Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1912, 1, p. 6

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wimsmsmm ffiSISS ^^^^f:,'v ^*;||$ iu---s '■-- tiki WW^m-'lMS&k' Uoyd will spend a > 7 weak at White Lake, Mich. [^'^■ij^-^S^K' • Wqbner -will Bpend a || jpw we«1is at Benton Harbor, Mich. ^g^ltr. maa W». Fred Beaumier of Mlk ^:lW^*ni^'Vfew days at 1311 Oweiiwood ayenne. ' " " liR B.. B. Collins, who has been In lousiness trip, re- tHlnday;'* •-'■-•■ Reader of Chicago is spending week with her sister, Mrs. B. P. entjfnl avenue. :. ,bel*ihanftz of Central ave- whdvha#i been viaiting in Pitts- returne|| Saturday. £•' s . and Mrlfc Di^eary, 1222 Wll- avenue, are spending the week e Dells in Wisconsin. LauraJ3teele of'Lake Forest Adjg^thf week with Miss Mary r, 1451 $7lltoe*te Wenue. fetff-Mrs* A. P. Sterrett of Lake left Tuesday for a few weeks' in northern Wisconsin. F. M. Paul of Meade, Kan., has been visiting friends in Wil- returned home last Friday. Pot Luck Luncheon club met home of Mrs. Arthur C. Wilson aukegan, formerly of Wilmette. r. and Mrs. J. D Roth and family, Forest avenue, left on Monday a short stay in northern Mich- Margaret and Edith Frimbgen kport, N. Y., have been visiting and '^rs^J^H. Dougherty of 1311 avenue. > and Mrs. A. Ber*back, 530 hington street, have just complet- » most delightful motor trip gh Wisconsin, tins Alva Tuerk> ,|44l Forest ave- attended # houg© party at Ham- Lake, Wis., Where she expects t for two weeks. and Mrs. F. A. Buck and little Gordon, 1215 Lake avenue, will e Saturday for several weeks' va- in in northern Michigan. . Carl ^IschMjeder, hi Park ne, who fcW been visiting in Green, Wis., for the past few returned home last week. Elizabeth Hoffman, 1713 For- avenue, has gone to St. Charles, for a few/ months' vacation and Nellie $cW will join her later. .. and Mrs. Francis I. Walker two children left Thursday morn- Ifor a two months' visit with rela- at Louisville, Ky., and Asheville, ire. Join p. JSmrich, 539 Park ave- returaed home Thursday after iding several weeks with her ler, Mrs. C. S. Siye of Rogers Jolly Matrons' club met at the of Hrs#: V- Wiisofc 1217 Lake roe, ^ |?edj^§day afternoon, and hours were X«ey Linn and Donald Linn, George R. Linn, 810 Forest have 4a*t returned,, after fei$n month]§ on the Pacific WHliam" Boltwood and daugh- Ellsabeth, of Park avenue, who [been spending several weeks with mother tn Iola, Kan., returned :':>*s£ j % i- ■; : LUBan ftapfe gavd a surprise to e$ne|rlf $er^bf|ther*B twen- anniversary Thursday evening. a number of out-of-town guests and ,Mrf*J$rnest Meyers and daughters,, 411 ]West Railroad lefr jMoylay for Wiatertown, From <*thertt they expect to go Dells. and Mrs. Waiter Zibble, 1233 ti avenue, are receiving con- of thetr friends upon, the " ' |jjjgj^w^\fta^ lo Bacardi Cotttte. 1300 Central entertained a number of at luncheon on Tuesday of week in honor of Mrs. D. L. Bray Mre. Frank M. Pa% and Mrs. Mlehw Mrs. Roy Tompaon Bpent the past week at Neenah, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Sackman left Saturday for" Misawaka, Ind. Albert ScheldenbeJm left this week to visit relatives at Mendota, 111. Mr. and Mra A. C. Wenban and son, Robert, left Tuesday for Fifleld, Wis. ' Miss Gertrude Ketchum left for. St Paul, where she expects to spend a month. The Woman's Auxiliary club held its annual picnic at Ravinla park Tuesday. Mr. G. R. Duce of Kline street is entertaining his father of Milwaukee for a few weeks. Miss Katherine Van Deuser of Hyde Park is spending the week with Miss LuciJe Drake. Dr. Leaf, who has been quite ill at the hospital, has recovered and is able to be at his office again. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Deutsche and family spent Sunday with Mr. andjweek. Mrs. H. Happ, Doyle eourt. Miss Pearl Pelves of Chicago spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Happ of Central avenue.' Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Jacobs of Park avenue made a three-day automobile trip to Wauconda, 111., last week. Mrs. T. Feeney and daughter, Mary Jane, of Chicago, are spending a few days with Mrs. D. L. Earl of Doyle court. Mr. John A. Bergman, formerly of Charles street, has occupied one of Mr. Johnson's houses at 524 Fifteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dury of Cen- tral avenue left Saturday for a short visit at Grand Rapids and Walloon .Lake, Mich, A number of Wilmette folks attend- ed a mock dedication of the Danish National park Sunday at Highland park, Racine, Wis. Mrs. L. E. West and daughter, Ruth, of Rock Island, will spend a month with Mrs. R. E. Collins at 1536 Lake avenue. Mr. Leo Lear and Adrain Hassen- auer of Wapakoneta, O., will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Joseph Lear, 1637 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Reese, 1718 Forest avenue, who attended the golden wedding of Mrs. Reese's brother, Mr. N. Schubert, in Wapa- koneta, O., returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Runtz of Gross Park and William Phaltz of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lear. Mrs. Dr. John Segsworth and chil- dren, 1147 Wilmette avenue, who have been spending the last few weeks in Michigan returned the last part of the week. -* Mr. and Mrs. Herman Herbon and Mrs. J. A. Herbon attended the fu- neral of Mrs. George .Vesper, who died at the home of her daughter in Ra- vinla last Thursday. Miss Hattie Latham and Mrs. Lewis Babcpck left Saturday for LeJ Chene- aux Islands, near MackinacV Mich., where they will visit Mrs. Carl R. Latham at her summer home. A number of young folks of the Bp- worth league enjoyed a hay-rack ride to/ Glen View Saturday night Those Who attended were: Miss Lucile Drake, Nettie Kaufman, Gladys Har- ris, Ellen Rosberg, Miss Van Deuser, Nulla Buck, Hazen Patterson, Wil- liam Wisehart, Carlton Gould, Ear- nest Gould, Curtis Colegrove, John Dean. The body of Mrs. Eliza Olmstead, aged 70 years, who died Friday morn- ing in Bremen, Ind., arrived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Wade, 1529 Charles street, Saturday, The funeral was held Monday morn- tog at Mrs. Wade's residence, the Rev. Be Long of Oak Park officiating The remains were taken to Rochester. N. Y., for burial Mrs. Wade accom- panied the body. The Ouilmette Country club an- nounces the following program for the month of August: -. ^f Saturday, 10th--Cards, bridge, 8:30: is. m. >*W*ei^Vi^#itr*. A^|^*rtie*;; 't^'*ejkt:- ■y^'-mtw |. ■' Mrs. F. L. Joy is entertaining her brother, Mr. Watkins, of Rochester, New York. Miss Eunice Moore of Oak Park is visiting her cousin, Miss Mildred Mo- Cullough, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradley and family, 1104 Forest avenue, are sum- mering at Ephriam, Wis. Rev. S. F. Kidder of Madison, Wis., will occupy the pulpit of the Congre- gational church on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. William Mann and family, 1121 Greenwood avenue, spent the week-end at Starved Rock. The Drama Study class Will meet with Mrs. Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, on Wednesday next » Miss Dorothy Northern spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Von Bechter and family of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Tompson, 1419. Central avenue, returned last week' from a two weeks' stay at Charlevoix. Mr. and Mrs. John Iliff, 1115 Green- wood avenue, expect to leave the last of the weak for Oaakama, Mich., for a Canadian and U. S. Govern- ments Work Together to Lo- cate Boundary^ f^tween the Two Countries. WILL TAKE A LONG TIME 1032 Greenwood ior Oanr t ^P^*\»^rls,e^r i Mr eutoenobile «■* #e si^diniria, ( Friday, 16th--Cards, bridge, 2: SO Ju»«g? Saturday, 17th--Informal fl«^»|»f> < *8aturd*y. 24th--Cards, bridge, r.SO ^-v!snv*>>«_ :':■.*■.. Saturday, 31st--fofonnal desdac Ml** M. R, HiokejR 1^13 Forest ave- nue, left this week to spend a few weeks at Waukesoo Inn. near Holland, Mieh. '*•' Mr. and Mrs. P. W: Cutler, 1016 Ash- land avenue, left this ,week for a few weeks' fishing trip in northern Wis- consin. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Skinner re- turned to their home on Sunday after an extended western trip of two months. Mrs. Westby and daughters. Misses Flora Eva and Winefred Westby, are spending a few weeks at Lake Dele- van, Wis. Mr. Howard Cutler has been spend- ing several days at Delevan, Wis., at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Allen. Mrs. Roy H. Huntsman, 211 Ninth street, is entertaining her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of New York City. and children leave Friday for Petoe- key and Bay YleW, Mich., to be gone three weeks. Mrs. J. D. Roth and children and Mrs. Salsbury, mother of Mrs. Roth, left this week for Onekama, Mich., for a couple of weeks. / The Neighborhood circle of the Con- gregational church met at the home of Mrs. L. P. Sykes, 825 Lake avenue. Luncheon was served. Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Lowrie and son, 1023 Lake avenue, returned Mon- day from Moline, 111., where they have been for the past week. The Ladies of the W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. E. U. Norton, 370 Walnut street, Winnetka, for a picnic on the beach on Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. King and two children, 626 Washington avenue, returned this week from Tfruglan, Mich., where she has been for "the ^Bit "vuek. Mrs. F. J. fhAeldenhelm and daugh- ters, Margaret, Fiantes and Mary Louise, left Monday to spend two weeks at Xake «amlfti, Mich. Miss Don*h? fifljf ISftft OTBenwood avenue, leaves Thursday of this week for Davenport, Iowa, and espects io re- main for the month of August Ellsworth Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Taylor, Chicago, and for- merly of Wilmette, was a guest of the E. L. Scheidenhelms last week. - Miss Elisabeth Parker of Orange, Conn., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Melville Brown. Mies Parker expects: to spend the summer and fall in Wil- mette. Since the summer of 1900 the Joint commission appointed by the United States and Canadian/governments to locate and mark the boundary line separating British territory from Alaska has been actively engaged in this work, pushing the line north* ward from the> Yukon *o Porcupine rfver by the end of'th< 19X0 season. Last summer the field operations were advanced farther along that part of the one hundred and forty- first meridian, which extends from Porcupine river to the Arctic ocean, and it is believed that the present year will witness the completion of this part of the survey. Realizing that its well-equipped field organization afforded unusual facilities in this remote and rather inaccessible region for gathering' much information not directly con- nected with the particular work of; locating and marking the boundary line, the joint commission extended an invitation, which was readily ac- cepted, to the geological survey of Canada and the United State geolog- ical survey to send geologists to ac- company the field parties during 1911 and * 1912, and to examine the geology along the boundary from the Yukon to the Arctic. Countries Co-operated. The most satisfactory arrangement for making such a geologic examina- inJi headwater** .eilx _. Kit * 'fiowt'life^?^ sm-W^l^ 111., is becoming the mecca number of _cna<jaf^||gWN<Mfth women wh&i*|i!p! w china. ; ■'•■ •■^i^lf^^pfeaps She has a employes pi china every day are invited *to/:e^Ju||^^ From, the Notth' Shbwr1 fowW best way t»'fri&JMtifeiA ftp Fullerton avenue an4 take the! face cars west She---Is marrtt a way, gettini like using the telephone. wHe--How.sot ,'*')*'"%:. She--One doesn't always get party one wants, V.'^' • ...^ ' NEWS WANT ADS »RINQ RESi Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scheldenheim ^lon^^n the two summers appeared Lake avenue, entertained the End Circle of the Ladles' AM society of the First ttmgregstional church at her home on Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. George Ht Cole, 911 Oreenwood avenue, have as their Mr. Cole's sister and .niece, Mrs. John M. Boot and Miss Bertha Root of Jackson, Mich. > Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Walker and fam- ily, 1315 Ehnwood avenue, are ins a two uo^tha^ vaxaitlon Vlaiflng relatives in IndhtsapoUs;. IndL« U>ttte> viHt, Ky^and "'^'" '--' ^ "^ ter or Wooster, Mam, nave tieen the ff^ guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. I«, 2S6. Ninth - street. ^MtSv7 Uriker and east e«; of tills woek sn* emc* to be to be to assign one of. the two sec- tions of the line to each government, as otherwise there would have been much duplication of work and* the ob- servers would be required to traverse the whole length of both Sections. Under the arrangement adopted the Canadian geologists undertook to examine the southern or Yukon- Porcupine section and the United States geologists the northern or Porcupine-Arctic section. The United States geologists last Carlton Kaumeyer is spending his vacation at Port Huron and other lale resorts. Mrs. Mackie, Miss Bredbeck and Miss McCritchie of Clinton, Ohio, are guests at th« homes of Walter W. Bald- win, 212 Woodbine, and C. L. Keith, 222 Ninth street. Mrs. N. C. Thayer, 610 Central ave* nue, is entertaining at a house party this week. ^ Her guests are her sister; Miss Leighton of. Sioux Rapids, Iowa, and aunt, Mrs. Mceher and Mis#j Mesher, instructor in mathematics Ui lowa State college. ] One of the young ladles classes off tiie Wilmette M. XL Sunday school planned a- marshmallow roast to he held on the beach Thursday evening Inviting, the young men's class to be their guests. The heavy rains 6f the afternoon spoiling their plans they gathered at the home of their teacher, Mrs. F. A. Buck, 1216 Lake avenue, and toasted marshmallows over the gas range instead of the anticipated Mrs. Benjamin F. Blymeyer, 62* (teach fire. About twenty young folks enjoyed the fun. 1131 Greenleaf Avenu^ WILME^fl. ILL. . Tctepktnes Wilmette 18 Residence 779-L|| | 009 West Railroad Avenue wiLMerrfifttL- Hlit Pr--Ing, Maaiow WOaWttw Benrty Shsf ' 3ft pd^l I'S&JKisva

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