Mrs. JsMaf is at Bento^#arboi$.. ,.,...,. turned to I Mlss cn^U^Mtatr two montbVltfll^iiH^ Miss HaJWl Mr. and ......... Woodbine ^^^$0^^^ â- *m:.^±y Northwe8ton|;.|i^|^J|| in the Bdgewater publio schcel for Illinois. '4 :;^^#ff-|^S» llp^##l^#P" m^wh.^^.-.â- .. nette <^h$& e]h^^.|||ip ::g|p&;^ Mr. Donald* the imnoMS-.:'?^^ ?thi0 y^1, a There the ouilmette Country club on SiitmN day evening^i^&|^i'Stfllte ' Mrs. Thoma^ yo*eJt ox Mliuieaik>ll», Minn., is th*f#i$|^ ner this ^ef^^m^^m^^.^ Mr. and MrSv'f$*^l*tf3^^ have movea - tn^ln^^ne^^^ho^ : 132 Ninth street ^^i^Ci * The read^j^^v^|^3ii^^ Georgians Rogers, 9i4 Forest avenue; 1 on Monday t^0j^^^0^yy) '.',, ; , Miss Mildrfd I*r^dden ^ spena^ this week a»i§ue|fc*|^^ Clark, 12&**Htl|h}^^ Miss Helen smM||^gy vo- cal at the BchootmWm^m^^^^ •â- em univei«it^|n|plli^i;;if|«pK >-Jff; ;: miss Marion H. Drake r^nrned this week from'-Spaing ;, her brother/ -$^^§^ffi^J^: $: I J: â- â- • Miss Marlon Eoberts entertained the â- : Northwestern chapter of Delta Gamma •at her hon e on Saturday afternoon. j Mrs. W. H. Soutfcwick of Streator, 111., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James D. Colt, 1236 Greenwood ave- Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Koorija, 1135 Lake avenue, returned Monday from Mount Clemens, Mich., and LaKe Gen- eva, Wis. lillM|iiii "' â- â- ' "•' f"""......" â- M'maffffr ^fc ^^ly ^|||ff]^y Pltifjt-ti g£$oft^^^ a; |^||^^^.;i|i Woodbine avenue, reft this week to teach voice culture in Mrs. A, Bishop and Mrs. J. Richter of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. C. |^:ileian^^^ •<$%#$â- •. ; 4jtit< Jai^^l|pg.: JK&M. Gallie and son, Donald, arrived home; Saturday' after ^f^^weeks* visit In the east. I ":Mr§ $^ttii;' \#;^ court, fell and severely injured' his knee while in Chicago Saturday. -': Mr. and Mrs. John W. May and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Procter attended the races in Libertyville. Sunday after- noon. _ j . ;'>'â- -.â- "'â- ',;fji»,-:i^ â- â- â- â- â- :â- . V':, Mrs. Klemm attended a ^reception given by ' Mrs. W. Niemeyel •^Chi- cago on Jhe latter'e return f|om Buf- falo, N. Y. .'" > -. "-^";;,^:" Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Kline street will move into the house formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson, James street. .,.'*'"" "":"' ,; Mrs. Orville D. Jones* 191$ Forest avenue, who has been spending sev- eral weeks in the east, will return Mm ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith, 208J home Saturday. Woodbine avenue, entertained at din-V Master Roy Arns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arns, who has been- quite ill for the past tern, weeks, is very much Improved. .â- :..-â- -..'. ;,<?C; Miss Dorothy Redfleld, 1023 Linden avenue, left Tuesday for Kemper hall, Kenosha, Wis., where she, will attend ftchxiol fef Ihe ctfH^*i^^>r|f " " jfttl^MM 'Bu#^d];llifc>e- eM' ner on Friday evening. Covers were laid for twelve: :â- ' "^^^f^-: - '-'-â- â- :--â- _ Miss Ruby Riddiferd, 1035 Green- wood avenue, entertati^ji^nttiioeJp^ot young ladies at lv^^^^j^^day ot this week. •:.,.&;«,$$>•,<,;..:â- l%U.l^p >;r Miss Helen Pepef$M^l4ri»^ will study ora^feM'|h^;,Ou^|BX School of Or§msMg' versity, th^^jpi^^K^"" "^^ â- The WiltoetUj^^i^^^«3i will meet on Tuesday, C^^?|^fitti home of Mr*. M. S. Bisbee, 735 T/enth stwet., at 2r3%[»4,m;. • i;;' _ ;..-f||f^ ' Messrs. Louis Bruch, Harold Smith and Herman Pomper lefl^|!^§^ for Ann Arbor, Mien., whei«^e^w||(- ,i:%ttend the university. VlC t^""*^; Mrs. George L. Dyer and daughter, Esther, 1010 Chestnut avennli have recently returned from the ea|J%here â- pMjp spent the summer. '[ v^ lljthe North End circle of the Congre- gational church Will meet Moiiday w4tn J^e new chalrihan, lifrs. Lester A. iiiee^ ^1827 Greenwood avenue. .;' fil81188 Elizabeth Catey returned last |#ek from Europe where she has been ^spending the summer studying at ttie Jteiversity of *Iadfid, Spato. ' lie Misses Alice WatiTbtt, Janes tarr academy. on, Olive Skelton and Marlon rts are attending the Chicago Kin- »*^-irten iiwtltttti^to^y^ar.} r >;V"" ^^jrs. Arthur Taylor, Central avenue, ^ttrtained at luncheon on Wednesday |n honor of Mrs. Fojfcer MmMh^ha ttbects soon to leave Wilmette for ^iSfnsas City. *-.y. r^'*-^j'--«i!^&* '.ffSllk ' 'â- â- â- " **â- 'â- ' '"' 'â- ""' â- v:is-*•â- "':â- ^Szl art,cle aBI^iil ^ ta#CWot>er ' r of the Ladies Home Journal $*f itled, "Why So MttCh Meat/; «rf "*** by George F^,Stt^erB5 M* fe Ipil P^e avenue. Dfc BuUer ia professor H^wventive medicine In the Chicago l^16^ of Medicine and Surgery and MS"* o£ The Dl^e^e'i^^Hygleiijfe IgMnong the new students at North, rn university this year are Miss y Cody, MUw.Adele Williams, Ruth Lasher, Miss Helen Gem- Jannette 1^^ Allan Anderson, , Kenyon Pdpe, Douglas *n. Lawrence Turnball of Glen- and formerly of Wilmette and spending the summer at Petoskey, Mich., returned Sunday morning. L Mr. Ross Wilson, 829 Elmwood ave- nue, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Potter, who has been Jn Duluth for the past six months, returned td his home last "Hrees** Mr. and Mrs. Scheidenhelm of Men- dots.. 111., have been guests of C&eir sons, Mr. Frank J. Scheidenhelm and Mr. E. L. Scheidenhelm for a couple of weeks. * Prof, and Mrs. H, E. Brown, 206 Sixth street, announce the birth of a daughter, born Monday morning. Prof. Brown is principal of New Trier High school. Ted Retinoids, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rennolds, 803 Greenwood ave- nue, left this week for Delafleld, Wis., where he will enter St. John's Mlli- Mr. Edwin Austin, 901 Oak wood ave- nue, who graduated from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin this last year, will attend the Northwestern university Law school this year; , Miss Ada Rennolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rennolds, 803 Green- wood avenue, left Monday for Brad* ford academy, near Boston, Mass., which she enters this fall. $(Mi^$ii^ .......,....... val Nelson CuUer have invitaUons for a party to he held at the Woman's I Club building on Tuesday a^rnoon, J §^§^^^^^^^^^^ entertained informally on Tuesday af- ternoon complimentary to Mrs. J '^'"' . i*fleiSSPSSK^wrS|SSi'> ;â- W^rPft' '* ^-Vt{"' '• â- '£*&*$&$ was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Frank CuUer one day '^.jy$^Mi*. Ranger was on his way to California and ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wincup, who liave been spending their honeymoon in the east, will' return Saturday to the home oi the 'bride'sP^nj^'}i^^i^.;0^ Frank tfi'tifaiii:!^}!^^ Miss Dorothy Webster, daughter of eat avenue, left on Friday last for Monticello " seminary, Godfrey, 111., where she wUl attend school for the coming year. â- '-^'â- 'â- '^â- C^ V^f^^,, â- The Woman's club of Wilmette held its first meeting on Wednesday afterr noon^ Jfc was >A Celtic Wt9§mm,M given by Miss May Hill with musical accompaniment. Mrs. Louis J, Pier- son, president, and Mrs. R. W. Jordan, chairman of the membership commit- tee, were the hostesses. , ~}^: The second troep of the Wilmette Boy Scouts of America will meet to- night at 7:30 o'clock and Thursday, Oct 3^ at the; aame hour. James G. Barber^ who Is scoutmaster, extends a cordial invitation to all to/visit at desire to have the parents of the boys take a little more interest in the move, mentj-and call at some of the meet- tj:'liiis:;%|d- see^:.^^S©|iF ;|p|^":they instruction. ^ >-:. 4 '#&^,. â- ':: m 'm :$ffif'0$$$ ......>MM..............MM......>M..... Specialize In ChiK for the convenience of mother** HENW D1LKBECQUK Ail If II si EfsjUM 5 Ml n* it judit<td|^ wiilll to tell you that â- f$%o 6 d pure Ice^ealtttftil ice-^ just the kind o$^& 0M wantâ€"*o order from W.H.rX^|RS Distilled Water Ice Cot 1932RMs«Av« Manufactttfed in EvAn«too "k I ' 4 &i'-: SSI m-. y^?^m ! ;•{*!.- 506 0AVIS iiREEf .fe.t. mm BETTER and WEAR ||g;^||l^; .â- '-P.:-.-: .- when wef^edwthe^g >%bnie8tkfv Ekctrie NO SPRINC^ on Itottl^^^ shrink lee*: or sntell, ^^^^SM!t nothing to wear; tear of ^SJ^^^ i_-wiUi3iaf^iHiiniir:^ } reveriiible metal tra^ ctE aneSTjujIstoB^ apiii^* ff*^ stalls demon8«tB, leaveAi^OTfliys^Jrw < trial, and remJW^iot fctisiaJbry, all at our expense* f^rCTIor^aMiex ini i iii i "in " iiiliiisLjp^lr mil t"1 *^t T *,1>AW is the latest imiiillRXi:I^N#tt?'^S*- t la combined the tireless <k#km »fte iple. It is WOT^^tf^^Bipit"#iBpgW. -jJblw/-|i«->»"s»,At^ ^i*W$*J*£ fireless cooks, as weU as cooks the ordinary way. it ceoks teTTtf H thatftfther a ma stove or a fireless cooker, ft cooks .th* food, not the cook. Pays" for itself^J better, more palatable food and f^^W* „. saving. Approved .^y Bdmestlc fi^nee^ & Experts as well as hundreds pf;ttonww»ea. - In Chicago and suburbs wj) w^ install in your kMeW-"AT dOR ©CMINtB^ leave on free trial for 1* days; and, If its worlc W not satisfactory to YOU. we will remove it AT OUB EXPENSE. Write for descrip- tive booklet of 20 different sixes and styles, or better yet, step in and let us show them •to yon. •â- â- 'â- '• ^ "i--1- *-T\";'.';; " vr":' "â- - :'^-:-^4- Fhoae Rand. 3*55 30 W. LAKE ST., t>srm State *a4 DeartMMr^ CssrafO Duplex^ Cooking Gas