to her iatiM Attff |0» ip|<?jr«W« ▼«*- tion in:'|pip'§ii,:., .„;,,„. . _r MasUr Oeoi^ Rectenwald lsepend' tag a ie^;;iij^>ra her duties in the city after •pending an extended vacation_ at her home. *4'AJ,w'i ~~" -*^^- •■ • • ■■■-■ ^|^|||^^ ■* Mr«."B!9liKiP;*:* Mr^in|l§ji^ agent :a&|&fi|§^ Mr. ■ Ai;g|^i$^ mtb. ^d|i$epi^^ Spent sr 'V^:^0?^-'^^,y.m^ia^!m^^'i home.. ofJ«li|gl|^^ Aloysus and F«t^ i returned ft^^||^|i^p^^^<:M|^ motor boat oh They 'oitfr.'j|l(^ Ington. <■ -■'^^'^m$^^^WW0i'^"'- b^uw one of the dty oMlnanc^1 On tM C. Poarch ha» returned from Ind,V where sire has been itiMliai?^ 5&'stiiiiVJw^ Jil B^ohe* ^ al Maater Hdwara «w da*f at thf home k^i^, penae to have the treea trimmed. V^£^;#!£' .3.1dence dl^ct that U a<^V»«ted :|sf^^:*wn^^ by the ltmba of trees han»iii« low wr ^##l2l#iillM^ii^P## .iiiiiWSi^i^^ |$$f$fi§5$^ 3^^;:$$ii^ ^JtiiW'ii^ projwrty owner* t^y h^ve been ^ ..........fc __:.^..'........?iKSiN^ "■*■....."■""""""'"..... ordUnano* atata* that the tr&n^r ^...... ihay mean that Jlffi ▼ersary of the ep X. was ce in* the superstition thai t» have ne^ hased W the |ion^a oiQi presenUment that he wonld iojt com- pleto Uit::&fcg& Peter. : -f:^0^^^^f^r:r':T The eeremw took plaoe In the 81a* tine ehane^ th^ p«pal 4^^ mg In tnWataae, together with «Jt the^ mm cardliialaMXtom^miuaen^ and ftm<«oa»jrfei, e^ ai^ mau etedftaA to the holy aee, the knights oC IWta, 'and many UUed and exalted jNl^^M^i^^^fe^^fe; The iwpe'l alatetw ahid niece oecn- pied one of |he titt«goa> Hla hollneaf , wearingjlip^ie^^^;^^ mantle, '^w0i^y0r^, &&&, (WhV rounded by the ^We guard and the Swlaa aTffttw^i'--- -- ,.^"-'*>^-^;,"i"""':"'v;"--;"' C^Mtoai torry del Val-c mass. ■ Abbe l^ernel, tho fj|i^:^o^ dIreetel.:W'ialBs«^^4'./";-- -?'*&^: :;.. Hla holiness seemed to be In v&naiir ft* any good health, which he attrtbnted 10 the coniiprattTe cootoeaf of .tie «umnieRj-|p|i^9aahi^ dered 1,00* M|w ient to the free food I- * II «& <]rs't m PHH WW with «?$$§■ ■ > .iriMW-Tt maiftimmtma^m W^ SK m- 'nistt store and ugc their Bona-1 „ Manufacturer's Credit Vouch- er as part payment toward the purchase of a new piano, we will give the choice of a beau- tiful Chest of Silver, Genuine Diamond Binar, Gentlemen's Gold Watch. This GoWWiteh 2D years ■■■'■■■i'^-M mm KftZiSl^ir^" Diamond Ring <!m?k ?m. ^4:^1 :*&j,*&-ix. W'i #tt»^^Sffl5^;-^^§f*» &'■ W *-\i P ■ M* ■!k$ri ':"i ______.j!^-i-~--:::fi-aa*, arrange them tik the sonarea ao that when added toget vertically, and liorisontally the total will make IS. &> munber can be used more than twice. ■il ;S7' & free the premiums given below. vv".""" '"'■/■' ■■'Zt'-?"^ ^V:'.u-\: ■^v;.H-'*7~-c ,';r^- i r¥ottw^l»iiota^i^ N O^imeperg^ma^ ^»»*i»WI!l""«^-^^«*W»««™W«i""<P MMMMiMMMM *R>^ *^f ^' ,„i^iiiw^tii^ wh&iaptrol and\immatii _________,-Jmg tW» ad^Kai^ of the tciliommg^^m piano niaiiSlactiiiw and (teitermliiaye trfed '^i^aiiW--^ expose of pkira^ Tte«d Bjrth-qmgm„ ^ of hiring soKcitors/payiilgcoTiiiriissions to piano and the one m which the |mi?^^ This j^ the age of ^TOration and manufactory coiTed;ly believe that tte [net is to spetid the 0n^plo3infi^wo6d^i mSiodfll^aaldng mm ■ M money in offers to the p^>ple rather than by ^ v^ and making the people pay for rnich 3&i s=^g "«5.->y * -- CONTEST CLOSES AUGUST 20th, 19 ^s.^*a iSsAjlaSiiStiiao