Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1912, p. 15

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county lege and the Jatry, anjt Since that .,;" f ;street, ll'-iM "f :" Mrs. S. I, Louis to VM' Mrs. wmiam K B^cluuuui. »U Lincoln «treeti>|i|^pi|i|i|4piP glster, Dr. and - are about- to- i^itolk|is^^ v A. AWrtrom tad two daugntorvll^^ wauke« 1§ tWttoa; her conaln, '^■Ll^rf B«aer, ^1« Maple atami^ Mm. Geov ter. Mary. ^;;^^ir0^[Si^ Friday tor ft '«Wlt,.,^^.,m port, la. ■;■,- ■■iZMjWT^W-^.%.<hu Little Master 2708 Lincoln ■ few of his MtMM::'^pii^3||#' week Wednesday J«|^lp|ii^f^>%-;S Mra. Avico Locke of Detroit, Mich., has been the guest of IfrV^ H. Hill, 1632 Ridge avenue, en route from California, 'rlgfii;§v!l'fa-^;rf Mrs. La ChapeUSi, m^ street, has retunied |rem ft tea days? visit at the home of her dftttg&ter, Mrs. Noyes of BllWJffi%Mtf !& \:- . William s. Terrs^ ftssfatot num- ager of the QueJtor Osto oempaay of Indianapolis, fadv J^^^ of tost wtek'^^]^^mK^M^^ Mr. Cyrtt*ipn$|^ place. left ■ ijii||^^ Lake, Wis., ^^jjj^ii>- Jp^M^'^W motht.. Mre7i*|S^ Mi«» Mary & &?1ev*621 HartseU street, has gojie to Oeean Orove, N: y^ tor a month's TftestUm. 8he was ftc- comp*nied t!&|j^ ., Orrington tadplr^;';r!j^4^^U,--U;-:v }| Mr*. WUlfftlliSl^^ ?|;ton street. '^;j'i|»|fyii#.f|#"fWt "Ipher son, Jsli^PC^Irl%11^VjHtt-'1i> galow at tlli^|HI*^ ^--? street ..;<, ^.,,H^.,,..,Vi^., .*.--, ■... Mr. WiUlam N. BWhimam. WIS I4il- coin street, lias l>ee#eie«te4trea«. urer of atU^0^i0^^^^^ tray aventte. ;;--i :S:M0i<$§$fi< ..;.3fe Mm. Robert|*l4$^^ daughter, FjasjM^lf^^^ from a -two- weeJw* outtof ftt Lake Geneva, Wis. \*;^%gt$|i^^ Mtss Alice ;^it^ii3f".Aat^:aV* nue, has gone, to Mollne* HL,. and, Dev- The Misses Leona end Lois Oestlng, tod^juaftj;^'^ ttlonTfiF Miss Ella SaUor of p^^^ ■ ranch In Roq*t county, Colo, lllss M white has m^im0^imBit^. „■>.:■ ** Mr. GeoiiPJ^iitelBiii«r^^ J; 2205 Uncoln stre^ win start soon z to build a bongatow at the northwest .corner of Uanoto stroet SA4 Mo- Daniel avenue to Uncotawood sub- f dlviaion. '■'■?'* "fa^?&, ^-' --ur ■ .>r'f $&■ Mr. and W0^M^^ ^ ; rki^ton avenue toft Thursday for % Brick Q^i^r^^^^^h0^0^ they will visit their daughter, Mrs. ;|'Warren AHe^p^^ }$■ Messrs. -^^'iNkliiii^-. M* & j|8onnen ftait;)i^|||ii^^;^#J v beea appc4|^ ^ ptee or the Nort|i Ited ImproremeBtas- ,b' Bociation' to^:*^:0t$^ |? street Tb^ hftT^ ^ I- commisalonev of publfo works to ap- r propriate tlie money that woald be § used in oiUng, t6 clean u^ asd ropair ,^, the street, ^^w^^^te^iiSi-ti^^'." ,-'■ ; lowsk,. after A Llla Robblns, 1713 Central street, has retorned to her home, ;•-... Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helni; of NortH Manchester lnd.» are spending the week with their son, Principal Wilbur weeks* t iiia^iotfs^f; i^etliy;; laten^ where she visited relatives. • v Mrs. Joseph Pedrick and Miss $ta- lene Pedrick of Peoria, UK, spent Mon; ■.--«■. lassHH#ii Chnrch, ;|s^||n|n^ the :' winter In tuiioK Ar^i wltt^sl Bep- tetnber resume her position as secre- tary to Pricipal Helm of the Academy. Mr. a«#:m$'-Mv&mJ&mmm^ Bostott, Msatw who have been ,, tag a month with their son, Mr. Albert ts^JWe*.^ ---:^-- ,-■- ■;*-.--■ -■< -f^ The North Bnd department of the which wlU take place about Oct. ?1, when the new physical director, % ^ Ifc «i*0f% iff^ charge, j tNrtsisI I* tno^lato tlmo of seas^i at which the pUygroond project fo# the Central street school was taken up, the plan has oeen at>an*)ned fbr proveaeAt association will" renew its nettnUea early pm*Mm*j9& ( place and la1s*3|jp^ If cago. won UMs«^nris»at tlM four- ;. teenth annual prise two step grfen at p wcedware^peit%J^ I^w Lftfte, I Mr. Vn^,pi0if^S^^'t^ ^ man of Clttcageisere awarded V- Prize, tu»WMrt^"^:■|Mil>,a|l|r nr ■ ■ nam g Bond's danee peTilllw ftn4 to faiown ' «s the beat p^iM d>ncer a>mi>4 <2i^^ v.«»«o. Mtv;j|s^Js|fc^ l^^wouH.^SiJfc^ T"11 Misa Rya^ nto ret^Uajf partier. Mis. Ryan wa. wuoto to attend the dance csi AobnisB£^ ____ _______ Helen,-of 2411 Park place. haTo to Milwaukee for two weeks. ~' ,v Mrs. Thomas Connor. Jr., wood avenne, left last week to _ friends and relaUves in Wisconsin. ■|2317' Lincoln :^i(&;-i§^^i^ an automobile trip through Miss 8ftdle Hendrickson, 14M 8h has retttrned from ton days' vacation at Lake Gene --MTr a&n jars. vjt» « fjaruour, Forest avenue, are spending their tion of several weeks at Bprlng . .., •mfc*--:■■■■■ - ;v:-Vy---t^v'^^/^/r& Mr. and Mrs. William AIIIsob _ Springfield, O., who are on their weeV ding trip, are visiting at 1639 ton avenue. ~rs, Clasft A Pih| 1781 Ridge chardvUle Lamont, Wis. I Mrs. H. Pinter and Uttle daugh Helen, of Valparaiso, Ind.» are ing Mrs. Pinter's mother, jix*. Ackert 1204 Sheridan road. wUl ahga their automobile the>last of this monfc and go east for a three weeks' trip. Mr, and Mrs. Heckert are guests pt Miss Jean Davidson, Hotel Monnett. They are on their wedding trip. Mr*. Mrivlr^nM-liiiiim^ exr^ to on ft vlsii to hto iii^^' of nextmonth. ss ^^IHi Ctoojfge >fason of Ne w Is the guest of his brother, Mr.'WU. A JobasoAof aiv^^irii*<iiii - ^ajSr^1' :)Mr» .......-y^H^SLivam^ wiBisjm a. ysjwter WpW w^^^^"^FS*'* if^-▼* .'»~^>' i. ■' w »",t ~f? «r ^ ' Edgewator club, Beaton Harbor* Mtoh., :lor Me 'ittwrnefe'-iiat"i^"1«,v»: teti^ve trip arotmd the iroridthiiiatt dedication c* tne newtJovenant MV BL chmtch, Hartray ftyeiime^^^^lltor^, ^street. A: fW^tPort irtrbA i»> iio|iiCe4i||^ '0 ttwVrf^asslmblyriHOT trai street school to the young ladies' a^mnaBttociawMes^toi^ every Monday Mtes Nanine Watt, 2712 Stanley avenue, entertained last .Monday eveninsj. in honor of Miss Henrietta Altoe *- Knox >of Oklahoma. Those present were: Mary Valentine, Eliza- beth Hlsley, Lncretia Wrignt, Up or.4 B<>dack, Lauxia McNaughton, Josephine Gore, Nanine Watt, Hen- rietta Knox, Martha Watt, George Bisley, Harold Gore, John Raaen, Harold Grantham^ Bllsworih Betto, Charies Gale and I^tor Branch. The North Knd IinWoveme^t aafO| elation reports that the sanitary garbage ordinance recently P***6*1 by the city council will not likely be put in^ectdn; the Central etrfel |nelgbbornood this year. Secretary*a ii^;-'^dw^fiBkt: the nembers and a special comm^ tee wc«*ed on the project in order the >piaa ^iafmW^* ._.._,,...._,., jtonjiifls to exi>res# (&<M m :Mra.; Geor#s H.';Geebelr avenue, and daughter ;isi||i^^ ^c^^||rs,^||bert :a, Browa, 12*6 ,Chica»m ^venue^ left SuiMlaT fo^^ ^IfL^^gpl accompanied 1p|jM ^^>BnJto|i"--/;;--i:'^}^f j.^ .Ji'^.^-,':; ■ ;•;.. X';/^,::i ^|b»|^^i» f3Bow*, 2aU,;'8hexm^Js^ ^|Sy->|pVsji^e|^a^ A, S; liavel^ and two children, of 7 Mr. B. Br^w, 1138 Sherman «ve- inue* left last week in company wlto Cheeter Olsen for a visit oil a farm , ^ -f ^^Aftejmo^aM^e^^ i^ei^:with the-schoei;b^ .^5., tiag the Playground equipped so that , M^Vaajl Mr*. Salter M,, Bond and daughter, 1117 Po iifisig^^ extended trip,lfc»rl)a4.y3 .l\f--"U: Chicago; •forraSrl^- of Bhi#itm^,r:iilio hate returned ,frei^ «iett pes ■j»r j^ip**»k^»: beach pMjr 'Hm \ y^M. ...„......|ft** ;catopii|^^.^#|4 2«sitsf^:iBSi@^^ *^#k Harrison B. «U«y, llM Sheridan road, left Tbsisday jfofI ffajt ¥e|t on- ^wimi^MW^-$i^W." F^^ avenne, retnrhed ........ _ from a trip since the «tb^of July to Caaadi firat go^ to QnelH^ thesi north toto the: flabm« oampe, tjiet* to grand Dli»elp^iiisji|^^ tiam VUirtor and^ Mr^ ^Benj^ittlB Hi, i02« Hlninan aveine; Mr. Ite - ^rrer^ii^il Mrs. La Chapeile, 2315 Harrison street, - who- has been vlsittog her daughter, Mra. N«^es of Riverside. 11% has. returned horned** ";':'^";. 7:'& :-^^Jiwtfe,0ajrr of Jf|>iiiiji^ be the guest ether grandparents, Ms. a«d Mrs. ft ^Burden, 731 W^ebie* fol liree^' this weekend. * ; * **■/* :■ Mrs.^J; li Whitlock, WU O-eve street, to the' guest of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Dart, at Mrs. Dart's sumtnej home, Green Lake, Wto. *|^^;:fi^i;|etu|B^ ^'^\'|^"fl^P^'^"^W^\^4iJHF^w^spe^1i, Miss iffmma Tnptlsntf the first of Jfu|% py^t;i3g ...... manaven ^;»h^:MrA'^^ "a" Shaffer and Mrej ^'^p|8fc|^^ Carol Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue, saitod yesterday from New Yorfc for a six weeks' European trip, v i^.;.^ The new bungalow of Dr. and Mrs. Cnarles H. Huribut at the West end of Lincoln street; to ready for occupancy. .. J., r^ll soon move fsiof^v-V^v ■ Mrs. BJ. M. Board, 1W7 Orrlngtoft avenue, has gone to Gentry, Arkw to vtolt her mother, Mrs. 8.1. Thompsony formerly of North miMtalL H' f - Miss Norma Wells of SeatUe, Wash., who has been the guest of Miss Helen leave this week for her home. { Mlse Beutoh F. Corson of Ravens- woo^ formerly of the Eveaston posb enVto, leaves Thursday for Dettver, Colo., to visit ber brother, George D. Mr. Loyal Wheelock, 1040 Hlnman avenue; Harold Bennett, isej HartoeU street; and Mr. George Valentine, 2407 Mr, Frank Beck, 2132 Maple ftve. '■*,v¥. opwaltosiwai ^([^•^^Pljpjj - ^psWf^ ■ JsWmpPt' * e^Bewe^p^f^w -f i*sv AspfPAssVVews/^ :'ie%4Qtorn|sjB^^ ; i^Uui^id TItws* .dv from a two weeks' vmcatJoA speat pT| rwase^^SS^SB^BSS^KBr^Blj(BB^SBBSBBBBBSBBBBj 'ffSBBBBBBjpT^Se^SSSV^ISSSBSB^aeSP^^vSk^-, J[_ FUMd of the same cltyfc Irtto """'......" ii^i Med The Mlsaes Eleanor s^ Whel Goto; Lincoln street. and ■ i^,;^0^0^ Miss Marlon Hunt of B^bertsdele, Ahv have 'returned frorftv A. ~^~~!JL' "* the-'"' Miss Helen Sonnen, 2«4 HayrisoA street, bj* retuntod froin^^ Ctoh^ Ohio, where slie attondM the D*^ •^^se*ss> ■ ^pj|r^WpfSjSBs*.ep'ssjaevi^ps^vssi^sssee^rr. ss^BMssssg*j w^^oisbsibs^pp*^ ine |lw?e|^;o|ij^i^^ avenue, i7 to ^a^^yattee^toff the *ptoinj^ performance ^ ' wBMpBb)W*^Bfc. '>*SSSjpS^^BSS> / t.*ytg) SBVBS|,;f ,'WS|SSBBj^BBBBBSJS^v_:-F'<^H^BiteSSBSU'^ owner of the theater to tb« aet> ef iMr. C*nrch|ll aiid a* It to ome of tb^ Mrs. Airae Coble Bcott, 1031 Bld«« ta rVto. Bbe f ' Bernhlsel, Washington street, witt flpsi^ before retnre^ to »ye^ Mrs. Scett's dattghter, Scott, will «mttoue ber stojdjf et>tott- eto,|s>.^gwa1»a>j^v:> -;U; ft^i^^^j Sitoday was one of deligbt fee Mr. and Mrs. M. Wellahd, If IT Maple ave- n»»: Xt %M «# •ceaaKm of _______......itto:A ._......... (rf thto fatally that the father; eons . - ___ ^- ,. ... .. .sad husband^-of tb^marrtoA "tfbjeg#- Ind., Henry .Weitond of Dejper, Coto, jobji^Uan>l.vif >1«14 ^ersjaa ave- XMvto strsst store, Mrs. T ^_. (nee Miss Mary Weaend). Mr. !WBS"S;.,,^-:.. --,,^i_v silid "1aV. XMdie94 \ •srlsf'

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