i^i^|iiilfi«»il|; cm The greati^^iiiW^^i^i^l' and display. c*^j^W^ftwf*'&*&: held on the . i^!|^"^ij0^,",^|||.;-ft|fitt|.: place on he^:M0^^^^^M park, Chicago, ;f«^;;^^ri^^^i|| ■ The event*, w^^-f*^ performance by 16$$ people, ,;#h& will be seated In a mo»t norfel grand- etand. Bleacherg, cbalr», and box 'seats to accom*tfo*«*; tb* *a«t audi. ence have been bom dff tbe goyero, ment breakwa^""^ cago yacht hafbory the ,W< been first appJ0>e^ ;by^ "^ United Statelr J^,.-;-'-".' ;'$f$$S War at sea will be dupll thunderous reattty|aiff naval caraivft|j^|I^^ : pageants will .©bilpwe;:;'^et; festival Venice; ;f^ by United States siilons, marines, lite savers, and .^acht race* of interna- tional impo#tpce.,|;Most thrilling of .all will be^p|'W!^*<M^«tf^^ tween hydroplanei,^r motor boat* of immense po^eirf dieted wfll mm<^ ent record of :'iw;Jhii^-*n; ;1$oi»y: but attain the unprecedented iwater head- way ot#seventymiles an hour. Craft' of Every' Description. At moorings In the Chicago yacht harbor tfitt ^»^fpl^Mlttre craf* from aU points wi the great lakes, from the Atlantic ocean and from the r#eirs of tfc*/ini$die west Bhrery vl|oty »f ;JM*i«wJi|/ihe too^ friwn the war vessels of the lakes to canoei ■ from 'Jtoa^yaehti^ ml|; ltonaires , to - tooaebpata ^*pa*ertef from old Mlssls«l^*ilsjiifts»../"^;lv For . years- Chieago^hto atlently borne accusations that it Has neglect- ed ihe possibilities of Its unsurpassed * '^$iL will the I* wi^r carnival 0 predicted, snr- tbei triumphs •Fultoncelebra* on river a few ©|| ^inmins^- ..-the Jame* A-!>«»** forty^ ■WPPif Iot#-tooi:^|^r#^i>o«l/tt'. e«pre^ tnOn of the asa,> ^ otit ibnif* ii^a f■■<>■< iMn^iJhlat*'** " ' Babat devices JJM&ifrri-iti-labjiiiv "'......"" '" '""' dronlaae actoes tho aaifaoV o^^ fitiataa 'marines elsshc^ HPi a^liijtif'liit':fnili' Sitnlnsn Sis ^ hou#0 4S( mi mm Nj$« 0r* ?$, m '?.<m Pi? *> ."S*--" ,"W>& O+mmm ttm 5S=c3=raasBBS aes»SBie»ra=tt= ;fj;. ;^.;; 'fi,^--C ............._ Wl: Gf»ats, were 4:9S^r:!:„5:i^j| were; LOO, ISffiaaid 2 00...... O^tfiLDREN'S wAm'.' :-;■■' ■■■".. ■worth' to. 1.S0..........,....„..„,.,.J3:5^ :^r^.,:;wr,q!PP.ll $2.00 SET 2 lUfclUi C ........«.»..k... ' • ■.' *' '-'-.'■■■■'■■■■::;,:.ii*v/ v;^iv^M^i? 'water front diet ment sta of August pats in of N^w York' tion on the jeaio ago.V i The toiil water carnival, exclusive "of trophies, amouuts to,p$y^z^Vtp^ "^ caps offered are valued at $60,000. The value of the assembled craft is impossible to calcil&tte at the present |mne, but the thirty hydrpplanea en* toted for the eonfeaas aldn^ are ap- jpraiBed at f600, Hi ■■ .Officer* bed by the Associated fewer Boat Clnbs Of William Hale Thompson, #■ .?~f,: organ- it and are: ore; Thomas J. Qnalle, vice-commod<Mre; |Dr. Bayard Bonnes^ Jr„ -rear conv •odore; Nelson H. Lampert, treaa- vrer; Edward P. Farley* secretary, 'tad John R. Toung, manaser. I The power boat race officials are ':1IS follows: - :yy p^~'^n'-2'->\>,, /. I Jodges--CkHamodere m-.H. MeV fffle. Motor Boat Chib of America. 3few York; Ck»mmo«sre W. J. Go»- ^dl Motor Boat ch» 6T"^ATakK & :S.; w. c. rfu^i^!^mm;i3 ^h Starter--WllBamJWil, DHnfrfa f alley Yacht 'i^B^^^eoglk Tbaeiv--Commodore St. CJlair Bd«* ftinissippi Valley Power Boat ai ibuioa, Dubuque, ^.; Comwtnflffre X Griffith, Peorbx^aehf dob, Peorbv «L; Conimodore -W. B. Bcrippa, Di- fg Motor Boat eral^ l>etrpft,[WOCt N. Y. Two yacht racimg evejatB, tthteh. are ,lt«* by experU as claasle% wlH be **terted durimr ^e e^ntf«4r^^^ # ^e inteniatloaai yacht race *•* ***•» sloops of tha ifiays! «■«*• t cmb - aaSd^/ the^ clnb for the |Mei ca# by fe of the win '&!L-*M&i uu 25c iity,;per' cJ '.wjfjj. > - v^r^13.S0;iriiiii House BribiBs^ 4-scwed; extras strong....... Lace trimm ••••*«•*• ^.^ ■>:S-... tin tops, fulf size, dozened 10 for 39c ;i>oxi of SO^.....!!^ plain co!ors, fancy stripes JL* ^FO _____________ '__________ i-------,---------------------.--•---------:---------------:------------ dote and figures; yard^......., Bkck or white........__^..... $1.75 Linen Damask. 72 i-ftches wide, yard..." # * Cement: Wcwirtf -&Ui. ■k& $3LtB and 8»; •;! ■vi. $.■ ;' *■ "■* v,-*»^--/V '-"^^ /•.-%";'J .3^^ It^etfsSiliLM^Ii all colors, lisle heel/topA tm.^R ■**- stickiey Arm Oiguv ; loose leather seat___->....f!jfc$r ;".«:. sc?SE*"d Ginghams, 25c quality, yardL...,^ ^.u~.„*. -o, #: ?*r ':.=j^sw-».-!*'.- -^ -.,, v»/ Phone Evdnston *^>_i'." V?^'"-'.*SiS,"