What People Are igmMnMiMpi in vlesicoe OM§»MMMW Taft m the Safcject ||M ffaiftW Ytfhfj- ftlTIUJfl* WTO liCW iwR mmj* Ut IS AN AUTMOBITYiz^rm fcw M«nasjini MSWfa, to iMt Mr an* JBn. & at £Kk am « t&e lame vS M*s_ L S. Ugara. «*e to saws; Ms Cnfaunape. tory to zMwingv Mr- ami Mml r «X Kantft terr* tor? so* is Bnnqpe Hmntoy to ajwini «a» waeA- ^--yjy^y IftMto****** 4€ puns* fee fin* tin**** Cterttfes «rf tosww ft* saiewtorj of ft* to storm ^f*# opes afcr w-ml. ««■> iw ftmoi etoiiang SCbtO lr*ritamc *»* wwrnnd BmmM GhBtfwn *1i» focsUesl sftnuuver aart ■mtoem far feffi tocau a tree some ta iStosg y«t7 TO* sea* An&. IX m. the «T Mas. A- JL ydUUMi Mm ft. fltewas*. caw *f the be* 111 admit e# lfee state, wll idtiniM Ike amwifflnj. Ker wifrfrnt vii fee ~*Vfey Weanen Are MEBtoa* Ste *r33 also gr*e &nr trto is Gfeto. « tfereewe**** of that far the to dw wttfe *fcflsl WtSXSBWl Ifee 111infiiil ttlli ef wkdC& *?***% fa* fettfe Mr, nTtnanff/, ~fa ifee MAWjm mmo sws^p* P^Pw^P^ ^sj^nswlfsmV JEW » *try fen? raw Mtote^ ***** finey aw to tows and ffeeir snslwj and fee year* ifcttl «s idb mv&T- Tfee «i s*t ismptrsnw «• to thesr Mto every X*w*-*c3ax> awl GttBicfc csoBpera. to> wtoSi due ift»|ffW«* ij to Ifceir on toatgscL Cw*r a Hmwifin< jterseoa nce&rei the m th* *a*U4 to p^" K 4*§- "Twfciiiwlu' **ttftr«s w«r» tofces «rt ## fk« /etty to «atof» tftundi Cto «^y to«ck titojr 414 writ ft «to Itet tftof UA\ tohfad to ttdr to le *m *wi4#f to torv# wort; to ffe* open wttfc tfe«w tot tol arited tito '*«&* «taie' Th# pry*** "m MUtoTttt, Qm<hfr to fetoltli to* ptogytto- >toj 'flMto/ to tovtov vtok» *nto tout sefctol to ttt# tomtrf mm totoHMtoi is Ptovldctto, tlMs cnto 0to iMtoel* to Mtw Tcrt, Btotos «*4 «km |frt<to dto wort to« toffbor toM (torvfctov «tot os ftMMtot of Uto boto of too EUz* tiftt MeConstek MtmorUl FjiioIi ^^Tbo Arwt *%p*rtmmU tm opoo air •Ijjtolf ffii flutoo to Cftltofo on top of t|| M#JT CfWto ftOfMfT, wfikk ttMl toJllt wlto • iti fool, Tb#to w«# m4 »toot ow«r tad flapf io tot too w*r*re, tot so beat, llioro 1htrtr4vv*pU» the tnt wfrtir if ma timllUm In »J«tr-flr« per ccsi of r/Hkb fomotMPdr b*4 died of tabercw- laMi' Tbcto wore from ofebt to its> ttoa y«*rt old tad ranked from tbe . flrat to tte tifbth grttfo to tbeir atud- , ito, 71m reault wii that aJJ made pood grades in tbeir fchool work, tbere tM arorife gala weight of ton pomnda, and tbe teroperatara wm 4o«ft to oortxiftl to moat eaaea. Com* jparo tboae iWt cbUdron wftb tbooa lot ragiftor iebools, tbe toadtor trywg to tmprojo lotoona on \l*u*m pnpUf *i |p4fjr irentllatod toomo." | Ctotor1#0» Pally Prof ram. 4 Hr. JCtetfttey deaetibad In aome o> wilfe ow ifawaj ft afepaKl- tn«y««t«4toS •f «£ber at&odfe. The of one «f Mil Cb* <*Sfttrts to ttatt 2% per exact bettor grate to «beracie«is. Oft g«tog oft tfc* ftwto the wort vas ewfldffav oVowft to eerea flbe eadlidreB were atatrs to tbe beat tbey that they were no hot air Spoil Matty. "We spot! * deal of emdeney poor ▼« fcHavdrfed by toor e&mgyiBMftL A iactatr<«>g»e serrfc* of the after- noon was » gaiheriitg of the chil- dren, who had been vader the bv mrme&om thrnftghont the eamp meet- ing of Mies hLA-Taggart, denconeoa. A |«g died «Hh penniea. ntefceis and maoes was hronea amid the shouts of the Sole folk and f£2 fell oat Part of (his mosey was turned over to tbe Lake Bmjr orpttanage and a portion to the colored orphanage eondneted 07 Mrs. Amanda Smith at Harrey, HL At Z o'clock a memorial serrlee in recognition of tbe late Cbarlea Busby was held under the direction of D. W. Potter, president of tbe eamp meeting association. Other speakers who eulogized the In fact we make; late trustee were L 8. Penneil, W. ft. children cf oar pupils, j Verity, D. B. Anderson, the Rer. H. There are ventilating systems which i a Jackson and the Her. H. T. Holt taU tho daily program of tbs peboot nacb wm onunlnad by a pbyil- ftoXorn corofsg to tbe aeboot bow thn tojnpnratnra wm noted each day, ntsv Tbo ffhlldron took n cold •bower tgiimth on tniiing at tho aeboot tbon ^- \<tltor# wm * period of study, then a ^tfft**, then naotber period of atody, ^lllieMitttoer, then ajaep, then stndy and ttMO 4iitotaMi of ecboot Tbe aleep, reonire the window • to be closed, but it has been frond that open windows do the children much more good and they do not after all interfere §0 eeri- •nafy with the ventilation process. The open windows in many * boots are beginning to he need and tbey are al- most as good an the regular opes air ofBoeli, Tbere are MM children In Chicago who need thin treatment and not all are tabereolar; some are anaemic, ondernonilaaenV etc" Mr. Klngsley Invited mentions and sev- eral were asked, others being an- swered at a special meeting: held tor this Purpose is the Amphitheater at l:2Q. It was brought out that the children not only were pbystenfly and mentally improved by tbe open air school but that they liked It them- selves. Churches and clubs could do a deal In looking after ibo enforcement of laws m to bettor tenements, etc., not- ing that thousands of people are liv- ing now in the improved tenements in New York. Mr. Kingsley aaked for a more general public spirit in all such matters for In that Ilea the only se- curity. Even one person can accom- plish much by enthusiastic and per- sistent effort. district superintendent of the Chi- cago western district UNMUZZLED DICS WERE TAKEN BY DOC CATCHER Five unmuzzled dogs were caught Wednesday by the dog catcher and the canines have been Impounded. Several more of the unmuzzled pets were seen but proved to be too fast for the men. Tbe wagon was sent out again Thursday in nope* of picking up some more of the dogs. The dog catcher will be kept out during the extreme warm days because the un- muzzled dogs are more dangerous at this For Your High Grade Rubber Good! OF EVE W. H. SA SSNC SERVICE ENDS M. E. CAMP MEETING DIRECTORS' CUP WON BY J. B. MsMEEHAN -At- "Marching around Jerusalem" was the Anal feature Monday in the closing exercises of the Deaplaines camp meeting. Headed by the Rev. Charles Oagn and a group of singers and H. Clifford Nortncott cornet soloist, campers marched in doable file around the tabernacle and about the grounds singing old-time gospel songs. Preceding this a^>reat audience mmmm In one of tbe closest games that marked the play for tbe Directors' cup at the Evanston Golf club, J. B. Mc- Meenan defeated F. B. Farnsworth one up In tbe final match Saturday. Tbe results In class handicap play Saturday follow: Class A--L. Arndt defeated N. D. Lawrence, 1 up; R. E. De Oolyer and C. B. Field, even, up; W. M. Jamieson and Hermes match postponed. Class B--E. M. Dodson defeated E. Blutbardt, 3 up; M. Fleming defeated X B, Tardy, 4 up; H. D. Clyde defeat- ed M. D. Knowlton, 4 up; D. P. Elly- son defeated D. L. Sneperd, 1 up. Class C--J. B. Jackson defeated J. D. Nielsen, 7 up; H. Sadler defeated C. B. Dryden, 2 up; J. Francis defeat- ed J. O. Murphy, 6 up. L Oldest IPT1 mil URY&fcO/ House in #fce> " 105-107 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, If One-half Block North of Adams Street "L" Station ^^^"kMS&^afiSkja^M^Mli^^MSti&i