iii!i'si:Sii! il^f^pH^ 5J»i|Ms!8!i.«|<^X.i_ ;gflp^a^pp9P5wspi^i« - s?y*ff?Tr?TPf?^r ■ - |BSfjf*ii*t'9S5|fSi'% ; W^ Kit*.. '>#^f M" * fit Davie fti* Evaneton. Telephonee 685 and 686. E^JJff!! i'|W>'\ JAV^A'^'fe',1,1 "." ;;■"?■ fiVl $**»' <+'%■■ »w mim ;4,ri-" (Vv.^/Jifc ig *&< HM ^^^ftfr#ridN* Pi 10014 F ? fp|^|i^ In an* &-.it;.Jlmmm-mmAmm* ^^mm^ bmiii ,a« UAnilut. - » .•» after J #*§' AjImb malter June 28, 1911, at the postofflce at Bvana- potmrch X im w in <w ^ 'v <* ■».«•' w m> w •»• w P U S T C A Queatlen Long In DItpuU la N«rw ^ 4i, a> THURSDAY, AUGUST* #,791$. < v j icago is the fe|^ of engaging in business in f>;:^'^-,n:^: - ^'•"i:' '■ '■"'*"■ '■ " .... f W$f0titege H £rm those who do so to live along; thisi beautiful .Jforth ^p|piiS|^ /To those wh> reside on the North Shore Chicago has advan- ^ich makes our living,where we do a pleasure because of these ffe ^^^^foj^; Tie;^r| In^tijtufe of Chicago is an institution which I |f;{ /Twraiil directly to t^e refined and a visit to its beautiful galleries is vtllJIJVttf^ to the highest sentiments of '53-1 London, August 4.--London Taber- as usual, twlca 7 to hea* Pea- .tor EusaelL .We ^portoW^hte discourses from the text, <'Not of works, lest any man^should boast;!. w o r km a nship."-- Epbesiana il, 9,10, If, the, JLy»le „i.s4.if_i-.'.. i!l» heaflft. Few know that the art-school has more student? than any V;P .ti '»■■ iljlir aimilar institution in the country. TJie Chicago Historical «"* 'fife is a, place of great interest and its exhibits deal with not It Chicago but all the western country and one gains profit as welL aJa^easure by a Visit there. Wo the student the great Crerar and New * ,. .\iiW7'/ •v»3,;.:... ;• :"■■,'> '■>.'■ , i ____„ libraries are mines of information. The suburban who owns an •tttomobile has the Chicago park system open to him as a highway of ;: "We have barely mentioned what Chicago has for us who :©^|Jorth Shor| and the best of it is that we can enjoy it e we do. v ,. still live TH1 % ■ i '■ •'■'■■■■ ^4 AMjCJSEMENT PLACES Th«^ there is a:iorying need al^ng the north shore for amusement ices has been emphasized time and. again by the persons engaged in conducting tne campaign against Vice in the different municipalities, "&&*,■ -t-:. .•-■.«•■.■. ■■■'. ' , ifom the northern bpyder.of Chieago to the southern limits of High- . -' ' , i ■ " land Park. ^The ekclamation whicli has risen above the elamor of busy. people engaged in iiieir usual pursuits is the same in one place a# it is ^L the. other. ""What we need along the north shore is good, clean, I .■>,■■ wholesome amusement places for the yohng people," said Mas. Gm- (While speaking -M^re^a^Un^^iBaiameetin^ of citiwm^ InnetkaV Woman's club this spring. This statement MrI: : repeated before the village oouneil of Wilmette two weeks a^d, aid the village fathers of the vicl conditions prevalent »i§? The same statement was made in Evanstpa by 5Mes| Howha 1aioniajilyjo|has.\donevwonA of thi youths of thaLq%. The same statement has beta madk ia:a» Park. Th| cryvfs the entire jifiHhshore^ And there is a reason for *he tJry^ «te^wKirtt^ Hl» merit a» a corermg tor tbe sin- ner's blemishes, and tboa qiakea film ■'$!$;.ei^»nii' committeeVof Winnetka ilpt OBJf suburb, fiifit it shojeked the entire north *hore. InvestiM acted ux.Wilmette and Evanston prove that the conditionsliii aic just all hftdjjf not worse, than in Winnetka. Leaders aampaj^gn against vice claim the conditions in one place are just in anjf ot^er ;place<; |^uc|^^ bee4 «pone.to rid the temt$r|r In Highland park the Young Women's Christian association fo% ^Htt* produced much good among the girls and wom«n. £n Winnetka the Community Souse has wrou^it &tom. taught that salvation would be the reward of good works, It would Mr- moriixe better wH* the common contet*. tion. Why should God apeeially re- ward faith ? f Why should He not apa- ciajly reward good works}? The answer to this, question can be appreciated ottly J>y an understanding of toe ft|-; ture; as well as of the present, of the tnnne Plan, said Pastor Russell In God's general dealings with angels ahd with men. His principle'Is to reward worka, obedience, God'a exceptional dealings are with the Gburch--for spe- cial reasons, which 'we shall aea. During Messiah's glorious reign, for whlcn we pray, *Thy Kingdom come," the world in general will not be on trial so much for faitb. but rather for worka^as we read, "They shall be Judged, every, nian a^ord^ng to tua works." . That obedience toir^^M and regulations of Messiah's Kingdom ' will be rewarded by gtadual Restitu- tion to perfection. With every exercise of righteousness' and ' obedlehce will come the reward of atrength of mind and body. , v.. -(?:•;?■. ></ ... Tha CK«rch Walks by Faith. * But blow different matters are now! said 'Pastor RuSseUV.i Everything is! dark, except as the ay* of faith can aee^ more or teas obscurely In the Ught of God's promises ajd the types of the past "So," aald the Apostle, "we (the Church), walk' by faith; and hot by aight" Bt Peter dedarea that we Should take heed to the word of prophecy, as a light in a dark place while waiting for the dawn|haT of the New Day (II Peter i, J9)frWa> a» Tofy near to that New Day nowt but we still need the light of the l^imp.'t'he Word of God, and it la shminr more clearly than ever before. It Is show* lng os the explanation of our text, that the Church la not being Judged or test- ed according, to; wor^a, ovt according to hertaitl^, Lf.■ ,,',..,; i.\. '^.v^ ;:1,v In tha (present time perfect ^^kf are imppa^ble; anyway, because of our Imperfection through heredity from -the fall, afid becauite of th* imperfec- tion of all In contact with, aa-to tha affairs of life, and becaaseof the avl) 4nfluencp ,«f Satan and the^ fallen aB- geIs-"seducJng sphlts-VI :%m* IT*, t* s It is when the,believer reaches the point of a fair consecration of himself to God that Jesus becomea hia Advo- vok ^i" ■■•.J? -i2fe» 'AfUMreoi One of, the features renderj MM Of each WMM i^tqd ifld1 all l|bciit» r business; days of^alh mon compounded semi-annually, from the institution, the oldest hank on the North T Ww. *J 'o Mfc; ®mm iWf ■.$#?■„,.. ...„.,............. ff Makes loans e& improved North I^ogers Park to Highlaad P^rl mm .\i>:^ & t i- 'M-> m m$$*rj!& COUpty. ti:l "^ii^yAf: 1 Issues Oertifieates of ::* MQfien fa ittt&p&t tint mort estate, netting IFe Avestor five i satns of $500andjipwarcL '""^ M-^rWi Evanston the playgrounds associations ^ior^^t^^eir^i^ conditions. Bfcil gerthafra preparatory step. Anothelr acceptable to the Father as a Itvlng sacrifice and footstep follower of the Master and prospective heir of God I and Joint-heir with Jeans Christ hla Wa Are QocTa Wo<-km»n«h!p. However, as soon aa the Father bam accepted the sinner, as aoon as he has been begotten of the Holy Spirit aa a New Creature, old things are Daased away, and thenceforth he may do worka--must do works iudeed. if he does not do worka be will die spiritual- ly. 'But the old creature, the ainner, can do no worka to merit Dlvtoe ap- proval. His faith1 In the Redeemer makea bim acceptable. Aa a >t«air Creature he baa no slna to be forgivaa. creation of a atiU higher order of be- ings than the angelic, who are soon to l»^>aitokera of the divine natural H Peier 1,4. ') ^-',r:.y::' r:'< ""* God haa bron workfng on thla New the past, but may cry, ♦'Abba, Father * Father's baaineaa-must seek flrat tha Intereato of the Divia* Eingdom. The Church Clasa la tomi^ify*, ttoni In tlw^ reinoto paat He «t^^ tba th«»ai^, of inilltona of wotlo^ aanqrfaeof which may ha; wltnaaaedx^ where ^e ^ORBig may go and enjoy thejtfj^ ^$00$^^ in each municipalitl! -^,comip0te^^i^^ siib^ect has not bein taken up o^ially by on .:; .J- „ esot, the great Messianic Head, was made perfect through anfferlngs, prepared for thia dirtoe narone and received to it in Hfe gloripna reaurrectlon, Btoce Pentecoat God haa been accepting hy/,th^he**f* ttog of tha Holy Spirit uicb of humane aeaatog faith can be Of this class, t*© _. othera the fetation and gloriods deacrf ptioo of the bea v^hfy natora at*