./ISP B^irection JiuiU this ■I'5*! red p* lng. It gt the prose jkorth of mvenue. The ch 200 meml completion expected t) creased to BW|$ The church » financial sif which the old rallied at $12,000 aa* The church ■ &!0ij$$_ to $2,000 to V^Om^^BM^^M-^&m^' i toe. ^^^^l^^?l§5?OTM:i lllllltit^^ '^JiW' '-Ta 181 B$f§jj 19 PIP j Had Stormy The church «!§ i stormy career.; '■ PP^JpPiiJgl^y and a half lh«r©;^^sj^^^^ lng factions thai the church. 'was called in »e^0*al- i trouble that arose assume the caused an open members siding f< while others -m0^^0i^i0ki^.tT.. l£ stand for a n^M|p^^|^^P The breach becanie so o^e»^ the pastor 1i^j0i0^^0i$^^^0^0^ succeeded by the Rev. Isaac Thomas of Macon, Ga. ^"$i^tl^il|^^^^|l hustler and he ouickly got things in shape so that the new church be- jfe came a I sistence rendere%^^H|iJr^||ii^ lilfadison 8Uflerr iMiirto* oi th4^ Firat Baptist churc^Jh|ipi|gi^|^ ly closed. Many of the old membexB Ja few months ";s¥$?|e^ Ihave all of .tfc#^$lji|ii^^ into his flock along with several new limes. ,:,_ : Many - ei^4^Jl£piy^p^^S^^f given aaA_^^^^K^M^^tX effort to jeomplete the Peculiar A pretty ?»cently chose as her ftar^ce a harden m*A criminal who 1^4 been condemned m$> death. rmmi^mm^-$00m^ sentence In priaon for-thefi aid wher* #w h«trC*£af;ll$|^^ f»be tulDotli^ *tw immecllately P« fttoned the auihorttiea to be ail...... w w«d WaK<sgli^i^^|st" Always toma ^i^ ef CtoocU:^ No saaii^3pi:|£Bi^^ holly broken ABdttieJees; Tou may f^d • a; ^^M^m^^^S^^M p ^nger ^fleets a sl^U ray of light, *J you m^^^MMBm^^, :i|BJi|JW|r::'::aT|^|i^BMWP^pPS)^^ • vf'^-.y^ i"v. % gAjfws^lft l^%t JSillr ^i^ HALJT 1 y^1Mff^f ^ f'rtw Jmi* ^ » Batlons* "4.*:'^ ■ t3C yolelng lrYaiie VALUE who left the' cli^^ilih^i||^;^^«ii^^ ble Bterted ^mm^^^^^^liW^^^:M& «hM* '■^^i>^m- '14^ JsWpWWI^iii :^fi'fK^'^-^>!-.i :s . Cilk' -' ^li<%i>' sT'^jifMMi't".- •^ ¥ its d« liW ^•' .,;:.^ LoH'rEiiglUh Fabric