^^^^MM^§^ ^ Xtke aY#.| Mist Je^e Kirk, Forest avenue, i^;lrt^;;t^;«^>^t^^|^. |< • »tnnwi lW<t»y from » thr«e weeks' ill. KU» J^y Meyer,|86 Park ft' ,.^.,,,.,,,,,1:.,„..,..'^-,,-^.,,',' ^^ ^"^of^ttr&taW* Mm. U I* Hammitt, 1024 Lake aye* "'" !• yirttlng her parents at Lisbon, >re>ra Brignam of Chicago Itery Barrett ^ent last *eek at Ollmai There wlft be' Informal. dancing at the Ouilmetfc^unt^^^ ks at Toplnatwe ^** ^"***^. HmM^ ttiae mad-4aagh-^iy» * »tag dinner 122^ WUmatte avenue, enjoyed " '"*""~" j,; :-|^|^rMa^e#«^!|| entertained at carila F^.i'it^^r^ number daughter, who have been to Walloon Lake, ai^hoinej'.'■■ '■^■■'X-^"/< , The; Drama ptndy clasa met at' the ^^ke0^0^^$/ ...... Mrj H. K. Snider has recently sold ClreTOwo64 *vennef left Sat- lae, ha» returned home after a j&^fB&fL.........,,,...,.. ., , Mw.^^ll/Catler retttrned fftrc^La^J^ har recently purchased the lot at l$?4^inwood avenue and will bnild ^i^^^^i|j^e^,-itor:' |he: month Chambers, $2S fifteenth street, are t>« proud parents of a - son, born Sun- day, Ai|g. 25, :'..-.S". ~-*S%£i> y^fim "ioaephM CoHyer/ 624 Hlft street, returned Saturday from Mftca^ tawa, Mich., where she has been for Ith* r^iativee and frienda jtt tiie past few M"^"%l$B#&-T^i&; l^g.: fa fconor of Miss Eva Lee of ^lo- pj^ lira. Jacob B. Qreiner, $31 *Tenne» le't last week for a ......on.at their summer home e time by Ulness, is Ait again. _..,.".-■■ -:^-:i"i^||4.'J piiii^ia^il^. keri d^ghtear ^^£)f»^ to nner to William Mafee day evening, '11/at the home spend several months. ^iii^'fc\lEife;'i«W F6re»t ate? nue/>^^nUy r^tiu^ from Hoches- daughter, Mr* Gates. Marion Per will mm the hfeh school at Remington, Ind., the cbmihg season and will leave |^: we|c to lbe^l^e^ woi*^ ^1^;^i^le^|^r^^ daugh- ter, ITarriet, 50J Washington, avenue, ?^|^;!^ie^i^2^ '" trl^ ^^j| j^^fwiierei fh«y %MJ l^|<| ^.'?*3B»*-iFt>V<';' i^WW............, v, .. llTi iDtoniM^ J. GaUt. hw new >*otirmg eateii*^ !^^T|t; 'tr^^ iBiipte the dlrectloa o^ """" "'^a^lvjBti.^ |-lliiip»ii^;,^f Greeley, ;»?3' aad formerly of Wllmette, is ^ ^ t ,J^^^f^f^..m ., .., ....... -■'^^;' W^eti^:^pnb^ open Tuesday, Sept 3. The rooms have all been redecorated and th« pUy^bunds g^ed and covered with jg^^j^^'i^^P^ du Fta^tU^eait, Wia* park thm af ternotm wffi be the rgli^:^i|^^ Ham McLean on their annual motor Illinois river. ':;',W,y v-' The police liave bex^fiplwd j^ search for M. De Led4-i« yaa|ji old, said to be a wealthy lumber con- tractor pr^t4M^?:^0$:^ appeared Aug, » from the home of | iM-'^m^1fU. Greenwood ir»| :»ne>tll^liai^* possession -- a roll of : 1^ M l*rm denominations. Word of his disap- pearance was wittiheld fitw the po- ^aBed^^ic^liMltta^ " ^g; tte lawn of l&a E. J. Palmer. Wm^pW.0^- .Ma^wg>gg^Ct: RWnhold, P. ^ Robinson, J. A. Piatt, IJttnb aiid Gallto of Wih^ I^wi^MandMi*. Therrlnof Scher- merrille, Mrsr-Calkins of Chicago and Mrs. Malschaider of lndmi»apo»B; About tweaty chUdren romped aad trallel&ed abo^it.^ Alte^^ merry party antt all «i^D^Bd ^£ im- mensely. ;SS W^*I^M±B0k •SS^; SHS * ,**ta ivtr^ .^M^i^Ji^ia*/^ X "-^T^T. J^^>:f^w^^VamlK^ ^jJli'lfijU:'! v/*:-»«»aaissffl!*«wsi»»j.j«wsaMnji*ii«a^^ -"Sw/Tii' ?< w'5. ";'.l":. ?$."■ :.'■'■■■ v'-V/ ; '/^a»*^A'li^;i**^"':«fr;.f»■a¥;J»^^ ,i""'t?'"*-.'-