Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1912, p. 14

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OMMM.....tlMMMMMM^ IIHMUMMI (HAT Willidrii Vance is anxidus to jrtease the patrons ' of his Evanston theater is evident fromtha announce- ment he has made to the effect that he will have an experienced chauffeur to take 6har#e of all automo- biles that come to his playhduw*. Each antdmqljite driver will be given a check whea Jft« a^ghts^ Jromjjja ^ machine. During the performance two men wl patrol the street and watch the autos. When the owner appears W :TM/»ttfttoeVlw.wiU.haTe-t0'pr«kice the check. By thisjarrangeme|it, Mr. Yaw claims* robes and wearing apparel may be left m the nt*- chines. Mr. Vance's reason for installing the new system is probably lifijpnib ife^ lact that an autopobile this summer was stbleii from in front of the Evanston police station while the owner was within the theater enjoying the moving picture show. It is a goo4*4dea and v^L appreciated by the automobile theater-goers. ,*lr> rtr pwtaht^OHiiunan m Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Stevens have returned from the White moun- tains. Miss Bertha B. Yorke, 1633 Orring- ton avenue, has moved to the Century building. Mrs. G. W. Bull, 1105 Maple avenue, IS visiting for several weeks at Wau- ,;pata» Wis. Mis* Grace Sanders, 1460 Maple ave- nu4^ spending her vacation inClevo- leityL Ohio. Mral'H. D. Summers, 1212 Sherman arenas, has gone for a three weeks' ▼fsit to Hoboken, N. J. Miss Frances Charles, 1310 Hlnman avenue, is visiting a school friend for a week in Jackson, Mich. > Mr. and Mrs. Lyman E. Cooley of 1010 Sherman avenue, have gone on a trip to Colorado Springs, Col. Miss Helen Peterson, who has been spending some time at 2683-Stewart avenue, has gone to Rodney, Mich. Mrs. T. T. White of Rochester. N. Y., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. |.H. Wilbur, has gone to Naperville, Illinois. M Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Warstall, 2219 Lincoln street, are on a three weeks' bunting and fishing trip in "i^Janada.'^""* "^ ""'""'" ' " "*" *" " ;*rYTartl Bluer ot Carbondale, Pa., 716 Hlnman avenue, has left for Louis- ville, Ky» ■> i !.. r-u , • *& T, ■>' * V ■.. '4 ^V- ' Mj;, Matthew J. MacAdamB, 2021 Har- rison street, has left on an extended business trip to Minneapolis and St ©yer, 634 Davis street* has had S^ber guests her "couBins, Mr. and MWtv Iieonard Freelove and son of Springfleld, 111. . _^_ _..v :-_^ _^ Miss Winnifred Jenkjqae>onip#nied Miss Strang, 1721 Chancellor street, tf left for a two weeks' outing at fBteugatuck, Mleh.4 '* O515iclioloy/Sr.f4 of Newark, N. J., ieft Wednesday after visiting at the of his son, Mr. Emerson Nlcho- iof prairie avenue. Mrs. ffcariaa H. Rose and daughter, 2410 Park place, left Fri- Uvetfto Cleveland, Ohio, ^ v; - fijfo£M^ * J^bnsoik 2601 Ridge avenue, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. JBarl Mathews, nee Helen Johnson, at JttndTay, Ohio, for a few weeks. [Mrs. Osgood Fifleld and little son, Osgood, Jr., of Springfield, Mass., after » delightful visit at the home of Mr. , , mad Mrs. J. H. Wilbur, 715 Hlnman ^S|«B^M,1e^ifTtday" tor -Traverse Cttyr ■Si" l?$a> Fisher, ]840 Michigan avenue, wt^i leave today to attend a ^loaclMtf ^giti^^ °» sJliiiii^ia ***>** the Boston /a^vf a luncheon at the Union League TbnYsday In honor of the woman to the Progressive conven- p^jaiSaaSs. JBaual Suffrage association. :^^^Oa«aa..«wi^Jafipratod.Ja yellow gfe and wbitff; ^he strffrage colore, and cov- 4*» Wilmarth, t^ano Addams, j^ Tin*njr m&tfp&* : Mr*, ^-ae4*ra*Yw^ ,-wmi'J9Jt Mrs. Hannsh Solo-\W^;&k*$>$$ ih iSStlKss' Miss Helen Horning. 628 Library street, is the guest o* Miss Coral West at Bushnell, 111. '"". \ % The Misses Jessie and Grace Whit- ing, 610 Forest avenue, are visiting in South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rush Harris, 1316 Judson avenue, are spending their va- cation at White Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hanson, 20S6 Harrison street, and son, Milton, ate on a visit to Pentwater, Mich. Miss Lillian Butow, 2527 Prairie ave- nue, is spending a two weeks' vaca- tion at Upper-Scott lake, Mich. Rev. and Mrs.. M. M. Bales of Cleve- land, Ohio, former Evanstonlans, are in the city for a few days' visit Miss Helen O'Connor, 70S Mala: street, is visiting relatives in Roches- ter, Spring valley and Stewartvillei. : Miss Louise Stafford, 1463 Sherman avenue, has gone on a three weeks' visit to Stafford Springs, Balmer, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hopkins and Miss Harriet Hopkins, 1221 Hlnman avenue, are at the Hotel Chatham* Paris. Mr. E. M. Board and daughter. Miss Dorothy Board, 1937 Orrington avenue, have gone to Petoskey, Mich*, for two weeks. - imrs^ yi^m and daughter, Grace, 1723 Emerson street, are guests of Mrs. Charles Meyers in Michigan City, Ind., for a few days. Mrs. Jennie M. Loney and mother, Mrs. SaMtha, C. Jleilly, for many yeara residents at 1014 Davis street, are now located at 161* Oak avenue. Mrs. H. H. C. Miller and daughter, Miss Alta Miller, 1707 Hlnman ave- nue, have left in their automobile lor Buffalo, N. Y., for a few weeks' visit Harry Bartlet, 1119 Ayars placo, who fell from a porch at 1214 Forest avw»*e three weeks ago and received serious injuries; is slowly recovering. Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 231S Harrison street, entertained Friday afternoon at cards. Bridge and five hundred were the main features of the after- noon. ' Y, - ._. Y % -"' mi t^rl^ B. toon, -1214 ' street, gave i r'"nas *Mft*T..* *-*■ .. iony A. theobold, 600 Davis street, spent the weak-end with, his wife at Cedar Lake, Wis.-.,::. > Mlsa Marian Greene '& Michigan, former* of Kiran^ii. ia vlsitia« Mrs. Malcolm Giddes of Orrington avenua Mr. and Mrs. James M, Grantham and famMK Will mpfa today fron* 2334 Colfax street to 2416 Hartiell street t Mr, an4 Mrs. JuUus Hanson and apn. Milton, 2035 Harrison street, returned Wednesday from a short visit Michigan. Bmart and on a business trip vtor ills firm, v ,-t^» Mr. Harry Cooley of Moline, 111., has arrived to, vlatt hU *tf&j0^0&& beth Cooley, 326 Madison atreet II 4: Mi>s #aawia.!!tt^ man avenue, spent ^« |i^ sad Miss Grace Brawley of Chloago,:, YMra. Cha^ Ridge avenue, has as liar, guest, O. Bl. Fifleld of Springfield, Mass. 1.1 ;|0ii^ #* ;Fr»ti aua^^AsnuKlit^, .^ Maty iorter *ratt, 1^8 Main street, 1* 1efrmdtte*aar*o^^ Mr, and Mra. R. A, W«r«taW» *&*■ 3118 Mrs Mr. Matthew J. MacAdams, 2021 Lincoln street left ^rsday eventoi Harrison street, baa returned from business trip to Minneapolis and St Paul, Minn. Master Rowland Butow, 2627 Prai- rie avenue returned Tuesday after spending a few days with his cousin in Ravenswood. Mr. Burdett Ketchem of Chicago spent ta+Jwaett-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Richards, 2626 Harrison street Mr. A. D. Mortenson, 2218 Central street, has returned from a ten days' visit with MS sitter, Mrs. George Per- ham of Michigan. ^ Mrs. Geo. Betts and her two sons, Franklin and Wesley, 2713 Prairie avenue, left Saturday for Milwaukee for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Arthur J. Morgan and two chil- dren, 222 Main street, are spending the month of August at Bunard'a Bay as the guests of Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. Leekley. Miss Inabel Branch, 2101 Harrison street, left Sunday afternoon to spend a number of days as the guest of the Misses Ruth and Virginia Kem- per of Chicago. Miss Bartba 8chmidt, 1130 Madison street, and Miss Thresa Arndt, «0* Asbury avenue, are planning on spend- ing a few weeks at Ottawa, HI., and Elgin visiUng friends. Misa B»sie Hoest of Milwaukee, to visiting ber cousin, Misa Laura Ko- boldt, 911 Forest avenue, has Just Te- tumed from a live 4ays' trip with Mia* Hoest at Lake Zurich. IB. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarence I Brown and family, 2236 Harrison Btreet, left Monday loir a two weeks* camping outing at Forward Movement, Saugatuck, Mich. <- - Miss May Palm, 2607 Prairie ave- nue, left Saturday evening tor 6n% kama, Micb., where aba will spend a week camping with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dale and family of 2327 Central street B. C. Kavanaugh, 823 Oakton street, has left on his vacation. He will make an extended trip through the of the principal m^cwmm mi^ «« honor of Mrs. Wilbrandt of St LoUIs, Mrs. Thor Schreiber of St. Louis and Mrs. Negiey of' Mftes City, Mont ; Master Bsterly Page, 827 Hlnman avenue, ha* gone home with his grand- mother, Mrs. J. H. Page of Whitewa- ter, Wis., who has been visiting ber son, Mr. Hurbert Page and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russian, 801 Colfax street, had aa, their guest Thursday Mra Russum's unele, A. P. Harris, a delegate from Oklahoma to the- Progressive convention in Chi- b*f \?Y> s .i a v. A &' >■ )t ■ Dr." and Mr» M> A. Root and son, Melvin, 2409 Harrison street nave re- turned from a two weeks* automobile trip || jbetroit and Lansing. Mich., where frfends and relatives were vis- ited. ' "■ ;;;'4'-s ; Y.-"J:.^fy -y ■ Mrs. John Bllis, 2808 Sherman ave- nue, has gone on a three weeks' trip to Brockton, Mass., where she will visit her husband's niece and; returning, will atoii aj; C9eveland, Ohio, and visit and Mrs. J. W. Heed, forehehd arid son. Thomas, who have been vjsit^ at{^ boaie of Mr. "' :ioi|iai#: In Canada. Miss Folly Fischer and Mr. George Edward Davii were quieGy married at St Mary's church Monday the Rev. Father Thomas Bgan omciatlng. After an funded eastern, t^ Mr, mi<| Mr* {after September ;i§. ; „c ^ .; ^ ' 1 llrSi CBmrles |t Roberto of Hartray avenue and Lincoln street, returned Friday tram a two weeks' visit aa the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wilson of Freeport. 111. Her niece, MUs Agnes Wilson, accompanied her and will stay for an indefinite period. VJMisa l^innVatt, 8712 Stanley ave- nue, entertained a number of bar friends a* a .party S|and*yevening in honor of Miss Henrietta Alice Knox of Oklahoma, formerly of Bvanston, who is spending this month at the home of bet aunt, Mrs. Richard Harvey of Cen- tral street A number of young people of the ~:^;^.^TLi5* ^ northern part of Evanston enjoyed a very delightful evening at the home otlsr. Bhrin MacRae, 2109 Park place, ^^ Saturday. Although a irs^^rl^#*^^ Ungate park bid lieen nlasmas^a>nMfe iy time was jeported by alL Wbe> wetw arasoat ara and ajstl^ Grantham, Miibel llaaon. Rath liar Judson avenae, are ant for a camping trip to Ontario, Canada. Mr. 4. B; A» Shinner of Los An- gelea, Gal., formerly of Bvanston, vis- ited with friends in Bvanston Sunday. Mr. Bvaratt Cook, 116 Dfsnpster street returned Wednesday from a "hike" through the Wntte mountains. Mr. and Mra. Thomas R. Hair moved Tuesday from the Parker apaitmettts to their new home, 1037 SJheridan road. Mrs. Margaret;i Patterson, 829 Irte street is entertaining Mrs. Abraham Shepard and daugnter, from Wichita, i^an. "'"' " 4 ••■tv '■" ■*' Misa Florence Moore, IW Main Street, left Saturday far * inoi!itb%*rto through Yellowstone park and Colo- rado* ' ■■.■,■ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Bflias Bhtebe and twil children, 907 Chicago avenue, are vb> iting Mr. Sbiebe's parenta in Remus, Mich. Mr. ana Mrs. K. H. BUs, 819 Madi- son street, are spending their vaca- tion at Bpworth Heights^ Ludington. Micb.."-* ■■..■-■•. -'■-■■■" *J>Y' Mr. Addison Millard, 1884 Htoman avenue, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. William H. Bartlett of Vermejo Park, Mrs. Chariea Hathaway, 819, forest avenue, left: Wednesday for^^lnw Mf^Yiifc^tiawV-la^^ ,M(r:{B5^ imy%m «. Davidaon of PhUa|e> ^i';i»a..-Is- ts#-JNaat^lls^^, Mra. P; R. Sb^eniaker, ^4W Marrlson street" "^ '■ Mr. and Mra. Alfred i^ Bogart, 1118 Maple avenue, we ente«^ining Hiv and Mrs. AlfraoV G*mb# oT#ubl^ Ireland.Y"-^r *> 1 ^&&t*.*%i Mr. and --,-- ......... .......... , son, WaRongmi(»ar^^ B^ 810 Ck*lfax-;i!rtr^Y..--"Y^ -, YY n Mr! i^dalrfe^eoiie Bnrdsal oT Co)- viUe. Waab., fornaerly^ of «*anston,nre the gnaata Of: ;-*fe ^ W. Burdsal, Sr., 1004 Htoman avenue. , Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Jlaatmatt and little daughter. 1186 Michigan avenue, returned Tuesday from a three weeks trip to Georgian Bay. ^ ■ ^ Mr. W. D. Allen and dangbter»Ruth, 1628 Hinmah avenue, retnfned last week from Mlcbmtndlaii Mich. Jtfrs. AUen will return later. Mrs. A. B. Phlpps, 2121 Orrington avenue, and Miss Mary B. Bayliss. 2K8i aarteell street, left yesterday tor Ocean Grove, tf.'.J. Mra. Charles:j;»ol^rtB. «802 Hart- W- aUnne, is jrttiOng relatives m| Freeport, lit Jsrv Roberts Is baslnesa trip in Kansas. Y^| Mra. Cbarles Goeasling of Texas, formerly of Mvaaaton, la the gueat of her broker. Mr. J. S^ymodr Carrey, 1808 Judson avenue. Mrs. W. D. Chapman, 2616-«rafrle avenue, left Thursday for Akron; OWo, where ana^ win be ^ie gueat ^af»a^ daughter, Mrs. J. H. Adama. ^ Y Professor and ■Mrav;i>.r;|^;4^^^ and family, 724 Foster street, b*v|^ tOf*ed f^?|*l^«onnWG#io^'w^^ daugbter, nue, spent woei Michigan! ^^||<|;:at' avenue, has been spending *** wttbYMis^ Wi' Bay,.'Wia.^Yi^?l^^v':'.; is entertaining Mrs. Wilbrandt her daughter, Miss Virginia, ojg Louis, Mi^r^t^J-^\J"":.' . ','p Mrs. |>wBl^;5|6*^^^A^b«ry ai left Wednesday to spend the the -..a^iaa*^^!^^ land Park. :fiS8k&M$$i '■■ ■ ■ :^^|Ba|^^^^ per of Cbicago are the guesta of ;jo|i£^^Sin^ this week. & ^f^x'* ' ^^mi;,^tWtg^^mki.919 Madi street, are entertaining Mr. brother, Mr. SrnestGoscb of Point, Ind.....- - ^ Y%.g,■'-*•" Mr. and MrS. A. B. Dale and ft 2327 Central street, are spendli month at tbe Y. M. C. A. camp at kimia^^I^fc^^^-. YYv ,: -tiri;;^4ii^^0^m :Lott 922 Hlnman avenue, returned Tue frOm->:irtaiii';ai^ Pueblo, C$sv; Y^|S?frY Mrs. George M. Furness' of ;dena»^^ft^|^p^ia- week, at _ $jjji|^ 746 Jl 5|fta|iJi^^ 816 Mom street >s entertaininf her cousins, tb| Missaa Mary and BUaabeth Dawson " Tb* Miaaea Alllni lid Sara Ray of Burlina^o^^iB^^ Misa Ro^ Greer, 1001 Hamwood ai r. George Engelhard, 1621 Him avenue* hat gone on a two weekf' I ness trip to Kansaa City, St. and iam!&&&^f^ Mrs; Russell Whitman and John and Wihaww, 1884 Asbury ai nue, will return neatt Monday fi North Port* Mien; ^**Y Dr. and Mrs.: fi^;^Marder daughter, I>>is, 910 THinman aveni ;Lake,' Newaygo,; 14^;;f ■ V '." Mr. and Mrs. Wimam Cbilman Detroit Mich., are the guests of thei cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hal ford, 674 Ii^eeide place. Mrs. R. Clarence Brown and chM§ Mr. and Mrs. C^leton H. Pendleton and children^ 1735 Orrington aven are viaiting Mrs. Pendleton's sister, Mr/ and Mra. George W, Hotdiklssi w^y-mm^^yM^aM" "" Maora, nMUTia«* In a T««ion of four gener* dren, 2263 Harrison slreet accomj iad by Miss LeiU Trivess, left SaN day for 8aagatuck, Mich. ' :|^:;i|a^«lelt;J^^ and chl * "'" ■"""' "" "'"^"~"" "■""f "'■"' avenue, I«|| Tuesday for Frankfort Ind. Mr.Johi i*3^j^w!& fo^la^vto^.' y Mrs. i"^siteiiNoj^,1226 a$sa^'^'f«iiMsi>^s^ franfti visiUng relatives Sine* May.

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