ifiili^ mm vm «JOTJVKR Hh. Gal^niie W,a«|;ll SfeCullocli makes an appeal she is certain to obtain reaulta. >It makes JittJe cKflbwaee wh*t the kani Inay b^or J^ mji# <» how s^rewioua the work »,,IN aljW? re^yfs favorable repKeav And the p^^^ not always members of her sex as yoii wwilAaatiujalfer m,,„. believe. Men, women and children flock: to her stand* ^%ei^p alie beaeonsr Last week Mrs; McCuBocb aak»d for per. ISoim to fcireutote suffrage petition Manto Bhe.at once received offeya of age and a atripling of It lad who has not as yetpaffled his fl^ Sfitone, Many othera liave gone to work, and filled petitions I^M^^ea^WMSeM like order! % ^helrtc^kes in a regtati- •flie women interested say the movement will be crowned wi|h snoeess. If such"be the case Mrs. McCulloch should receive the major share of the credit. Her magnetic personality makes for success, i Flaon* iM:,H -live* Mies Martha Kelaey, 1*07 Anbury atum, has gone to Indianapolis to "•? vWt friends.. i Mtt. Robert Holabird, 2221 Harrl- son etreet, 1s spending two weeks at Pontlae. Mien. arisa kllee Witt, 2114 Asbary ave- nae, henreturned from Eockford, Mo- line ehd Kcwanee, 111. v Miss LttHan Olten, U25 Sherman avenue, has gone on a ten days' va- oatiott to Wox Lake, 111. f| Mr; a W. Youngquist, 2818 Harri* ':? son'Street, left Thursday on a short f business trip to Pittsburg. I Miss Tresa Arndt, 602 Anbury ave- aue, U spending her vacation visiting V Miss Smith at Gross Point Miss Oretchen Rhode, 1707 Sher- !tl man avenue* has returned from a two W weeks' vacation spent at Pern, Ii£ Jj:^Master Frank Sleeper, 1208 Sher-. man avenue, departed Monday to visit his uncle In Fond du Lac, Wis. Helen Wright 1424 Elinor $lfef' place, has gone to visit her cousin, Miss Agnes Russell, at Omaha, Neb. Dr. Arthur W. Gould and A. F. Bui! p:" started Sunday for a ten days' out- §| tag at Feracroft Inn. Star Lake, Wis. '#• Miss Annabel Height, 2028 Harrison * -street, left Wednesday.tor a week's visit with her brother in Trenton* Mo. The Misses Leon* and Lola Ousting; Mit Stewart avenue, are spending a two weeks? vacation la Richmond, Ind. Dean and Mrs. thomas F. Holgate, Mjti&t Library street, will be home Sep. tember 1 from a vacation spent in Misissvfe ; f^Acthnr Renous of Reba place has as' "his guests this week hb brother, John. Wand his wife and daughter, Ruth, of |§:2Beot<Iowa. !. .■- ?- The Misses Tsssie and Kithryn ^'Warren and brother, Philip, departed f Saturday for a visit with relatives in i^j^^^lP*sas^sawS)^ g, we nws f/^Tie Misses Beake, 1707 Sherman JaveniNt are entertalUng their little Bvelyn and Frances Beake, of take. 111. William B. McNangnton, 2421 street entertained -a few frtep^ Wednesday at luncheoiL Gov- ers were laid loir nine. Mr. aad Mrs. C F. Sleeper. 1202 Sherman avenue, left Friday for Lake Port N. H., where aha will re» until September 1. Miss Bennett accompanied by her Miss Eleanor Bennett 2808 Hartxell street are spending the .Helen ^aloend, 724 Michigan t who has been visiting in St KitOt, and Madison. TO* f* to her h#me Friday. tWer sad Miss HBda Phelps £«& spent Thursday evening mesne ef the Misses Kathryn seHose, 2410 Park place. ^ • Frankcl ha* retwrmc a Xatemasoo, Mich., af- vlatt witt Charles Bart- Greenleaf street She will Chicago in October. Mabel JewelL 2708 Hart- eg Csutthrldgev ^-;-;e*Ws^,::*is> 4siv»now^mPortia&d,Ma. 1»^ about the nrst «m4 owidren, who delightful visit of two tlw h^me «rMr. and Mi WOUams,, 2222 Orrington are- ^r^*^«^j_'*'ji§(*i*;*.«f^ '■ Didmr. 1W2 Warren Mr. Joseph McNab left Friday for a fishing trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F, Ward. 1725 Hfnmaa avenue, are In the east Friends of Miss Louise HoUister, Central street, will be glad to learn she. Is reeevering rapidly. Miss Lillian Butow, 2625 Prairie avenue, has^returned from an outing at r^ppeivfleott Lake* Mich. %| Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grantham and famfly have mored from 2284 Col- fax street to 2416 HartseU street. Mr. Frank Whlttler Smith and family. 1622 Ridge avenue, left Fri- day for 9Hermosa, Wyo, for an ex- tended vacation. Mrs. George B. Winter, 1229 Chicago avenue, and Mrs. Ray Catlow of Ros> ers Park, have gone to a fruit ranch near. St Joe, Mich., for a visit. Miss Ruth Reading, 620 Davis street left Friday for Manlstique. Michv. for a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. O. C. Coleman. Miss Inabel Branch, 2101 Harrison street, hag returned from a few days' visit at the home of the Misses Ruth and Virginia Kemper of Chicago. Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Agnea, of Freeport M., are visiting at the home of Mr! and Mrs. Charles R. Rob- erts, flartray Avenue and Lincoln street Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Middletown, O- who have keen visiting their chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stockton, 860 Cook street have returned home. The Misses Jessie and Belle Helta of Baltimore, Md., who have been visiting their brother, Mr. H.T. Holts, and family, 1618 Asbury ave- for a month, have returned Dei ....._ .„,„ ,«%■_ to Berrien S^riiiger Mr. John a ewtrtf^J^fam House has returned fr<mi a; $#** month^^trip to ;Oklaiiomii. 'f ;:#'^ ■,.Mr. '^:i^.:^^^^^ Darrow avenue, announced the ar- Mrs, t&'i-aV, Mumford, 74J Judeon avenue, ii entertaining !Mrs. George^ M. Farness of Pasadena, Gal. Mrs, A. A, Tbeobold,, 600 Davis Mr. Wilson P. Watklns, 2607 Prairie avenue, secretary of the North fend department of the Y. ML O. A., left Saturday for the training school leave tomorrow for the training school at Lake Geneva to confer with Mr. H. R. Bunco regarding plana for the com- ing year. Mrs. George P. Mills, 2616 Park place, has just returned from Mil- waukee, Wis., where she attended the Druggists* convention, aa a' dele- gate from the Chicago chapter of the]Jiard's brother, Mr woman's organl Ulon of the Ka- tionaV Associatton of Retail Drug- gists.' '"' *. f" *'• ;'■'■; - ■■".'";■>•/' %'{-, Prof. Dnvldeon and wife, 608 Church street returned Friday from Bos- ton, M^, wnere tltey attended a ain weeks' lecture couiae. Today 4hey went to C^lsen, 111^ to visit Mrs. Os- vidson«» father, with whom the chil- dren have bee% sUying during, their ahsliMi^^ti^^gst^'^l^';"':" #(:.P:i" ■ ' ^:feorg^ & ;|^teii;?|of-'Davia street, u sundering from a sprained knee. The accident spotted a-nice au- tomobile trip through Wisconsin which Mr. Winters had planned with his family. Camping and roughing it were fr be the delightful addltionhl featugesof the. trip. ; lira. Carletott H. Pendleton enachil- 4rea, Bradford and Hortense, 1726 Or- rlngton avenue, have |uet returned frees a two weeks* visit to Mr. Pendle- tdm's sister/Mrs. W. R. Myers, at Ox- fofjt, OhlSv B ' peel at-spene) tsn elays dtetomv parents, the Rev. and Mrs. 0, F. Mifttiacavof BeringtB*. m. ' Mrs, Albert Ahrendt 2208' ; l«e>y alipped on the hesae. la the fail her streeV returned Saturday front a two weeks' outing at Cedar Lake, Wis. Mr. J, A. Battte of the Avenue House has just returned^ from a th|ee weeks' business trip % ISfew Tork. ' Miss Emily Henderson, 919 Aabury avenue, will be the week-end guest of Miss Frances Pratt at Lake Forest Mr. Henry Wetland and family of Denver, Colo., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. WeUaj|^^^;'VMMvWW»>'^ John J, Jennings; |S|^Ulge ave- nue, left Thursday evening to visit relatives and friends at Beloit Kan* Mr. Nels Benson, 226 Greenwood boulevard, left ias^ Monday for BlihV nesota, where he ^r apen4 tf<^ weeks. Mr. Hiram B. Prentice of. the Ave- nue House has returned from a ten days' trip to Mackinac, Petoskey and Charlevoix, Mich. Mrs. George A. Locke, 2618 Ridge avenue, and her daughter, Ruth, went last week to Battle. Creek, Mich. Ruth returned home Tuesday. ; Miss Alice Mochon of the Black Hills, 8i D., soon t» expected to visit her uncle, Mr, O. J. Iklochon of the North Shore Grocery company. Miss Grace Deeta of Des Moines, la., who has been visiting Miss Marie JjS Shoemaker, 2400 HartaeH sjb^et, for4 J six weeks, has returned home. & Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olinger of Cin- cinnati Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. M. Weiland, 1917 Maple ave- nue. Mrs. Olinger was Miss Mary Weiland. Mrs. John J. Harris, 047 Blmwood avenue, left Tuesday for Mbhtclair, N. J., called there on adbount of the death of her father, who had been ill for sometime. Mrs. Ida Horning of Holland, Mich., returned Tuesday to lier home after a visit with her son and family, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Fisher, 2628 Jackson avenue. . .; p.;;j Mrs. S. W. ParsonB and M^lafl Ger- trude Parsons of; :JP0i^<^^^nt mother and atttor^ilrs^ 13^^03®, Miller, 4.18 Greenleaf street are guests of ;M^v^«pi^^.^^^ "' Mr..and 14Wlr^,^^*ioJ^ reaiiaeiitirof%|lia^^ castle,; "M^0^W^'}^W?1^. land's parents,\^;^^J|^M'$^ '";';. Mi ::M^^MS00^S^ family, J$W'J^^^i0^$f}Mf-% •Bewaru.- svreeiM^^, fil Heth, lan avenue/ U ".it i!S?iV ' fBMi^frltn^viP^p^ .r>nue.haR«one to Kansas City, Mo., for>I &* tjsi»a^*sMsi>8jB*fc *ilar|»c8^Barba* nue. are on a trtp;.toi;Gre^,I^aM'Pr^ ■'*M*\ Mm Lilly-%m4?:*a^^^l#i: morWnfiter;iweek,s%i^ noM^^-^:":::^. -r '■■:■?%&&(».-* ::)j$ "Mft;:f ahd^ Mrs." \B. VfM0t^V^M^ datighter^W^^^ ing ten days with relatives in L ■tohj'Mich-,'-1 •"'•-*■•«• 3 Mr^aiid Mrs; iiftref p ^pgartlii* Mapfo avenue, left Monday morning for^ n^f^:5)iajeeaV::;isjo^^ ^iss m; Ma^iiewer of Oaftro; tiy who has been the guest of Mrs. W. D. Black, 1141 -. Judson•feren^^ss>»tte ;t^»tliwa^ ^iihn. W'-f,;"- Y^r^l - -Mis: i|gj|g4^^s^^ fay's%eet 'iilltt^ig ;i^tw^;#e>k#' vacation in Ludiiigion, Mimistee and :Hamlm^5La4e,"MieV'; -1: '^'.f'^X-h ■'^krs. FV S.. Martte"and da^ghter^ Miss Lillian Martin, and MIbs Sands, 1640 Sheridan road, left Sunday for a ■two- WeekS*';;trip:|o .^g 'Ti&fa'&;;1$^ Miss Olga RosenquUt of HartseU etreCt anAJi. ^W^-^^W^ii were entertained Sunday at a dinner given for them by Mrs. Falk of Irving Park/"; '. *.............."^^■"'~*~-S*/?"'?!»' Mrs. L. M. Bernhlsel, 827 Wsshtag- ton '>iiitti!M&&i>^ nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. ot^P^nnrgir."ii|!who ■**>" rive^r? SntSdalfv,. f ->:: ^ ^'~$^^S'< .Mrs. W. F. McKensie and children, Mary LouisQ and Kenneth, 2106 Or- rington avenue, left Tuesday for a tw£ weej|# visit w|^ reMyej^ai; Cleveland, Ohio. .' s-%^S:t. Mrs; Whiter, Heistou*.:v^^lip| .avenue, has .been enter^ining Mrs. Elizabeth * Farrow and;:;'^S^^^2^ Ramsay and sister, Miss Carol Sperry of Washington, D. C. 0^M'^^M Mr. J. W, Strong R«|d|iiu^" daughters, Elizabeth and Michigan avenue, and MISS MacLeod, 929 Michigan avenue, left yesterday for Yellowstone, $#& ^ •w^Pratr 'Q^a^^:^^^-m^ ;datt4hters,; 'M^j^N^,;'<#ii Norma, and UtUe grandson, 218 Main spendmg 1^ sumjne^ f*i !B<Jgar of' "|i^p«v"w^^i^^ jepjia to^ ah4C %ill 1^ ^i^home about'the 1st of September. jMlsavfiao^ Bbesxi^ "" «^ttwpj^w«eW^^ke^^ rapher. 616 Davis street, is being filled by Miss Helen Hendriciedn, lT^D*r- »ow""ivM«h">'^-- *,'.■•'*•" --^:'S\'""\, Mr ami'Mrs, Tho^iaii Lord^ 1677 Florence avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Connor, 126 Dempster Street, are spending several weeks at Battle Lake, rjdittnv They are ex- pected home this' week.- ,< -,U - M Jdr. Robert Rickey, father of Mrs. George P. Mills, with whom he re- sides at 2616 Park place, has just returned from a Visit to Guthrie, Okla.. He was' accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Mary Washburn of Ore- gon, m ^- ".. • --:;■-; -,;: ^.r^^v-^:^ ■ (Ur, "Bfllott Johnson, 1616 Hlnman avenue, left last week lor Nstttocket, Mass., where he wlir visits Mrs. ii|PJummer*s cottage. His hrother, Mr. Hmrold Johnson, Will go the nrst of next week to Buffalo, N.-^^iar'a; Cal., who has been the guest < Mlsp Grace Orchard. 22Gf Cx?ington avenu^, ihna^:r^r^" ii^^'^^^^W^: 'Btri-.lB. W>, who has week*a trip. Hffi the gue^t of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Anv mons, 814 Michigan avenue, for the past two weeks, has returned to his home in KlrksviUe, Mo. -i Mr. Henry W. Pond. 2210 Sne^nai: avenue, left Monday for a two weeks^ visit to his father, Mr^ wlirr^ 4 Pond at Granville, O. Saturday Mrs. Pond will go to Muskegon, Mlch^ for a few days' outing. T Mrs. H. A. Pearaons, 1718 Chicago avenue, returned Sunday from a feir days' trip to Pennsylvania. Th^ same day she left with her niece, Miss Katherlne Haddon, for a ten days'trip to Colorado Springs, Colo. _ Miss Martha Johnson of Louisville, Ky., who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. James D, Heth, 820 Hinman av0- nue. for a month, has returned to her home accompanied by her father, Ms. Darwin Johnson orLou^lvllie^SyZr i Mrs. Theo. B. Williams, 222 Mala ■street, entertained at luncheon. Mon- day Mrs, Carl Davidson of Edgewater. Mrs. Davidson has just returned from Fox Lake, m., where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kaapp^ The Misses Alice siid Mabel Pier- sen and broker, William J. Plerseoi of I^keV^eei have returned from, a* extended trip to Alaska, They arf now stopping wtth their broOier, Itr, ^Eaes>%nd' " 'tit' Mr. Kenneth Waterbury, i '^ «i ffJKSfP!! nne. r&$m% m£ Week* vaca^ « 8s^^ Mr. C.K. Morris, wife an4 sou. ■ishi."^*^-;"'v^^MM^^^^^^- - ' -'& Michigan aveau^interta^ Mrs. I^red'y ■P^^sflijppsj '4ayi ■ •,' >; ^Mf^^^^^^^M iftultoll a epend th Mi^ H; H^ ^ *4pml 9»nmel? 2lf Davis s^ r+m ":"'"'"l"'i":'" i|&|pfe#|p'to Musi to Cedar Spriiigs/Grand Rapids month tor Busaarli'r »iy, where they^ wJ^f:ieliia0iiam^i^ -: ;y ■ ti^iiii?|*lisial^ mm Oak avemto, »eft gaturday mornlnf for Seattle, Waatei which place ther will make their future home. 1 and ■: "tiM&0g^^ catton sjpent^at jrrankfort, Mich. ; Miss Amy Springer of 1742 Ashland ' avshttS" Se^urday from a four hoiieynwon trip from 8t. I^«M a» Bianrftard, *^ ^^ Scott and Blair, j 112 Hinman vavepne, nave gone to ^f^jtft^vielt Mrs.|| fhpBpyi!;"""'"-■■'"■'■ -iMA. W^^^^IM place, left* l|imoS^||t;:vi^': Ms for^4" .......^^""'^'"'m^WSlii".'-WB w heme iv t^t, Ttsiting at Devfl trolt and other pointa in Michigan ■^^Jb^igiii^i^^ of the :^-M^Mc"B^:mi$^: nee Mhs^ Almn Bergensen. fornwrty of Evans- '^'-s&ia^lssi^^^ Hill, Fls| aue, witortaiTH^^j>a kftartbeat<r <*9V&:#al^ in hone*; of Mrs, Chancellor Jenks' birthdar. Tb^'w^ell^ili^ '!:mmM:^B^^mKfiB street^ evjesl^^iiilfep^ **l| ■t^::f^iae^||^^ club Tftiiglii^^ Ande^ Randlev, 10U Maple avenue, and yer, .Mielb^Jgpg^pl l --. |' , street, will leave Mondmy for Cal» ■- fc«to. 8he^ ^ ^ :l$ lilav :f^|ga>i^ ™% few nwhths to tfte ntouatalsj of thfj| :ita^liiSplfi^a^^ ^U1 3p :^^0§0^mt0^ Wlscong thm f alL^^ le*ving fe^ &tm |ji^forest a ^""'peatern b ,JioP at H*»VAndot -:........■l.-:r-,,LSls^laiftirf part ^eli^P^h^.^sfoKay