Tendered tfoe Candidate to lature SHOWS â- M^MII'. >'! , -VV'"* '• -V:'<" on As nes, n|tH»i» Tl IS ?# tf*; mmtni That the Bull Mooee leadirfl in district are not very strongly in of Harry F. Nightingale as "jffi$f*pk$ didate for the Btat© legislature and that they are bending all efforts to se- cure another man, is shown by the fact that the nomination was tendered to Dr. William % Mcfeveen* pastor <>f the First Congregational church, Evan-ton. The pastor declined to run. Following a meeting of the commit- tee of Five, ippoThtte* to Belert^e1^^ "** candidates for the state legislature and the house of representativet, held last week, ^ r^jh^^^%&^mem* ber of the commVfl^or? flvfyfehdered the Domination to the local pastor. From the action of the Committee of Five it seems that they are not will- ing to run Nightingale as their candi- date, feeling that a man who Is better known should be put up inran effort to make a creditable showing. Dr. McEIveen's Reply. Following is Dr. McElveen's reply to Mr Board i September 5,1912. Mr. E. M. Board, Room 309, La Salle Hotel, Chicago. My dear Mr. Board: Your note advising me of the wish of your Committee of Five that I be a candidate for the state legislature at hand. I sincerely wish.-1 might say yes to your invitation,' for I regard service in the state legislature as-a splendid missionary opportnntty. A man might be as much a missionary of God in the legislature of Illinois as in the jungles of Africa. Once men thov.£ut that a patriot was a man who shouldered a musket and-went forth 4o agtit, and, tf need be, die upon the field of battle. We know today that a patriot is a man who is willing to sacrifice much to serve his state or his country. Every American should be uioie than willing to bear the bur* deus on J responsibilities of citizen ship But I have obligated myself to do b< .aany things not only in my own parte* but in the city of Chicago, that I canu ,t assume just now another' re- sponsibility,. 'Kindly express to your colleagues on the Committee of Five my hearty thanks for the honor they do uit in askltfg me to be a candidate, The Progressives, I believe, would do wt.i to unite on the candidacy of Mr. Ht„,y f. Nightingale. He has al ready been referred to as a candidate for the state legislature. For many year* ho has been an interested stu- dent „r government both in the unl versities of America and in the unl veroities of Europe. He is a man of integrity and ability; robustly honest, straightforward to a fault, an excel lent executive, an attractive speaker, and an affable personality. He is ag tressive and fearless. He is a man to bf depended upon, t w^ould be very ibd to support his candidacy. Yours very sincerely, Wm. T. McElveen. BIsh< '4pelit^a--weelf; visiting friends in Rutland, Vt •„.. »^m*»^^ .Y* &JWfclt'iPi Pally -W^ikmm are camping at Grtswolda, Mfen. ;U -it â- >/*t^Fr^%laselJ- entertained at a bridge party last Tuesday afternoon. ,â- luncheon at her home on Maple ave- nue on Friday. â- -;>.} > --v-±."-• Palmer, ;i#ko, has *een the of Mrs. W. |. Cooke^e^rned W$M home IsatMiM^gv, "*J% i|r.'; Iperey Brads/rie^.;:2wjp^eni east with his famll/ sner^hiriUness, If. improving very :|!slfeH#%^^^' Mr. and Mrs; C. C. AAsms a'nd their daughter, Katherine^have ;gone\ to Michigan for a few weeks. MrV and Mrs. James F. porter end children nave returned from Canada* where they have been camping. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walling and children, who have been in northern a; trip to Olttey, 111., /%ant»/;";|f^ Igt^AjfagiA^^ clnaaii, and :o^tlie:riSt^-tlrippwiU stop at the: state fair at Springfield, week. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus S. Peabody have gone %o Hyanniaport. A teiw| slijort visit they wil* motor to various eastern points of interest Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strotz gave a large dance on Friday night at^the Wlnnetka Woman's club in honor of Miss MagiU, who Is visiting them. Mrs. John Nasb Ott and children, who passed the summer at the coun- try home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B.~ Forgan, at Harbor Point, ipgt;aiir^ t^.-W^PmitHHk- early last week for i' HAS THE COOK LEFTf If this tragedy descended oil your household, do not despair.* Write a want ad and mail it to The Lake S^hore News, Bvanston office, and your troubles will soon be over. While, it Js hard to get help from Chicago for the suburbs, those al- ready here are easy to reach among the thousands of readers of The Lake Shore NewB. Turn to page 16 of this issue and see the numerous want ads. . If you want a second maid, a chauf- feur or any sort of help; If you want to sell your pony, cart or your automobile or surplus house- hold goods; : If you have lost or found any- thing f . â- •â- ^ If you wish to sell or buy real es- tate; . â- .*.;£ There is no more certain way to do it than through these little ads. The cost is ridiculously smallâ€"it averages only about a quarter. : If you have a telephone, the ad may be charged. i Address your copy to reach us by Tuesday evening as follows, "The $*ke Shore News, Evans ton, 111." What People Are Doing *~~~»~ in Glencoe ♦^w^^ ftiflht Man Afwarf^o#'Hand. -rOne of the most striking features of <â- • present decade Ift'lW^lra t»T in which the righ^ people have ap- ••wed to meet new needs.-f-Exchango. CHARLES. WIGHTMAN MOVED. â- ICharles A. Wlgifcsaa has moved *& office furnishings from his old, lo- cation, ieo8 Chicago avenue, Evanston, ty his new building oa Sherman *fe- â- **. just south of Fountain square, on ^* west side of the street The build- j? has just been completed. Mr. GeoTge Pope arrived home last week. Mr. Paul Brown, Jr., Is home from Michigan. Misses Grace> and Drama Power are at Denver, Colo. Mrs. Henry Schroeder is home from Berlin, Germany. Miss Olive Swain has returned from Cedar Rapids, la. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luettlg are baek from Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Charles Kilien spent last week in Mlnneapills, Minn. Miss Sara Hammond has returned from her summer vacation. Miss Beatrice King left Sunday for Stouts college, Menominee, Wis. Mrs. Harvey Flanders entertained with bridge Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Will H. Johnson returned last Monday from North Manitou Island. Miss Gladys Brown of Buffalo, N. Y., In the guest of her cousin. Miss May Murdow. Miss Clara Dietrich returned last week from a week's visit with friends at Kenosha. Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis Brower and children of Wauwatosa, Wis., have re- turned home. Mrs. Albert Boynton, son and nurse are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Day. Miss. Lucile Crumball, who has been the guest of MIss^Dresser, left last week to visit relatives at Milwaukee. Miss Agnes Martin and Misses Fran- ces and Jean Hurford spent several days of last week at Michigan City, Ind. ». Miss Peggy Cochran, who has been the guest, of Mrs: Jack Thomas, left for her home at Saux Center, Minn., last week. Mrs, Joseph A- Ford was In Glencoe reek superintending the packing oTtneir household goods for removali to Nefw York city, where they will re** - B Th' duen lost something they see1 a department that you can turn Jo"your own profit. Hundreds of people during each year advertise what they no longer have use for and sell It at a good J>r!ce.r The automobile that no longer serves your purpose, that old walnut furniture in the attic, your saddle horse, perambulator, poultry* live stock, anythingâ€"other people close to you- are looking for those very things. If your'maid leaves or you want a nurse or a washerwoman there is no surer way to get them than through these little want ads. Servants already on the north shore make more satisfactory help and are better satisfied than help im- ported from Chicago. If you wish to buy or sell your property, or rent your house furnished or unfurnished, the want ads will surely bring you inquiries from de- sirable north %hore residents. Thousands of people read the want ads and among them there Is always some one to fill your want. The cost is very lowâ€"25 cents is the average. Just send the advertise- ment to The Lake Shore News ETana ton office before Tuesday evening and a bill will be sent you after insertion NEW8 WANT ADS BRING RESULT8 49 SERVICE, LOW PRICES. Lake 8hore News receives fre-J letters from people who *»™| valued and have/ want ad in* found5 ft againthrough a this paper. Jl H yon will turn to page 16 JW Willi Special Ftature Ladiei* Rest Room Gurney Lunch Ctu Announaestthe Oi NEW MADI Gentlemm** Smiting Rooi* iiMM Urn 2nd Floor Take Elevator LUNCHEON 221 West Madison St., Chicago Whe Home of Pure 4doorsW**t of&thAv*. SUPPER Si* J