aafntlsll ifi bj> and■■■■* strokes ^fei......... hold his opponwtwhowentbutin WJto beating P^lg^^^^^B The qu»Jlfyln|f rwiMt for the Prtsl- dent's cup, .^::|>i||^^ y b. ord© c^;|fp|||^^ day, 9h^Um^W^0mm^'-^^^iiw- .Foiiowiiig it|^»ii|pii' Presideat^:'i#§i^^ 77; H. A. V^0f^ !f, .^ ; P. ItojQ&eB^toifcf^ 82; R. Um^tJm^m^mgmmmmi: || F. B. Btlller, 85; A. B. McCordic, 8*; J*i Pairinsn ^tfc^ follows: Copeland mai^::;a*i^ A. F. Towne, 90i?| H. Harrison, «0;jK A. Beebe, 01; :p4^^Mii||pl^ii ii%mer. 9i; m'WM60^^ii^B- v W. P. SidMfeli^y^^^P^ ' «. 92. ' : ^'^.^%^"S,5;Sliii!^ r Pairings lot ilMII ^follows: BHgjtfa«d................... *'ay and Ho 1*. Miller, -«i^^§^1i^m |Towne and Iju^ U<^jp& Bmb*. I M. B. Or^'0&M^^^:^i * frank Shennsii* W; il<ll i*; J. K. Baas;-«S^:*fc pp. w. Hui^iiiip&wiiii^^ patton, n$>i$$m*............. flag. 94; *i':KW^mL^II^-V ining, ni^mmm^^'M fra c. wooC-'^«^13 M. b. Baraks^ i^ <5. W, Alison . Jfbo had »tf^iJMi^ fjfcUrings for >mas and Bradrtreet, Itatiea and H»ln Sherman a*d R. 8* gad King, Patton and Wood, Hiil and Frank *m eonUots. in ;#^lii|iin#lias become rWted, > rSuhday^mbrning. flm he Was intt^^^ It wa& He thotiglit «i iniwtigation would be tk* best way ^a^ the Deterinined on this coorse he cnu- Uoualy removed ^ls booto of oinoev cesiing these behind a dump of bosl^ *»); ^l^':^l^^%!l|^dv;;b^;lsl^ l)otlt rs^\ s^ i*1«t^ before Mm eharg^ to attdte«?ai times and practieas, btrt I thtok that if wtfe-beatin* husbands were giTsn the same medians that hand out to their wives it would **PuWic whipptac posts should^ used for men of tnis, type. Tb*y ate _ ';_ "' eoward* and wlU beat only a weak, defenseless woman, whom tney "^Xfi^^M. lo^^eWisi^ and obey. It is no good to line them or send them to the bridewell, m the real sufferers to such oasea are their wives and children." ;4>.%r :,: :^:f<:,. V'" •. ■ Wf "HiffHill '^w^^;-'!;t;'.":'" iy," said A<<inr Police Maa^ St^i^ dSarrison rsceatiy when becansa he considers it eareful search of the trunlrt con- Liav-ala "no^^Yeveai jOiaa cie^aFyMai.-.w; fsairetal ?yiip^p|;^^|lii|^ ths namei c^ persons residing to Can-: ada and in some of the towns in Oon- ■iianing, Frank 8helB)an and Bnaen, ^%M^^M^^i^;t^imkL R- Hala Jeered in the Midlothian d, i\U ^ the first id on 8a eighteen Lane t Tm never^^lM ^Wtesome WUI Geo, tweWe the Judge (3. || > of four. J^|^t|M^ri| ' and ttree of tho bretest beenmada t*y »>e largv ratnrns recelTed et» last week for the: benefit of the po- -;wk^v*n^f^ff-^PnidV ■ jpwJap^dajaas* i .Sjajaa^it.-'^p^aaaaffBt^ /'■^is»i^^es>,ij^^sjs>- " ' :' it U tM bad thai thalr ^is^tipa^ an tie/ taay cKmld; knock t^^^ tn«m whenerer they attampt to at- they ar^ leneraUy the weaker and as 'Wr?.'^|I^^*4WP ' ••»■*^raf^^Pi*"PflP^-»; lfl"#!^ -ajg«*f> ',^^^asss> . vf. «-^: ,-Oy^; ; Watewweked silk dresses, an opera beada and lined with satin, expWisIve hosiery and sev- eral smaU pictnre frames nil fell in a b^poi^tlie now V the polka s^^^ trnnk fell overtoajd from some steam- ■..-^•■,.,.... .,;-,,.;,,,,. ..,i,,,^,:l>nW^;l€d^ lars divided more or less fairly among o^:^|j^^w^^ .■■;*• '■':";; :.;>,: A Conservative Cstimats. ■ "My informant took pencil and pa- per arid estimate conservstively, he asserted, the great fortunes al follows: John D. Bx>ckefeller...v||l,00Ol ' Andrew Carnegie..... ^I 600,D00, f.' ■ .R'; "Morajaii;<, .'i....'. .*;. i-..' Wimam Bickefeller .... Qeorge ■'#*;' Baker, llh^+i:* -^nw^pi lames B. Duke.......... ■ J6O,900,(Me .......iMHK^^/-r-i^ i^^Wp^li^^ll ^ lia^ bad a number hafora n*s and to aai^ ca^^ give* them the limit. H they can't pay their line I thaii se^d them to the bridewell to 4tt r«va«tVs^ a^^ repeat, tka otansa tluit thay ware Jailed for. yA bad feature of sendtog them to *all » " wife and are Oaca street, Hubbaid Woods, ia l*»i s^arinv eompletion and withto; A day or so. The work has been dbna by th^^or^western raUroa4, ajid wm ona of Jhe most n fti the Tillaga, '^jia sir, the whipping post |» the thlnailiediaaval or not mediaeval it 4iia**:i^^ji^-:i«IaM ojntettta on wtfa-aaatera.'; I favor. It. Justice Catherine Waugh McCulloch does not agree with Judge Heap and ifa|it>i^l!i^^ aha cosjttoued, "that a wif e-beatar is oa* of the lowest type of humanity the law haw to deal with. But would wm> .. J^^;tt^wJ*a|^antor"; *&$, :;%*IUif i «h,ippad I think in the majority of eaaat aa woiild rataro to bia hoiMtt^ tatesasM^anea WW Ilia wife a^dch^ nadu M Gfi^ street be- .a^sjpsja":tha> i^iafeito'lwB^ . - -.-^^^>frw»^^a- ^paal|a^^.:l^!;iip«o#aia1l^l*tat T^« work on tb^ .awv^ub k^ tiaa stow,fpB»„j^,i^l^-^.^.^v ,^^-'- la»MoCiUloch was th^sakad what '^igigl^r|tf:^aW aa^ fea^ibla way hi to «axa tlsam a4 wwk uiite stata or i»unty inparvision, their wages to be ^ ^ ^ jtt^b^ tl^ hu*i^a wnuld 1 ■■".....wile The income of t8,0©0,000,000 at 5 l>er i^t is flW.00O.0oe a year. Its re- cipients do^ not spend Jt all. *.^' ; ' "What issthe surplus income of the moltimillionaJres of New York? Only nine are named here. No mention Is made of the Phlppaes, the Moorea, the themselves .•pVllfefi ■^Mi$fljj^^ T_....... we wIU have to hear so awa^anav l^:|ii|^iaf^^ :Jp**flMw^^'-_,5SlW-.'. i^^^W|^i[iF*i^flsa^^..S^SJSBJB^^.^B^B , Uia Ekigl^h eaus« aigm^^ to tiasAy , made or the pmppaes, tne Moores, we wnu mtcny onw Baida, the Goulds, the Archbolds '<^Q00^^$^ foOowing a comnlalnt made ^Inajpaelbl^"............... found the man nianura boxaa^. /.^Wtoa^nan |2 and costs' and ftDsltli costs -^li^^^t 'v%»l|ii, v. :5::>1i. ?1^ AMM ■txu'?" :,>:-:'* ■**#• ' • ~'i"'-!'- ■" v '""' ■■' '■ ' x ft'*' '-- ' ", '■' ,»'■-, • ". ~jHi>},ie£-'^-K'*-'•,■"'.',-' ^r^i*^?'"'"•'«"■■"•»•?!»'■" ■■■■v l&^^>4i^M$&lit3 « , % AUTHORIZED TO DO A^^ii^^ ■*'•*: 5*4 .",*"X-.: ■v^N„ '- ^^:#ga^^^^^^J^Jg^^tS|^i^^' «: m t':l'B' Shi if M m Bank it ttomtomgafi0tm ji one of the sjtifCRBpete Chicago. *h^;»Ka^^i^ ^:;'^ «;ygtiw^:^b:io 1 nte-f rdti^^^foif;:^^ . "■ valuable papers, 4te+ a^p|tbM^,#m^^-' v*i^^:jiaA|ii.li<fiWe* T. contains three hnwlred boa^ea and ;; orncera ol the Bank invite inspec- J-