Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1912, 2, p. 12

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v'K%! :? m Icatlon Exercises of the w Concrete Band Stand in toke front Park Attended Hundreds. >.w WAS BIG SUCCESS .^- «o** than 1,000 people thronged $^*- tne Xako Front park, Bvanston, -s mu^--^4^ night and attended the ton exercises of the new con- crete band *tand and tn# Jftcort by the Mason Park Military WMi £ m p'ify-" '#t< 1 #' Long before A o'clock, the time for to begin, hundreds of on foot and In antwnb and carriages, were at tibw The' "drbwd f wae :u veri? "rehire- totfve one and the lirtereat anbwii Terr encouraging to those who * planned Uu» event f § Because of It being the Hit con- -^•rt held at the new atauu the*© • were eome thlnga that proved to be \ "drawbacks, which In the future will we done away with. The crowd, *«ai»r to get close to the music, sfajUtod about the band etand with ;4JpT*tult that the ^effect of the Vanpto- wo* deadened. The crowd la iwauested to remain away from tine edge of the stand hereafter or ropes will be stretched to keep the people baclL Another diaagreeable incident ■' =g^g th# prwioaca of several motors cyclists, who wanted It to be known thai they were present and continu- ally loll fiat the hand stand with tlwlr n^i^ open....... O^ a whole; however, the exer- cise* were a marked success. Every- thing went ojr in g order. The conc^irt ptariW -on time. Following - two setectlone by lh« hand, M. .a ■ Naranwse* the director, vgUve a »hort| hjatoly df the organiamtlon and them introduced Acting Mayor C. B. Gon§> ¥tm, W gsiouu^eauelleiit preeeata- tion addrdai. This was followed by an address by B. If. Chanj&tor of the Bvanston Commercial association, who spoke in the piano of C. D. Mac- pher**n,wbo was unable to be pree- .:-m£'V% "' ■ • '■ "*■ %■'■" The sapeechea flnlahed, the band play^ >Amerlca0 and the "Sfcar Spancted Banner:** When the atrelna of th^ «ptionai anthems rea^a^ the ? crowd e^ery ©Tie took up th* word*. i^M^mW^^M- Maaoa nark* naier %%Wm&iai&'i* Mtoa avjbal ****** ': " -•■then^niaTn two folk danoea... the ^:|Mg^p» *•» *»eute4> ligLft* the ^^^Wk'%^ •*▼»» on **• law* f^k^^§po$am»^i!mm» entire *»d»- Igm^m^m^ t**»v^- "-,■«- >, ■ - ^m0r^ Weekly ******* •,,' * ■ ^iM^Wmi£&at* haa boen no deflnitol "enta made, an ye V it to *s> that the oanssrta will be » wweW «Jn^. / The band > wRP^IMewMP' r*pSw*^- Wlgy wajajaw^ shIwBvvv -a«preeiate the 'licrou them for the beneflt of our **When our asaociation suggested the bnildlng of a band stand to the mayor and eitfc oouncU It met tb approval and was followed by selection of tWa site and tba tion of thto beautiful stand, rondy response to the interest in tne Improvement of Evahston. on the pari of our mayor and city council Is moat gratifying. ' "As we stand hero this evening on the beautiful banka of Lake Mich- igan, which I dont think we ae a people appreciate to its fullest ex- tent, and heat what people who come from a distance say of our city, "Why. If I lived hero, f would be at this lake front most of my time.' Now I have often wondered if the people will ever wak* ui to the many privileges we have her* at our doors. This is only one of the many beau- tiful spots, we hare hero. "The university Is spending urge sums of money in beautifying their grounds, which are open to the pub- lie. City Sting Its 8hare. "The city ia also spending your money in making these delightful grounds, and yon should show your appreciation by taking advantage of what yon are paying for. "Some of war public citizens are also laying out grounds in the dif- ferent parts of the city, and I can assure (you, gentlemen and todies, you are minting an opportunity If you do not start and set your ap- proval of this great work. You call do thto In n groat many ways--by using the parks, by speaking of diem to your friends, and by dropping a line of thanka to the people who are directly responsible for their making and maintenance. "The hand here thto evening to a part of our clty'a enterprise, and I can assure yon that yon should con- sider it a pleasure, as well aa a duty, to thank the man who made it possible by furnishing the instru- ments for this band* and he who has give* hip time to Its leadership, prefer to Mr. M. O. Naramore, one of our ettinens; also to the enure mem- he** of the Meson Pars band. fcon't forget these-little things, they art what go to make the great tilings. And I wish to thank you In behalf of the Bvanaton Commercial associa- tion for the privilege of being hero and representing one of Bvanston* great organisations, for we stand for Bvanaton, flrat, last and all the ttee. Gentlemen and ladlea, I thank you*' '.-*..' is Cbmpleted, EyanstonStreetsWillRank With Country^ Best. BUY NEW EQUIPMENT When the work now being done by the street department to completed Bvanaton will have streets to be com- pared with any in the country. Sup- erintendent of Streets Sherer to hav- ing every street in the city gone over and all needed repairs will be made; The work on the streets hat been going on all summer and It will be fail before the big task ia completed. The asphalt and macadam streetahave been taken care of first because they become run down much faster than do the streets paved with brick. Since the work was started the street department has placed nfty-flve carloads of crushed atone on the streets for repairs. During that time the city men have been oiling the streets they have spread ten cartoada of oil, or 60,000 gallons. One of the streets that needed re- pairing very badly, Sheridan roa4,haa been pot in fine condition from Uni- versity place to the north city limits. The torn up pavement on Forest ave- nue to also to be repaired within a few daya. The department to constd* •ring potting a crushed granite and tar coating on Judson avenue. Thto was done on Hlnman avenue and' proved very successful , Repairing Brick. the work on repairing the brick J pavement was atarted Wedneaday and before it to complete eveiryso^arot ya«d.of.tht|i|^p gone over thoroughly. meaM to e^tenu their mntt sincere ......... thanU to tlxe general public for the, atat of young ready patronage and |i|pl|.|pfM taken to mako ffc^^^^^iiia^ dOVilia a ■•panssm^,',, j^-^p^t ■, ■is>^»-St# To each -ai!-|ito-«iiAi^^ who delighted the audience by tender, tog an exceptional program. '? Special credit to due to tha onVjera of the St rrancto Hospital asaocIaUon oun^;pl»aa .inauu^^ ■Ai^m, was directed and ^wm^^ -SSS^ wndring seal for weaau^^J*!^, TS*^^ Charles J. f>mtto^;;f|ir#^?-#^^ committee; Maurice Xv^pouW Mehlem, EVANSTON LAD FREED David Karaah, a l»yearH>ld Bvana- ton youth, was last night freed of the murder charge placed against him by the Chicago police. ' Tun charge against tb* lad.was changed from murder to disorderly conduct. |Car- ash was arrested Sunday along with two Chicago companions. They were suspected of the murdet of William Metoe, the aged ticket agent of the Oarfleld Park branch of the Metro- |poi!*M^fSi«vstsd road. ..yc '#■ ■ According to Capt Joseph Smith, nddree* wm delir- sMoctotlan.': ntoyed a-wfemlnent ' fend Vgeeoro- ^ eon*, IHflf- 'yjF&'\ "*^g^^^^P**fawjaep. a^atthodaolcatio^ hava i^b^^roaaon to ' of our ettiy, tho beat one In with our beautiful parka, lawna, and housea, our wMt^aearfythanlra for •in charge of the pottoo investigation; the men were not connected with the 'murder. ■■ ^hen in a boastful mood Karaah find one of hto companlonn showed newspaper dlpplnga of the murder and acted in a way that tod a stronger to the beUef that they were impli- cated to the faring of the fatal shot. . ^^.^^JP^alil'iulSw^ I hotel they became frightened and told where they were on the night the aged agent wa*» slain. The Bvanaton poliee kept a dose watch Wudneedey for two prtooners .who';, esoaped/ ■;fitmi"'^wurt 8harldan gua^toouso Tnosday. The men did not come ttla way aa every train and air waa watched by the ontcers. ▲ gangof twenty-flvt sldea the-;^aiity je^ib^.haf kept busy by the department through- out the summer and it may be necea- sary to Increase this number in order to flnlah the work before anowfalL The city fathers have shown their appreciation of the work done by the street department by ordering the pur- chase of new equipment that will prove a big help In the) work. A new ten ton, single cylinder gasoline rotter waa ordered and haa already arrived. The city decided that a gasoline rotter would be much better than a steam one because of the total absence of smoke. Tho old steam roller that hae been In use for the past twenty yean ban at laat refused to run. Now Oil Spreader*. Another addition made to the equip- ment to the pureh&se of two new oil spreaders that have been attached to the rear of the street oiling wsgone. This new contrivance ton marked lm-1 provement over the old one. Perfor- ated pipes were formerly used but did not scatter the oil. Thto meant that a man had to follow tne wagon and sweep the oil over the etreut. The new spreaders will make thto unnec- essary as the oil to forced out of little noxslea under strong pressure. The amount of oil to be used can be regu- lated automatically. The men working on the oil wagon* have been busy du/ing the past few days attaching the new apparatus to the rear of the wagona. Within a few daya the oiling win be continued with the new spreadera. Much time will be saved by the use of the new de- vlcea. A REQUCST. Householders of Bvanaton are re- queoted by the half-holiday committee to order their euppltoe in advanee for Wedneouaya, owing to the fhot that the stores will be closed on the after- noons of that day daring the month itf Angnst : :v-;;:'^^^r ■*C'?^f ••.f man nro|ra|t^cbib|^^ The charttaWe la/Wes who are at all times ready to devote their time to tho welfare aud interest of the hospi- tal deserve special mention. Among them are: Mrs. Joseph^"^m^v^fm, George vY. ;.;Boot^ Mra.. 3<Ow. ■ %}M*r: nery, Mrs. D. B. Cooney, Mrs. MaufTce C. Cooney, Mrs. Thomas ti. Connor, Mrs. Charles B. Darling, Mra. John Gtotley. Mra, Jamea P. Hartray, Mra. Qeorge A. Kearney, Mra. Nichols* P. ] game wUI bft,played at Krans, Itra. Bdward Kirschberg,Mrs.!n«rt aryn TyrrelV tSnartotte Wi Margaret Welland. Ann Zendtr.: MAwOll pAltkERt Wl^ 'aw*flpSW4!.'.;^v..',^^wfflsff^w<iW;'" '**w* park Athletic* dimmed. the rush in the first inntog, but w< overtaken by th^r rivals. 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