocity day. Hamlin Garland* the well known author, will be heard in a stereopticon lecture, >VThe Forest Ranger/' FOR . - .......,.-,_____t-1-st*. ^"^Pfâ- -' ...... ^%hd||r;i^ ^Saturday, between the hours of 7 and 9 a. m. and 3 and 6 p. m., the citizens of Wlnnetka will take a ref- erendum vote to determine whether or not the village will issue $30,000 in bonds for the use of the perk board in purchasing new park terri- tory and equipping the present parks with additional paraphernalia. At a recent meeting of the park board there were petitions presented by the Wlnnetka Woman's club with more than 200 signatures, asking the board to provide a large park in the western part of the village. This park was to be large enough to con- tain baseball diamonds, tennis courts and apparatus for many different games. Pursuant to these requests the park board took under considera- tion several tracts of land on the west side which are available end Und that the sum they have on hand at present Is Insuffldent for the ac- quiring of the newssary lend, eon- sequently an add^lonal bond issue to neo*»sa*yf-:;. jrirs^WNtt BOARD aftrnM^ 'rrmsrâ- â- !*?:. # m*m «f ******* jj. j„ attend- SHORT SESSI0I Committee to roan Memories. â-  ft-', -i.v* 'i>-<- â- â-  "..... . , . V Tuesday night the Hon. James Tur» nock put all the members of the Bvanston city council Into a good humor by perpetrating one of his jokes at the expense ot the Hon. F. L, Fowler, Democratic candidate for congress, who was his guest for the evening, and whom be introduced to his colleague^ and friends as "Our ne^rt congressman, and the coming official Pie distributer tor this dis- trict." Most cftV$e men a^hout the -city clerk's offlce> where tho ton* promptu reception was held, took: te Pastor of the Stcond i Church of Chicago Was in Charge natter good humoredly; but Ja R. Paul, city editor of the I^des, pe^ sonal organ M,Mr> PostniasterChlId|g . . ............tii1;f:-^<^<i:.->^p! The.ferylcsB ©£J»e, lay 1^.0?^4he coraerjitope of the new chapel, of the W«»et%r'Pjeeb^yterilin .,ohuici^r;#, Ninth, itreet and Qreenleaf avenue, were held on- Sunday afternoon, at 8 ojciock* Fjilly 300 people w^re 4» attendance, and it ^ns one o$our^Tare^e*eeu|^^ fall days-4m Ideal day for the open "*' -•-•*- «â€" -*-*^ air services, t ^ 5i .. _n The order' of 'services were as fol- lows:'^"'" ':"'i '•"'?"';?-V'.. """. ""!',,.) Scripture sentences. ' u } Responsive service. Gloria Patrt. ; Invocation.1 ..Rer. G. B. Stafford, D.D. Hymn..;. ."How Firm a foundation" Wmor. Avenue Chicago bit b|s lip and as j$jpq0tfL%pq#t> you kaow, good ||m " w| b^onf Pfjadv n political $t t....... iip(^iiiad-:thf r at the mayor a left. He waa tuced -â- %/ bis honor, who re- marked as a half-oslde, than two-thirds seriously, ^r hope he may get a lot of votes beside Democratic ones." Wee Very »hoit tension. fu_ When the ji>uncil finally got dpwn td business It toohji* ehout seVeh and a half minutes from the time Norkett moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approveoS with; out reading till the *ame alderman moved to adjourn, ttj waa announced that the new street sl£ns, such «4 the one at the corner of th house, at Davis street and avenue, wilt be installed as rapidly as possible, and a motion to rebate some man'a automobile license was referred to the finance committee, to report back to the council, f Two More Mounted Men. ^Alderman^mart, fir the street committee, recommended that the two police officers who have been on the "dog wagon" be relieved from pound duty and become mounted offi- cers to control traffic, the one about Fountain square and the other at the corner of Chicago avenue and Main street. In commenting upon the sit- uation Alderman Smart said condi- tions at Main street are particularly bad, and suggested immediate action at that point | The alderman from the Third Ward also reported upon the Germanla ad- dition situation by saying he found it had already been referred to a special committee, to the • attention of which he had called the matter. Mr. Smart did not mention the names of the aldermen who had f*lh><i to take any action on this matter so im- portant to those people who are not getting any service either from ^Bv- anston or Chicago. ;t M The special filtration coihmf|tee bad ho report to hwi»"f$*|he cwun- cll meeting, bjit it w|a announced there ['^^^^j^^ comaltte«Hi 3th|[ |ha>i|s el^ opce oiT Weannidny5 afternoon, irhe paa- mittee. ,oj|-saj|lto^t^ "#*fy** held a meeting with the district la to Atinnae ^"^1T^^ Tuesday morning, »nd The.Apostle's Creed. Laying the stone.. â€"............ ; #bv. j. M. Wilson, D. D^ ahd ioberlt K. Brown, chairman of the building committee. ",.,;'• ..â- ,.' ' ' ^a^et,)0f :cojis|^atto^..., r,v..;.,,/, ^ev^ Henry H^b>rh^ pastor of tti« Address. .'r......',................. Rev. John Balcom Shaw. t>».D„ pas- tor of the' ^econd Presbyterian .church, Chicago. Benediction. The building committee are Messrs. R. K. Brown (chairman), James Crabb, F. R. Eager, 9. R. I^err, T. M. Knox, John Kieft, Gordon Hannah and R. H. Rice. Or. 8haw*a Address. In his address Dr. Shaw said, in P^rt: "I bring congratulations from the Chicago presbytery and the board of church extension unon the .prosperity and prospects which lie before you* This great work Is a testimony of those who believe in the success of the gospel. I think, deaT friends, you are to be congratulated upon the spiritual cornerstone you are laying. "Jesus celled his disciples and asked them whom do man say I am, and he said, but whom say ye that I am? And Peter, ,answaring said, 'Thou art the Christ/ Jesus then put hia seal upon his reply, and said, IJpon this rock will I build my church.' Millions Worship. "There are, according to the World's Atlas, i- 500,000,000 people who now worship Christ and hope for salvation. This is the Golden Age; it is in the future, so turn your faces toward the east and not toward the west, and our face in the direction of God. "The church must go on doing its work. We believe in the holy spirit; we believe in high heaven and In this faith we rest and In this expectation we repose our souls." ........ n;..... :';'TV:fclbnn1i&^ credil«^^^>ol :fd'f !tue'Jsoltf. ;pir>^»ef^ gressive -. party stamps and ship certlft$a^g|^ Murrr^NeJso^ Woman£.-J^©g?reJ^ $he**jfoM^en^ jPi!OgfeBS^^^ toifepT^ '^m^^^'im^ym^^A.........„., ........ ^Qfuce*^!**, aoors f^:,#a^f|gMlii^: Saturday . and - prominent-» Moosettes have-. 1 counter each day since popular stamps and certificates.. •** PIPS CAUSED FIRE. Because a spark from the pipe he was smoking fell in a jug of gasoline ihe fire department was called Sun- day to the home of &wtf Barnn- gart In Bvanston. little dam- age was done: Interviewed by a representative for The News, Alderman Dyche said: "The district officials submitted a plan upon which they are ready to proceed, but it wai not entirely ac- ceptable, although I think It can ||0DS^^:l^^^ Uke, Poiltica. The women o*winjj||!! a: strong inking thj§ %|f H The followers of the P are parUcularly active^ (» gressive women of, the« ^|] been enrolled as nwrobc^ ^ l(set^ges^ era! committee. Mrs. Nelson^ man of the executive <ywm<ttee^ James F. Poerter is secretary and Ethel Mason is the treasprer. Ataenc the women iweti^ti&mWW the cause are Mrs^ Mojfle LJea^ri- Mfa* Philip Post, Mrs. Lorenio JoJms^onv Mrs. George Higglnson, Jr.,; Mra,,|Bd- ward B. Burimg and Mrs; Cuthbea* Adams. â- .: .: .if.'Uv. ;-• «^V>;*-^^|lft - since.. Mrs.. Nelson conceived th«| idea of opening s> store other eiaee'y throughout the- country hava^ndepted^ the plan. The storo opened Jtetuteny^ morning for business and since that time it has been well patronised. a.^y The Moosette store W th»t»ru«y 4e0.| orated with flags and pictures, la, the window Is the head of a iatge butt moose and cartoon of the Great T^s* dore and Governor Johnson shak^g hands, Within, pinned, sbottt t /* walls, are clipping containing the est newa of the campaign* with numerous campaign <»rtoons. ,ij The^certificates soUUby th#- earry with them membership -in «ehsk Progressive party. The prices rang* ; the â- pr-W&W'Wto**^^^ g For Use on Letters, "£• ||' The stamps. are to he «•#> IN $ Christmas stumps. They can b* sthci |^ on the back of letters. They aeU.foi 'â- ';• f cents. Th« proceeds will go to th« g general campaign .fund.' .:.!>â- : u.',^ § | The same energetic .wmMfMW^fiH |f In charge of the Btor«irm|sf«i |f ble for the large Bull Moose polltica |« meeting held In the Woman's clul pi Monday night. About 860 iwsons aM tended, of whom fully one-half wer* women. The speakers were Mrs. Kel;.,;: iogg Falrbank, western ^miiii^'^ the woman's branch of the Preg^eesrri party; Alderman Charles M Thenwoi of the, Twentyffth ^.W^**$Â¥*9* m Who la a candidate for oongrtps Iron the Tenth dlstrlctr Harold Icheav o fevanston, chairman of the state tral committee^ m& Frank Funk, dldate for governor. Other ' with speakers of promlne»oa held throughout 4he campaign. BLECTKD TheRer, ^ JT. Will of the Winnetk* Community

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