Mm m. « Robbers Caught Within il^liP^' After They W|l iditen and Robbed Wcholas] Phillips, P&S ■Mp: AT "L" DEPOT ml'*. W: work by two members of the police force Sunday morning rMulte* in 4Jto capture of two bold- HP ::nim^*fim *re thought to be des- perate characters, and the return of ft* to ^iehdlaa Phillips, who had been robbed by the pair. Officers Leaning and Johnston, who ^fjUi working together, walked into ibe police station Sunday morning about 1 o'clock and had not been there but a few moments when the pass* rang. Sergeant T. L. Dickin- son anawered tbe call and was told 'f)MKt% man had been robbed near the corner of Greenwood boulevard and Quit avenue. The two officers were detailed on the case. Hurrying to the scene of the hold- up timy found Nicholas Phillips. It rtepk but a minute for the man to tell the officers he had been beaten and robbed and that his assailants had "i gone toward the "L." tracks. He was I told to go to the police station and Appearance of New Pay-As- You-Enter Cars in Evans- ton Caused Consider- able Excitement. WAS PLEASANT SURPRISE wait there until they returned. osseers then started on their for the robbers. The hunt Locate the Five minutes later the two police- men were walking past the Dempster street **!/* station, when Lanning looked up to the platform and saw two men. As the men on the plat- form saw the officers they Jumped back out of sight Leaning and Johnston lost no time in getting to the platform. When they started to question the pair the suspect* acted suspiciously and were started for the police sta- tion. The man Lanning was leading dropped a pocketbook, which struck the officer on the foot Picking it Up the policeman found It was sim- ilar to the one Phillips claimed he had been r alloyed of. An soon as the officers opened the door of the police station and took the }nen in, Phillips recognized them. The men were searched and the prop- erty of Phillips was found In their possession; The evidence against them was too strong and the hold-up men had nothing to say. p*. ■'-; "'r^:yMtoi. Olven Beating. PMWpei who ^yee at 021 Anbury arej^, ioW the palice he was walk- . ^pbo^a, and as he neared 4he cor- ner of greenwood boulevard and Oak u aTenue the men Jumped out at him. ^ Phillips started to fight the pair but they proved too strong foe him* Dur- £-':-&\M^**#* he^wfc^vefply beaten ftf^aoM-the tace. *M :;^rJftli:h*Ir finally knocked him down k:>2?&tt*li&l- hie money and; other artl: $W'1W!~&***11**\ a fl*s£ kick they WS^M**t*'tor toe ^^Mnp^JMflM ■ife& oeived. crawled to a nearby house lpl^<^^-1a#li*eii»^ the,, occupants, He igi%s*«*l Jo% ©PJI the police. ^M$^¥^^^&sm^ w*to jave the names :-W£;'ii^ *B| *•** ******** wJwB ■•*rc|wa' not more than IS years old, the police W$10i^*^-b** c&iniiial records 4 ae* thu wffl be looked up at the Chicago detective n^danarters. mm^UmiiM^m^^, Jfrsaston are we- |y i:i'iT't' --^*-- ----»-- ti^ order their suppUes in advance for #edUua^lw^ owing te the fact that ..... beeloeadUoa theafter- af« of Ibat day dortng the month ■■•■ ii^F^iw"-'^'"' M m^ av^Aji ei4er Traffic stopped, commuters, hurry* mg to catch their trains, slackened their pace, business men rushed to the store windows, and in fact all Evanston was startled When hew pay- as-you-enter oars were seen in opera? tton on the Evanston surface line Saturday. It was the most pleasant surprise party that has been sprung on the local public In a long time. For years the traction company has been using its old cars on the local line and the public at large has constant- ly been dissatisfied and have con- tinually complained to the city offi- cials, asking them to try to better the conditions. The city was powerless because the company was operating its cars under a franchise, and although the company showed little regard for the agreement, nothing was ever done. It has been rumored that when the present franchise expires, which will be one year hence, the council would refuse to regrant it , Fear for Franchise. It is thought that this rumor has reached the ears of the traction com- pany's officials, and fearing that the local solons will refuse to grant them a new franchise, have decided that it is time to give something better to the Evanston people. The cars that have been in use here for years are old ones. They are relics of the Pan-American expo- sition. They are in poor condition and are also unsanitary. Consequent ly the appearance of the up-to- date pay-ae-you-enter cars Saturday caused quite a stir to patrons who are forced to use the cars or walk. Many have' preferred to do the latter. While the general public was great- ly surprised to see the entirely un- expected move, the city officials eould not believe their eyes ;$ri*en the first of the new cars was aOen to pasa the city hall. ■':--. ▲ representative of this paper Was in tile office of John H. Moore, com- missioner of public works, when the oar made its appearance. The at- of the \<ftn|QiBaioner was __ ^ IP;-jt.4 Taw!*|one look, Mr. Moore rubbed his eyes, looked again and sank into a nearby chair. Another one of the city officials was called to look at the car so that the story, would stand when £ it was repeated. Those In the city hall who had not seen the cars refused to be- lieve It when they were told of the new oars, Despite the appearance of the cars, there axe still those who will not be- lieve that they are a permanent fix- ture. Some maintain the company is merely playing a Joke on the pub- lic. Others claim that the cars are being used ^wliile the old ones are being given another piling and over- hauling. If it is found that the cars will be left on the Evanston line for all time agitation will be started for better facilities at Howard avenue, where It is necessary to wait sometimes in changing care. It is hoped the trac- tion company's officials will also: do in this matter. ' y Efficient Work of H||)th Oe^ partment Keeps Milk Meve Required Standard-Make Weekly Tests. MILK GIVEN RIGID TEST Following decent and HoWups, Chief of Police Shaffer Puts Qn More Nlcemeti. d # ALSO STOPS VACATIONS work of the iston ie great danger and sisters are e milk question, large proper- 111 rough the health departs! are kept free their Chicago b confronted with $ which has now at tions. "' " .yi ... ^ -.. ...... The large, expose made of the milk: dealers in Chicago who have bean furnishing milk that is unsafe for use has caused many.. ETvanston parents much worry, and this paper has been requested to investigate the situation in this city. "The condition of the milk deliv- ered in Evanston is satisfactory, al- though we make weekly tests of all the dealers' milk to be sure they are giving the babies good milk/' said Dr. S. V. Balderstoh, health commis- sioner, to a reporter for tills paper. "Once a week one of the health de- partment's men goes out early in the morning and takes samples from the wagons of every dealer. This is taken to the laboratory and Is pat through an Intricate test With the exception of one case, it has been found to be above the standard re- quired by law. Small Dealers. "As is the case In Chicago and else- where, the trouble is found with the so-called small dealers.. About two weeks ago there was a case in which | one dealer was found to be watering his milk. He was summoned in court and although it was proven his nu*lk was below standard the health de- partment lost the ease on a caltty. "in feeding babies milk the should get the best If they cannot afford to buy certffled milk theT should be sure they get milk that hi pasteurised or they should pastsrise the milk themselves," continued the head of the locej health department. "Milk that .la $^*l^eS0$:&ai tains bacte^\p£fcjfte^^ theria, ' scarlet fever ■ and" jifeyj^lffiiO jiiiiii fi ■ The beating and robbing of Nich- babies | olas Phillips early Sunday, following the burglaries of some days ago and several other lesser thefts, has led Chief of Police Shaffer to enlarge his Evanston night police force. . The hea£ of the polios $9Paljtn*nit announced this? morning that the night jtoree would be more^ thi» ^bie^.^ an effort to put a stop tb^ali burglaries, hold-ups and other work of thieves. The new order will a** into effect at once, ten more officers being detailed on night work. Simultaneous with the enlargement of the night force the police head also notified the officers that no more va- cations would be allowed until later on in the year. ? .»-* .-'^ ,.*>•■? '^ Chief Shaffer IB determined that the wate of crime that has swept the^ city must stop immediately. Every available officer will be placed on night duty to help in the war against the "erooks." Those who- have not had their vacations as yet| will be forced to wait until later in the year.,/ ■• ,." ..*..> "_': M*ny Vacant Homes* ' The fact that a large number of i Evanston families are out of the city; for the summer months has been a good drawing card to the burgters. The men evidently realised they stood very little chance of feeing Inter- |m^. rupted In ttieir wor|t eat ■•0^^tim^W houses, and for mis wason this city f has proven to te$wa^M& |o» thieves. It is possible some homes have been entered but that it win not be discovered until tbe families re- turn. - ": 'J'vt:1"" During the past two months there nave been a number of burglaries and two hold-ups. One burglar, a man with a long criminal record, was cap- tured by the police after a desperate fight Other burglaries were com- mitted, but ho trace of the thieves were found. Some weeks ago two pro*sot mi ; Chief Shaffer ,inoi^rofi^e|^^^ 8etttio%;ifc|*fe^ cient police^ new ':^plau ill1 ^olocsii ^,^%';Bvan8t ee|i4|«eceiving gratulationi of their ' .fellow! and friend^ about the city.;,. being the arrival of new mt iathef J^t^r^^jijoiuid." Louis Windelborn is equal 'h^ new,' juiu^^J|.Scmilt his boy will he the star m« depajrtien|;a^|^ " fronts: llppirai-ai Fswt i'Ht?, .HfArt PhoatCt means in tile milk ^d and If ito standard deal with OLD FLAGPOLE TAKEN fever. The tuberctiline test some cows shows whether or they are suffering from tubereulosls. Equipment "The city^is babies, who.depehd lng the summer^; is put through-ia the milk is not; the denier win7 the lasw." High-priced instruments to make toe testing accurate have been pur- chased by tbe health department, and with the best analysts in charge of the work, the testing could not be improved on. One instrument recently purchased, by the city, the refractometer, hay proved itself very useful. By using tola instrument it is possible to as- f certain exactly how much water the dealer has put in his milk. In test- ing for butter fat there are several methods used so that one must beat out the other and prove the finding to be correct* -. The milk sold to Bvanaton people f wilt be kept under close supervision by the health department and as soon as it drops below .the required standard the dealer; will be sum- moned Into court and prosecuted. "The babies must be protected/* toe way B*. Baideratoa looks at it '•fei-.i ; ^jk^jM&tom served man>;. yeapifs: thei^officls* fte«pole of Bvanstonii the peto on top of the eity hall has vast the large one in! toe of toe'.......... _ i C«oa»RD "DEAD LINE." * k JmUns Duriilmatt, eoloT^e^ Dempster street, Evanston^ wee arrest- g|8jg^|tjplsirtejiitfe severe St Foimto ^sa ehargea^ w*^ ^ tt jmiximmr mwcmKea.'stfmmitfm'xx** S&m'ifr"' tit* Come .ft'Jsi water that PKowK ;-*S mn 818 ftoy< ■■mmsatmsHimiatxamammMB** »-*»• * ** ts Ihe time to nd figure oj We will call at your convenient Peterson 30 Hoi North Shore Phones: ftralston lp3< lolrdei Fal for const Main ^l^ife^iietkg. WWM We already Your inspection ?*f isiia, ^TOM||j&^ al'1 n^fPlfi^ISS*