Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1912, p. 9

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f&MB WW, wmm ill! is lift mi fi^i'i:. ml :®Wi "%i4i VOL, Si M^uttm^ -%Wi "-M wt Jhis Si Liveliest ofthi m MANY m fe ■ M#§fiiif m The imj^' K|fce meat $| pr. m. c. #Hii it?l*re not-ntaBWlpi^^ ||'nis court hia?r...v._. ^,,..„.,^,v.,,„f.,...,.,_.. and numerou^toijnjAinirfats | i been nm-bfeSR gtfte meinl»0ii|fei*, § men's afterSoj^*3* |;bas been kep||||| •f liner, and tliiP0iiSv^^|piJ'^^t-%f<v; -. Jf seniors have 'Mip|ft|pf '^.J* ^gymnasium fl$o|^$^ "^ and bathflLhave ^pi^swIN^K^??^ HB: tii ^■^Ull $I«5« la* lil ™s fci .i..v... $$$1 lar tban^stta!«::Jl!M»^^ clal rooms, ordih*^| cd in not weather, ^av of activity. Two. ti^tow't^'^l!^^^p|S^i|, to the increased-' att^(jiM^|;|it^^ building have been ':^-:^^^mme(i^ of w$p: occupying, i^o^^^r1:^ aociation dormitories, and the (act that the baseball returns, both ;0t the National and American leagues, navt been received by ^pl " ~ ^ three innings and;:fiii|§l^^^ioif every pther Friday niglitw^ wm do devoted to popular debates *|^ the discussioir oh political, social sad small reading club Uttited to ten #r menjbers will be organised in £W^i:*&&*" sJl^'l$ara^ spicuous place lobby. This,nlfpfe__^....„v .„ ,....... Excitement. ^ss»^m^ ^W/^M. *he Cubs ^f^^j^tS^l!^^--^^. giants. -^^^1>?g^-i-r^7^^ ^ This unususJ lactivlty for the soni- mer months points towards the big season ahead.. In addition t« this the exteiisiva^^jfiipi^^ jfcoys' division :i^*h^^^ sleted very- sip^sV:|^ffll^:;:giv*b$)K$$» ioy members ot the atfsociatioa tihe Ast equipments tlmt they wr had. g- ^et Biisyvla-Se^^ pThe physical work of the sasocla- tton will come under way during Sep- tember. The regular boys' classes : will be started soon after the middle of the month; aJid the men's ciasaea during the IsM week in September Jt* the flret in OctobW. There wiU Ifse classes f or husineas men, young 'Isfl, atudeats,. busineea boys and tf«Hunar scho^ boys. There will Us special grou^ which will ha o*- gtaised f or ^^^ Iwtestling. - T^aa^ mdoor baa^ •aU leagues and haakethaU «m«sats ▼ill be held. Athletics aad adaatiea *fll come ta for their share of attes* The Qraxoiaax School icshietfc will b« coadocted aa~ la :;»i»er yeas*. vjjPNhe clasa ■liiJ to srati^^ia^:^ A« l^uireneats aractk^ally oT att «V, Oct € ta« S«a4ay AJftaiMOA ^d W Tbis Infaswst^ gatlswiiv for ;f^iag men, so p^isdar last yaai; wlfi ••hew every Saaday tteotlgarfwtthe *Mi« at 4:0^|iiiti^m^^*a* -|l*aal the <9«si I^MtftSiodal The st>eaketB wm ba yaactjesa idi^; ia^udlog tha Ii^>* enumerated and among them are all i^&iigi^pi^^ BW»toii *> th^.X^aka comi^Uaaoa ^;:partli#^ii^^iliil^| the time fpr the sate, etc^ as H i> ia pursuant of a decree made and entered by said court in the abovt eatitted Jaiifdif............ <Jhati«ii^^ll^^ +.._,.,.._...... i«.-it^;»K"5.'^e«!«»?WKs«m«H(3P«wwi«(?iirai!' »a'«Bn»n dl •i^&'Si ^{sfeiMt^i? mm iAS>Si£s'Ci-i """-'■*' +i(fa:irptmM^;:p& and suooeeded ia»" iWi wttl b^ with the openi^ last w^ajc ;;'#': MiiiilsB^^ large so<^ gathertog wlh ha elecUoa night at which time tha aasocUttoh is aa|^;|e^^6^|>i^^: .^l^l"':*^ heir s«aUi this earning aea»on at which time the sssacistion will hoM opeahoase over OieUvajiraaTam. The hig,:^ite»t^^^iwMi#^ #ll3% #•, Fathers' and Sons* Annual Dinner ta ^»-w.-^---' fe:Sjsi»:'ijsWt-«^ nmmeats in billiard aad pool., chess tad checker* In addition to the larg- er social ewata there wUl he mora fre««iBat informal gathariiiga for eoav genial groups within the :aS^-^|kA' """ hova* asalota aao aaswassw-iiwii.v- -% . As a result of his teg I* the d^fareat ajolf tethls aecttoa dariag the eat aaasoa, W^ L ^owma* Jr^ jm afaala aveaaa, Bvaaaaoa, aad a iar^fe:'imA Qlea Vlaw- OoM. s^taeeaaaceof ed^ aa a ssessher of the Waster. Golf asattctettoa's Olyaaaic ., „ _ ... aaioral r Idayad a good'%aaa* asi llii'^ito«l* It wssi aot aaffl ., . _..... . . with tet of at the hour of 11 te ai« fC4renc<m at tha^^ aast aiate entrance of the County.Cmrt ^hl^ofliafooaa^';;lC-li^ ■&%& stale Of Illmola/as directed hy^^^s^ dacree and subject to the s^proval of said court, sell at public auetlea to the highest bidder, all the follow- ing described prifcftr#> lii ■ aaJsJ^^af ;erea meatloa, to-w4t: m^^pmm0i :: :VCa»'^^Jtla«w7 ?^<ig)iK'" as«^3i^^-^h*al track*- i^' '>':of:; _^:»di^E tracks, turnouts, station grounds, st*r tlpn buildings, depots, power bauaaai power statiomv ,aar -biMia^ {laa^htea, shops, and equipment ££ and for the raflway ill- t^ist:•: ill- :^s:*ifcyM Bvanston, in tha cownty of Cook la the state of Illinois, to and throagh the city of Whukegaa in the ooaaty of Lake and state of IlUaola, as now located and cpastrueted (some in these proceedings called the J4aal-.v,:...-..;.>,,p- -J ^--| Another rather tetaresting Item coatateed ia the notica is tha eaam- eration of aJl the cars, locomotivea. Ust follows: :_" ,;r:^ . ?..'; ^r'\\. Oae double track liae ear. ^ ; Oaa.rotary saow plow. , Oaa da«hle track swaoper. -,. -*' I Oae doaalo track llaa car. ; Twa ax^reaa cara, S8 it -*,..>;-;| One expreas :Jm*k:Jft ;lt Ji ^mM Oaa aznraas ':&L&M>:-i:ha»^:^|4 Oa* ■^d,^i^tt; ware Mt00a,000.0^O telephone Of this total the United States had more than U4K)^O0O^)^ or H per the United &&* ymfr^ it pai «^"rot;7«iRi^;t©^ vestment inv teAephanea ia mora than $1.7io,000^eo and tha gross yeariv aarid^va?^ ake <MMiMifc*1"' satiriittt' ';r^if^":"fii:cil„"'" phone-la mora thaa |S3. ' ' 4f)jni'iiij,-,-j>i»iy'i »X»' :' fe?'i" s^^lK-^Mt. Jtw-Bai«y-:^faJs| Sches, aboard an Atlantic Haer, waa dae to arrive yesterday ia the Tilted states, laid of jaxissiae. To stearaga snpnaloaa Ws pareato had told of their ambittaas. eaatered ia the hoy aad the woadsrfal fatare dreamed of Two a^rs oat fross sight of me SUtaa of Ltbarty Vbm 'mp ^^aoaaaa g«va 'js^1sBlfBlsssTjBsslitl#CJfe tha....... :stti|f;^a- aba tataaav^ temn l»e^le out dool^ a^ ot^^^^^c^'iBotiiiii impra^ton often mada Mii^^i^liis»« H»ra': to nxik beeausa ft is in '-attsBsfsBBBBBBBBBU^r1^' -BBBsV' * MsV^'BsBBS' ■^^BpSSSP^BSSS8»-^g.-,-.if^**. -~ ^~ ^?^° thesldaof the w*JP: '■■Jas^sTasig^ j"SJ|jiJ:. ■_' health and iraah air Wthaatasta tltf sleeidag porch, bailt rooma. uaiially w ^^ in ot the a la thera Is nach of porcac farnitaia aad «it^^ Aa porch farntta^ mast ^ ' good deal of wear and tear, ba of caod ilaterlal aad Shin SM'^tli;:ilitTfm../ i-uuiil:.- mgnt ^^i^§iR|^a#S' ■^2 S'i'-tSS m m.

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