wtiSRs i|i||i|jffJPit;Ji(|fi| M CI iffrofessl WillC and ihe m IIk m '$F$fl!£wfy!^Me exterminate %>. Efforts Ithorities fpcolony oi^ip^p pfplace durjfigf' i'iotile. CblBt J fc Balder ston aWl pf pared *sever^|S lJcious lunchj(|iot| pf'"have tried 'tO- " lfe,and epicureans fe'jcies covered W "%far the ra1jf?f new plan wilty As a last 1 these pests ;&$ from Chicago:?^! '■ this city and J>VJ|S..,,-.,,,,,.,.,,, s Evanaton. •Tl|t;|g^|||i^ '.■ tions has not ;ip^i|| ,f depends on we£th<S>i ' first afternoon ttjat % cool and calm % quiet and pewSjsl^g,^.,.^,... :J With him he wiU"b^||§l)| I containing arsenic? -^P^^^?PP% |. is so well liked ^^^i^ff^jf^ | will fight over., t^-:00^:M^^ ? with more vigor. tiw^lfe^llj^^^ip^. v;l luncher in a dairy ;*re*iiM^^ Jf Kills and S^isalmji^, , He not only olAlism^^^^^* "but that they will /4feW«f ^^rfW that the arsenic w^:^i|^i^^:;,J|^*|^ fc:' so that no odor wllt,i^p^§il|%S^: the lake front ■ afteVA;^5^8^r;,a^ sent to their happy ^ilipi^^i1*^^^; "iSfssii m Bm M led 3#:-1 reiiatoTlr. „. _____ 4 .,_/.......-AvT'gf Slfis1il&a^^ "'.......'.........'" ' i,M Mlnhlgaii- 4tnd Sunday at the Ix>mar frelt fiintt MtB>Lillian Cummings has moved Mr. OverlocH at 988 Linden aven The Ladiea' Aid society of ^the Glenooe church held a ^ineetinj at Wj& b<>in£ of Mr* Wm, ,3. ■•ke^;:,i|ij»r *# ite Sunday evenlnr W$$!&M^t%-te~*®x „,,.. .-,-,.■-•»,..,.,...-, ■,,.■. ,|i';f ■; ./v.'"s • B>n xftiiscottnt of the increase Furthermore, the ma|t^^'p0ny^^^;lM>t of his ability to apviy^^^^VM^^ rule and make good, ■"M^Wt-J&&:M he does not rid thi|pi#^^'" rats that it will coSfvtfc^liy.'"^ ing On the other business, the White City Qrocery Market have put on another del Mr J. Linville la instalUng a iaew Bameat Paver ha« ';iiii^)ja^ ^iKjgfiim....... ^urran was an old4ima^r«fldent of ' Mr. . and Mrs, J. Highland and : taS^^/tf;Chloago w«mtl^ quests Mr. W. Shuster and family hjtve moved ^into t^«lr-0W:^B^ef;«|^W^ wood, while bathing in Lake Michi- gan near the water worka her* last Satu^y^ ^eiit l^eyQnfhia depth and cued with diffienlty by A. Udelhoten and Conrad Kempschmit who are ■H-W1WNETI .(■,«(j9v'..>;f,'.! fWi^; i*.^i rtlpj Sffii1*?; i?5^« jr'^kw WiA»**"J !#' Jg75'fiAiiiiiii «^^imi«J-^tea^^^'^*^^"'.'- jogs dlfisp^^tljll ^-tbe..:jffc. .Am were - useless the leaders will charge a nomft^";wOJt7:-;""f"V:Z, The offlciaia may':;a^tee!:'?8^ftj^ fe.ict.. tw check upT^ilta^.;pil "1$$ wuik >. n.e poison squad, and se« if that ..ii the colony ,,oi:^o4io^:ar0 killt-i '^iS%M'^"-: ■. ■.;' ■ At WIti""*'" 11 fort of tl „ campaign WiH j^^*14^ ^° hold t* council of wjftjr,'*t» G^Ule the next b «t thing to M^ftp 1^ »** dete. niiied to rid li^^iji^"fii':'t&^ | rats The first n^t^ifcrx#^* ^^ followed were of no avail and It was J only after a consultation they 4e- cideu to call in outside help, and try ;the arsenic mettiod. 7 ' r \ Probably these j-ats have Imbibed fsome of the knowledge of Evanston "farfaixied for • ttis^ejijjj^^ ' tages, and are ,top :|^;^(&r^-y|n7th» '•handling of Polii^j0^}^^)^^ .|fhe common tiiiUa^^^^l^^^:V^ .7 eat anything ^-^jS^r'i^iftjfc .j>ut is not agre^bf^gikd^ 1*re rather ■fohtim00;%^^ come of conUny^a^fete^ce^^J^ fii^aiMrtfe Mlnn^ !iii«.^ 27v-|i3fe. Glaring that modern skirt |«rl«»fo|n by American women are.',fl§jftir ^^ augurated by BVe m |.-*nt the Bta^to^?^^;^^;^^^ ;.he will do iV#'tai&;ii&^ ,a little coiifldel^g^i;pal^';ai«: »ven, th#v :brld^^P%MvftitM^ *fead a gog;i&||pip^^ •usptniftd from 1 chahi round l»r By UirvM||i|ig^Pii^^^ "y Person o«d*r^:n*niMaiitfa* •apital crime J^ and tbaS®P^^^ -^^^S^^ P0 f^ndor -tmmr>n"-'^*m ".tiia."irt■■■■ - ftf-'Wirir" flatter plant in his bulldi 1$ •;of^'lin4w/14lM*: la at the water works. This to mind another case of this kindf rfh cen^Uy, which^ resulted fataUy/nrt;far> at I from this same spoti L.lfe saving ap- paratus should be ihstailed aefnei | J where along tiie beach in Win 'the lake for bathing. ssssaaa «j 1: Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Mist Josephine Isabel Buswell, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry Grant Bnswell, 1014 Greenwood to the original fig leaf fasbion|:^- Ixmlevard, fSv^iaton, to Dr. Wlnai^ garden the! Hot., G..L. $or$p pftjtta g of the -^!»i|^a?SB r-^iif^h^'-..|iit.'H|i-.,••^pftrt f^ Sunday scathingly' . axt^gi^^W | excesses of fashion and with laniern slides displayed ^Ictnrea h» taken on the street* of this showing women in short, close ft skirts and other ultra-modern ha ment He began, hit sermon "^kirta^ a» foljowa: "The first short skirt was made the Garden of Eden from fig lea* because there were no Parisian d' ' makers. |3kirt styles today are back to the ortginal fig leaf faehion. Mother Eve at the apple, became a dress, and that U about all \ 1 *ave been fOo^Sll^fel^ t^ t . . .W*: *i"?w^*^*f -■ •_ - f it^A hi ♦»»-♦ «ninA «AmAit have '*m« «h«n «aM to mark a new depart*! aince. All that some women is their clothe jyiol wereyflqi to s|es)l _.,^)m# w«ne*if are as long 'tit- 4||^ss> |y^-ja^Caeeir' wasv^n 4n^Kaltii«1 Wrf 1 a^yV *n*y «o ^o clmtch to show their clones, speiiil more 1libney| for their backs than for Bibles, and ^ien atrot home like peacocks. &*&jtim: have been bloated Mite a K' l-o>i*iiit;. ..^............... P- Spanish' ks$iit^^^l^0i0k0^4^¥i rteceea with '^^^0Sm^-^S»;**«» Written the^bs^fi^psiiao^^ ' «nbroidered gaJ^Kttrt^^^.:^^ ^oven in s^ sipttinier^sw^^--------- ■-.- .-s-_, * lf ^sweets. jgnl^meliM^'s^i^p^^ ^^fto* sthey;-are meager a|? a mUBimy^and docked like a horse's ^ i^^ffts#m is a foolish taa4 freakish goddess, ^|i»e are meii lit .illoi^i «m«, isiif «t»nw *^ First »tMl Bwfldhia. The Tower buttding, at BO Broadway, Was then said to hMtfsf attwr *«Jfc*J^ «re inbulldliig construction. The skel- eton structure Was of steel, and sip* Bcr» hold that thit faMMMgm- 1 «ce in which the entire weight of the mitted to the fotndation by a fci 18W ihe 8«rfety#Arcliltee v.. Manufacturers of New York place* on the building a tablet ^mmemowigp| -' : Quids* to Busir>es« tsuccess. ***** ^^SW^^&iM fi^'te.the^H^^^^ ySH^rV •■.■"'■-/■• v ;v,3t ■ "•.<T* ;J*% .'v.. <■••■■■ '■r*f%fo<*>*>-*-;SMi" the asoatear .ttt^rsW-^fl*: ™.:.-^*1' -:?^5 !,«te .meats. cote -elselewnedv s^: ?TH ;^^"^JiMSCt' ailVtiling vftifr,grH-:'lflflging lor ftv ^pMMm,'■•:- ■: :■..■,■ -■:^^ ^N»;.ji;v*:;",ff#^*^SjC;**^^*^:S?i: ^iSpiSii "^"Wiff^ ' TiATtnBfl AND ftlCNTR! Ifr«iit <*sV»nAt ffA^«7M^"«^^^^^^ ^ ,■«# :%:^-ii'Vt>': <f^i".' i*» i ^^#s ^.;i«jl":- 3p, ;%^^|sl^k v£€0 .#f:? If.?;' &f ^1 ■i^^flB ^a'r;^f^:.-i3^i^??:'^ ^pfS^fl In the luleoi Picture and Im] Joino&MI ?*??IJ!PS^ 'an •'^'fc^Sf- centfl _______ '^S^^'S^Sfi ■:-mm§ ii Ptir :;ki? ■•' .Sifc* -'•:i ^-^M:^m ntUl wiUbe an ill Epi$5p\ £,_:. _ ^f-■rtt*;'•*■*. ■■•• -' 'S;"Sil -: .^ \M$^...^_.............. .............. ■"".."< ■-.•'■'•™r ■ -•■•■■■•■- --■i*^ ., ...^ . -■. ...im. •• ..'-■.. >■ • Vi.r**v-Hs? ■^4 -•Mf •. . ■.*.V'K:. .*',■■':'.^' Mi # i# liis *PI# HlfflWiP