if ;«&;#*$? %h'"A^yi*%?:■<& >f' .4-.'V'A' %;:' r Mid family - imv« Mr. Saner and family will move tt J108 WftPle avenue to n» 1m^ jtaOuuud by Wilbur 'iii'f "inMiwi'i'n'- Is* if geptembw Mr. ». Bnr. Harrison street,: wi?l move *v«H»e. lb* €*omM A. MftlfrtuUl, *venue, witt leave Cedar Point, O. ?'"^"- g^I&Ss*djtM^ 1781- kved'Qe, are enjoying a two vacation at Fox Lake, Wis. ■if in!1 ^:^||^':|MMe Clark, daughter of ^^'""^te^^laTk; «14 Clark street, ,.^f»f^N^^|bij^ :te>tiL. day* In the Y. W. ,^ A, camp at Lake Geneva, 111. I Mlaa L«cy Mahon of Keithsburg. J$jff0t;. last week for her home, after $ thr«a;weeka' visit to Mr. 'and Mrs. WUliaii Thomas Kester, 616 Noyee I Jtanssi Harvey, irfco last year was ^i the graduating flats of Evanston ; felgh s«hool, 1s In a surveying party' | f^ ths Big Muddy river in southern tfliSiiiiobsrt BL James, 2^5".litt- JJ||^ jstrset, entertained We&esdax afternoon at a tern In honor of Mrs. Cumnock .of Mobile, Ala;/ fs visiting here. ■■ 2, ' p. Rttfns C. Dawes and family, s^ph of months oil their farm, near |p^^':.;;:i«oh*;, ^oy_;,;wia.;i«tt*ft.: ir,;^ *^wwP^W|SW(i[^Bi -.'.'wjwS^isswp^ ■SvflSMSy_,■ •^wswayj^^.. (^(f^^pw. wha havs been visiting Mrs. toother, Mrs. John MolBnsry, ^* ^ajtsii slrs^ have Ridge javei^i^fe street, is :^|tj^:^ ■kse.'-!"^:..-' »■ *&^£?&v'-«^; Mrs. W. C. Hai#si& oi Nesr |$*fc City has moved to 110* tfio^waw/**•* nde. ■■^7.-^;:i-'-j J- -..; ■^'^;;'»fer-; ,^'^'? r£fl^&ite«^ j£s*ripm street, haa returned from a visit In Mr. Frederick D. Richards, rison street, U suffering from a Miss, .Cynthia' H,:■'Wfa~ iM»f0ih •^^Mli^is^f^^^ Q. Buck, «3» Chicago ' iUng at Port Huron, M«^h. avenue, went last week to theJJvans-, '■#. Vj ■■'.*'-'•Si.'A.7 ;'• -.•>.;i/iv^>,:-;'.^>;;;;;: Miv^,!wi;:|irii^: avenue, entertained Mrs. *^^;:o|yj*«w^ Clara Bystadt, iuosili6P> , Mis* Olive ■'^^•wm^Bj^tk 1 aftsrnoon |» honor M B. Roiff. 212S Maple ave- Were eightpeTsons pres- :$K:¥$^-^&J&* ■x^^fyfifa' yfi^, their: Mr. aad Mrs. Car- j|^l«flBSjJSSfl»"-^|P^HipP^P^piP,'*iPii V^^W^^^^r Mississrppl River «b^^ ^i^^isjftjg|pu^,r;- from 661 Willard place to 1460 avenue Saturday. P ' Miss Edith Little, 1419. Judson ave- nue, left Thursday for Mackinac Island for a few;^3r^^r:':;•,;,:. .f.r '. ■ '■*' Mrs. Spohr and chUdren, 2319 Harri- son sfreit,/:;^^^!^!^^^-!^" ;a visit at*Lake Chattel, near Anttoch. . Misses Eleanor and Ethel Gale, Blm avenue and Lincoln street, left last week for a visit in Mosksgon, Mich. Mr. James Allen Raymond, of Bat* tie Creek, Mich., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street. Mrs. U Koenig has returned from a weeks' trip to Menominee", Bitch., Mari- nette and Green Bay, Wig^ visiting re- latives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody and fam- ily, 2512 Hartzell street, have re- turned from a two weeks' outing at l^c du Flambeau^ Wis. c T%a^|iiSr.- ^fsJspaBji^- -_..-" lbsBtfts«r of Asbury Park, N. J, is visiting at the home ^'1^:^li03^^Mr. Horace O. But- ler. 261« Harrison street. ^j&^%^|ipV:Ot'Ries Lake, Wis., and Miss Elisabeth Abbott of South ,B<en^!^...fn^^^ Mrs.. -C^-M. Miss Elisabeth Tymn, 813 Davis street,^lett-:1i^|fsday for a week's va- 'c^^,Jg*g will visit her sister, Mrs. Howard Btrevel of Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. C A. McJohnston of 2622 Hart- zell street has gone to., visit her aunt, M^rs.^ M^chae|^^ ^^^^f^ H^^«p^^n* |^'ip^wo^e^|i^p^p%ff Inl^^inifife^a^i formerly of Hinman avenue, have pur- chased the home of Mr. Geo. B. Eich, ^205 Lincoln street, and are now pccu- ii^?'.'.«j&tfry^.k >'v'r*"'^-' -■'"■:-% Susan and Amy. of Cincinnati, O., have heea visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Foote, 519 Grove street, for ten days. '■*'■ '.". .rT"'-*' r'/*%:'" f Mrs. Ferdinand Borreir and Hfctte son, Ferdinand, 1630 Orrington ave, nue,. left Saturday to visit Mr. Bort roll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph avenue, has returned j|il^^!^^ijps:'Jkpi4|:. hi J|h^ia|0^ ■:MIhTB^#|Jl^A;^:&:;r^ ■■] t^S '/'. Miss Helen Johnson of Ludiugton, WML, is'ivisitingr^li^fa^^ Coleman, 1233 Chicago avenue, for a ^ ■.,-V-.-':. ■-•■'.'/ ,',v- V" 4-'Y .. i£n^...'. f .. .kv- t-' "":--. - '.. \I'i&i'&r feW; v:daVSi ': ,.^'"*V :"'"!-• 4- "r.V :'•*'. "T;,«J^i , ;Mr*^^ey-ffeffl^ Aria., la the guest of her cousins, Mr. and; Mrs. Robert C Knagga, 720 Michi- ■ Mr and Mrs. Frank Carlborg, U36 Sherman avenue^ are the proud par- ents of a little daughter. Bernice. horn .^hrsdajf,'^:';"f;'.;-,;? "^v'^'f^^ . Miss Grace McFadden and Miss are guests of Miss G^rtrnds *PwA ;732 ^Madison:.' ^^^i^S^l^iffi Mrs; Ruth iQ^nlitf^; ^^g,." -<A*^:a"! Qulnlan and sisters, 16li Chicago ave- nue, left lwt week for |m automobile 'trip through 'theveji^.^^^l^^^ ■0^:^L,' ^ei^^f^ii days with Mtts Minnie ffflii*fo£yjii r:t|jfii- ^Hwti::':1^;i|fiwti oi"J^ST^||l^^^ Mr. WilHam Hoffman, 735 Monroe are' &«|iiialiiiii'^^^ -; :Mis^:;J|i^^ Sherman avenue, and Miss Carrie Hepr '■nefij "^13|^;l|esley'i-:^^^^jii\,3ll$. turned j-Bn a few days' outing at Fox Lake, 111. ;:;?;\. \. y^f:^^-M^MA: Banks, 1264 gbertdan road, leave tomorrow for a touring trip through Hew Hampshire. Massacnulettt Slid Ng w York. *^tttir 'ili^^0s0^^^^4s41^' rouJiion^Saturday^at Aurora, in., Mr. Leslie F«»1& and motJ»r, Mrs. Anna G*--4l5fcrfisV.^n»<|Vi^H':i(#i ■ 623 <2&ok 'M#aj?^Stp»|,' " ^•lft»if^;: vV - McKinnie, 502 Lee street, and her daughter. Mrs. J. L. Flannery, 1637 mnniM s^enu^ have ^"' ed from .. Colomdo Springs, srhere they spent the past month. V. f Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Agnes, :ot;-|^pc^-|to|^^ their home after spending a week si the guests of Mrs. Charles J. Roberts, Uhtote street sjid Hartray avenue. : K The Evanston North West Park Dis- trict bosj^ is ccintempUt^ ihg a piece of pro^perty on the corner *£U Lincbin street, took the has go«e ta Norpton, Conn. Postal Telegraph offl« are their vacation at White Lake, Sylvan Mr>"anai;Mm:JB^^ Thi^^jf^:'"|h^^|^B||f rison has been vlsitii""' f riiii'-'- t^fa^ --*" ■jiff ;i1iit>jii"ar^ '"*' " ftv^'■■^^;'"%^'c•!%-i'^fi'/- r^;i^" .^'r/ ;*i- avenue, has Just returned from a trip to North Dakota and Minnesota/ Last week he went for a thi^ week^ vn- cation to Fintt-Iiil^^lite^iJfW^ ^^tro--MisSes:: ■gHe#;jjjtd|fe£' Teufert, Louise and Rdse Heppner of RoBenberrs storo returned Sat* urday night from a week's ?«cateM»h .spent' al^otitti "-«&tr^r^lient' W^ :" Mr. WiUiata J. Johnston of the Ave- nue House has returned from a ~ weeks' fishing trip at Minn. Miss Mildred Johnston will re- nmin there through the month of Sep ::"'- i^-^f /Ornies^il**' V Jjnds^liNiireii^ let|:';i^^>i^",^:1Sa»f ^^e^'^/tSi- Big Wwi vWsr &z£0fi^J-^ wiU be gone three weeks and eipeiets ■^,tisit^i^-^^ti^^-y;c^^ ';V:;Mfe^J^^Me^r^/:^ wood boulevard, has gone to Join her daughter, Miss Agnes, in Minneapolis, who has been there for five weeks. They will remain ten daya longer, visiting ■m^M^^^y^y^ ■';•,;.; Ic ^';1; Mr. and Mrs. Cniartes Y. Mccniure^a^^ daughter, Miss Helen McClure, of Bra- zil, Ind., sister and niece of Mrs Rob- ert C. Knagga, 720 Michigan a.venue, a|.^/wee||s« ;;^t|^;^||8^:' ^^^ff^, ■ f- Mji/'l^^^iSj^npigel fi^ meriyoflftvsjitton^^^s^ #:Bft||ii^d1^Mf^^ L. Biddle, after a month's visit at the homeof Mrs. Blddle'a sister, Mrs. Rob- IvenW ol Mem- _ guest _ ...„ Itiniv^ BragdOttT of at Dr. *S':^SnlBial0f: .wi/vfialpS;'-^ pi study Fwnch, Wrf wmteach^ the las, ■ Mrs. Mary M. Frederick of Aulwini, class in the Cumnock school of Ots, T. C- Ja^^sc^ Insnton, 1 i^itfsi.., Wai^i;|il/Bfb^ .Jcetdv; ■ rot^^i^ltpi|||^/^ residence in Bwrope, is spending s fjw;4ays,sa:,|jto^:-:i^^ -iSjllr ■^e|^%;:||p^:-^ Mrs. Brown has been with her son ^#jSyi^.;«Ii|e^.J^ retHTB. ;'K-.r^: Miss lAura Koboldt* M0 Wast Ball- ^d/^jahreniie, i.gata7' ;i :hjs^;v#|f^r Tjtui^a^: ■ eye|^i/o# ^,;$e^^i: tween Ked^e b^ Rinn itrests to MarshmflllowB were toasted :|^i^ei#^l|ryed. All had' a ':$* ^liptin^^tiie; ^-w^"^-; '^."•■•^.■/.■.'ij^ ^Mrl "J. Ov Morrii, 1133 Sheridan '^old;, left'■'Friday;4- fo*":,;s^weii^| vacation. Mrs. Morris and the Chil- dren have been spending the sum- mer in northern Michigan! Bept 6 ^e ;;;i^|sl^:i^ir^^^tk: lii: >ipfe Children,. Mrs. ife ^o^ier^eelej^ V-. J. *■. ?£y^;**P*: Miss Mary Ann Dawson of Roch- ester, Ind; is the guest of Miss Ohar- ......eBeltamp, il8 Greenwood bonle- ^""'-"-""pijjf^jj^...... conrentioh, and Miss Jessie sen, 1217 Jtxdson; has as her sorority guests Miss Mildred Phipps and Miss 1 iMaaF jf^j^'^^Mftleir-: ItiBs Alta Miller, 1707 mnman ave- nne, who accompanied ilite.: isiiaii'tot^............ nnt ier«^ hetl S2 ■^^mmt^^ A749.» ^*^^w^^^^'» "'I n« Cotnttry House^ t*hSr^ Greenwood'