^awiMe^.....„ •r H^«f<^S^, For Rent or IUch«^ 7 ISMititf^imi A4» lbr Iikwrtioii In any week's iwnji ,g^l#t*ctlu»ai^»oaTne»4gy â- . / ^a^.> jffjpjjffjjffjffl^jjff fiini; room, Ur*« clowt doX^1 m^ern 00»ireBie,loe,lir' h boarXif doilrsd; two l^ocy from MllwaS^ Electric; flye Wodb from 5';PStPl „,,rK......'^y. gja^-'jSiiiilifiiViiiiii ;iiii)iimi/;' "ii|H0"iJ'?'â- !%" pi fW;". V^""'-:S* W •â- â- â- :â- ;*â- "* WAITED â€" 600^UST<MBR8 At on£. Siow/tW^ior, jlO Mato-iti. J I *«d tradoally wj(k up to the union Phone 5 p . â- .â- â- /â- '?'#â- :â- '>»*"â- â- '•â- •â- â- ' TK'-, â- ' Jlteiafcvf1*. 7<s -.< "' s •• ?S%;«-,..>. YjJEBRK. GEO. „ Evanston. W â€" SECOND-H/WD BI ; bring: bitftle awwet easty. idler; 630 pf^ls-at.|^Jvan»ton. 52-tj* Pho •n 1811. BTVANSTON VACANT BARGAINS BY owner.* 60 ft. Rosalie-sfcj^ear As- bury;Jl,000; 65^180JITOuthwe»^ Hartra/aM Cflfax, only $1»: SAJfVrilmettMDz^OYt., southwest coMe* Ninth a^d flNtnleaf. $1,500. Scheurmann, 805 Micbigan-av., Phone 58* 4141 vox mtm**w#$ ^wfrn^^KSB^: •v nished <or unfuVuhdl; noar trana- portaUon. West %piworth, east o£ .for .y^^â€"jf^^ furnished corner 't>ei^tei^l!^l.:-'V $$;**# FOR J*»Njr^^ rooms, at 1831 Chlcago-av. NTBD--TQ fl^B^BUMI or1fcKu»aj^u*ftiriys^^ October g3^^fl£r fc> M*y- ' Ad- fewf^vltp RD -YOUNGJIAtf ATTACKER itpner. *tiffi£rsif' Art Shop, ltc jfV-;.fij§L ifth Shore â- a*. ltp â- * COLORED w«*kj tf. TWI1880. 0t£ "fc«T US SHOW YOU" Judson-av., near Hamilionjltf? 9-rooin house; hardwooAt^yllout; two bathfl^lot 50x2(AjR SNAi.JJ0.B00 ThaylrJL, ^roomslucco hppro; hot waA Wheal two lorohj^TBR ^ Ti...,.|4.ooo ColfaxBt., neV 7-room house; large . living roonj lot 50x17l.i,>;^IM(»: LARGE .LIST OP APARTMENTS - AND HOUSES. MoCALLUM 4ft CLARK 1615 Shennan-av. Opp. Qity. Hall. ltc mmmm m. la^'r"f«i>wv &!^r liable, record, no children. Ad- Walmit-st., WesTTlMMak ltp ^ liiPii ^: IN USED SEWING MA- cWne#tak*n in trade on our new ^' iP'S'tllNw *n* Wheeler A Wilson aew- BlMf w Machines. These machines are nteed and are in perfect sew- v r UuFbrder. M^m bargaj^rmust be Rl&lliposed oTajlmce. |F*" p|;;:^luiiet.'-..". X #1____E.......$5.00 ^^Kv|b|aftssUc"" J/J-...".. \...... 5.00 pS"'|>ei|estic .!f,J........I...... 7.00 .**#....... 7.00 «â- -â- â- â- :i^S ler A wft *Gibhf................13.00 r, drop-head ..... v........ 14.00 Rotary.................14.00 it Wilson, drop-head... 18.00 * Gibbs.-.,>«...:.. .i....... 26.00 i. Also large assortment of machines Patterson Bros, 1522 **."<â- â- â- ."â- :.•â- >' 'ltc SALEâ€"BABY Grand PIAN^ ^ JWaf* by Wissner; conditio^Tike ^ew^Ntta be had chey^ecause - iierW^ukapartment^fto^ ro ALE-HOUSES rAOB, ON lUr. 807 4tf LLE â€"- tagef" with ba b|afment; p l; balan nlmette. 19 room: cot- cement cash, e. SO^atk^aVo te fMjKHT^PTIIIli FOR R#NT--APARTMBJJTS II* 3pt§ an-bldg., centrally located, service. •.'::-â- £:""" 'r%.K..'â- .^fctfeji Phone 854. •;& nervous patiente ig^SSned pri- rate ta1hiIif^lVjB#^^;«t«iniuV M. D. Write SjIsuAk^st., Branston. i Hi wapasi Wi< |T^-fiTMALL GOLD WA^IR IN . leWuflr bracelet, be^ii^n^aaple-av. and •'w^Jftks^^eftTis^t Find- er call P^^^Sij^orsecond apart- ment^slTln ThM^tes^Reward. ay. RENTâ€"PIA^OS^^TTERSON t. Piano Wre,\1522 Sherman- lte ^mtimM^k l',i' 'l|i»lili'nii|i'jiii i j I i '. f' Septem- ans- L-5tp On Branstoa v,. â- "^i'fet, W sste* ^s^^s MOTORCYCLE, condition; ., Wilraette, 1& and two sets $20, In good conditl m*f***i~* NEW fiioi WillseM FOR REltoâ€"WILL GIVEyTMMEDI- «te iK^Bseskipn o£ com^table and modern eiga^room hj(ne in North rated. trie light? and V^T Furnace heat that IS alwaysiBWuate. In very desirable neiapDorboW. Apply on ltp\^ premises, J^02 Harril^-st., North hone 147. Evan8t ^Htp RENT m -' -m 1 m v»f^afetf^|3^i^;^l /ftffi^." !.'.-4^U.li-. pjWi...^ '&V,P?l '••â- â- 'â- '=>i>;:'Sf>' ^w'^>;: :,,J iS&tf Pi£ifci ouir weights wt pleasure ice in your home. She knows it's healthful. Pbwtie in ;..'--:^|j^-A; !^'^^ti. :'>'; ;*»i^'.va v-"'-:^ 'ir 'â- â- '„}'£- "'.'• ^&f^^%^.^ -M .it / w/sA to announce that Af^^P$ ^ I Witi be with Mr.$U^ 746 So. Michigan Avf^ancfcill fgftleased to show you our mUVine k$Wom&nj^Lnd Misses' Suits anir <jmiIdren'j^oat&+ i' ff> i -'- >. rti â- »' ir.,-1, â- i.i-ii;>ii>.iif-i"|>iii V'r ,.i Mi, „ •.;•;„â- . ify;.'-ih"W*-'-'.-"i$":'t,::y's'* ^*#-- ilL' vs-f'r'f^if^. â- â- %i?M^?f â- ",â- !'â- ' !:• f-^i i'tv I >! CTOSS m