Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1912, p. 6

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f«»»»»m»*»*» in Wilmette •, *+*+ m- ~mr fe ^MS^'^^imnm hs* been spending [the summer on the yaoht "BYjam." MIu Haiy Hall is Spending aev- ^JlraJv'c-week*- visiting Yellowstone IS life; C. C. Mitchell and two sons p^* Friday tor a few day's in Sa- k^ ||j^%^We Droke, who has been her attit in Chicago, returned day/ •-. " Master ludson Stone, 70G Linden enue, is visiting his aunt at NokQ- Sppk#:»j^%ra.:Hlalp* M; Evans aueni p|^n^^'e▼«l^llig' with' friendf '-Jti ^^tu&wk." ^- - ■*' ' -*"' p Mr. and Mrs. Kish of Laurel ave- nue are at their summer home, Paw Paw, Mich. If/Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper have returned from an outing at Bay phew, Mich. |^ Mrs. Pritchard of Laurel avenue s returned from" Evahston hospital tly improved. Dr. A. W. Burner'..of Davenport, la., rt Friday with;Mrs. Eliza Elmer, 2jak« avenue. Mr. FTed Smith and family have IpKxtaraed from their summer home 4tknorthernMichigan. : Mr. James Lardner of Davenport, /la., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'J|r\ E>. Elmer Friday. '$$ Mr. and Mrs..A. E. Barber of 621 linden avenue have returned from a trip through Michigan. ■M BAss Dorothy -Knowles of Park Jtidge spent a few days last week jWith Miss Clara Barrow. EMlss Louise Mueller of 1218 Wil- ette avenue attended a house party ||t Salem, Wis., Tuesday. 34 Marcella Merrill and Ethel Bar- tw are visiting Miss Iva Fauland at leiidan, La Salle county. H Lillian Barrow has been at Sauga- flBCk£?'Mlch^ for several weeks the ^uest of Mrs. A. Crawford. || Mrs. William Sanderson of Linden Ikvenue ^entertained her sister, Miss ijfluth Coddington of Chicago. Mrs. Barbara Hirt of St Louis, Mo., visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. W. ter, 1020 Central avenue. Mrs, Gregory of Peoria is visiting ^sister-in-Jaw. Mrs. Theodore yer of Washington avenue. Mils Marcella Merrill, Ethel Bar- m, Clara Barrow and Wm. Barrow at "Starved Rx»ck" last week. Mrs. C. RY Nixon,.son and daugh- Robert and Katherine, are spend- ten days with Mrs. Eliza Elmer. Mr. a>d Mrs. John Millen and >!fy of 1128 Greenleaf avenue, Imette,, left Saturday for Bristol, Mrs. Joseph Long will entertain for Mrs. Hoffman on Friday. Mrs.'Joachim Decker, 901 Green* wood avenue, is at Oferistmas Cove, Me. ,., Mr. James Rogers, 1007 Lake ave- nue, is spending the week in New -York,- - <• -.............-- •-•• Mrs. Robinson of Oak Park is the guest this week of Mrs. James Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. George Shrader and son, 907 Elm wood avenue, are a£ An- bury Park. „■ v| Mrs. ^Walter l#Il,^orJn>rly-of^Wil- mette^spent Mlraday Wlt*r Mrf B. Jacksdn CasSe. # '*if*"- . Mrs. Church Todd, ; fi07 Seventh street wilj entertain her iuhcheon dub on Friday. Mrs. H. fP; Hoffman of St.' Louis is the guest of Mrs. William Sf Smith of Lake avenue. There will be an informal dancing party at the Ouilmette Country club on Saturday evening. Mr. Fra&k Watt and -family moved this week into their fine new resi- dence on Ashland avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Bfeese and children, Forest avenue, are spending the week at Channel Lake. Mrs. William T. Smith entertained for Mrs. H. P. Hoffman of St. Louis Linden avenue, :.,,&./-te^^n^n* park. -::;>:'lt'r*'"'":, •■■■.,'..'"'"'.■' '~?s*{-Mffi^i ■ Mw. W. R IngersoiL B17 Central avenue, entertained at lunpheon on Thursday. A'- Mrs. Frank L. Koonts ejects her sister, Mrs. H. J. ^^ ofjton Beni- to, Tex., to. come to Wilmette this week for a visit. v< '■"■:•>• Mrs. Frank Fowler and family, 680 Linden avenue, is at Manistee, Mich., I Lake ave- John Bly- The Misses Ford of Fruit port, , have been visiting their sister, Basse! Caulkins of Park ave- Bhantz of Detroit, Ms been visiting her uncle, J, ft; Sbantx, 1053 Linden ave- Men and teams are at work im- roVlng the new West Side park at e corner of Lake and Park ave- J&gyfc' i^Aumeyer is entertain- her nSother, Mrs. M. Wright, and Robert Campbell of Port Thomas Churchill, 1023 West "" ufenfe, ^rho has been' quite e^paaU week, ^s very much proved. Mr. Carleton Kaumeyer has re- ed from a three weeks' vacation relatives in Port Huron and eland. Mis. A. C. Harrtdge mid son, Rob- of Park Ridge, I1L, spent last with Mrs. William Harridge of ■jptorest avenue.. .■--■*' -V-*.-^ - -~ ^■■■>?> M^s. C. C. Carnahan and daughter, hare been spending Jew. weeks at Gull Lake, Mich., are | home this week, mblswf -of Toronto, Canada, her son, John, have been spend- a few dAys jWith Mrs. A, & of C21 Linden avenue. aadMra>B. B. avenatf left last mP ^or^anS throwgh - XkumUfjji*' ™*h alii Mra K/J. Schmidt and at cards on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Springer and daughter, Charlotte, leave Friday for ^atoaa Lake, Mich., for a few weeks. * Mrs. Rollin E. Collins, 1536 Lake avenue, has as her guests Mrs.JWest and daughter of Rock Island, lit. Mrs. G. W. Stephens, 1537 Charles street, spent last week with her son, Mr. Wylie Stephens of Aurora, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Stevens, 614 Linden avenue, are visiting in Charles;' City, la., their former home. The lot at 711; Linden avenue has recently been Bold to Mr. M. It. Mer- rick of Edgewater and he will build soon. .,..■-». Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas and family, who have been spending some time at Gull Lake^'Mich.,; ire home again. " r - Mrs. Emma Beardsley cV Chicago is spending the summer at the home of Miss /Susan rNortham* on Tenth street. ' . .. \- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Drury, 1112 Greenwood avenue, left Saturday for Walooh Lake, Mich., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McAllister, 918 Ashland avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, July 31. The Wilmette Public library was closed last week and a part of this week in order to have painting and decorating done. Mrs. Henry B. Gates spent the past weak at the Elgin ctnb, as guest 4tf Mrs. Charles £9arJt. Jsr- merly of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casae, Forest avenue, left Tuesday for a motor trip to Quincy, 111. They will be gone several days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Buckman and brother, 831 Oakwood avenue, «s> turned this week from a week's trip to Detroit, Mich, Mr. W. E. Hudson, who bought the lot on the southwest ner of forest avenue and Fifth street, is building a fine residence.' *" Mrs. M. H. McMilten arid daugh- ters, Margaret and Norma, 1010 Lin- den avenue, are at Griffith'* fruit farm, near South Haven, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ft. Flndlay,41t Ninth street, leave Friday for 8t PauL Yellowstone Park am| Denver. They will be gone about throe weeks. Prof. C. P, Van Schaack of «11 Linden avenue is * takmg a trip through Yellowstone Park. He ex- pects to complete the trip and re- turn to Wilmette in about three northern ■ -• • * . :f 1 for the summer. Mrs. J. J. Siddall, 1018 nuey has as her guest Mrs mer of Daytona, Fla. There will be a "bridge" party at the Ouilmette Country club on Fri- day afternoon at 2:80. The Drama Study class met Wednesday with Mrs. Charles N. Roo- er% 1014 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Iliff, 111S Green- wood avenue, - left this week for One- kama, Mich., for a week. Mrs. E. L. Scheldenhelm and chil- dren are spending three weeks at Pe- toskey and Bay View, Mich. \ Mr. and Mrs, Arthur W. Allen, 1029 Thirteenth street, are spending a few weeks near Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr. Earl Gowlng has recently re- turned from Nasr. Jersey, where he has teen for Ihi gsilH few weeks. Mt. C*iM5A:;|f^Sid,': 607 Seventh street, ieft Bnsjiay for the west, on business. He Wffl %e gone several months. ■ ■ Mr. and Mra. «. N. Cutler, 1016 Ashland avenue, left Thnrsday for a lew weeks* Ushlng trip In Wlseeasin. -flnennaa Sykes 4eft iast -week Jar. Dixon, 111., Where he will remain about two weeks, then going to Ocon- omowoc, Wis. Mr, and Mrs. Burton Thorns mo- tored in from McHenry, 111., where they have been spending the summer, for over Sunday. Miss Eleanor Snider returned last week from Detroit, Mich., where she has been for the past month^ the guest of her uncle. . Miss Dorothy lliff, ill* Greenwood- avenue, left last week for Davenport, la., where she expects to remain for the month of August Miss Juliette Gates expects; to spend the weeteend %ith Miss-'Mar- garet Hart in Milwaukee. Mats Hart was Miss Gates' guest for over Sun- day this week. Mt. Paul %: Fernald ot Tucson, Ariz., a delegate to the progressive convention, was the guest of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fernald, during his stay in Chicago. Prof. C. P. yan Shaack has re- cently had his home equipped With the noted May-Oatway automatic fire alarms. Mr. Van Schaack is the first resident of Wilmette to secure these valuable alarms. Mrs. Orvll D. Jones, 1014 tforest avenue, entertained at luncheon Mon- day in honor of Mrs. Sarah Gisford of Newark, X. Y„ **» have swen spending the summer in WlUnette. Mr. and Mrs. B. -A. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wylie of Chicago Bpent last week at the home of Mr. Frank .Koonts, . 1135 Lake avenue. Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Wylie are or jSHTj-"^ oosaa»' W. Anderson, 71S r Wb» Mnrgiret-^rliiis^ of Mrs. George L. Psxldock of Lake avenue, was married to Mr. Walter Henry imbusch of Milwaukee on Bat- urday, Aug. 10, in St Mark^s Bpis- copal church, Evanston, the «e*e» mony being performed by Rev. Harry 8. Longley, rector of the church and suffragan bishop-elect of Iowa Mr. Imbusoh is a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity and an alumnus of the University of .. Wisconsin, -ajfr^fnj Mrs. Imbusch will make their home In Darby, Mont. Mr.-William J. Hosmer, 68 Central avenue. The entertainment West has been m ofJhePreshy- 4? and Mrs. Henry Hex ami Miss Cyrus of Camp Point, 111, mo- tored to Wilmette and sjm the WLMr. and ipu W. mB&m*. 1W Chestnut sttsat, and W' IlL,^fore im 4:* 4he pastor of that ing in. Curope, has returned to W?»- mette. Mrs^ Metxer, of Wooster ac^ companied her father home and is the guest of her sister, Mn. John E. Harper. Mrs. Metxer was the soloist at the Methodist ehuroh last Sunday morning. The services at .the Presbyterian ehurchv (the Womana eluh house) will be maiatained as usual during the ahseaed of the iwstor on his va- cation. 4Phe session will select cler- gymen to fJl the pulpit from Sunday to Sunday. Last Sanday Rev. WU- liam c. Laube of TJnhasjae* la, preached both ntorning.sad evening. Strangers and visitors are and cordialry invited tm all the serv _ ibis protection right here at home. The equipment c©atains three fcnndied boxes and they are becominf; very popular at v the reasonable tentalsastwJ. *-* officers of tjie Bank invite it tion of this new/ safety dt posit ■ - ■■■•■ ■-•■■■ ±*---^\-£$&&*^ '. w. ': II ~t^?-;-f1 'J *^l&. CENTRAL AVE, AND TWELFTH wa*>«ieiiiitooit......

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