What People Are Doing in Evanston The marriage of Miss Dorothy Ayer Gardner, daugh- ter of Bfi*..and Mrs. C. A. Gardner of the Greenwood Inn, to Leslie L. King of Omaha, was celebrated Sat- urday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the country residence of the bride's parents at Harvard, 111. Miss Marietta King of Omaha, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of ' honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Adele Forbes Ess Marffia Sparrow of Chicago, Miss Boxie Throop of Gales- „ HI and Mrs. P. J. Donovan of Harvard. William Shorper of taha served as best man, and the ushers were the Messrs. Joseph ttner, Frederick Shorper and P. J. Donovan. Little Dorothy Fo*bw carried the ring and Martha Bradford and Bertha May Brad- ley of Omaha, nieces of the bridegroom, stretched the ribbons. A re- ception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mife. King left on art extended wedding journey. ^ ^ ^ Miss Elizabeth Wright of Watseka, HWge- Mi88 Mabel Anderson of Rosen- berg's Is on her vacation. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas F. Leahy, 1327 Central street, are in Boston, Mas.s. Miss Edith Scofleld has turned her business over to Miss Gladys Boesch. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vi*k will move this week from 71*4 Poster street to 1020 Dempster street. Miss Helen Norris* 2407 Harrison street, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie Slaker, at Aurora, 111. Miss" Lois Foy of Prairie avenue and Colfax street, has returned from a Week's outing at Beaver Lake, Wis. ;Mr: Charles Roberts, 2444 Har- tley avenue, has returned to his home after a short business trip to Michi- gan. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe of Lafayette, ind., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Keith E. Kellenberger, 2003 Lincoln street, M£, Henry Mitchell of Gary, Ind., spent tbe week-end with his sister, Miss^#i*|li^tcS^ of 2302 Harrison street. Mrs. E, S. Bliss and Misd Helen E. Bliss, 1612 Oak avenue, have returned home after spending a month at Char- levo x. Mich. Mrk John Bowman, 2322 Harrison street, has returned from a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Purdue of Milwaukee, Wis. Drv O. W. Boot has been faking his vacation by looking after his farm on the Chippewa, and camping and Ash- ing on Sand Lake. *#rof. "and Mrs. W. J. Davidson are ljcated at 2151 Sherman avenue. pjfof. Davidson did special work at Hprvard this summer. ^Mrs. Paul H. Smyth and children, 5$j5 Judson avenue, after a vacation agent at Lake Napond, near Welling- ton, Vt, have "returned home. .Miss Elizabeth Sharpe of Lafayette, d., returned home Monday after a ort stay with her sister, Mrs. Keith Kellenberger of Lincoln street. * Misses Gladys and Margaret Ander- sfn, 2505 HaTtray avenue, have re- timed hoi .e after a month's visit in MinneapolL; und Pillager, Minn. fMiss Beatrice Bragdon of Pueulo, (jpl., who has spent the summer with mf iJirle, Dr. M. C Bragdou and (am- llV, 1709 Chicago avenue, has returned bOme. * | Mrs. John Anderson and family* 05 Hartray avenue, have returned m a months'- visit in Minnesota, iting^ friends In Pillager and Mlti- polis. ^ Mrs. H. M. Boll of Rice_Lake, Wis., and Miss Elizabeth Abbott of South Bend, Ind., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Chas. M. Cartwright, 2215 Lin- cefiTstreet* Mrs. C. T. Champlin and children, Orrington avenue, who have been bitting Mrs. Champlin's mother, Mrs. rilliamfon at Havana, N. D., have re- jrned Jiome, louncement has been made of the lent of Miss Susan M. Hoff- *,* %'?>& Gres*\Polnt to Mrt A. Mar trad* 1 " * 'jTtie, wedding will take ^December.* lira. Linn D. Everltt returned to home in Kalamazoo, Mich., after 'weeks' visit with her parents, and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaley *f 5 Chicago avenue. * -\ #â- Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Homer and S&€& a^c Frank Homer, 707 igan avenue, are again at home, 111., will teach in the David B. Dewey school this year. Mr. C. S. Marsh, registrar of North- western university, spent the week-end at Gull Lake, Mich. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Peirce, 1810 Chicago avenue, are in Angus, Wis. Miss Grace Saunders and mother, 1460 Maple avenue, spent the after- noon Sunday in Wilmette. Mr. Albert E. Butler, 1732 Chicago avenue, returned Monday from a fishing trip to northern Michigan. Mrs. Katherine V. Grlnnell, 810 Main street, is visiting her son, the Rev. W. E. Grlnnell, in Tipton, Ind. Mrs. Flora Kellogg of Peoria, 111., is the guest of her son, Mr. Howard Kel- logg and wife, 207 Hamilton street. Miss Jennie Anderson, 1321 Elm- wood avenue, has gone to Jacksonville, 111., to teach in the Woman's college. Miss Margaret Berriman of Lord's store has returned from her vaca- tion, which she spent at Columbus, O. Mrs. M. W. Ormes, 847 Judson ave- nue, has returned from Colorado Springs, where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hamilton, 1707 Ridge avenue, left Saturday for Nia- gara Falls, Montreal and other eastern points. Mrs. D. E. McMillan and two chil- dren, 412 Lee street, are at home af- ter spending two months at East Glou- cester, Mass. Mr. Donald Kimbark, 1015 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end at Lake Geneva, Wis., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hobart Moore. Miss Lucy Chambers and Miss Katherine Schatz, 1460 Maple ave- nue, returned Monday from the De Kalb Normal school. Mrs. G. H. Allen and Miss Lillian Allen of Covington, Va., are guests of Mrs. Allen's daughter, Mrs. Earl Dean Howard, 1207 Judson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Keith of 746 Michigan avenue announce the birth of a daughter, Aug. 30. Mrs. Keith formerly was Miss Grace Earhart. Mr. William F. Goltz, 1029 Avars: place has taken the position as ele- vator man at Lord's store. His son is attending Northwestern university. Mrs. N. T. Ruchardt of Boston, Mass., who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Gould, 806 Reba place, for two months, has returned, home. Mrs. Cameron and daughter. Hiss Ada Cameron, are located at 724 Wash- ington street from Kewanee, 111. Miss Cameron will teach in the Lincoln school. Miss Emily Ellins of Los Angeles, Cal., will attend Northwestern univer- sity this year and live with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Gas- coigne, 800 Colfax-st. Miss Ethel Ormes, 847 Judson ave- nue, who has been spending the sum- mer in Colorado Springs, returned Saturday after a visit of a few days in St. Louis with Mrs. Charles Martin. At the opening of the Central Street school Monday we found three new teachers have been-enlisted, Miss Mat? sey' will take charge of one of the sec- ond grades, Miss MacEwen of the fourth grade and Miss Wagner of the fifth grade.' i >r- Mr. Herbert E. Ross of the Avenue Wnjjga gairA ft. fftrftwptl hftttrtno* td his * J Harrison street, have m â- water. •â- ""%â- â- â- .;• v â- " s" Drs, Taylor*aid Levlck ot $&&**)* rington avenue have moved ;fi* $|<*8 Central .street: ' '-" * ,. M ..*- v°* " Mrs. T. B. Travis and daughter, Elisa- beth, 900 Colfax street, have gone to EvanSviUe, Wis. Miss Amanda Fehd, 536 Cutter ave- nue, has returned from an extended trip through the east. Miss Sue Scott, 822 Crain street, will leave next week to spend her va- cation at Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Poor and family, 805 Michigan avenue, have gone on a trip to Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wade, formerly of 2306 Central street, have moved to Sheridan road, Chicago. Seven spinsters, of St. Nicholas' school enjoyed a basket picnic on La- bor day at Highwood Park. Mrs. Chester Addison Bush, 2316 Harrison street, entertained at bridge and five hundred Friday afternoon. Mr. Elmer R. Corwin, now living in Chicago, will occupy the Nelson home at 2112 Central street about October 1. Mr. Harold A. S wen art on of the University club will occupy the house at 2322 Hartray avenue about Octo- ber 1. Mrs. George Poinnier of Lafayette, Ind., is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. P. A. Bartlett, 1408 Elm wood avenue. Mr. Jean Clarendon of the William A. Vance Stock company, has taken a room at Mrs. Turner's, 1823 Orrington avenue. Miss Lovett Noel of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. W. Childs of Milburn street and Ridge avenue. Clayton and Russell Smith of Okla- homa are visiting at the Tiome of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchelt, 2608 Harri- son street. Miss Wagner and Miss Jessie Wag- ner of Philadelphia have been guests for a few days of Mrs. Luther Miller, 716 Foster street. Mr. Raymond Y. Sanders has pur- chased the bungalow of Mr. Ben B. Moore, 2325 Hartray avenue and is now occupying it. Dr. Reuhl of 1945 Orrington avenue has moved to 2214 Colfax street, which was formerly occupied by Arthur D. McLean and family. Mrs. John Trelease, 716 Foster street, after spending several weeks in Iowa at Clear Lake, visiting Miss Mc- Intyre, has returned home. Prof. W. L. Lewis of the chemistry department of Northwestern univer- sity, who has spent several weeks at Sayner, Wi», is at home again. Miss' Catherine Campbell of the "Judson," who has spent the summer with relatives in Woodstock, Canada, returned Thursday to her home. .%v Miss Esther Landin, 913 Elmwood avenue, accompanied by Mr, ©sear" Cederquist, has returned from a pleas- ant visit to Grand Rapid*,. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lauterstein and daughter* Resta, of Glovereville, N. Y., are guests of Mrs. L. Karger, 1209 Elmwood avenue, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton of the Eleanor apartments, 1116 Davis street, have recently purchased the house at 2123 Harrison street and are now occupy- ing it Miss Bertha Voelker and sister, Lil- lian Koester, attended a party last Wednesday evening in Chicago. It was given by Miss Ida O'Connell in honor of her brother, Mr, .Martin O'Connell of Gladstone, Mich., who is home on a visit. There were about thirty guests. Games were played and refreshments were served. The marriage of Mr; Francis J. O'Reilly and Miss Clara Minnie Lowe was celebrated Wednesday, September 4. at St. ^Mary's ihUrch, the BevJ Father Egan officiating. * The bride war attired In a gown of satin char- meuse, trimmed with pearl ornaments and orange blossoms, and a yoke of Duchess lace. She wore a veil of tulle with a can of milan lace caught by school and college friends Saturday h^1 gpetit tiro itammer at Campf evening. Mr. Newell Knight greatly enlivened tide evening by playing all the popular airs on the piano. Those present were: Lynn Harpham, Wm. Mr. J. L- Bray, formerly a contrac- r and builder, with offices at 600 is artreet, recently npyed west and Alfreds Of£rfi*|di, Gordon T-*£&-83t' Hinman %ven^: hi»% MbbtleviJa.'.'!£â- >".. *y* Miss Julia Nortoii^#: m*atf attended the wedding of JMisa El^ip Fulcher. .a .. •••> Cj-k!'. Mrs. Walter Llchtenstein and '$$ chUdren are residing *> W'. W^j aity place having.^W^^gj^f**' east, .â- }i^:^<^-v^' ^. JawleCul^ anston, has been here for about a wjeSK arid iifeft Saturday for ^er M^jg- Grand Rapids, Mien. ^ Mr. Wi^iam Jt Golta, J02« ***r* place, left Saturday ft» * ^ Weelfc^ vaoadon. He will spen4 If *n »0^ ern Illinois., V:-<*V Justice Samuel Harrison la visaing his daughter at S|»;|^mee;,..**'"I.>fife will remain ten 4s^ jmd take In the sights of New Tori* City a» well, , Mrs. Fred Johnspn, 814 Oakton street, gave a linen shower Friday evening in honor of Miss Helen Peterson, who was married yester- day. " !--.:r; Miss Anna Fox of New York 0ity» who has been the guest of her cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seelye, 724 Judson avenue, left Sunday for home. Mrs. Arbuckle of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest at the home of Mr. Bren- nan, 1916 Ridge avenue. rMra. Ajp.. buckle came to attend the funeral of the latr Mrs* O'Hsire. Mt Cliar|e« '*» Henderson, of J4O8 Angeles, Cal., who came east to attend a family reunion at Steubenvflle, Onto, is visiting his brother, Mr. X; F. Hen- derson, &19 Asbury avenue, on his re- turn trip to the west Mrs. John Remlch and little daugh- ter and son of Pensacola, Fla., who have been viaiUag Mrs. Remlch's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. tf K. l?elte^ were; called home last Wednesday by the4 iilneA of Ar. Remicf. Miss EmUy Hen^erson^^ |19 ^ur^!, yfatHmef§ W,Fogleseiig of Cht W Cfetobw 1 and lessons be given Monday^ afternoons and inga in tne asse^ the' f Bfflss Theodom Grantham left urday for iladiaon. Wit., 'where will take u> ktoderiarten work spending; the summer at her h< Miss Bath Mitchell returned day from Marion, iir. after spend the summer there and will make home at her auntVMr*. Arthur erts, 2302 Harrison street. Mr. arid Mrai Oharles A Blanck Pueblo, O»lo^ who have been guests Mrs. Blanc^s sister, Mrs. John' Bowdish, 1501. Lake street, for t weeks, legt^|?l^ei|9. Saturday.r â- ;;itr^^i^^l|^i.and dai ter, Ethel, of Salt Lake City, forg ly of Wilniettfi, are the guesU 'Mm^^^-W^^ Kenilw |iai<ir2lne^r;^::jf^ 'llttwaukee son street, returned Tbursday ing from a six Weeks' trip abroad. ^it^^lE^^iiy^l:. .^â- "fihiriaeii fo^ time and also spent a number of f"~~ la Ga^nada.,v;--v.V::;..--. ';' Miss Georgia Bacon of Jacksoni Til., who has been spending a weik;^ the guest of Miss Jennie Bartlett, 14 " Elmwood avenue, had gone to Chic for a few days\visit before returnlBi; to her home. â- :\: MB avenue, spent several' days at Lake Forest, I1L, last week( A very pleas- ant feature of the Visit was a beach party given in her honor by ner cou- sin, Miss Frances Pratt Tl ^Vl :^ MT. Fred J. Sejslj^vljij^^ left the first of i;-:ft^'-Jintik-\> tor Holly Springs, l««s.r *© *•' *»* for three months.* ftfr. Seeber la foreman in the constructton of a *S«,000 resi- dence at Holly SKlngs« -'« Mrs.xP. W. floiastim, 1030^ Orove street, and her slater, Miss Katherine Bird of Oomptoni fjilii^ airrHed here BWday. Miss Bird^ Witt be «io guest ol her sisters. Mm Houston and Mrs. E. W. Childs of Milburn street 1 Miss EmmaVBoyer. 1421 Sherman avenue, and Miss Christine Airth, 1427 Sherman avenue, are enjoying a well- earned vacation at Lake Ripley, Wis. A letter from Miss Emma says they walked five miles the first day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L, Sprinkle, 2023 Sherman avenue, with Mrs. Sprinkle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Twi- dell Deer, went over in Mr. Sprinkle's machine for Sunday to Jacksonville, 111. They also spent Labor day and Mrs. Sprinkle's brother, Mr. George Deer, returned with them. Prof, and Mrs. Frank Bernatorff and little daughter, Anita, have returned after a year's leave of absence, which has been spent at the University.of Chicago, where Mr. Bernstorff re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Philo- sophy in June. They will make their home at 2015 Ridge avenue* Miss Frances Vandercook and Mr. Edward Vandercook, 2610 HarrisonrW""1^ street, entertained a number of their friends at a party Thursday, evening. Each guest was dressed as a child of eight years or under and was request- ed to bring their baby picture. Four nurses were provided for so that all the guests had proper care. The lawn was beautifully decorated with Japa- nese lanterns and many merry games were played. Refreshments * were served on tables in the dining room,! which were prettily decorated witk all quet of bride's roses. The bride was attended by her -niece, Mk« iwam^ Peschon as maid of honor, and another niece; little Angela Peschon, acted as flower girL Bt J. tnteilly, brother # the groom, was best man. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was McEIveen, Jr^ Blliot Johnson, Norman {served at the home of m. and Mrs, Johnson, Kenneth Barns, CarroU Hllls,{ J P. Pe»<^«i. H07 Vain s>treet. Sarfy who has been visiting her mo Mr*. A. V. »urnet of 1106 Ayars phw for the pssjt montu, bas gone to Mo* kegon, Mien., wblare she will re: '+ * J,:^â- ¥••â- S», '^SS^Srf|B^^^r .j^^^^S^Sl^BJBj^lP^BJ^^Ba^Bxw^W^.* SB} S^BSI,ly . Esther Landin and Mr. Oscar quist at the home of Mrs. Landin, Elmwood avenue. Trimmmga 1 roses and earaatlons. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber, 1538 Chase avenue, 1 1 tit. i I $ Mi park, announce the marriage ot th«> daughter, Ethel Josephine, to Geoâ€" LoCkwood Simonds, which took pla# on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at St. Li' " chapel this city. Mr. and Mrt. Wilfred 1 co: Childs, the latter formerly Mfci Louise Raeder, hare returned frott northern* Wisconsin, where theyluw| been spending the summer, and wfll be at home after Oct. 15 at SOU Sherman avenue. The Misses Pauline and Lucfl§* Reynolds, two talented ana clei* young members of Evanston's soclew clrcle8> wbo have assisted in nm-^ pus. mutricales for charity duiing ^|l season, are now being entertame| at a number of week-end parties tt the North 8hore summer colonies. Mr. Henry Kilby get up a nice party Sunday of the folto*| Ing: Misses G#rtrude Witt Btti beth Kilby, Clara KHby, Helen Htm: â- en, Mr. Harry Long, Raleigh Lee$ WllUam Leek, Henry Kilby. Tg| went to Wlnnetka beach taking **ft heon along and l»**y§g time; orahge blossoms, and carried a bou- that a child might ask for. Those T» ivtuviu, Theodora present were the Misses Grantham* Mali Dale, Marjorie Grantham, Esther Moore, Beryl Faulkner; Helen Palmer, Marie Shoemaker, Ruth Rlsley, BerthA Moore, Elisabeth Sharpe and Esther Grantham; and, Messrs. Everett Bl- ^aigwood, James Grantham, ' " " '"' "ch, A^^pSl^ ^s*>j^'iJ.^^\riiJ®d.zAm