l&SMitf'flft BOM' '/>"".i!KB.ft> -fcu^iJ^ft'rni' )• mi^litf'tf^K -r &MrJi &£a%\ nV-jJ^"iib j-^^^i^^ttiaASl^'Jlti^i Ji^f^S?'^'â- -'-â- *'-lev*^^-f$i$^«:i ^^^^^ijfoi'^frfrffi^^^ 1 ISi&lis^iiwiii^ ,,,,_,_Ji^B BB!il^': 'â- sir ill H :.'.T»*)iu..?.- ^^^^^J|ug3^:|g|ii|. bl« boost Thursday ^â- â- ^^â- â- â- â- -â- â- â- ^a8i i^il^i^P^ ..... ^mw*m*>w*........ institute *** 0tf§0m .....^©t«*wtt& the, lessonâ- '.©^f^f^:â- jffl^mgm-.i but- merely- to; study. >^m^^4 Ini c>rthr itmr ride •oaail^^ $f! «$£ j;ftBk, although they chiidrpliiidep _..........|rery prmlaedgbj^ noted :%|^?$^^ adjourn. â- *""""" mtii^j^a00^- learned in *W *£«* -'^ ,ai«^rint^d«ii oi .......0:'$&mx& -/j^/ Vo>ln> ,. _ jlni^tfiitendenV .jiafpo; H?j- -â- â- &$$ thtt^nea^ ol tte little show. It hap, ; wttft * JoloS'sRiCcrtsoljta •• a> |pl««;liiihi*fr *ot ^j*o,.^sjioj^ twowii »a ; i «• ||^w Jonnny complained In hie morning, wett. opens with the â- Kqff%. ,:^ ^;:;'tn^li^i|ifli#^en th» mornrag leads ali^p^c«W bAiioJi; • Notbefc nat formed here *ne^i§§eiof$^ <^||fi SilaB Hare, wif0 oi ^niier ^mi|^ mi*-i^^teWd/"' an#i^ Norcroil^and MIm Anna B. Pita giftant housekeeper*." -. " | The dlstlnguiahed aaaociftte* Uj may develop ,that Andrew Carnegi.. .wi«;.n^ ^:ilti4 ^;?^U(il«^:##^ Perry Belmont is aaid to be ached for "ch#/' "Thomaa Neli<m Page, who has been greaUy lntereated in toe cltib alnce rta incepUgn/ifl to be head of the JGumallstte department ^f||| ,,, One requM-eftient ,.' $m^*$$ ""'" cants --fir abfe*'tojieThf^ p'"^*^^ M^- brought 'rmmmiftiMm np our heada to' praiM The© 1^^^""................ Hughes .-^ the Me^npdi^fcpf»«o|al Winona International; W^^ confers :w1i6 :a^at^ndW;;t^!a*^ ,tened-,|(p||^ei^ ;^^Q]D^|aJ^e^ , ,>ia' tie ne^v^an^tnte^'^yatf^^ .aaid*'., t^^X^0^^^Mm pupa* vm i^ii^^i^^^mM. in:-^»;ii^:i^on^8^ 4n«in4aiB:«i^$^ can escape tke responBibllity of train- ^^^drento the home. They ought «0 n.ii. mAttiaf^ wava the <»loth manner^; She sayd Bhe ia Cause WQV v»if wyft, and B#is folni -It )U« and i i^^^ii^ai^;le^i^ , for membership and the . J^^Jft^|i^f3Bwn| tb« Ne^ ^rk atate bOAPd of talking I^anr of^ tile Internatlonai Sunday ^ School aasociatton, apoke on how to "" the bo^ in <to Sund*y «cnooL saw; tne game in Chicago be^^ 'W0$ mzt iHgllS; i^J-t ':':;'.:'<fcjiiSy: ^•;?t*;P %MM. r0i ^ 5S I #lilj %aamassgiiia^!»tJi8g«a^-ii^^ ^a^^ss^^iii^ii ^mmmwi jasate*:- life^ -r^ritt^r**" '#€â- 1 1 *fe •*r.W&isJ^«'IWfW=y«3^li»B'-* *•