rThe fared the Jeasj iuoj -ofMrs.'Mli|t!^. nue, who '((# Hare's^ fjg^^f ^*^^*^ news of W^mM ?â- â- friends. 'H^mB-iU- r lairs. Q^mm^^^^^m^ I before the ^jftplr^ â- formed 1^'^||^||^ ~"....."" hospital, f at tumor, mm rpliied, and appare^t^y as-well as ; .c^ji&ljppl^^,, w^,,., ^.4V, Wednesday 'i^m^00^^^^ gpellB, and in one of4heae she pawed 8>ay. . -^^^^M^^s^m^^^i^ tier husband; and I^Wi ^ :â- â- *** --^W^ did not reach h^,p^Mm^0:^ sides five ,ottte|r«nd ier 15 years of *#M&t0 j^ ** centrate mindson v*' *afld^led b 1893 %m-< 0'Hare> -^^^ the postofflce departmeh period of twentymo four rears she the South Braneton leniafader^loit^iCv^iiw icfa the mailing __.......,._.„ f':fcr serving. .sa^Jjig^Sg^^l^^^il Ifiet many iSKiWl^^ $im warm frl^afcip*£fe. >*£$*';v?fâ- ' i ft At a special mwtlng in BYanstpn of feiranch 41& Jp4t^3**t^^ |ion of Postol^^^^ Resolutions 'w©re':'a$>p^^^ If Whereas, It has pleased Almighty in-- Ma liiift&^^ v ranks ajid i^mwe f «m* <our inidst true, f^thiiaa^ esteemed friend, d an ^ei ii^r^ MAwr^Aeni^ ^^vworker, Mrliili^ Whereas, we shall miss from among i!^k:';^of • ^pi^pPiC niWtai^ln;"â- '•'tlS' ; :4.mSL ;*a$jttaf of 'i^celtra^iii rJn^lbtt^ij^^ l£a*r*'!W*tfc^ ^;p3§ej*!if^^ ;»piM^Mn^^ :niir*ing^::#ol^ aiciana %-f0^0^v :ne^e^tfe«t;M^ |^||g|i*^#e* $ c?^e-^ <s&*1 1 « :&n*^!|Si^^ JlrS^i^ drarretnael^*^ wwila^^ ceremony :f#;iSiBi^a^ iftaViiM^^ nymly- impressed won ? thi wfca^*B>*PJ^:m I^St^^ l^r/ state m^m^^^^ lre*^t|f& he **$ â- *tnel %a&ones; to *Mm ones and the young or new teachers. $m^i^^^^^-'-:t^- those--â- whose U*art» are nsot W tlielr y&k^ty?m tog*ones are an inspiration ta tlttir 'i|^^!Kl^a^,it;tt«e "' two classes, 'In nnmble |.3|bmis8ton- tfji|^j^ ..... .,_,..„ #eth all thliwi*©^^ #* aiid-iiujiKiifei^^ WM I wlatlves *i* * «en^ f mHesoiveJ nial sf^ ^ed £M/^JM^%«'"'-""'*" the"^ Ib^Ssi^iiiii;^ â- â- :'^ ^[r;^i^!fi^Ts^oliar8. ^jMr£fif-ifi ^enwoodV head of tiis| achootf at ^anaai CityV;JttU,| ^hoj "by;;\' ciaintfea^^'the^^}W<B»te^^ boards paid too much attention to fine school buildings and not enough. may roQuire the^ppiio^^t* ^Pf * |f Icenfl'i^^^^ tificate should be issued. -< .^Bpf^M^tlMI n^e^'^a^^fcni^^r^ destting the license shaU b#, poaaed become divided ^elmp^'M <That agrteultuTe wiH be taught lit riage patronge. -^r:^ consideration of arnnmpar pty^nt portant questions before; adjourning- Actloa. o^^ ai^fejr «f them is stfmn»a»<r pe>, member ol |»a ***!# ^jWif€rf» teachers in schools in Chicago. -^^ if!ee^^lii^;j^^i^#t-. tendance at the^sei^»^^hM^' AWARDED CdffTBACTS. * yy^^jaf#tlflS. Wed^esdair «?ening „ ^-JSf£-tbe^Sbott#-^oT-local; tanpTOvemehti: ^•^ f^BBlB^I^ _ the contrscts for tks;!^. and the laying of the water aind sewer mains in Noyes court, Evanstoti. ^jNtey «©^»a^ o* NBranston wa^ contracts for "l»^rli^:t^^iar*t«r ^d 1 ^I^^Oa^^^ „ ., ' :'jt^-^^»-'r;i;""-'--/.i-. ' ' i-:vT-j-'. .:. 'â- â- â- -'â- ? â- '"â- â- •-'â- â- ^•â- J»'V"' :*-â- .»-- -r.>3p If <^ r*eomn^ *# m^|ftWi*aii^l|IeiM»^ «!«rl» c^;iaSryc^.:;«erf-;#^^ â- ariili' 4u*tloes ^, f$» Apeajsis: 'M t] shape; ^Ob ^lliese *Mt». and many times cltmba oil tho^fen««i and shrubbery ..^ar' â- thW' w»|^^H«f« with the i^i':;w'^m^^^M^ the property listed, it seems, cannot be held for tMa* i^c# ^hey\-*** ***• â- orat; 4n*tioes .^c,,, jma peace ;/m-^mVf^^r^^^^^m^^'^M^^A ;^e|jUe4: opposition 'to the' Adopte^d r«soln^ vp^wdngE I of th^lwml|rm>to^ Becttmmended uniform Jaw*:^: f« etatcs «b-'tf^^slsa^-^;jM M *f# Re^mmende4 thatraUa tho federal purit •|p«p*.«B|. ^ -iylii^^'tlilrd-de^Bo^; -^i&->*&-•.** Decftoed to recommehd WW pro- hibiting the «st«itfon of inaocent witnesses ty'-:j/i&1w^hp.fr": ^-^ Refused'to ^^ tern to «atr^0*|?$M^ Accepted reaignattoii hers of the assodattc».< â- - m PK>t*su*o^fttl^^ n Is^not ifeteeVW py»sslbis;1o Wap and gardens are not kept in "^•*^-K%^|| advertising agents. ^iera to also-nioma of tWti^r «i the nnltorstty propertr. *fc« author. lUes of the thltttotJon ha^l^M^ v . ,,_ ia w!ltoia*es»^i^aT«^^ W&M health department inr 4ohig all ^t " '"*ri8SrW ierrid <^^1^.ia^:ttia|* post wamtng\ho*ief^:"'/' &â- '&&$&*:%. Several p«opte by tho plant this summer hacaliso they tonched IV not knowing that it waa &Am^\^<J&^. ^arit^i pr Ueres that if the planU cannot he taian dnt £h% placard system is the |^:w^::^#aim';^^TW#*: & *** presence of the poisonous plant department baa ;th* s^e rla^rto place the :-pl*&^'y0::y&W~^ * ;&il;;]i«iili^ PPlrfhlei ia ' ?HsttM/:^\i^ «^^rh^ central p^illee elaimrtaat neeted with th« that haTe been haÂ¥e^^te>» Vcxmtagiousr d4a> It Is titax^^ww^^."*^ Wia^'lr^ Northwestern nniyersitr, 4oiip^v^(^l!o^rA- & v±M #iiiiiH^M and Ife^i^^^haiii^^f^^ I^tkin questioned thr#1ia>«^ WA for impi^ementa to th^ sa»* . .._ .;.warapo4^a|j^p^a| itema and approxtniate eoe* ta< I>r«la1ngo< tho inaia chalto« frdli startinriepr 16; ^ haar pjatets an roota ~ ^ ~" '"